Hunter's Prey, A (3 page)

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Authors: Sarah Cameron

BOOK: Hunter's Prey, A
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Gulping in a way that was audible to everyone in the room who was not human, Zoe sat down in her designated seat, clutching the small remote control so tightly that her knuckles were turning white. Noticing that Damian's gaze had followed the move, she forced her fingers to unfurl and spread them on the table to settle her nerves.


“I understand that completely. However, please consider my proposal and the revenue it would be bringing MedFuture. That is not the only thing. With so much time on our hands, since more routine tasks will be done by robots, we will be able to invest more energy into research without having to hire more staff. I know how particular you are about your staff.” And they were. Dozens of interviews and tests were performed before one was deemed fit to work for a HUNTER Holdings subsidiary. “I'd say we have a win-win on our hands, gentlemen.”


“Even so, I think Mr. Hunter may be right. But thank you, Miss Jameson, for coming up with such an audacious proposal – we all respect that,” Bernhard Eerkens, a blond Dutch board member said. “I propose we remain for a closed board meeting and discuss this further.”


Damian noticed the young woman's hands started shaking softly from the tension of being under the proverbial magnifying glass and he was struck by the unusual urge to comfort her. Maintaining his gaze averted, he locked eyes with his brother.


“Agreed,” Dominic said and Damian nodded. “Of the interior MedFuture directors, Herrero will remain. The rest of you, thank you for being here today.”


Nodding, the C-Suite left, with the sole exception of MedFuture's CEO, Maximiliano 'Max' Herrero. Miss Jameson was the first to exit the room after saying goodbye, her nerves much more at ease.


With her gone, it was time to discuss and decide whether to let her in on their secret –
and never let her out of their grasp
– or risk losing her and her sharpness.



Chapter 2


Zoe was nervous. For the second time on the same day she felt like she was being followed. The mere thought was ridiculous, and yet she couldn't shake the apprehension.


Clutching her purse tighter to her side, she entered the tall, contemporary glass building, nodding at the porter who held the door open for her.


Her thoughts felt scattered, but she knew she had to pull herself together, because this was a big day.


Akiko had been given the green light and her dear friend Kuro was coming to settle himself in his brand new lab. After that decisive meeting where she had introduced Kuro there had been no more meetings for a month – at least none that had concerned her. Instead, she had been informed that Ikeuchi Kuro was going to be hired and she was going to be his direct superior instead of the CTO or someone from the technology department. Of course, with their close relationship that would not be a problem.


Hold my calls, Marissa,” she said to her PA just before entering her large office that overlooked a beautiful lake.


One of the things she had always loved about MedFuture was the dreamy outdoors that surrounded them. The Hunter brothers believed in having the nature close, and so each and every company they owned was surrounded by greenery, even those positioned in the heart of large cities.


Dropping her bag on the couch close to the door, she opened her coat and hung it on a hanger, exhaling fully to soothe her nerves. Walking to the floor to ceiling window, she crossed her arms over her chest and smiled at the children playing by the lake.


Promptly, she remembered she should be considering a relationship more seriously. For a year and a half work had been all she'd done, though not intentionally. She had been extremely driven and particularly passionate about her secret project with Kuro that she had nearly forgotten about other needs. Of course, they had the habit to pop up at most inappropriate times, like when Damian Hunter was near her.


Shaking her head of the dirty thoughts that were prompt to arrive, Zoe turned around, blonde locks among brown tresses catching the sunlight and enhancing their shine. At the same time, the phone rang – a nice, flirty tone that announced an interior call – and she picked it up.


“Yes, Marissa?”


“Your two o'clock is canceled. Do you want me to move it to Wednesday or next week? You have an opening at two o'clock on Wednesday, but then you'd be skipping lunch.”


“Don't I always?” she answered cheerfully, all thoughts of stalkers and inopportune arousal gone for the moment. “Wednesday it is. The sooner, the better. Besides, it involves Akiko, so I want to get this done as soon as possible. And please check with Mr. Jones when the next board meeting is going to be. I am getting anxious whenever they leave me in the dark for too long.”


