Read Hunting April Online

Authors: Danica St. Como

Tags: #erotic romance, #M/F, #murder, #Mafia, #male/female, #bad boy, #MF, #alpha male, #contemporary action thriller, #Scottish male, #innocent fiancée, #on the run, #sadism, #escape from brutal fiancé, #female game warden, #outdoor sex, #Native American, #high-tech security

Hunting April (14 page)

BOOK: Hunting April
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After the sheriff arrived with the search and rescue team, Daniel stepped out of the way. It didn't take long for the well-equipped specialists to secure Glennon in the rigid stretcher, then haul him up and over the boulders and outcroppings. When he arrived on level ground, Glennon was semi-conscious, delirious with pain. The paramedics stabilized his right leg and left arm, administered morphine for the trip to the trauma center. With the patient secured, the ambulance pulled away, lights flashing.

Abigail followed in the Rover, her emergency lights flashing as well.

The sheriff found Daniel leaning against the hood of the Navigator.

"Brian MacBride, Sheriff of Catamount Lake. Everyone calls me Mac." They shook hands."You must be Wyndsor. Lucian called, said you fellas would be staying at the lodge."

MacBride removed his uniform hat, ran his hand through his hair, then deliberately leaned forward and eyed the passenger hidden behind the dark glass of the Navigator windows.

Daniel didn't offer an introduction.

"Any idea why Glennon decided to head out so early? Alone?"

Daniel shrugged. "He left a note, that's all I know."
And it's not my job to fill in the
missing puzzle pieces. Or act as Garrett's bloody nanny. He's a big boy.

"Yeah, that's what Abby said. Strange. He knows better, way out here in no man's land."

Daniel cocked an eyebrow. "You're acquainted with Garrett?"

MacBride set his hat firmly on his head, then nodded. "He comes up, stays at the lodge with Adam and Lucian. We've been known to hoist a few cold ones. We were involved in a case . . . ." MacBride trailed off, offered no further explanation.

"What's with the game warden?"
And is she going to be a liability?

"Abigail? She's a game warden for the great state of Maine, covers our area. She spotted one of the lodge's ATVs in the clearing. Up here, folks watch out for each other.

She nosed around, saw the ground scruffed up a bit, finally got close enough to the edge of the ravine to hear Glennon call for help. You know the rest."

"Lucky for Garrett."
Lucky I didn't have the opportunity before help arrived to thump
the bugger's skull for exposing us to the world

"Damn lucky. The senior EMT is fairly certain Glennon's femur is shattered, busted all to hell, along with a dislocated shoulder, possible fractured forearm, probable concussion, possible cracked ribs, and a whole list of other, less serious injuries. It appears he may have perched on a flat boulder to look down slope, then the edge gave way under him. We've had killer thunderstorms with a deluge or two lately. Running water probably undermined the earth under the rock. No sign of foul play. We'll know more when he's conscious and coherent. Abigail will keep us posted from the trauma center."

"Trauma center?"

"Yeah, we get hikers and hunters, mountain climbers and nature lovers, as well as snowshoe enthusiasts and skiers. Lack of knowledge combined with an overindulgence in fermented beverages tends to result in loads of business for the Catamount Lake Trauma Center. First Response, Search and Rescue, EMT ambulance service, even K9 units. Med-Evac helicopters when possible, but the tree canopy is too heavy out here. Our guys—and gals—are the best."

"Who or what is Black Crow?"

MacBride eyes widened before he schooled his expression into one of casual interest. "Where did you hear that name?"

Daniel knew he'd surprised the sheriff, decided to match casual with casual.

"Game warden O'Connell mentioned it when she called you."

, right. It's a local issue. Bobby Black Crow is a poacher we've been after for a while. He showed up about fifteen years ago, after he opted out of the Army scouts.

Before my time. Heard he was a great scout and a serious hunter. Bought himself a chunk of land at a foreclosure sale, cleared off the dilapidated buildings, built himself a solid little cabin. Lived off the land. Didn't really bother anyone."

"Doesn't sound like much of a problem."

a problem until recently. He respected the hunting regulations for the longest time, but lately he's been hunting, shall we say, out of season."

"All right, so he's poaching. But realistically, how much can one man eat? An occasional deer or two shouldn't affect the balance of nature or be a threat to the ecology." A hint of sarcasm crept into Daniel's voice.

