Hunting Lila (14 page)

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Authors: Sarah Alderson

BOOK: Hunting Lila
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I pulled out my carefully wrapped present and handed it to him across the table.

Alex took it with a tight smile and a thank you then put it in his pocket without opening it. I stared at him, feeling my heart begin to stutter.

Jack put his menu down. ‘Do you remember when we were here before? How that waiter couldn’t keep his eyes off Rachel?’

I lifted my menu up to hide my face as my double-date fantasy fizzled out.

‘Alex, the waiters are going to think you’re the man: last week you turn up with Rachel, this month you’re with another gorgeous girl!’

I could hear Sara laughing. Alex didn’t reply. I moved the menu closer and scrutinised the small print. He had brought her here. On a date. I felt like I’d been cleaved in two with a blunt spoon.

The waiter came over to take our order. It was bad timing. The pen shot out of his hand like a wayward rocket. I watched it ping off the ceiling and land at his feet where he scrabbled for it.

I stole a look at the others to see if they’d noticed. Only Alex was looking bemused. When he saw me watching him though, he looked away.

Since the Rachel comment he’d gone a little quieter, no doubt wishing she was here with him instead of me. I was sure he’d be looking over in this direction more if I had her perfect face. I slid my shoes off under the table and wished I could unpin my hair and wipe off my make-up. What was the point? I could probably have been sitting here stark naked with a sign over my head saying I loved him and he still wouldn’t notice me. I would always just be Jack’s sister. Jack’s

I switched my gaze away from Alex and towards the kitchen door which was swinging backwards and forwards as a steady stream of waiters came and went, with plates piled high. I knew where this was going before I could stop myself. The next waiter had his plate whipped out his hand like a torpedo had hit it. I saw the look of confusion on his face as the plate flew out of his fingers and spun across the room, depositing a tangle of spaghetti on the floor like it was a canvas and he was Jackson Pollock. The whole room turned to look, several dozen pairs of eyes flitting from the plate on the floor to the waiter with the tomato-spattered trousers. I bit my bottom lip hard.

*    *    *

The walk from the restaurant to Belushi’s only helped magnify my despair. Alex had barely looked at me all through the meal and now he wasn’t even speaking to me. Jack and Sara were way ahead, leaving me and Alex to bring up the rear, walking a few feet away from each other in stone-cold silence. I kicked off Sara’s high heels, which were slowly crippling me, and walked in my bare feet. I could have sworn I caught a flash of a smile on Alex’s face as I reached to pick up the shoes, but he kept his eyes on the road ahead and his hands shoved deep into his pockets.

I shivered in my dress and hugged myself, rubbing the goose-bumps off my arms. Alex veered towards me and I thought, or maybe just hoped, that he was going to put his arm around me but his hands stayed resolutely put. The moonlight had bleached his hair white and was casting shadows onto his face. No doubt he had walked back this way with Rachel. I bet she managed to walk in heels. And that he’d put his arm around her. I managed to not bend the lamp post around.

The club was heaving. I looked around at the bodies pressed against the bar and condensing around the small cocktail tables. The whole unit was there. They weren’t wearing uniform but they were so obvious they may just as well have been. The rest of the men in the place were giving them a wide berth, like you would a pack of wild dogs.

Alex walked straight over to a crowd of them at one of the tables and I stared after him feeling completely undone, like a zipper had been pulled and all of me was tumbling out.

‘Hey, you’re here.’

I turned around. It was the young guy from the base. What was his name? Jonas, maybe?

‘Can I get you a drink?’

‘Um, er—’

‘No, we’re good thanks, I’ll get this round,’ Jack half growled.

I shrugged in Jonas’s direction and looked over at Sara. She rolled her eyes at me.

‘What do you want?’ Jack said, looking at me like I was deaf. I realised he’d already asked me twice.

What did I want? Now there was a question. I looked over at Alex, then realised he was asking me what I wanted to drink.

‘Um, Coke, thanks.’

Jack pushed his way through the crowd. Jonas had taken the hint and rejoined the men from his team.

‘He’s pretty gorgeous, isn’t he?’

I spun my head around. Sara was nodding in Jack’s direction.

I looked at Jack’s back. ‘Um, yeah, I guess. He’s my brother.’

‘No. I’m not talking about him!’ She laughed softly. She nodded her head across the bar and I followed her gaze as it settled on Alex.

