Read Hunting Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #3 Online

Authors: J.K. Harper

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Hunting Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #3 (18 page)

BOOK: Hunting Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #3
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“I like those sounds,” he said, his voice deep and bone-shivering with the restrained emotion behind it.

“Uhm,” was all she could manage to get out. His fingers kept rubbing and stroking and twirling against her behind, which seemed to have far many more delightful nerve endings than she'd ever guessed.

“Rielle,” he said, letting her name roll around in his mouth a little, as if tasting it and her at the same time. “Come here, sweetheart,” he growled, which made no sense since she was pressed so closely against him she could feel every single hard inch of him. “Come here.” He dragged a finger across her mouth, soft but insistent. The rough pad of his thumb traced her lips into a shuddering frenzy of want, then stroked its way to her cheek as his mouth found hers again.

This time, as he kissed her, he kept one hand firmly against her rear, stroking and occasionally dipping down to the small cleft between butt and thigh. His lips played with her lips and in her mouth. His hand danced and squeezed and gently explored, and Rielle's mind shattered even farther into a state of sweet oblivion. She/her wolf shamelessly nuzzled and pressed and eagerly met his tongue with her own. Complete abandon gripped her. Without doubt or hesitation, she let it. Nothing had ever felt so right as being held by this man she'd once so foolishly thought of as being a barbarian.

Right now, she wanted this amazing, glorious man do just about anything to her.

Long moments of mindless drowning beneath his lips and fingers sped up her heart rate and breathing. Caleb slowly, gently swept his lips over her cheek to her ear, which he nibbled lightly with his teeth. The sensation zipped straight from her ear down between her legs, which also made no sense but wasn't something she was about to question. It all felt so good she could hardly stand to think of ever doing anything else again.

When he started to trace a path down her neck with his tongue, Rielle gasped. Her fingers tightened on his shoulders and back. He paused. She tilted her head to the side, inviting him to continue. With a controlled groan, Caleb swirled his tongue over the sensitive skin beneath her ear to her collarbone. Each lick, each tiny stroke, sent another bolt of pleasure rocketing through her frame.

If he could make her feel like this just with his tongue above her shoulders, how would she react when he started lower down?

“Ahh,” she murmured as the thought sent delicious chills through her entire body.

Caleb chuckled with the completely satisfied sound of a man who was making his woman very happy.

Despite the fact that coherent thought seemed to have left her, Rielle felt looser and more relaxed than she almost ever had. Every time he touched her, with lips or teeth or fingers, Caleb unleashed in her a new set of sensations, each one spiraling her toward something huge and amazing. Intellectually, she knew what to expect. Physically and emotionally, though, she felt as if she were at the wild edge of a precipice, about to leap into an exhilarating unknown.

She wanted to leap. More than anything she'd ever wanted before.


Chapter 10


Caleb felt every tremor as it shivered through Rielle's body. Knowing he was the first one to cause those sensations in her—and also would be the last one to ever touch this incredible she-wolf—made his chest swell up so much he was half surprised he didn't crush her with it.

He knew about women, sure. This one particular woman, though? Even though he was touching her in all the right ways, she was still throwing him for a loop. Each sound she made sent a message straight to his lizard brain—his wolf huffed lightly at that—that he was doing the right thing. But since each time she gasped or moaned or pushed those sweet, beautiful breasts against him again, he was a step closer to losing control.

Her first time. Ever. He forced himself to remember that. Go slow. Be gentle. Be a gentleman.

“Caleb,” she said. Her voice sounded ragged from desire. “Please don't stop touching me. Touch me everywhere,” she begged.

Right. Slow.


“Rielle. I want to eat you up.” The words tumbled out in a possessive growl, uncensored. He couldn't stop them.

“Okay.” She gasped a little as he flicked his tongue over the delicate hollow of her neck. “Uh-huh. Please. I want you to do that.”

Her breathy command hardened his already swollen cock to an almost painful state. He knew she could feel it. He was pressed up to her so closely nothing could slip between them. Her movements, her voice, her words all held the promise of a temptress. Yet he forced himself to remember she was still Rielle. Still a virgin, still sweet and innocent and nervous. He had to remember that.