“It's only been a month,” Marissa reminded her sternly.


“Just check with him, yeah?”


Without confirming, the ever helpful PA smiled as she said, “Oh, by the way. You have mail. It's from HUNTER Holdings HQ.”


“Wow, really? What could it be? Where did you put it?”


Before Marissa mentioned the table, Zoe's eyes fell on a small, golden envelope.


“It looks intriguing,” she said, picking it up and ripping it open. “Thank you, Marissa.”


“Well, don't forget to tell me what it is.”


Smiling into the receiver, Zoe said, “That would be all,” before hanging up and sitting down.


Leaning back against her chair, she pulled out a simple note, red writing on golden paper, the letters typed in a fashionable, handwritten-looking font.


Heart already racing with anticipation, she read the few words.


To: Zoe Jameson, MedFuture Enterprises CEO

Invitation to join the HUNTER Club.


What the...?”


A shiver went through her at the incredible thing she had just read, wondering if it was true. Flicking a lock of hair behind her ear nervously, she pulled out her smartphone and typed a number she knew by heart, praying she'd get her answer quickly.


“Yes?” she heard the grave, male voice she'd sought.


“Is it true?” she asked on bated breath.


“Is what true?”


“Jones, don't keep me hanging.”


“Well, you're invited to join the club, if that's what you want to know.”


“But... just... there's no woman in the club. Is there?”


“Well, there will be, if you say yes.”


She gasped. What a mindfuck.


“And the other part?”


Jones was obviously smiling - she could tell in his voice. “Congratulations, Miss Jameson, you are now CEO of MedFuture Enterprises.”




Canada was lovely.


She could barely believe she had been made CEO of MedFuture Enterprises and with no prior notice. She'd wondered what had happened to Herrero, but it seemed he had been given another equally important task. Apparently, the last month had been full of board meetings she had not been aware of, in which her suitability for the role had been discussed at large and voted by board members.


For a moment, her gaze was stolen by the lush forests the driver was passing. She had been given a personal chauffeur to escort her to a Hunter brothers private property, one she had heard much about, but had never personally visited. Only HUNTER Club members were allowed. And she was aware of how big deal this invitation was.


The HUNTER Club was composed of people that were in the Hunter's close circle of trustees. There was not a single female member on board, a fact that had always incensed the media, although the Hunters would not be budged when it came to it, despite how discriminating it seemed.


Yet here she was, the first woman to have the privilege of knowing HUNTER Club from the inside. In a way, she felt like a contemporary Victoria Woodhull, the first to run for presidency. What she was about to do, though, surpassed that immensely. She was aware of the fact that she was now entering a world of ruses and schemes, a world she did not fully understand, but was one hundred percent prepared for. The HUNTER Club was the ultimate you could be part of, and she, above everyone else, appreciated that.


'You said I'll never amount to anything? How's this for achievement, father?'


Half a day later, she was sitting on a comfortable chair, anxiously waiting to meet the Hunters. So far, she had only interacted with Dominic and Damian and had met Amar, an older brother of theirs, but Gabriel and Leon had been untouchable. From her research on the Hunter brothers, she knew that Gabriel was a serious traveler. He traveled all the time, making it hard for anyone to get him to stay in one place. She also knew that Leon was virtually unreachable by anyone except his brothers. In fact, there was not one picture of him in the media. Somehow, he had escaped public scrutiny completely. Her guess was, any paparazzi that dreamed of taking pictures of him were paid off to avoid leaks. She shuddered to think the power he had to wield in order to pull off such a thing. He had not once appeared in public, preferring to be the mastermind in the shadow. Everyone knew he owned forty-seven percent of HUNTER Holdings, making him the single richest man on earth, and the fact that he was so untouchable inspired fear and intimidation, at the very least.


To meet the man who was basically the pillar of HUNTER Holdings would be a true honor.


