Hunter Mourned (Wild Hunt Book 3) (26 page)

BOOK: Hunter Mourned (Wild Hunt Book 3)
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“Walk away, and pretend like you didn’t see a thing. Understand?”

The guy who’d spoken held up his free hand. “Hey, I was newly married once too. Have fun.”

The doors swished closed, and Rowan sucked hard on his dick, drawing him into her mouth until his cock met the back of her throat.

He dropped his head back. “Aww, fuck.”

He fumbled for the button to stop the elevator. Rowan grabbed his ass and tugged him closer to her. His fingers fell short of the panel. He cursed and fisted handfuls of her hair. “You’re wicked, Rowan.”

Her lips curved into a smile, but then she wrapped them around his thick shaft and swallowed his length, taking him deeper than she had before. The muscles of her throat squeezed his dick. She made a hungry sound, something guttural and dangerously sexy. His balls drew up. Seed rushed down his shaft. He pulled her mouth off him before he came and hauled her to her feet.


He managed to get her name out, trying to convey what he felt. That would have to be enough to express himself. The lust riding him demanded more than words. He covered her mouth with his and thrust his tongue inside.

He led the kiss, urging her to meet his quickened pace. She stroked her tongue along his, matching him, but each hungry sound she made cranked up his desire more.

With her head held between his hands, he kissed her harder, trying to crawl inside her. To possess her. Lock her to him for all time.

The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. He tore his mouth from Rowan’s. Met her gaze. She grinned.

That smile. No matter how many times he saw it, the force behind it knocked him off balance. “You make me crazy. Do you know that?”

She slipped under his arms and pushed against one of the closing doors, stopping it from locking them inside the elevator. “And you make me hungry. I don’t think I can survive another trip in that metal box. It moves too slowly.”

He shoved his dick back into his pants, grabbed her hand, and tugged her toward their room. With a swipe of the key card, the door unlocked. He scanned the room, noting the location of the bed. He needed her there, naked with her legs spread wide.

The door swung closed behind them. The sound of the lock clicking registered. They were alone. He didn’t have to be quiet or hold his lusts in check so as not to draw attention to them. There were none of her brothers around to hear them or stumble over them. They had no other responsibilities until nightfall. All day. He had all day with Rowan.

He yanked her flush against his body and kissed her. Gripping his shoulders as tightly as he held her, she dueled her tongue with his. On and on they kissed.

He ran his hands over her back, pulling her impossibly closer so her softness met his hardness. The press of her skin to his would’ve been better. He couldn’t rip his mouth from hers to make it happen. Sweet vanilla drugged his senses. His damn favorite drug. He couldn’t get enough of her taste. He was hooked on her.

She fisted the back of his shirt and squirmed, rubbing her erect nipples against him and betraying her needs. He reached between their bodies and stroked his hand over one hard tip. She arched from his touch. He grinned against her lips, easing their desperate kiss, and squeezed her plump flesh.

“Trevor.” She breathed his name against his lips before she was kissing him harder.

He massaged her breasts—one, then the other—and teased her nipples, pinching and rolling the tips as best he could through her clothing.

She tipped her head back on a groan, breaking their kiss. “Please, Trevor. I want your mouth on me.”

He tapped one erect bud. “Here? Is this where you need me?”

“Yes.” She grabbed the back of his head and urged him closer to her breasts. “There. Lick me.”

He dragged his flattened tongue over the peak, wetting the material of her shirt, then eased back.

“Trevor, don’t stop.”

The whining tone to her voice brought a smile to his lips. “Take your shirt off.”

She stepped backward, putting a slight distance between them, and tugged off her top. It went flying somewhere, along with her bra. Her jerky movements betrayed the level of her excitement. He didn’t mind missing out on the slow revelation of her body. Knowing he’d been the one to make her crazed made up for the lack of her striptease.

He grasped her wrist before she could undo the buttons on her skirt. “Leave the socks on.”

He glanced at her shoes. They were the flat ones with the strap and silver buckle she’d worn the first night he’d been with her. She’d probably chosen them knowing they’d be walking the streets all night, not to arouse him. That was what the sight of them did, though.

“The shoes stay too.” He’d take them off her.