MacBride flinched, but didn't respond to Daniel's tone. "Normally, I would agree. But he's taking more than one deer, every so often, to keep his larder full. There's no way he can possibly consume the amount of venison we estimate he's pulling out of here. We suspect he's supplying meat to vendors, probably high-end restaurants. He's Native American, enlisted in the Army, spent years as a tracker, a scout. The guy has incredible survival skills, that's for damned sure. Abigail has been on his latest trail for weeks, thought she finally had a strong lead—that's why she happened to be out here.

Good thing for Glennon. He's damned lucky."

MacBride glanced toward the interior of the Navigator. "What concerns us is that Black Crow's trail lead in this direction. The only occupied site out here is Sanctuary."

"Then it's a good thing she was in the area." Daniel didn't actually wish Garrett any ill, but he couldn't manage any false enthusiasm. He shifted, crossed his arms. His body posture suggested a solid persona, but not intimidating enough to set the law officer on edge."Sheriff, I'd appreciate it if you could manage to forget to include my name in your accident report. O'Connell did the real work."

MacBride mouth tightened briefly."Lucian briefed me, in case you needed backup. I'm aware you're not up here on vacation. No one else knows you're at the lodge."

"And the game warden?"

MacBride shook his head. "Not unless Glennon spills the beans in his drugged-up state."

Daniel blew out a sigh. "Nothing to be done about it."
Let's just hope our
surveillance expert can keep his bloody damn mouth shut

Chapter Eleven

Wednesday evening

After a quick dinner of grilled, apple-stuffed pork chops and asparagus with slivered almonds, April finished the wash up, while Daniel tried to familiarize himself with the lodge's security structure.

He knew his way around the basics of most security systems and surveillance equipment, but Garrett and his pal Duquesne had apparently set the geek bar to new heights. According to Sheriff MacBride, who heard it from Game Warden O'Connell, Garrett would remain at the trauma center for at least a couple more days. Daniel needed to adjust and adapt.

Seated at the center console in the com center, he felt April's fingers on his shoulders. "
, angel baby. I'll give you half an hour to stop doing what you're doing."

She massaged the muscles in his back.

"Upon further reflection, you have an hour to stop."

He spun the office chair around and captured her in his arms, pulled her sideways onto his lap. "You do realize we're alone in this great big place, don't you?"

"And what would you suggest we do, oh Great and Wonderful Oz?" She actually giggled like a little girl.

"Wrong continent, sweetheart. Ozzies are Australians. Kiwis are New Zealanders. I am—well—ancestrally confused."

"Oh, well, pardon me. Now that the history lesson is over, what would you have us do?"

"Make love in every room in the lodge? Maybe even in the outbuildings?"

"I see." She nuzzled the side of his neck with her cheek.

"Of course, we can save time and begin right here."

She sat upright, gave him a look. "Right here? Do you mean in this room, or on this chair? There is a comfortable-looking sofa over yonder."

"Yes, ma'am, of course there is. But why wait?" He stood her on her feet, reached under her flowery sundress and slid her panties down to her ankles. "Sandals, too."

She did as he directed.

Then he rose and shucked off his clothes without delay. Naked, he settled on the leather office chair again and parted his thighs over the edges of the armless seat. "Put your foot here."


"Give me your foot."

Her expression embodied curiosity, but she obliged.

He placed her slender foot on the seat between his legs, so his testicles rested on her toes. His other knee was between her legs—he had her suitably trapped. He slowly worked his hands up her leg from her ankle to her calf, to her bent knee, then her thigh, folding the fabric of the dress as he went.

He was rewarded by her sharp intake of breath when his fingers found their way to the outer lips of her pussy. Gently, he stretched and tugged at her slender labia, capturing, then releasing, the hardening bud of her clitoris with each pass of his fingertips.

April wobbled.

He took her hands and placed them on his shoulders. "Hold tight, sweetness, I won't let you fall."

He slid one hand around her bottom, pulled her closer, then penetrated her, hard and deep, with a couple of fingers.

She tossed her head back. "

He thrust into her, slow and easy, moved his fingers in and out until she began to ride him, matched his rhythm.

"That's a girl, come on now."

