Hunted (Dark Secrets Book 1) (12 page)

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Authors: Allie Juliette Mousseau

BOOK: Hunted (Dark Secrets Book 1)
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Chapter 12 





Theron and I stepped in as the bartender spoke. "Good luck." Her face was solemn.

The wall resealed and Theron and I were left in the pitch dark for a second before a long line of florescent lights flickered on, one after the other, to reveal a long descending steel hallway.

"What is this place?" Theron started.

"It was the brain-child of a wealthy, techy benefactor. It's where the Guardians and those associated with them meet and train."

"What are the Guardians?"

"They formed two years ago to combat the Takers. Do you remember Russ the truck driver explaining about how the Takers were coming at us now because we're weak and unprotected with our military overseas? The Guardians formed outside of the boundaries of the regular government. They're sort of like a mix between a civilian militia and a group of vigilantes. This is their main headquarters. I haven't been in touch with them for almost eight months, but they'll have the information we need to locate Scarlett—she works with them."

As we walked farther down the hallway the lights behind us shut off while the lights in front of us came on.

"Why didn't you stay with them for protection?" Theron asked.

"Mostly, I didn't want to compromise their missions. And if they ever got busted by Uncle Sam, I didn't want to be around."

We reached the end of the corridor, and I pressed my thumb directly under the last light. A small screen that had blended perfectly with the steel walls appeared and scanned my print. A tiny light blinked green three times and a large steel door slid to the side. We walked through.

It was another party zone at the moment, but not as hyped as the last place. A live blues band jammed up on a small stage on the other side of the huge room. It was like a school gymnasium. There were about two hundred people in here talking, drinking, playing pool or cards and dancing. Nothing rowdy
—it was a rather conservative crowd. Most people were dressed in long pants and T-shirts; some women wore dresses, but not too many; most were clothed in formfitting black leather uniforms, inlaid with visible armor. They each had one of three symbols on their sleeve: a fiery red and orange phoenix with its wings and sharp talons spread wide, a black and gold tiger baring its teeth in a pouncing stance, or a fierce silver and green dragon breathing fire and curled around the wearer's bicep.

The age range was highly varied. I saw kids as young as thirteen and adults who appeared to be in their forties and fifties. Most everyone was fit, lean and armed with a variety of weapons. Everyone was extremely controlled, but looked like they were enjoying a little R and R.

"Would you like something to drink?" Theron asked.

"Yes, please. How about a Coke?"

"Sounds good. I'll be right back." He maneuvered his way to the bar.

I scanned the crowd to see if I could find any familiar faces. Sure enough, I found one! I crossed the room and came up behind a girl my age with long red hair and wearing a long white cotton petticoat skirt and poet shirt. I covered her eyes with my hands. She pulled them down and turned.

"Oh my Lord! Freya!" she cried and threw her arms around me in a big hug. "Girl, where have you been? We have had scouts out searching for your hind parts!"

She examined my hair and held a lock between her fingers. "Brown, huh?" She smiled and shook her head. "Last time I saw you it was black as night!" She talked loudly with a strong southern belle accent. "How long are you here for?"

I had a feeling she might let me talk now, but nope.

"Oh my goodness, have you seen Jesse? He has been goin' outa his mind frettin' on you, girl. Don't you know how to pick up a telephone?"

"Stop, Kallie!" I laughed at her barrage. "You're the first person I've seen. I wintered in Kentucky, but I didn't want to risk making contact. Sorry if I had you all worried. And, brown, because recently I've had several run-ins with the Takers."

"You were in Kentucky when they hit that bookstore?" she asked, gravely concerned.

"Yeah, and again when they attacked the bus depot in Mississippi. They're right on top of me now. How about you guys? Have there been any skirmishes? Any more details about who the Takers are or where they're coming from?"

"You'll have to discuss all of that with Jesse. He's just about head honcho around here now. He's the leader of the Dragons. I'm the executive administrator
—I take care of all the paperwork, scheduling, recruit meetin's and liaisons between our organization and the government."

"The government?" I asked skeptically.

"Oh yeah! It's official," she said. "The U.S. needs the assistance of the Guardians. Their work is all sanctioned now by the Pentagon. Even Scarlett and her safe house have been authorized."

got a wide-eyed response out of me.

