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Authors: J. L. Weil

Hunting Angel 2 (15 page)

BOOK: Hunting Angel 2
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Her thin lips and her silence were all the confirmation we needed. Wow. And I thought I had mega daddy issues. At least mine didn’t train me to be a killer all while pretending I was missing for over a year. That was some pretty heavy shit.

Her eyes shifted like a cat ready to bolt. “You think you got it all figured out.” Everything about her voice and actions were filled with pride and sheer stubbornness. Not an ounce of fear. “You have no idea.”

Sympathy filled Travis’s expression. His hand reached out to smooth a strand of strawberry blonde hair out of her face. Emma flinched out of his reach, and he dropped his hand looking defeated and hurt.

“I looked for you Emma.” There was just the slightest fraction of emotion in her eyes when Travis spoke her name. “I never stopped looking for you, even when the police called off the search. Even when your parents stopped, I never did. I always knew you were still out there. I could feel you.” He put his hand to his heart. “In here, I knew you were alive.”

My heart wept for him, for his heartache. Poor guy. Travis was one-in-a-million. If Emma didn’t recognize that, then she didn’t deserve him. In my eyes, she deserved less than dirt.

Emma lowered her head. “You shouldn’t have wasted your time.”

Lexi and I both gasped at her harsh rejection. Chase had his own reaction. Leave it to him to spice things up.

Like a beam of lightning, he was suddenly gone from behind me and in Emma’s face. He ignored the growl of protest from Travis. “Let’s speed this up, shall we. I can’t have you running around trying to kill people I care about, now can I?” His eyes got serious as they stared into Emma’s green ones. They went weird opaque silver ringed in gold.

He planned to compel Emma. Intrigued, I took a step closer. I’d never seen Chase use his persuasion. Travis and Lexi yes, but not Chase.

“Chase,” Travis pleaded, realizing what his cousin had planned.

“It’s the only way,” Chase assured.

Emma just smirked, meeting his gaze straight on. If she knew as much about Divisa as she claimed, then she had to know what Chase was going to do. Why didn’t she fight? Turn her head at least? His eyes captured hers and his voice went deep and silky. “You never saw us today. You don’t know who we are or what we are.”

I was on the brink of my feet, gripping the back of the couch.

Emma giggled like a lunatic. “I can’t be compelled. Nice try though tough guy.”

Chase narrowed his eyes. “Well that complicates matters.”

Travis stepped between Chase and Emma before Chase took things into a different direction. I was afraid to find out what that direction might have been. Kidnapping was one thing, but murder… I shuddered.

“What else you got?” Emma asked with an edge.

I pretended I hadn’t heard her. Lexi was next to me and the two of us stared at the guys. “Now what?” I mumbled.

Travis shook his head sullenly. “Nothing. I let her go.”

“You what?” came a unified outrage from everyone in the room.

“What other options do we have?” Travis’s aquamarine eyes begged his cousin to understand his predicament. No matter what had Emma said or done, Travis couldn’t harm a hair on her head, not the girl he had loved, and probably still loved regardless of her hatred. Brainwashing at its finest.

We all waited as Chase weighed Emma’s fate. Thank heavens Devin wasn’t home or this might have been awkward to explain, but something told me that Devin was good with unusual. Chase might not be the oldest, but there was no doubt where the shoulder of authority lay. It went to his head 9.9 times out of 10. I could just hear him saying that it was the price for being a badass.

I snorted. Chase eyed me and cocked a brow at my sudden outburst. I returned the gesture.

“This is going to end badly,” Chase predicted. Then he sighed. “Travis, take her home.”




Chapter 14


The following day at school, chaos broke out through the halls. Cluster of students loitered in the halls in hushed whispers, stunned expressions, and even some tears. I knew something big had happened, and I didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Strutting down the tiled hall like she owned the world was my worst nightmare.

Emma Deen.

Her hair, a perfect blend of blond and red, was tossed into a no-nonsense ponytail. She wore no makeup and managed to still look beautiful. Everything about her stood out like a sore thumb. There was just something about the way she carried herself. It wasn’t like most high school girls.