‘Oh.’ My face froze as I wondered how I should react.

‘So how long have you been in love with him?’

I almost fell over. ‘I’m not – I – um . . .’ The denial stalled on my lips. I looked over at Sara and took a deep breath. ‘All my life.’

She gave me a little smile.

‘Is it that obvious?’ I could feel the anxiety written all over my face.

‘No, not at all. Just to me. I get paid to observe people’s reactions, remember.’

She lowered her voice. ‘I see the way you change every time he comes near you.’

I looked at her in horror. ‘What, what do I do?’ I had visions of my unpoker face in a hangdog grin.

‘Oh, it’s not that bad.’ She was desperately trying to calm me. ‘It’s very subtle. Almost like you’ve been given a little particle charge. You’re on edge, buzzing slightly. I recognise it because it’s how I feel when I’m near Jack.’

Oh God. ‘Does Jack know?’ I glanced once more in his direction. He was at the bar now.

‘Oh. No of course not. I won’t tell him, Lila. Don’t worry.’

‘Thanks,’ I whispered, glancing around to make sure no one could hear us.

‘Have you thought about telling him?’

‘Who – Jack?’ Was she mad? I’d sooner be tortured. ‘Why would I do that? He’d—’

She interrupted me. ‘Not Jack, Alex.’

‘Are you kidding me? NO. Absolutely no way. No. He’s totally not interested in me like that. He sees me as a sister, that’s all.’ I felt my face throbbing. ‘And anyway, there’d be no point.’

‘Why not?’ She seemed genuinely interested. Like it wasn’t obvious.

‘Er. Well, for one, Rachel.’ Hell, did I need to spell it out?

I saw her smile falter. ‘Oh, yes. There is that.’

A sucker punch to the stomach. So I was right.

Sara pulled a face. ‘Rachel is definitely into him. That’s obvious. But I’m not sure he’s actually into her.’

‘Why wouldn’t he be?’ I asked quietly, my eyes fixed on Alex’s back.

‘Lots of reasons.’

‘But she’s beautiful.’

‘Oh come on, you know Alex has a bit more to him than that. Yes, she’s beautiful . . .’

‘And bright.’

‘Yes, and bright. But there’s plenty about her that’s not so appealing.’

Yes, she’s a bitch, I thought.

‘I think you should tell him.’

I laughed. ‘Are you insane? I’d never be able to look him in the face again.’ I shook my head violently. ‘It would ruin everything, our whole friendship. He doesn’t see me like that.’

‘He loves you.’

My heart stopped for a few beats then started galloping. Had he said something to her? Then it tumbled to a standstill as I realised the love she was referring to was the brotherly kind.

‘Exactly,’ I said, swallowing hard. ‘He loves me like a sister.’ I tore my eyes off Alex’s back.

‘But he might start to see you differently if you told him how you felt.’

‘Yeah, he might start to see me like a complete idiot.’

She bit back a smile. ‘If you don’t tell him, won’t you wonder your whole life what he might have said?’

‘Er, no. I have a good enough imagination.’

‘It might not be that bad,’ she laughed.

‘Yeah, it would, it’d be worse.’ My mind was conjuring several scenes that were making me want to drop to the ground right there and then and curl into a ball. ‘It’s impossible, totally impossible.’

‘Anything’s possible, Lila.’ Sara paused for a second as though thinking. ‘If you both really want it enough. If it was me, I’d take the risk.’ I drew in a breath but she cut me off, holding her hand up to still me. ‘You’ve loved him your whole life. I think it’s safe to assume you’ll love him for the rest of your life, don’t you?’

I didn’t reply. Of course I would love him for the rest of my life.

‘So how can you not tell him?’ she whispered.

She had a point.

‘I’m scared.’

She glanced over at Jack, heading back towards us with the drinks, and then said, ‘You know, there’s this old saying, I’m not sure of the exact translation, but it’s something like “he who fears to suffer, suffers from fear” – think about it.’

She turned away to give Jack a huge smile and take the drink he was offering.

I looked over again at Alex and thought about what she’d said. He still had his back to me. I imagined walking over to him, tapping him on the shoulder, waiting until he turned around and then saying, ‘I love you.’

Yeah, I was happy to suffer from fear.