"Mmm-Hmm," she nodded knowingly. "Never mind all that now! Everybody is dyin' to see you so come on!" Kallie tugged me by the arm.

"Wait! I have a friend with me. He's up at the bar."

Kallie quipped. "You are going to have a very disappointed Jesse on your hands."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Mmm-hmm." She eyeballed me. "I'm just sayin'. I shoulda known you were all dressed up for someone!"

"Kallie, stop it!" I scolded. "It's not at all like that." I tried to be convincing, but she wasn't having it.

"Well, come on! Let me meet him," she sang.

Reluctantly, I brought her over to the bar. Halfway there, I stopped in my tracks. Theron was surrounded by five girls who were laughing and smiling and goo-goo eyeing him.

" Kallie's voice rose an octave. "Oh yeah, it's not like
she mocked.

I let a puff of air out from my cheeks and thought about how awkward it was going to be breaking through his harem.
Maybe I
let him stay here and just go back to the table with Kallie,
I thought.

But he saw me and immediately excused himself to get back to me.

"Mmm-hmm," Kallie breathed.

"Stop doing that!" I whispered. She just laughed.

"Hey." He smiled as he approached and handed me a glass of soda. \

The girls all frowned and dispersed. Kallie suppressed a laugh.

"This is my good friend, Kallasandra. But we all call her Kallie," I said. "Kallie, this is Theron."

"Nice to meet you," Theron said, shaking her hand.

"Likewise. How did you two meet?" she asked, pointing back and forth between us with her finger and grinning widely.

"Later. We've been standing a long time; can we get to the table?" I asked.

"Fine!" she drawled out. "You can tell me all about it when we sit down."

I rolled my eyes at her and she smiled like the Cheshire cat.

As we came to the table she shouted, "Hey everybody!"

Five familiar faces turned and said, "Freya!" all at the same time. All of them jumped up from their seats and gave me bear hugs. They appeared so different from the group of kids I had met last year.

"The last time I saw all of you, you were wearing jeans and T-shirts—you guys look like a wrecking force!" I exclaimed.

They were all dressed in the matching sleek black leather armored uniforms. A few of them had one of the three identifying insignias on their arms. Each of them wore hip holsters with pistols and other weapons like knives, tasers and billy clubs.

There were a few minutes of commotion with everyone talking at once, giving me hugs and shaking me around—then all eyes fell onto the newcomer.

"Guys, this is Theron." I then went around the semi-circle, pointing out individuals. "This is Ani."

Ani had unruly blond curls pinned up at the back of her head. She was slender with fair skin and sparkling blue eyes. She and Theron shook hands.

"And David, Ani's boyfriend," I continued.

David was tall, his dark brown hair styled in a crew cut. David gripped Theron's hand and they both nodded toward one another. Both Ani and David wore phoenixes on their uniforms.

"This is William and Gin."

The couple was holding hands. Gin's black and pink hair was pulled into a high ponytail. She had bright green eyes and a muscular build like a fighter. William's brown hair was wavy and fell below his ears. He often raked his fingers through it to push it back. They both bore tigers.

"Any friend of Freya's is a friend of ours," William said brightly.

"And Jesse." I motioned toward Jesse. His blond hair was cut military-short and he had a stern, intimidating expression plastered on his face.

Oh great!
I thought.
Here it comes!

"Do you know how worried we've been about you? Four Taker attacks in Kentucky within five months
… I thought you were—" Jesse stopped, shook his head and pulled me into his arms.

"I didn't mean to make everyone worry," I said out loud. Inwardly, I thought,
When I said I was going off the grid, I meant it.

Jesse's voice calmed. "You're here now and safe. That's all that matters." He turned his attention to Theron. "Theron, good to meet you."

They shook hands. The silver in Jesse's dragon played tricks in the light, making it look alive.

Just then, a woman came over to the table with a big pot of steaming crawfish and an even bigger pot of spicy jambalaya.

"Now who, pray-tell is going to
all of that food at eleven-thirty at night?" Kallie asked incredulously.

"We are!" declared William hungrily as he scooped a ladle of each meal into a large bowl and placed it in front of Gin.

"Yeah, we're famished," explained Ani. "We've been preparing for the Onslaught and we've been out in the field for the past few days with only rations." She put her finger in her mouth as if to gag. Everyone laughed and took a seat.