“You’re a bit demanding today, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. I am.” He took off his shirt, tossing it on top of Rowan’s. “Consider it punishment. You made me so damn horny all night.”

“Did I?” She slowly undid the small white buttons of her skirt, never breaking his gaze.

“Yes.” He unzipped his jeans, then dragged them down his legs. He kicked them aside, along with his boots. “Now get on the bed, Rowan.”

She turned, giving him a perfect view of her ass. He flexed his fingers. The memory of her soft flesh in his hands as he fucked her against that dirty alley wall swept over him. She’d asked to be taken from behind. It hadn’t fit his needs at the time. So much had happened since then.

Rowan sat on the edge of the bed, legs crossed and hands clasped in her lap. “Is this good?”

Instead of answering, he approached her. She was teasing him. He wanted her begging.

He undid the buckle of the sheath he had strapped to his calf. The leather stuck to his skin. He’d almost forgotten why he’d switched to the holder in his boots. Carrying it against his skin was annoying. Tough. He’d deal with it.

With the holder and obsidian blade on the nightstand within arm’s reach, he faced her. Her full breasts drew his eye. He hadn’t sucked on them yet, despite her plea to get his mouth on them. He wanted those shoes off her first.

“Spread your knees for me.”

She uncrossed them, giving him a wonderful view of her lower lips. No hair covered her sex. Only the slickness of her arousal. His mouth watered. Rowan offered too many possibilities. He could spend hours loving her and still not have enough time to enjoy every inch of her.

He curled his fingers around her calf and lifted her leg. The knit stocking under his fingers was softer than her gloves. He skimmed his loose grip over her leg, from her knee to her ankle. “These look good on you. I can’t decide if I want to peel them off or leave them on.”

“I’m glad I decided to buy some winter clothes, then.”

He glanced at her. “You plan on wearing these a lot this winter?”

She nodded, the grin back on her face. “Yes. I bought several different colors.” She motioned to her discarded clothes. “Wool skirts too, with buttons instead of zippers. They’ll be easier to fix if I destroy them by embracing my Huntsman’s form.”

“That’s smart.” He traced the edge of her shoe. “And these shoes? Are they part of your winter clothes?”

“No. They’re just shoes. I do have some heeled boots, though.”

“Wear these again for me.” He caught her gaze and held it as he undid the buckle and slipped off her shoe. “I like them too. They make you look naughty.”

“The Mary Janes match my schoolgirl outfit. Did you like that too?”

His breathing deepened, and his cock twitched. A small smile flitted across her mouth, as she obviously guessed at his answer. He couldn’t hide his reaction when he stood before her naked.

“Yeah. I liked that too.” He was giving her power over him. Didn’t care. Seeing the outfits she chose was a special treat.

He delivered the same caress to her other leg, knee to ankle, before easing her shoe off. He set her foot on the ground, then stepped between her legs.

Her gaze drifted to his erection. She licked her lips, and precome welled in the face of her intent look. He ignored the desire to see her lips wrapped around his cock again and rubbed his thumb over her nipple until it pebbled. Their conversation had given her the chance to catch her breath. Good. He wanted to make their time together last. She deserved to experience his worship, and not just the physical rush to completion. She’d
how special she was to him by the time he was done with her today.

He dropped his hand. “Where did you say I should put my mouth?”

“Here.” She took his hands and placed them over her breasts. “They ache, Trevor.”

He bent his head, forcing her to lean backward and prop her body up with her arms. With her arched in front of him, putting herself on display, he pressed a kiss to the swell of her plump flesh. “Is that good?”

“No. I want more. Suck on them.”

Part of him wanted to deny her for omitting the “please,” but he’d save that for later. He had special plans and those required her obedience.

He licked around her erect nipple, carefully avoiding the sensitive bud. She squirmed, trying to entice him to put his mouth where she’d indicated. He kept up the simple licks until a frustrated sound escaped her, and then he caught the bud between his teeth. With nibbles to the tip, he stimulated her breast, thoroughly enjoying her responsiveness.

“Trevor, please. Suck.” She arched more, pushing her chest against him and filling his mouth with her soft flesh.

