Hunter Reborn (23 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

BOOK: Hunter Reborn
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Move back,
he commanded Larissa. They needed backup and he wasn't risking this male overhearing him calling Connor and everyone else. The male probably couldn't scent them over all the stench of death.

Before they'd taken one step, the male's head whipped up. He dropped the hearts and shoved the hood back with his blood-covered hands. His eyes
glowed red and he smiled evilly, his fangs shiny with blood as he stared at Larissa, lust and rage in his eyes. Oh yeah, this fucker was going to die.

“Kill the male, the female is mine!” he shouted and before Aiden realized what the male meant, nearly a hundred vampires dropped from seemingly out of nowhere. There was a lip of stone above them in the high arched cavern.

He couldn't believe he and Larissa hadn't scented them, but it was possible they were being protected by a spell.

Larissa let out a growl of rage, her blue flames spreading out on the ground around her. His wolf took over. As he underwent the change from man to animal everything around him funneled out for a moment. This was his weakest moment, in between the change, but he had no choice. His wolf was taking over whether he wanted it or not.

His bones broke and realigned and as he landed on all fours, everything came into focus in a rush. The vampire closest to him let out a shriek as he hurled something at Aiden like a javelin thrower. A short sword glinted in the firelight.

Aiden jumped, attempting to move out of the way when Larissa's body slammed into him. She cried out, her flames dying as they landed with a thud on the cold dirt floor of the cavern.

A wrenching agony like he'd ever experienced only once before sliced through him as he saw the blade embedded in her back, the tip coming out through her
chest. Her eyes were a bright blue as she stared at him, her body covering his lupine form. It was as if time stood still.

“No!” the leader screamed as he jumped over the altar, sending the other vampires scrambling away from Aiden and Larissa.

Larissa stared up at him, that gaze so full of grief it felt as though his own heart had been pierced. She reached for him, put a shaking hand over his front paw.

On instinct he shifted back to his human form to hold her. He was aware of the vampire moving toward them but all he could focus on was Larissa, his mate, the only woman he would ever love.
Don't you dare fucking die on me.

“Pull it out,” she whispered, her brilliant eyes going glassy.

As they did, he felt the strangest tingle in his body and he knew exactly what she was doing. What she was gifting to him.
he screamed to her, understanding her intent.

When her eyes closed and she didn't respond he screamed, the sound ricocheting off the cavern so loudly the advancing vampire stumbled in his tracks.

Chapter 25

Sixty years ago, Christmas Day

arissa stood shoulder to shoulder with Aiden, her back ramrod straight as they waited in the great room of Aiden's parents' castle. Her parents were at the front of the room with his, looking just as furious. Perhaps more so. She'd never seen her mother or father so irate.

History had gotten many things about her father wrong—mainly because he wanted it that way—and while it was true his first wife had committed suicide, his second wife, Oana Danesti, was the true love of his life. They'd been together for centuries and while Larissa had been spoiled and a favorite among her coven, she knew in that moment, things would never be the same. Her father might be the one with the dark reputation, but her mother basically ruled him. He did what his mate wanted because he loved her more than anything. Whatever Oana decided, Vlad would agree to it, even if it meant casting his own daughter out. Deep down it pierced
her that her own parents could be so irate because she'd fallen in love with a shifter.

It wasn't a choice. It had happened and she wasn't sorry for it.

“You're such a little fool,” her mother spat, her eyes brilliant blue. Her hands fisted into balls as she clearly restrained herself from attacking Aiden. “He's just using you.”

Aiden growled softly next to her before he wrapped his arm around Larissa's shoulders. “Watch how you speak to my mate.”

At that, her father stepped forward. Then Aiden's moved toward Vlad. Both powerful males turned on each other, glaring as if they wanted to kill the other, but at least they weren't making any other hostile gestures.

“We love each other and we've made our choice. Either live with it or don't, but we've done nothing wrong. If anyone is being foolish, it's you. You have a chance to unite a shifter and vampire line, bridging the divide between our races. Think about all the good we could do with our example.” Larissa stared her mother square in the eye, refusing to back down. Bridging the divide had nothing to do with why she and Aiden had bonded, but they had an opportunity to make a difference with their bonding. Supernaturals were always battling one another, but if two powerful lines accepted this mating, it could drastically change the way their races treated one another for all future generations. If her mother could take her stupid emotional reaction out of the equation she would see Larissa was right. But the second their parents had entered the great room, they'd flipped out, recognizing the bonding scent on both of them.

“Clearly we've sheltered you for too long if you think this
animal loves you. He's going to take your gift and discard you.” Her mother's hands burst into blue flames and everyone in the room went still as they stared. Even her father seemed shocked at her mother's display.