I immediately found myself between Theron and Jesse. I could have sworn I caught Kallie wink at me.

"What is the Onslaught?" I inquired.

Between bites, they explained that it was the name for the tactical offense the Guardians were about to use with the Takers.

"How?" I couldn't quite understand how they were going to fight people who came and went like unpredictable ghosts.

"The Guardians number three hundred in the southern division alone. We have special ops military forces training us now and have strategically placed squads getting into position all across the country," Gin explained.

"This is not dinner conversation," Kallie piped in. "Freya and Theron were about to tell us how they met." She definitely winked at me that time.

Theron started, "Freya saved my life from the Takers in Kentucky when they came to the bookstore. There was a group going to Memphis for a rock concert when the Takers came at us shooting. I got shot and, when the van overturned and everyone else hauled off to save themselves, Freya got me out of there." Everyone was listening intently.

"When was that?" Jesse asked.

"March," Theron answered.

It's now the first week of May,
I thought.

"Then Theron saved me too. I got grabbed by a Taker at a bus stop. If Theron hadn't been there
… " I let the words drop.

"You were handled by a Taker?" Jesse asked, his brow furrowed.

"Yeah, it was bad," I added.

Jesse dropped his spoon in his bowl. "I knew you should never have left."

"Where's Moses?" Kallie asked, trying to divert the discussion.

"Moses is out with troops in the Smokey Mountains running drills," David answered. "He is a Lead Commander for the Phoenix groups. He'll be back in a couple of days. You both can meet him then."

"I'll be gone by tomorrow," I said softly.

"What do you mean you'll be gone? You just got back?" Jesse interjected.

"Freya, you know you can totally stay with my momma and me. She loves you to bits!" Kallie suggested.

"Can I talk to you for a moment in private?" Jesse asked me, leaning in.

"Sure," I answered. To Theron I said softly, "Be right back."

I followed Jesse back behind the bar where he opened a door. He went through first, and I turned to catch a glimpse of Theron following us with his eyes. I disappeared beyond the door, and it shut behind me. After walking down a short hallway, we came to another door with a keypad. Jesse entered a code, and the steel door cracked open. We walked inside.

Chapter 13 





The room was large and stately, containing a massive round black marble table with twenty black leather high-backed chairs seated around it. Huge U.S. and world maps decorated the south wall. They were marked with different colored pins and strings. On the north wall were numerous satellite surveillance monitors
—at least fifty of them—each showing a different scene. The western wall held a flat screen television almost the size of a movie screen. It took me a moment to understand that all of the different mini screens within it were televising almost one hundred different news broadcasts throughout the world. Foreign languages were translated into English via captions at the bottom of each inner screen.

"This place is elaborate. It's incredible," I said, wide-eyed.

"It's our monitoring room. We're tracking the Takers' movements all around the country as well as keeping an eye on the world. We also have strategists and analysts calculating their patterns to try and make sense of what seems like random drops. Now, not only do we have a benefactor, we have the backing of the U.S. government and are classified as a specialized sub-division. I've been made a commander. We're being furnished with funds, weapons, technology." Jesse swept his arm to motion across the state-of-the-art room.

"It really is amazing, Jesse," I said with genuine awe. All of this was for tracking the Takers.

"You look amazing," he breathed, taking a step closer in my direction. "I've never seen you in a dress."

"Yes, well there isn't much room for fashion sense when you live off the grid," I quipped. "You look sharp yourself in your uniform," I added. And he did.

"Freya," he implored as he gently took hold of my hands. "Don't go looking for Scarlett right now—it's far too dangerous. Stay here—with me. I can protect you. I can keep you safe."

"I have to find Scarlett. She's the only one who will know where my mom is."

"Your mother is dead," he stated matter-of-factly.

My heart lurched up into my throat and I ripped my hands from his. "You don't know that," I said defensively.

"No, I don't. But it seems the most likely scenario," Jesse added in a gentler tone. "And it's obvious the Takers are gunning for you."

"I have to make things right."

"Then I'll come with you."

"You would do that?" I asked.

"To keep you safe."

"You can't come and you know it. You're way too valuable here," I reminded him.

He frowned. "Are you taking him?"

… " I stammered. "I don't… know."

