Hunter's Games (8 page)

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Authors: James P. Sumner

Tags: #Vigilante Justice, #Terrorism, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Assassinations, #Thriller, #Spies & Politics, #Pulp, #Mystery, #Crime, #Thriller & Suspense, #Action & Adventure, #Literature & Fiction, #Thrillers

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He smiles as he focuses on navigating the slow but steadily moving traffic.

“You too, man,” he says. “Shame it’s under these circumstances though. Can you please just have a normal contract for once?”

“Hey, you’re the one who finds me these jobs, remember?”

“Don’t start blaming the logistics—things only ever seem to turn to shit when you arrive in town. I’m just saying…”

“It’s not my fault bad people tend not to wanna roll over and die willingly with no fuss!”

We both laugh. That’s another reason we work so well together. We understand that, regardless of how enormous the task at hand is, it’s always best to approach it instinctively. Don’t think about it—do it. It’s too easy to over-think things, which inevitably leads to indecisiveness and hesitation. And those things can cost you your life. To an outsider, it might look like I don’t care, or that I’m not taking things seriously. But in reality, I’m simply keeping detached so I can rely on my instincts.

Believe me; I’m taking the current predicament very seriously indeed.

“I don’t think this is Clara,” says Josh. “The voice is too masculine, even through the distortion. And from what we know of her, this isn’t her style. She wouldn’t have the patience or subtly to pull something like this off.”

“No, I know. I think that was wishful thinking on my part,” I say, regretfully. “But it’s definitely someone who knows the truth about what happened in Heaven’s Valley.”

“I think most people know what happened though. You almost created a second Grand Canyon in the middle of the desert...”

“Very true. But if you’re right about the Pellaggio reference, this has gotta be someone who knows I was responsible for wiping out his organization, which was a separate thing entirely. Even the news reports at the time said it was likely a gang-related hit carried about by a large group of people.”

“GlobaTech?” he offers.

“They certainly have the resources. But what’s their angle? We’re on pretty good terms with them last I checked.”

“Maybe they’re pissed that you blew that military compound into a billion pieces?”

“I think they would have conveyed their displeasure before now. This sounds too… I dunno, too personal.”

We fall silent again and I re-focus on the immediate issue. I’m not sure what to expect when we get to this Academy, and I must admit I’m feeling a little out of my depth. I try to picture how it would go down. I imagine the bus will be parked up in an inconspicuous way. Will The Shark be there? My instinct says he won’t be, but he’ll be watching from a safe distance. From speaking with him earlier, he seems to have a good idea of where the FBI are up to with the investigation, which immediately says to me that he can either see them himself, or he has an inside man. Neither possibility bares thinking about.

Assuming he won’t be on site, how is he keeping the kids on the bus? They must know they’re in danger, surely? I figure it won’t be much fun for him if he can’t see people afraid.

I have no idea how to actually stop this asshole, either. I still haven’t worked out why he’s doing all this just to get to me.

I hate not knowing everything...

“Trying to figure it all out?” asks Josh, breaking my train of thought as well as the silence.

“Just trying to prepare for what we’re walking into here, yeah.”

“I don’t think anything can help with that. This is painfully new territory for the both of us.”

I look ahead and can see Wallis and Johnson a few cars in front of us. I wonder how far behind us Agent Chambers is…

Grace Chambers.

I like her. She definitely doesn’t take any crap from anyone, and is undeniably in charge. But she has a kindness about her at the same time.

We turn right on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. I check the clock again. We’ve got just under ten minutes before the deadline is up, but we’re almost there now. After another quarter-mile, we turn right on Music Concourse Drive and follow the road as it doglegs to the right, bringing us to the main entrance of the California Academy of Sciences. The building is one of the largest natural history museums in the world and looks impressive as we approach.

I sigh heavily as I look around. Why am I even here? Things like this are the FBI’s show for God’s sake, what use am I going to be? I've just pretty much admitted to a room full of agents that I’m the assassin they all think I am… what’s to stop them arresting me the moment all this is over?

Assuming I don’t get blown up or shot first.


“We’re here,” says Josh, pulling up on the side of the road opposite the main entrance. The scene is complete and total chaos, and despite my efforts on the way here, I now realize nothing could’ve prepared me for what I’m about to walk into.

The local SWAT team must’ve been here for at least fifteen minutes or so, given how organized they are. There’s a yellow school bus parked at an impromptu angle in the middle of the road, on the crossing right outside the main doors to the Academy. The area around the bus is cordoned off in roughly a hundred meter radius. All around, police, SWAT guys, reporters and onlookers are standing and staring at it with a mixture of shock and uncertainty and regret. A chopper’s hovering overhead. I can’t see any markings, but it’s more likely to be the police than the media.

As we get out of the Winnebago and walk toward the scene, I’m able to catch a glimpse inside the bus. It’s full of schoolchildren, just like The Shark told us. They look terrified. I can see them crying and screaming, although I can’t hear them from where we’re standing.

So they
fully aware of the danger...

Agents Wallis and Johnson have parked across the road and are talking to someone who looks in charge at the scene. Johnson looks over and sees us approaching. He taps Wallis on his arm and they both walk over to us.

“Well, I’m here,” I say to them as we meet them. “Not sure what I’m meant to do though.”

“Neither are we,” says Johnson. “I’ve spoken to the SWAT team leader and they’ve seen nothing out of the ordinary.”

“Apart from the bus full of terrified school kids?” observes Josh.

“He means there’s been no sign of any suspects and no communications,” says Wallis, professionally. He checks his watch. “We’ve got seven minutes until The Shark’s deadline is up. I think we need to wait for him to contact us. He’ll be watching, I’m sure.”