I was almost sure that I hated her more than Sierra and that was saying something. Emma was unpredictable, a threat to my health, and seven different kinds of crazy. We needed to stay clear of each other, or one of us was liable to kill the other. But at Hall High avoiding someone was near impossible. This was the kind of school where running into someone several times a day was a given. Having a class with everyone at least once a day – guaranteed.

This girl was going to my make life a living nightmare.

I slumped hard against the lockers and shut my eyes. Was it too much to hope that I could meld into the metal and disappear? I tried to make myself invisible, but no matter how much I wished she would walk right by me, it didn’t happen. I had danced with the devil and hell was going to take every opportunity to make my life difficult…or so I told myself.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite mutant.” She had this charming voice, but there was nothing sweet about her words.

My stomach fell. I opened my eyes to find a pair of emeralds that could cut right to your soul. Pulling from some inner strength I didn’t know was there, I masked my fear with sarcasm. My weapon of choice. “Fancy seeing you here,” I tossed back, wondering where my usual shadows were. Go figure, on the day that I actually wished they were here, they both decided to evaporate. “I’d say it’s a pleasure, but I’d be lying.”

“Such manners. Didn’t your mama teach you that if you don’t have something nice to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all?”

The mentioning of my mom and all I saw was red. “Listen, you redneck skank–”

She cut me off before I could finish my verbal assault. “Do you kiss your boyfriend with that dirty mouth?”

I ground my teeth. “I told you. He is not my boyfriend.”

She leaned in close to me, a hand propped on the locker near my head. It took everything inside me not to flinch. “Is that why he spends so much of his time with his hand up your shirt?”

I couldn’t have been more thankful for the crowd of students around us. I push off the locker. “I don’t have time for this,” I fumed and walked away.

“Lucky for you, all I have is time,” she sneered as I passed.


At lunch, everyone was in hoopla over Emma Deen returning from the side of a milk carton. My fake surprise was hard to keep in place, especially after our little confrontation this morning. I was still seething inside.

“I heard that she ran away with a drummer and went on tour with him. She only came home after finding him in the sack with a blonde bombshell groupie,” Brandy shared what had to have been the tenth rumor I’d heard about Emma’s unforeseen come back. Brandy’s almond-shaped eyes were sparkling with animation.

Kailyn shook her chocolate curls that framed a heart-shaped face. “That’s not what I heard.”

Here we go again. I dropped my head on my hands, checking out of a conversation that was becoming quite old. I could care less that she had been missing more than a year. It could have been a hundred years and I couldn’t have cared any more.

“So, are you going to tell me what happened earlier today?” Chase whispered in my ear. I never heard him, but he was just suddenly there, sitting beside me.

I picked at the plate of, what I guess was supposed to be mashed potatoes, in front of me. “No, not really.”

“Angel,” he said sternly.

My heart skipped. It happened every time he said my name. Didn’t matter whether it was in longing, anger, or annoyance, the results were always the same. My name from his lips made my insides amuck.

“We need to talk.”

, he meant more than just about Emma being on the attendance list at Hall High. We still hadn’t really spoken about what we learned from Ives. There hadn’t been much time. Emma seemed to find a way to interfere in every aspect of my life lately.

I wanted to cause her bodily harm.

“Okay,” I agreed. “My house after school.”

“Is your mom working tonight?” he asked.

Strange. He never cared before. “Is that going to be a problem?” He hated when I answered a questioned with a question, but I couldn’t resist irritating him. It was just too damn fun. His brows drew together, and for the first time, I noticed a glint in his eyes I’d never seen before. Chase looked tired. Reaching out, I covered my hand over his. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he assured, and sealed the deal with a dazzling grin. Slowly he slid his hand from under mine, and I tried to hide the hurt from my eyes.

Folding my hands together, I tuned back to my friends at the table. The topic, of course, was still the lunatic Emma. Lexi smiled knowingly at me from across the table and arched a sculpted brow. She and I both knew that Emma was anything but what she seemed. As if she could sense we were talking about her, Emma walked into the cafeteria. Some joker whistled at her as she walked by. Thankfully Travis wasn’t here. I would have hated to see what that guy’s face would look like after Travis got through with him.

Emma might not be herself, but I was sure Travis harbored some kind of hope that she still loved him, because it was obvious he was still hung up on her. I just didn’t want to see Travis get heartbroken a second time. From what I’ve heard, he couldn’t survive another blow like losing Emma the first time had been.