"That's not a good answer, Freya." Jesse scowled. "You don't even know this guy! He could betray you if it came down to it. You foolishly jeopardized yourself to save him already! What were you thinking?"

"He saved my life from the Takers—twice," I said. "His driving was the only reason I made it out of that bookstore alive. The Takers shot him. What was I supposed to do? Leave him there to bleed to death?"

"I'm grateful for what he did, but you can't trust him. He's not one of us. He's an outsider." Jesse thought for a moment. "Take David and Ani with you."

"No way! I'm not taking them! They're my friends. I'm not putting them at risk. Theron tagged along of his own accord."

"I bet he did," he added sourly.

"You all have work to do. And so do I," I finished.

He cursed under his breath. "How about I duct tape you to that chair right there until you get this stupid notion out of your head?"

"You're going to kidnap me, Jesse?" I cocked an eyebrow at him.

We fell silent.

"Come on, I have to do this—my way," I said decidedly. "Where is Scarlett?"

"I don't know." He looked me in the eye.

"You're completely lying," I said, almost smiling.

"Maybe." His blue eyes softened.

"Maybe you should tell me so I can get back sooner."

"You'll come back?" he asked, wide-eyed.

"Will you tell me?"

Jesse turned away. "This isn't a game, Freya!"

"I'm not playing one. I came back this time, didn't I?"

"Almost a year later." He whipped around.

"My mother is the most important piece to my puzzle. I can't make you understand why." Nor was I about to try. All Jesse knew was that she went missing. He didn't know anything about my upbringing.

"Scarlett's in the Cocodrie Bayou. Go to Pier Five. There you'll meet one of Scarlett's guys. His name is Napoleon
—he's a local. He'll bring you onto her island." Jesse continued, "I'll leave a car for you out front of Underground headquarters to get you there and wherever else you need to go from there safely. It's a black BMW." He pulled the keys out of his pocket. "Government issued—no one will pull you over." He placed the keys into my palm.

"Thank you, Jess," I said sincerely. For all of his hot air, he was a good friend.

"Take this too. It's the phone number to my pager. Memorize it. Anywhere you are, anytime you need me, I'll come to you—Guardians or no Guardians."

His eyes got hazy and his voice softened. "Freya, you need to know that I
… "

I placed two fingers over his lips to stop his words. "Please, I can't do that right now."

He removed my hand from his mouth and held it next to his heart. "You know though, right?"

"I do
… "
, I added in my head. I had only had suspicions before.

"You don't
… reciprocate?" he asked seriously.

"I can only think of my mother right now
—there's no room for anything else. Not yet." But Theron's kiss flashed through my mind, and I realized I was lying.

"Show me the Takers' pattern," I said, attempting to get his mind on something other than me.

"Sure," he said, letting go of my hand slowly. He turned toward the maps. "These red pins are where the Takers have geographically concentrated their attacks—Kentucky, obviously, and here in Louisiana since last year when we first met." He smiled at me and I automatically smiled back. "Then in between that time frame there were three more concentrated attacks in North Carolina… " he stared at me.

"Yes, that's where I was before Kentucky," I admitted.

"Thought so," he deduced, pleased with himself.

"I don't know why they land where I am. I haven't
anything," I said. "Please, don't tell anyone what you think. It's all bad enough already. If anyone else figured that out, they'd lock me up for sure."

"No, Freya, I would never hurt you," he promised. "Look here." He diverted my attention to the board. "The rest, represented by orange pins, are randomly scattered throughout the states. And they're increasing in volume and kidnappings. They've been springing up everywhere." He pointed to the pushpin trail. In every state, major cities were marked with orange push pins. "The casualty count has increased to three hundred and seventy-five. They've hit within the U.S. border over one hundred times now."

I brought my hand up and let my fingers start at the top of the map and flutter down the plastic orange beads. What did they want from us?

"Please reconsider. I can't protect you out there."

I sighed deeply. These were just more reasons to find my mother.

"Don't," I said simply, shaking my head.

"Okay, but either way you need to get rid of him." Jesse said, obviously talking about Theron again. "He'll weigh you down by making you think about two rather than one. If he gets upset or freaked, he could turn you into the authorities—or get you Taken or killed." He was serious. He put his index finger over my heart. "You need to take care of yourself."