“Will you taste me—everywhere?” Her tone came out sultry and sure.

Caleb almost swallowed his own tongue. Apparently not that nervous. He looked down at her. Her expression in the moonlit shadows was filled with anticipation and curiosity, and trust. She trusted him. With a jolt, he also realized her wolf lingered very close to the surface, adding courage to Rielle's request. Pure excitement and a rush of joy filled him. She had accepted her wolf. Completely and fully. And she wasn't afraid of him, not at all.

“Hell, yes, I will.” He nipped at her earlobe and delighted in the shiver that danced through her body at his touch. “If that's what you want, that's exactly what you'll get.”

Without another word or a signal, he abruptly yet still gently caught her up in his arms and lowered her to the soft ground below. She yelped, but a thread of laughter ran through it. Carefully, although he felt the strong buzz of desire quivering through his entire body, he laid her down on a carpet of grass and soft earth. Lowering himself on top of her, he caught himself on his arms, stretched from elbows to palms on either side of her head. Her laughter quieted, her face smoothing into a serene yet focused anticipation.

“Ree,” he said as he looked down at her, breathing her name more than saying it. Her dark hair spread in silky waves around her face, lit by delicate fragments of moonlight. Easily balancing himself on one forearm, he touched a finger to her cheek and inhaled deeply at its softness. His wolf danced and growled with impatience and pure excitement.

Her eyes beckoned to him, reassuring him again this was exactly what she wanted. What she needed.

Caleb lowered his arm back to the ground, then touched her lips with his. An explosion of honey laced with cinnamon and spice met his mouth, and he groaned deep in his throat. Her lips moved against his, creating a sensation he could swear he'd never felt before. No other woman had ever been like Rielle. Not a single one. Her mouth opened wider as he gently pushed his tongue in. She met his advances with an eagerness that left him almost shaking with the need to just thrust himself into her and claim her as his, once and for all and forever.

he snarled at himself. She was so tiny, so fragile and soft and sweet-tasting and beautiful. He could hardly stand it.

Rielle sighed against his lips. The small sound fluttered from her lips and vibrated against him, and he almost lost control right there. He traced her cheek with his lips, kissing and nibbling his way down to her neck. She angled her head to the side, offering up her bare neck to him in a pose of total, eager submission. His wolf recognized the sign for what it was and sent waves of approval through Caleb. He kissed her neck, tasting every precious inch of it. The scent of her skin intoxicated him, made him want to rub his head against her and mark her everywhere as his. Before he could control himself, he did exactly that. The slightly rough stubble on his chin scraped lightly against the top of her chest as slid his face along her first one way, then the other.

It was intensely gratifying to hear her gasp when he did that. She somehow drew his name out into three syllables.

He lifted his head back up so he could taste the plush softness of her lips again, nibble at them with his teeth. Releasing his weight to lean on one side, he continued to tease her lips with his, nuzzling and tasting until she began to lightly writhe on the ground. Her sweet breath, panting and gasping into the deep shelter of the woods around them, sent shivers racing down his spine.

With his free hand, he ran exploring fingers down her side, from collarbone to hip then back again. At the lush softness of one breast, he paused. He let his fingers slowly curve up around it. Small tremors rocketed through her body even as she arched herself toward him.

“Please,” she said. “Please, yes.”

He swallowed, holding back the wildest part of him that simply wanted to ravish her like a caveman, and touched one fingertip to her gorgeous, peaked nipple. As soon as skin met skin Rielle uttered a tiny sound of unexpected pleasure, and he sucked in a fast breath, too. Just touching her beautiful softness made him want to come. He swirled his fingertip on that sweet nipple, over and around, feeling it tighten even more. His motions drew her wordless voice along in rhythm as she bowed her body upward into him even more.

Carefully, forcing himself to be slow and gentle, he tiptoed his fingers down her breast to the smoothness of her stomach. He felt her muscles flutter beneath his touch. Almost mesmerized, he ran his fingers over the silkiness of her skin again and again. Changes in her breathing matched his touch. He smiled to himself. Her breathing was a measuring stick by which he could gauge how well he was doing. So far, he seemed to be doing just fine.