Brandy flipped her long black hair over her shoulder, her eyes like everyone else in the lunchroom were on Emma. “She’s different.”

Chase shot me an amused grin. I rolled my eyes.

“We used to be friends, before…” Brandy’s voice trailed off.

My ears perked up like a golden retriever. “You knew Emma?” Why did I not know this?

“We both did,” Kailyn added. “We used to hound her to join the cheerleading squad.”

“I wonder if she even dances anymore,” Brandy added.

“I doubt it. She looks more like a tomboy. Did you see what she was wearing?” There was just a hint of envy in Kailyn’s tone. My guess was that she was jealous of the attention swirling around Emma’s reappearance.

My eyes followed her as she gracefully weaved through the cluster of round tables. Her black cargo pants sat low on her waist and on her they looked sexy. Chains of silver hung around her neck in a variety of lengths down her white t-shirt. Gathered at the nape of her neck was her strawberry blonde hair in a low ponytail. Looks like someone had hung up her ballet shoes and traded them in for a bow and arrow.

Our eyes meet across the crowded and chatty room that smelled of baked chicken, watery mashed potatoes, and icky, lumpy brown sauce, but all I could taste was my own unease. Emma winked at me from where she sat, straight and rigid in her seat. Chase snarled low in his throat.

Emma, Chase, and I together under one roof was going to be extremely hazardous for everyone.


I sat at the edge of the couch arm and crossed my feet. “You wanted to talk, so…talk.”

His form dwarfed the room with his commanding presence. Leaning against the wall, he couldn’t have been any farther away from me. “Now that we know Emma and her dad are out there hunting us, I need you to be more careful than usual. We can’t afford any mistakes.”

He was telling me stuff I had already figured out on my own. “I’m not going to do anything stupid,” I assured.

“Really? Because I am pretty sure that stunt you pulled yesterday in the woods was pretty stupid.”

I rolled my eyes. “Are you telling me that if roles had been reversed, you wouldn’t have done the same?”

He lifted his silver hooped brow. “That’s the difference. I could have handled the situation. Hell, I had it under control.”

“It didn’t look that way from where I stood.”

He pushed off the wall and in a blink he was standing in front of me. My breath caught in my throat as I slide off the couch to my feet. We hadn’t been this close in days, not close enough that I could feel the heat radiating off him, or his body brushing up against mine. Eyes flashed the color of lightning, smothering the silver. “Then there is something wrong with your eyes. Or maybe it’s just your judgment. You forget all too easily what I am.” He cocked his head.

I took a step forward and watched his eyes widen in surprise. He’d expected to frighten me. When was he going to learn that I wasn’t afraid of him, of what he was? No matter how many times he threw it my face. “I know who you are. You’re the guy who is constantly saving me.”

The look on his face said he was expecting a different reaction. Anger. Fear. Retreat. Not intrigue, desire, respect.

I’d always had an aggressive streak, but this was unchartered territory for me. And it was totally freaking Chase out. That turned me on. It gave me this girl-power feeling that went to my head. I’d never tried to seduce someone before, and I wasn’t sure why I wanted to, or what had gotten into me. Flatting my hands on his chest, I peeked up at him under my lashes. His eyes had gone brighter, and my heart thundered.

“You play a dangerous game.”

Heard it before. I bit the inside of my cheek and said, “I like danger.” I was testing him, testing myself. Things felt different since yesterday, since seeing Ives. He had pulled away from me, and over the past few das he had put a wall between us. I didn’t understand why. What happened? What changed?

Looping my arms around his neck, tingles of excitement and eagerness unfolded through me. Lifting up on my toes, I closed the space between our mouths fully intending for our lips to lock. My eyes fluttered close, and–

I stumbled.

Chase had removed himself rather quickly from my embrace. He cut me a look and took a step back, then another, running a hand through his dark locks. I tried to ignore how magnificent he looked in those jeans. And the disappointment that spun in my belly. He shook his head, looking overwhelmed by me. I had become the aggressor, flipping the tables on him, and it looked to be messing with his head.

BOOK: Hunting Angel 2
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