Larissa's eyes widened at her mother's lack of control. Their family secret was a closely guarded one; only a select few in their coven even knew of it. She'd showed Aiden what she could do only last night after they bonded. Even then she hadn't told him everything because she hadn't wanted to overwhelm him. Her mother's words set something off inside her.

Do you trust me?
she asked Aiden.

Disbelief shot along their newly formed link.
You don't even have to ask.

Even though she knew it, she'd needed to hear it. Brace yourself. Turning toward Aiden she grabbed both his hands and released her flames. The beautiful blue licked up his arms, over his chest and head until it covered his entire body. Ignoring her mother's cry of outrage and his parents' growls of anger, she focused on the man she loved and funneled all her energy into Aiden.

She'd never attempted this before, but her mother had explained how it worked. How she could give her gift of fire to anyone she chose, not just her mate. Larissa had never thought she'd want to, but she trusted Aiden to give it back. It was the ultimate act of trust. Once she released it fully, he could keep it or return it.

It's yours until you decide to give it back to me,
she projected to him as she stepped back and released his hands.

His dark eyes were wide as he looked at her, then everyone else in the room.
I don't have to give it back to you, do I?
You just gave up your most powerful gift to prove to your parents that I can be trusted.

She nodded as he watched her, his dark eyes unreadable. Closing the distance between them, he grasped her hands in his and pulled them to his chest.
I'm beyond humbled, Larissa. I didn't think it was possible I could love you more, but I do. Their reaction is worse than I thought, so let's leave tonight. We'll head to America.
As he spoke, she felt her power returning, the invigorating sensation flooding her veins as the blue flames transferred to her with such fluidity, it surprised her. To be able to control her gift so easily spoke volumes about his untapped power and their bond.

As she absorbed her gift, she wrapped her arms around his waist, laying her head on his chest as she turned to her parents. Her mother looked even angrier than before, which told Larissa all she needed to know. “Your reaction is beyond disappointing and we're not going to stand around and argue about something that I couldn't change even if I wanted to. Aiden and I are leaving. I'll contact you in a month to see if you've decided to act rational.”

Her mother's entire body burst into blue flames. “You will do no such thing!”

Larissa turned fully on her mother, shoving out her fire to shield Aiden and his parents in its protective bubble in case her mother had any stupid ideas. She wasn't acting as if she meant to harm them but right now she seemed unstable.

No matter how terrible their reaction to her and Aiden's mating had been, she wouldn't let her mother kill the people he loved and start a war. “I will, and you will do well to remember that I am just as powerful as you.” Larissa may not have flaunted it, but she had no problem reminding her
mother now. Before her mother could say anything, she took a threatening step forward. “If you attempt to hurt my mate or any of his pack I will return home and burn all your castles to the ground. I will fucking destroy everything you hold dear. You will absolutely honor the pact you made with his pack and act like the honorable vampires I know you to be. If you don't . . .” Her teeth clenched together as she tried to contain her building rage. She wasn't sure if she was speaking the truth or not because the thought of anyone hurting Aiden tugged at her basic instincts. She would destroy anyone who dared hurt him or cause him pain.


She turned on her father, who'd been relatively silent up until now. “Don't even start. You taught me everything I know, so don't pretend to be shocked.”

His mouth pulled into a thin line as he quieted. He didn't look angry so much as resigned as he turned to Larissa's mother. “Oana, let's step back and discuss this situation. Our daughter has made a foolish choice, but she's right about bridging the gap between our species.”

Larissa nearly snorted at his words. “This situation.” As if her being newly bonded to a shifter was a crisis to solve.

Her mother's flames disappeared as she straightened, her body going rigid and her expression turning cold. “There's nothing to discuss. We have no daughter anymore.”

The words punched into Larissa's chest and for the first time in centuries she had the urge to cry. Before she could react, Aiden scooped her up, taking her completely by surprise. She knew what he was doing, saving her from becoming emotional in front of them. She appreciated it more than she could put into words. He didn't say a word to anyone as
he strode from the room, but she sensed his anger, aggression, and sadness intermixed as he hurried out of the castle to his car. She guessed he'd be driving them to his castle so they could pack some things.

“I can walk,” she eventually murmured, still struggling to comprehend what had just happened.

He didn't respond, but once they reached his car, he leaned against the driver's door and buried his face against her neck. “I'm so sorry to tear you away from your family.” His voice was ragged and a new wave of guilt rolled through their link.

Pulling back, she cupped his cheeks with her hands. The grief etched on his face tore at her. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Fuck all of them. If they can't accept us, that's not unconditional love. That's not what parents are supposed to do.” Her words didn't lessen her own grief much, but it felt good to say them.