Harnessing a patience he usually found hard to come by, he swirled his fingers lower and lower. Bending his head, he kissed and licked her stomach, the edges of her hipbones, even her belly button. With his hand, he continued to explore farther down. When his fingers reached the top of soft, curly hairs, he paused for a second to see if he could go farther.

“Don't stop,” Rielle said. Slight impatience edged her words, along with an aching expectancy.

He smiled against her skin, then flicked his tongue out again to taste her. Her distinctive scent filled his nostrils as her sweet taste exploded into his mouth, a combination of spiced orange and summer grass and a creamy ginger. He let his hand cup into the curls above her trembling core. She was so silky and soft there. He let himself marvel at the feel of her while he still kissed her belly, then let his fingers slide over the soft, wet folds beneath.

Rielle let out a long, quivering breath that ended on a moan of sheer bliss. He let one finger roll in small, gentle circles at that one spot he knew she would like best, right at the little nub just above heaven. Another inarticulate gasp fell out of her as her hands found the top of his head. She pushed his face against her, urging him lower. He smiled again and swept his stubbled cheeks over her sensitive skin. Letting his fingers swirl over her, playing in her gorgeous damp folds, he inhaled her intoxicating aroma of cinnamon-sprinkled peaches and cream. She smelled like the most heavenly dessert to him, and he wanted to feast on her forever.




Rielle thought she might pass out from the sheer intensity of the feelings sweeping through her, electrifying every nerve ending she had. The feel of Caleb's rough cheek scraping along her belly, the twirling motions of his fingers as they circled right at that one place she had explored herself before, and imagined what it might be like to have a man touch—it all was more than she'd realized it could be. A wild surge ripped through her, shaking her to the foundations and making her clutch the back of Caleb's head just to be able to hold onto something in case she shattered into a million tiny pieces and dissipated into space.

It couldn't possibly get better. Could it?

With excruciating slowness, Caleb pushed a finger inside her, stroking and curving as it entered. Another small gasp wrenched itself out of her and she lifted her hips from the grassy earth, eager to feel as much of him as she could.

Caleb uttered a pleased “Mmm” and began to swirl his finger around inside her. The motion rocketed from there down to her toes and back up to the top of her head, spreading a blazing heat throughout her body. Her veins still seemed to race with fire, igniting every sensitive nerve ending in her body. She lifted her head to look down at Caleb. The shadowy, moonlit sight of his dark gold head, pressed closely against her stomach, and his hand gently yet insistently flexing just at that delicate spot between her legs made another indescribable rush of heat wash through her.

Instinctively, her hips began to move, matching Caleb's rhythm and setting the pace to new heights. She felt herself clenching around his finger as her breathing matched in time. That dazzling sensation she'd only ever experienced on her own started to spiral through her. It felt like she was made of light, a thousand million sparkling shards that pulsed everywhere inside her, circling up and around, deepening in intensity every second. Every thought in the world fell away except for her awareness that Caleb was touching her. His finger stroked inside her most intimate parts as he touched her with such gentleness and rhythmic timing. It scattered her mind to the wind, leaving her ravenous with pure need.

“Caleb,” she gasped out, unable to come up with any other words. Just his name, again and again and again.

“Yes,” he said, and drew his mouth down to feast on that most aching, wanting place of hers.




Caleb closed his eyes as he savored Rielle's rich, wild taste, his senses completely consumed by her sheer existence right here, right now, trusting him with the amazing gift of her body and self. Her silky pink beauty opened like exotic petals to his exploring lips and tongue. He lapped at her sweet nectar with the barest strokes of his tongue, feeling almost dizzy from the sweetness. Her panting little moans and ragged breathing kept him turned on so high he thought he might spontaneously combust at any moment.

Keeping his finger inside her lush warmth, rolling it slowly around in circles, he began to take bigger up and down strokes with his tongue on her heated flesh. Her inarticulate noises flowed into his hearing, mixing with the stillness of the night and the sounds of his mouth pleasuring her gorgeous little body. She pushed her hips up into his mouth, begging him with her body to take her. Fisting a hand in his hair, she pushed his face down as little mewling sounds dropped from her lips.

BOOK: Hunting Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #3
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