The ladies’ toilets were at the back of the bar. As I walked in, the door shut behind me with a metallic bang, and I heard a bolt slam to. I spun round, my heart in my mouth. A man was leaning against the door, his hand resting on the lock.

My first and only thought was that they’d got it wrong. That the killers hadn’t fled to Mexico. That they’d found me and this was going to be the retaliation Alex had warned me about.

Then the man turned around to face me and I recognised him from the Seven-Eleven. It was the crazy noodle man. I edged back against the sink, my eyes darting around the room looking for something to hurl. There was nothing. Just a pile of paper towels – they weren’t going to do much damage.

‘I need your help,’ the man said, coming towards me.

‘Who are you?’ I stammered.

‘I—’ He took another step towards me and I flinched back against the sink. I looked over at the door and willed the bolt to move. He didn’t notice my glance, and took another step towards me, his hands raised defensively. I felt the bolt start to slide back.

‘I’m known as Key – I need your help, Lila.’

The bolt stopped moving when I heard him say my name. He didn’t look around at the door but kept his eyes on me.

‘How do you know my name?’ I asked in a whisper.

‘I know your name, I know who you are. I know what you can do. I know everything about you and your brother.’ He spoke slowly, letting the impact of each word hit me.

‘What? Who are you?’ My mind was spinning. What did he know? ‘I don’t understand, what do you know about me? About Jack?’

‘Don’t panic. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not one of them.’ His hands were making a hushing gesture.

‘One of who?’ I said it tentatively.

‘Them. The people your brother is trying to protect you from.’

My stomach folded over on itself. ‘How do you know about that? You’re not one of the Unit.’ I was whispering now.

‘No, no, I’m definitely not one of them, either.’ He shook his head once, his expression grim.

‘How do you know all this, then?’ I asked, leaning heavily on the sink to keep me upright.

‘Because I’m looking for the same people as your brother.’


I saw stripped pain in his dark eyes. ‘Because they have my son, Nate.’

A knock on the door made us both jump. The man looked over at it and back at me, panic on his face. He was begging me silently not to give him away.

‘Hang on,’ I shouted out in a shaky voice.

‘What’s going on in there?’ a woman’s voice yelled back.

‘There’s a leak, we’re just trying to fix it.’

We heard footsteps walking away. I turned back to the man. He had relaxed his posture and was slumping against a cubicle door. I tried to unscramble my thoughts.

‘Why would they take your son?’

He looked up at me. His eyes were hooded and heavy. He didn’t look like anybody significant.

‘Who are you that they would take your son?’

He shook his head at me. ‘It’s not me they’re trying to get to. They don’t know about me. It’s him, it’s what he can do.’

Understanding crept up on me, like anaesthetic inching up a vein. ‘What can he do?’ I whispered.

‘We’re like you.’ The coldness hit my core. ‘We can do – things.’ He didn’t break eye contact with me.

I swallowed, trying to keep calm. ‘What things?’

‘We’re the same. Well, not quite the same, but similar – we all have talents . . . I can’t explain now, but I need your help.’

This was a trap. It had to be. What if he was one of the bad guys? One of the people who was after me? There was no way I was going to admit anything to him about my ability. ‘I don’t understand. You’re not making any sense.’

He looked at me with his eyebrows raised, as though begging me to drop the pretence. If he was one of the people after me, why had he come here alone? I glanced at the door again, then back at him. His expression was silently pleading.

‘Why are you telling me this? We need to tell Jack. He can help you. I don’t know anything about the people who have your son.’

He took a step towards me, bounding forward from his slump. ‘No. You can’t tell Alex or Jack or anyone from the Unit.’

‘Why? How do you know the Unit?’

‘Listen to me.’ He steadied his voice, but his expression was fierce. ‘You cannot tell them.’

A deadening fear finally overtook me, making my voice shake. ‘Why?’

He was only a few inches away from me now. My hands were gripping the basin, holding me up.

‘Because, Lila, they’ve been hunting people like us for five years.’

Another knock on the door caused me to sink to the floor.


My eyes flew to the door.

Jack called my name again. ‘Lila?’

I froze. Key was staring down at me, his eyes round with fear. Who was this man? Why should I trust him? That was my brother out there. I hesitated, on the verge of calling out to Jack for help, but instead I held Key’s gaze. What if what he was saying was true?

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