Feeling herself sweat already, Zoe stood up when her good friend Jones entered, sitting down at the round table built for ten. She had counted the seats.


Actually, even the room was intimidating. When she had been ushered inside her breath had caught in her throat at the mysterious air that surrounded her. Coated in fine, dark wood, it spoke of secrets and shadows. She'd wondered if she was about to be introduced into a secret society, and by the way this meeting was being conducted, it was not excluded.


She'd admired the fine crystal chandelier that hung from the tall ceiling, the many details carved in the wood she'd recognized as Viking-like carvings, the plush seatings and expensive decorations. The room was normal in size, perhaps in order to enhance the thrilling air of mystery that permeated it, but not a detail was cheap or out of place.


Her mouth dried at the sight of Damian Hunter, the man she was secretly craving like nothing else. Behind him was his brother Amar, who entered right after him, and then followed Dominic and Gabriel.


Her disappointment was acute when she realized she was not going to be meeting Leon, but still – the honor to meet and sit at the same table with four of the five Hunter brothers was great.


Beside Jones was Maximiliano Herrero, MedFuture's ex-CEO. After Max followed two more gentlemen that she didn't know.


“Good evening, gentlemen,” she said, remembering that most of the day had passed with her seeing to her luggage and getting comfortable in her appointed room in the mansion.


She wasn't even sure what to call this house. It resembled a palace in size, yet it could hardly be called one. The other option was villa, but the term was too tame for this beautiful monstrosity of a house.


The Hunter family had been around for ages and it stood to reason that they had a large number of homes in all parts of the world, but to own such luxury seemed obscene.


Beside the butler, she'd noticed a couple servants, but they had evaporated like the wind, leaving no trail.


She understood that discreetness was necessary in these men's lives, but this was ridiculous.


'The quirks of the rich,'
she thought.


“Welcome, Miss Jameson,” Gabriel Hunter greeted, his face an evil-looking smile. She knew that this was the adventurous brother, the one in all Hunter brothers who could hardly stay still. Still, he made her feel small and insignificant. Those lips weren't made for kindness, she thought. They had seen and done cruelty. She, of course, had no proof of that, but it was what he inspired. In any case, that he'd come here to meet her made the young woman feel privileged.


“Thank you,” she said, walking to him and shaking hands, as this was the first time they were meeting. One by one she greeted all of them, then they were seated. The butler came out of nowhere – she hadn't even heard the door open – and silently poured water into their respective glasses.


Zoe shivered at the intensity with which everyone was looking at her, particularly avoiding Damian's gaze with fanatic zeal. She could feel him assess her mood, her nerves, her adequacy for the job. That he was only interested in her work-wise betrayed the quiet intensity with which he regarded her. If there was even one small chance of landing Damian, she would fight tooth and nail to get him, but first she would have to summon some courage.


Exhaling deeply to soothe her nerves, Zoe listened to Dominic's introduction to the Hunter family, one she had heard a dozen times.


“But behind all this is what we never tell people.”


Shoulders tense all of a sudden, her breath caught in her throat as Dominic looked her straight in the eyes.


“Miss Jameson, are you convinced you can hold our secrets for the rest of your life? If you are to become CEO of MedFuture Enterprises and a member of the HUNTER Club, then you need to know what you're stepping into, but first I will have your solemn promise that you will never disclose what goes on inside these doors to anyone
as long as you are alive.”


Swallowing thickly, she nodded, confirming, “Yes. I swear I will tell no one about your secrets or about what goes on during HUNTER Club meetings.”


Sighing, Gabriel spoke to her next, his voice surprisingly soft. He was a beautiful man, almost the most controversial of the Hunter brothers, because while the possibility of all other four Hunters belonging to a same parent was plausible, if you judged by their looks, Gabriel was the only one who could not have been born of the same parents. The way he looked, one would assume he was fully African. He wasn't a mulatto – his skin was dark chocolate, the kind that hinted he could not have been born of a white parent, but the Hunters insisted they were blood-related, and so no one dared argue with them, anymore.

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