He was right. I knew that
—all of it. I had been telling myself the same thing this the entire time. I felt an awkward guilt—maybe shame—and couldn't meet Jesse's eyes. I was dealing with way too many conflicting emotions. I had come to trust Theron. Jesse was smart, and I didn't want him to see through me. Suddenly, he swept me into his arms and pressed his lips lingeringly against my cheek.

"Please," he breathed into my ear. "Be careful."


Back at the table, everyone had loosened up with each other. They were laughing loudly and swapping stories. Theron immediately tried to read me and I deliberately averted my gaze.

"I can't wait to get my hands on one of those Takers!" William raged.

"What makes you think you'll be first?" David countered good-naturedly.

"No one's ever laid hands on them without getting taken themselves," Ani reminded them both.

"Yeah," Gin piped in angrily, "it's a lousy, miserable game of cat and mouse. And we've been the mice for way too long."

"And when we
shot them, either with bullets or tasers, they still just evaporate," William said disgustedly.

"Where do you think they're coming from?" Theron asked the group.

Jesse replied, "We're gaining intel every day. What we do know is that they're highly coordinated, have an eye weaponry or protection that makes their irises appear violet and use a technology the world has never seen."

"There is a theory that's buzzing through the ranks"
—David leaned in closer—"that if one of us can get close enough to cut their lifelines, they just might get trapped here."

"We'd get some answers then," William quipped.

"Maybe," Ani said, obviously discouraged.

"They can hurt. And they bleed," I said.

Everyone's eyes fell on me.

"How do you know that?" Jesse asked.

"Stuck one of them in the ear with a bobby pin. He started howling and dropped me like a sack."

"All right!" David, William, and Gin jumped up to fist bump me.

"Knew it," William mused.

"Good for you, girlfriend!" Gin said while Ani patted me on the shoulder.

"I thought you were with her?" Jesse turned on Theron. "Where were you when this was happening?"

Theron stiffened. "She'd sent me away from her. Said she liked traveling alone. I just happened to catch up with her at the bus stop at the right time to hammer the next Taker that tried grabbing her."

Jesse was quiet for just a moment. "Indebted to you," he said.

"No, you're not indebted to me. Neither is she," Theron replied looking toward me. He finished with his gaze on Jesse.

Jesse gave him a curt nod then addressed the table. "We have drills in about four hours."

Everyone nodded and rose from the table. The girls all hugged and the guys shook hands
—everyone wished everyone else luck.

Then Jesse touched my face for Theron and everyone else to see and said, "Remember what I said."

And the group walked away just as Kallie bent toward my ear and whispered, "I warned you."

I sat down, staring into the empty jambalaya bowls and realized my adrenaline had been racing all of this time. It had to be one in the morning by now. I noticed the crew left through an alternate exit.

"How are they getting out?" I asked Kallie, who was the only one besides Theron and me who remained at the table.

"Yeah, four more alternative entrances and exits were built," she said, glancing at my backpack. I knew that meant I should check in my backpack later.

My leg was jacking up and down. This entire thing was bittersweet. I got to see friends, but was lambasted and embarrassed too.

Fun. Now what?
I asked inwardly.

The music had turned into a sensual exotic blues riff. I let it take over my mind. I just wanted to let all of this fear, anger and adrenaline go
—forget who I was, what I was doing, if only for a few minutes. Escape myself. Hold something wild in my hands—not be so afraid.
something wild.

I shocked myself by grabbing Theron's hand. I led him to the dance floor. He lifted his eyes in surprise, and Kallie smiled again, but I ignored her. I'd catch up with her again. She knew all too well about my swift nonexistent goodbyes. I had known her longer than the rest.

I wanted to experience the fire one more time. I reached up and put my arms around Theron's neck and we swayed to the beat. He gently traced down the flesh of my bare arms with his fingertips and let them trail over both sides of my ribcage to rest on my hips. The motion took my breath away.

I laced my fingers up around the back of his neck seductively. I was so close to him I could feel the quickening of his breath through his lungs. I wouldn't deny my intense attraction to him
—and why should I? After all, I'd never see him again after this. I would leave him here waiting for me. Then he'd realize too late that I was long gone.

I lifted my face to his and drank in his dark liquid eyes. I relished the sensation of his strong hands on my hips. I crushed my mouth against his. And there it was
—that heat—that indescribable fire burning through my core and erupting from my belly.

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