He brushed his lips over hers and despite everything they'd just left behind, she knew mating with him had been the best decision she'd ever made.

*   *   *

The sword had fucking impaled her.

Panic swirled inside him, but he shoved it down. He had to trust Larissa's instincts on this.

Grabbing the blade, Aiden pulled it out of Larissa's back—even though it was one of the hardest things he'd ever done. She was still breathing, her heart still beating and he could sense their link, though it was faint. Too damn faint.

Though he wanted to feed her so she'd start healing, he knew these vampires would never let him get that far. But the vamps were all going to die. He'd lost his
earpiece during his first shift, so he prayed Connor or one of his packmates had heard him.

Embracing the gift Larissa had given him, he held out his arms and let out another shout as her incredible fire surged through him. It shot from his hands like lightning, slamming into random vampires. Screams filled the underground cave as vampires burst into flames. Dozens started to run away from him, yet others ran at him like they were on a suicide mission.

Their leader raced toward the altar, jumping over it and away from Aiden, but he ignored the male for now. First he had to save Larissa.

Channeling the energy the way she'd taught him so long ago, he imagined the fire pushing out from every single inch of his body, covering the ground and walls and burning anyone who was his enemy.

As the flames grew, lapping at everything, it started to cover the room in a brilliant coat of blue. His heart nearly stopped when he felt Larissa's energy fading. Another wave of pain rippled through him and he shoved out again, this time with a blast of pure fire, incinerating everything in its path.

Horrible screams filled the air as the remaining vampires burst into flames. A few vamps managed to dive into the exit, escaping his fire. He started to direct the flames that way when he heard Jayce grunt and curse. Moments later, his packmates spilled into the cave, but they all jerked to a halt, staring at him and the cave in shock and a little horror.

He knew what he looked like and didn't care. Aiden pinned Jayce with a glare. “She's dying. Save her!” He
didn't need to explain shit. The enforcer could help her with his blood and he knew it. If he didn't, Aiden couldn't even think about what he'd do.

“Behind you!” Jayce tossed him one of his blades.

Aiden didn't have time to be surprised as he jumped and snagged it from midair. Grasping it, he turned and rolled to the side, missing what could have been a debilitating blow to his neck.

The vampire held a sword deftly in his hands. He jumped out of the way as Aiden went to strike him with Jayce's blade. The weapon was light in his hands, but Aiden could practically feel the power humming through the thing. Holy shit. He knew it could ash vampires and that's exactly what he planned to do to this bastard.

Out of the corner of his eye Aiden saw Jayce scoring his wrist and putting it to Larissa's mouth. Then he saw Connor take an aggressive step forward. Keeping his eye on his adversary, Aiden shouted again, unable to even speak normally for all the adrenaline pumping through him. “Stay back! This is a
nex pugna
!” A death fight. Usually for Alphas but everyone would understand his meaning. This was his fight and no one else's. Because of this fucker, Larissa was pale, unconscious, and possibly dying.

He shoved that thought away and held on to their link, focused on the fact that she was still alive.

Channeling the power of the fire raging through him, he sent a blast out at the vampire as he dodged what would have been another deadly strike. The
flames flowed around the male in a huge arch, as if he had a protective ball around him.

He was spelled. Clearly he knew of Larissa's powers and he'd made sure her flames couldn't penetrate him.

Aiden shot another blast at him as a test. This time a couple of thin streams of energy seemed to cut through. Pieces of the male's hooded robe fell away in singed chunks.

The vamp let out an ear-piercing scream, his eyes dark and tinged with utter madness. But the red tint wasn't there anymore. Neither were the hovering faces of the dead from beyond the veil. It was just Aiden and this madman.

Aiden's body lit up in blue flames, but he didn't feel their heat. “Is this what you wanted?” Aiden taunted as he struck out with the blade in a fast, jabbing action. He quickly jumped out of the way as the vamp attempted to strike him with his own sword. The male's arm sizzled from Jayce's blade. So the vamp was spelled but only from Larissa's fire.

“You fucking animal!” the vamp shouted.

“You'll never get it now,” Aiden continued, walking in a slow circular arc around the male.

“I will if I kill you,” he snarled, spit flying from his mouth.

Oh yeah, this guy was fucking crazy. There may be some truth to his words, Aiden didn't know. “I'll kill myself before I let you take it.”

At that the vampire screamed again in that maniacal way before lunging at him with his sword. Despite his
lack of control and clear rage, the vamp was skilled and nimble. Letting go of his control over the fire, Aiden used all the strength in his legs to jump high into the cavern.

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