Hunted by Darkness (Darkness #4) (27 page)

BOOK: Hunted by Darkness (Darkness #4)
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When she gripped his other hand, laced her fingers through his, some of his tension eased.

He cleared his throat again. “I don’t know if it’ll matter to you, but I want to get married. I’m half human and I want the symbolism.” Being mated mattered to him as well but he needed the marriage too. He needed it all from Nyx.

Her blue eyes brightened. “I’ve seen a lot of human movies,” she whispered. “I think you’re supposed to be on one knee.”

He was on the ground before she’d finished—and so was she. She slid off the desk and practically tackled him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing those perfect breasts against him. God, he loved this woman.

“I’m waiting.” Her voice was soft, teasing.

All the tension he’d felt, worried that she wouldn’t understand this or want it, dissipated. “Marry me?”

She nodded, grinning. “Definitely.”

He slanted his mouth over hers. “I’ll get you a ring,” he murmured, nipping her bottom lip between his teeth. A really huge one that showed everyone what she meant to him.

“Don’t need jewelry, just you.” She nipped him back, digging her fingers into his shoulder.

“Please, stop now. I don’t want to see this.” A familiar, hated voice made him pull back.

On instinct, he shoved Nyx behind him and faced her mother, the goddess of Chaos. He jumped to his feet, ready to attack, when she held up a hand.

“Oh, leave the theatrics to me. I’ve been waiting for you to call me,” she said, her pale blue gaze trailing past him to Nyx, who was now standing next to him.

He resisted the urge to shove Nyx back out of sight. It wouldn’t do anything to protect her from this bitch and it would just piss her off.

“Why would I call? I delivered your package.” Nyx’s voice was carefully neutral.

Her mother’s eyes narrowed a fraction. “Did you have fun on your little trip?”

“So it
you who sent us there?”

Which was a surprise to absolutely
no one
, but Bo figured Nyx just wanted the confirmation.

“Of course, silly girl.” She sniffed haughtily and sat in one of Bo’s chairs. Her long, Grecian-style dress rustled as she crossed her legs. “And you’re welcome.”

All the books on his shelves started to rumble as Nyx stepped forward. “I’m sorry,
? You think I should thank you? For what, for almost getting us killed?”

“Don’t be dramatic. I sent you there so you’d grow into your powers. You were always asking me to teach you control, so I did.”

“You’re trying to take credit for…” Nyx scrubbed a hand over her face, looked at Bo. “This is so typical,” she muttered, her expression a mix of horror and disbelief.

“I knew you’d be forced to take control,” the goddess snapped. “It’s the only way any demigods truly learn their powers. I could have shown you some things, but you had to learn by being thrown into the fire. It was the only way you’d ever get a handle on your gifts. Besides, I knew you’d be taking your little half-demon with you to deliver that package. And his brothers were in that realm so you had extra muscle if you choked. I chose that one specifically to send you to.”

Bo decided to ignore the ‘little half-demon’ comment. He didn’t give a shit what her mother thought about him. Only that she left as soon as possible. Her presence was hurting Nyx and that was not acceptable. “How did you know my brothers were in that realm?”

The goddess tilted her head to the side a fraction, looking at him as if he was braindead. “I’m a

“You stole that wormhole package from the magic man in New Orleans?” Nyx asked.

She lifted a shoulder. “It isn’t as if I killed the male. I let him and his assistant live.”

“If you’re done, can you please leave? I have nothing further to say to you.” Nyx growled, the rumbling finally stopping.

Bo slid an arm around her, not for protection, but just because he wanted to touch her.

Sighing, her mother stood, fluffed out the folds of her dress. “I will never understand you. You should be thanking me. Regardless of your ungratefulness, I also wanted to tell you I’m pleased you stood up to your father. The male he chose would have made a terrible mate. At least you chose wisely with this one.” She jerked her chin at Bo without bothering to look at him. “Your children will be very special.” Then she was gone, in the blink of an eye, as if she’d never been there at all.

“What did I do to deserve such psychos for parents?” she groaned, burying her face in his chest.

He was going to go back to that whole “children” remark later, but for now he pulled Nyx into his arms, wrapped them tight around her as he kissed the top of her head. “Unfortunately we can’t choose.” If he’d been able to, he’d have chosen anyone but his own father.