She rode him harder, swiveling her hips on the down stroke, her skirt swirling around her calf. The cadence of her breathing accelerated to hard and fast, then small
of need escaped her mouth as she pressed down onto his fingers.

When he judged she was nearly ready to peak, he pulled his creamy fingers out and anointed her lips with her own juices.

She whimpered, then sucked them clean.

With two strokes of his hand, his cock was at full mast. Lifting her fully onto his lap, he centered her over his sex and pulled her down. "Now baby, ride me for real and for true."

She squeaked as his cock head pressed against the entrance to paradise. As tight as she was, she was wet enough for his thick shaft to enter. Daniel pulled her against him as his hips thrust upward, impaled her on his heavy column of flesh.

"Oh hell's bells,
, Daniel, baby, you're incredible, I'm so right there, I'm coming
, right—" And she screamed his name as she pulled his face to her breasts.

His hands grabbed the cheeks of her ass to anchor her, as he pumped upward and inward. Her body stiffened, and he felt her inner walls squeezing his cock so tightly, he was almost in pain. Almost, but not quite. Almost, if the feeling wasn't so damned perfect.

He continued to thrust into her, keeping her sex slippery and pliable. Still trapped inside her overheated flesh, he embraced her, stroked her shoulders and back, until her breathing settled into a more normal pace.

, baby, that was incredible," she whispered. "But you didn't come with me, did you?"

"Not yet, darling girl, but I will. And you will again."

"I don't think so, really. That was so intense. So wonderful."

Daniel lifted her from his lap, turned her so her hands were on the edge of the desktop, her stiff arms supporting her upper body. He turned the chair so he was sitting behind her. "Now, come to me again."

He pulled her down on his lap, impaling her once more on his cock. She yipped as he pushed into her passion-swollen flesh.

"Easy, that's my girl, take me in, ride me again." He held her hips, then moved his hands up and around to caress her breasts, tweaked her nipples through the thin cotton. Her flesh continued to pulse around him.

"All right, now, raise off me." When she did, he stood, rolled the chair out of the way, then stood behind her. He bent her forward, over the desktop. "Stay right here, don't move."

He left the room, retrieved the lubricant from his bedroom, then returned in less than twelve seconds. He pressed against her from behind, kissed her back, her shoulders, her neck. When he reached between her legs, his hand was cool and slippery with lubricating gel. His skin warmed the gel as he spread it on her sex.

A soft low sigh escaped from April."
, baby, that feels so nice."

He slid his fingers into her slippery pussy. He replaced his hand with his cock, then buried himself in her hot, slick channel once again. He reached around and fingered her clit as he fucked her.

April's rhythm increased as his fingers did their magic.

"That's a girl. Come on, you can do it, come for me again." He buried his cock deep, while the middle finger of his right hand, heavy with lubricated pussy dew, played at the entrance of her anus. She peeped a high note at the pressure as he worked through the tight ring of flesh and pushed deeper, then she moaned.

"Daniel, darling, I don't know—"

"I do, baby. Trust me. I want to be your true first. Teach you everything. Share it all." He penetrated her fully with his slippery finger, began to alternate thrusts with his cock. She groaned, her voice heavy with need—then he pulled out his cock.

Sonofafuckinbitch, noo, put it back, oh dear God Daniel, I need your cock

"And you shall have it." Taking his pussy-drenched shaft in hand, he guided the crown of his cock to the tight rosy pucker of her ass, anointed it with her cream, the bead of pre-cum dew, and the slick gel. Holding her by the hips, he pierced her with his cock head.

A small sound escaped her throat, but she held firm, didn't attempt to escape.

"That's my girl. Keep quite still for a moment, can you do that? Breathe deeply, relax. Take me in, dear angel. Accept my cock."

Keeping her bottom tight against his thighs, he had her trapped between his willing body and her keen desire. Returning his hand to her pussy, his fingers at her clit, he worked into her as his cock gradually and deliberately plumbed the depths of her virgin ass.

Before he even reached bottom, he felt the electric pulses of his orgasm running their course down his spine, racing to his cock, screaming for release. Reacting to his ministrations, April's pussy suddenly throbbed wildly. He grasped her clit with thumb and forefinger, tweaked it, held it tightly as he slammed into her. His balls flattened against her flesh, his release taking command of his entire body.

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