I completely agree. Turning a slow circle, I scan the crowds of people and the surrounding area. I can’t see anyone who looks like they could be him, but I didn’t expect to. If it were me, I’d be looking on for sure—but from a long way away.

The cordon stretches all the way to the main entrance, so the building itself and the immediate area is clear. Just over the road from where we’re standing, the SWAT team are milling around, seemingly unsure of what to do, but doing their best to look like they’re in charge anyway. They won’t be sure what move to make, as no one knows what the endgame is, only that I need to be here.

Well, I’m here… come on, you sonofabitch, show yourself.

I’m sure the SWAT team would’ve done a full assessment of the situation when they arrived, but for my own piece of mind, I lie down on my stomach and look over at the bus. It's been parked with the back facing the Academy's entrance at a slight angle. I scan underneath it as best I can from where I am. I can just about make out a red flashing light.

So he wasn’t bluffing about the bomb either.


I stand back up and find Johnson looking at me funny.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he asks, with more than a hint of disdain in his voice.

“I was seeing if I could see the bomb he told us about,” I reply, like I’m talking to an idiot.

“And what, are you some kind of expert on car bombs?”

I flash back in my mind momentarily to Heaven’s Valley, standing outside the hospital as Clara’s car blew up, sending me hurtling backward.

“I’ve had some experience with them, yeah,” I say, after a moment. “You have a problem with me trying to help?”

We square up to each other, our faces only inches apart. It’s not even funny how quickly I could kill this prick with my bare hands, but I restrain myself. If only for the fact we have bigger problems to deal with at the moment. But I’m not backing down from him.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are,” he begins. “But—”

“I’m the man you think
are,” I say, cutting him off. “Now take a minute to remember we’re meant to be on the same side, then take three steps back before you find yourself waking up with a crowd of people looking down at you.”

“I thought I told you boys to play nice?” says a voice from behind us.

I turn to see Senior Special Agent Chambers walking toward us. Even though she’s harassed and in a hurry, she has a casual demeanor about her, which seems to stop you from getting stressed when she’s nearby.

“Ma’am,” says Johnson. “We’re just discussing how best to approach the situation.” He turns to look at me. “Aren’t we?”

He emphasizes the words, in that way people do when they’re trying to drop hints to get someone to say what they want them to.

Rookie error.

I look at Agent Chambers and smile.

“Actually, Grace,” I say. “I was just checking to see if there’s a genuine bomb threat here, and Agent Johnson decided to take his life into his hands and start mouthing off at me. When you arrived, I was simply explaining how quickly and painfully the conversation could end for him.”

Petty? Yes, I’m afraid it probably is. But the guy’s an asshole, and I’m not doing him any favors. Besides, my comments make her smile a little bit, which is what I was aiming for and is nice to see. She has a great smile…

Ultimately, she dismisses the comment and returns to the matter at hand.

“We’ve got three minutes until The Shark’s deadline is up. We’ve heard nothing as yet. Adrian, have you any ideas about what this has to do with you?”

“Not a clue,” I say, honestly. “Given that his previous clues seem to reference me or my history in some way, I’ve been looking for something along the same lines here, but I’ve got nothing. Josh?”

Josh shrugs, which isn’t like him at all. “I have no idea what this guy’s angle is,” he says, the words visibly hurting him. “We have no clue as to who he is, what he’s got against Adrian—aside from the fact he’s clearly met him once, which is enough for anyone to want to kill him, frankly—and worst of all, we don’t know what the point of all this is.”

He gestures to the scene around us.

Agent Chambers’ phone starts ringing. She takes it out of her pocket and looks at the Caller ID on the screen. Looking confused, she answers. “Chambers.”

I can’t hear the voice on the other end of the line, but given how wide her eyes are, I’m guessing it’s our guy.

“Okay,” she says after a moment, then holds the phone out to me. “It’s him. He wants to talk to you.”

I take the phone from her and put it to my ear, but say nothing. I listen. I’m convinced he’s nearby. Even though he’s distorting his voice, there could still be some background noise that might offer a clue as to where he is in relation to where I am. But I get nothing.

“What?” I ask, finally.

“I’m glad you could make it, Adrian,” says The Shark. “Are you ready for my next message?”

“Just get on with it, you arrogant bastard.”

“Now, now, Adrian. There’s no need for name-calling. Put me on speaker so all your friends can hear.”

I do, and we gather round close to the phone in a tight circle, listening intently. Josh is on my left, with Johnson next to him. Wallis is on my right, with Chambers next to him.

“Here’s my message, Adrian,” he says. “I can do things even
can only dream of. You once did what many thought was impossible. And in doing so, you took everything from me. Now, there are no clues this time. No hidden meanings. Just a demonstration of what
power can do.”

He hangs up, leaving us all looking at the phone and listening to a dead tone.

“What the hell does
mean?” asks Johnson, confused.

Before I can answer, the whole world suddenly goes to shit…








WE ALL INSTINCTIVELY hit the ground as the deafening roar of an explosion sounds out nearby. I can just about make out the screams of people around us over the ringing in my ears. I wait maybe ten seconds before standing and looking at the school bus, expecting to find a flaming wreck and the bodies of forty-three dead kids. But I’m relieved to see it still intact. Agent Chambers appears next to me. We exchange a confused glance.

I’m obviously happy the kids are still alive, but what the hell blew up?

Disoriented from the blast, I quickly scan the area and soon find out. The SWAT van’s completely destroyed, along with the entire team who were either inside it or standing close by.

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