The temptation was one he couldn’t resist. He sucked, dragging deeply with his mouth. She clutched at his head and tipped backward, her breast pulling from his mouth with a pop. He didn’t give her the chance to recover or move. He grabbed her waist, lifting her slightly, and tossed her to the center of the bed.

Wide-eyed, she scrambled away from him. He didn’t know what showed in his expression to put that shocked look on her face, but he could guess—ownership. Maybe hunger. He felt both.

He grabbed her ankles and dragged her back to where he wanted her. “Grip the sheets and don’t touch me, Rowan. You will feel what you do to me. How
feel about you. Got it?”

She held his gaze a moment longer, then gripped the sheets. “Yes. Okay.”

He moved between her spread thighs. With flicks of his tongue, he mapped a path from the edge of her socks to the crease between her thigh and groin, but he didn’t touch her dripping center. He let his heated breath wash over her and repeated the lapping on her other leg. She trembled by the time he held the tip of his tongue poised above her lower lips.

“Prop yourself on your elbows and look at me, but don’t let go of the sheets.” He lowered his chin so he met her gaze from behind his lashes. “I want you to watch me as I send you to heaven.”

She dragged in a shaky breath. “Arawn’s children are banned from there.”

“Not in my arms, you’re not.”

Without wasting another moment, he bent his head and dragged his flattened tongue over her lower lips, not penetrating her core or lingering in any spot. He’d take her up slowly, letting the passion build. He repeated the drag of his tongue, again and again, until her arousal flowed, soaking his chin.

“You get so damn wet for me.” He pushed his tongue into her opening, tearing a gasp from her throat, and curled the tip, drawing her flavor into his mouth. He groaned. “I could get drunk on you. You’re sweet. Addicting.”

She exhaled a shaky breath. “I can’t say I’d complain about being on the receiving end of your addiction.”

“Glad you feel that way.” He slid his hands to her ass and lifted her bottom, tilting her to give him the angle he needed. With her open to him, he worshiped her, licking and thrusting, swirling and sucking. She writhed for him. Whimpered for him. Begged him for release. He eased back every time her breath hitched.

“Trevor.” She clutched at his head, digging her blunt nails into his scalp. “Please, make me come.”

He sat back and planted his palms on the bed next to her hips. “Don’t touch me. Feel.”

Her nostrils flared with her quickened breaths. She glared at him, a demand he give in to her burning in her emerald eyes.

“The sheets, Rowan. Grab them.”

She clutched fistfuls of the white sheets and dropped her head to the pillow. Her eyes closed.

No. That wouldn’t do.

He propped his body over her and pressed his mouth to hers, brushing his lips back and forth over hers and sharing with her the taste of her arousal. After a moment, she tentatively touched the tip of her tongue to his lips. That was the invitation he needed. He kissed her, quickening his thrusts until she matched him and their teeth banged. They dueled their tongues, back and forth, giving and taking. Not once did she stroke her hands over his back. She kept them where he’d told her to leave them.

Certain she’d obey him, he eased back, avoiding her attempt to recapture his mouth. “Eyes open, baby. I want you to watch my cock stretch the lips I just kissed.”

She nodded and propped her upper body on her elbows. Her gaze locked onto his shaft.
He positioned the head of his cock to her opening. With a controlled drive of his hips, he filled her, slowly, inch by inch. Her lashes fluttered, but she watched him join their bodies. He reached the end of her, and she shuddered, her breath rushing out.

“Oh gods, Trevor. We feel so good.”

Her whispered praise wrapped around him. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to her ear. “Amazing. That’s what we are together. Watch more.”

“Yes.” She turned her head to look into his eyes. “Show me.”

He pulled his glistening length back and rocked into her, pushing just the head of his cock into her warm sex before dipping farther. Each penetration took him a little deeper than the last. More of her arousal flowed around his length, wetting his groin, his legs. He panted. The sight of the slickness along his rigid length hardened him impossibly more. So did the soft noises she made—the whimpers, the breathy moans, the gasps. She told him exactly what he needed to hear without saying a word. That he undid her. Made her wild. Crazed.

“Rowan.” He ran his hands over her body, caressing her sides, her hips, her breasts. He couldn’t get enough of her.

BOOK: Hunter Mourned (Wild Hunt Book 3)
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