“I know,” she muttered, pulling back to look at him. “I’m still sorry I have such a dysfunctional family.”

He snorted, kissed the tip of her nose. “Don’t apologize to me… Do you know what she meant by special children?”

“No. And she has no prophetic abilities—that I know of.” Nyx cleared her throat, her expression nervous. “I know we never talked about having kids but…I’m okay waiting for a while before we even think about it.”

“Me too.” He couldn’t even think about procreating for a really, really long time. Because he was selfish and wanted to spend as much time getting to know his mate as he could before they brought another dynamic into the relationship. Plus, kids freaked him out.

She sighed, relaxing as she leaned into him. “At least we know for certain who sent us to the Hell realm.”

“Yeah. We’ll have to tell Victoria and Drake their suspicions were right.” Not that he’d really doubted Chaos had been behind everything. In the back of his head he’d been worried of the small possibility that an unknown enemy had targeted him instead of her. He’d never admit it out loud, but he was glad they’d been sent there.

Nyx had grown into her powers and he’d met brothers he’d never known he had—and he’d realized he would never stop fighting for the female he loved. He owed the goddess for that.

Right now he didn’t want to think about any of that, he just wanted to take the female who’d stolen his heart up to their room and make love to her until neither of them could walk.

As if she read his mind, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He caught her, holding onto her as she melded against him completely. Her comment about fantasizing about doing it on his desk came back to him.

Maybe they wouldn’t make it upstairs at all.

Chapter 20

Two weeks later

“Whatever you’re doing, put it down,” Ophelia said, her sandals snapping across the kitchen floor as she and Liberty hurried into the room.

Nyx slid her laptop to the side, eyeing the two females. She’d been working on the schedule for the club. In the last couple weeks she’d started taking over some of the admin stuff and found that it fed her organizational obsessiveness. “I’m scared to ask what’s going on.”

Ophelia was bouncing up and down in her purple Chuck Taylors as she dropped a stack of magazines on the island countertop.

“Bridal magazines?”

“Uh, yeah. You know how long it’s been since someone in the pack got married? Normally everyone just gets mated but we are doing this right!”

She didn’t bother fighting a grin. “We?”

Ophelia just snorted and picked up one of the magazines. “Since you asked me to be a bridesmaid it’s my duty to help.
, the bachelorette party is going to be amazing.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason she’s excited about the wedding,” Liberty murmured, heading to the fridge. She pulled out three bottles of water.

Liberty had started to relax around them the past couple weeks and while Nyx knew she was going to need some sort of counseling, the time she’d been spending with Rory certainly seemed to help. Not to mention Ophelia came by practically every day to check on her. The human still hadn’t left the house but it had only been a couple weeks. And she’d at least started spending time on the actual grounds around Bo’s house. Progress.

“I don’t even want a bachelorette party.” She’d seen plenty of human movies and didn’t want naked males dancing for her.

“Well you’re getting one. Spa day complete with massages, manicures, pedicures, a night out with the girls. It’s
,” Ophelia said matter-of-factly.

“Oh, well that does sound good. Just no naked males.”

Ophelia just snorted again. Which wasn’t an answer at all.

Liberty cleared her throat as she sat down at the center island. “I used to be a party planner. Once upon a time.”

The room went quiet as Ophelia and Nyx looked at her. In the last couple weeks she hadn’t offered much about herself. Nyx figured they could find out about her if they’d tried. Considering Victoria’s research skills and all the available information on the internet it would have been child’s play, but everyone was giving her time. “Really?”

She nodded. “Yeah, I have a degree in hospitality and business. I…can help with the planning of the wedding if you’d like. I’d love to pay you back for everything you’ve done.”

“I’d love it, but not to pay me back.” Nyx knew that eventually Liberty would have to leave the house if she wanted to plan a wedding, but she didn’t really care about that as much as she wanted her new friend to start healing and living. This would hopefully give her something positive to focus on. Ophelia had told her that Liberty needed a project or something to get more involved in.

“Have you narrowed down a date yet?” Ophelia asked.

“No, Bo wants next month, which seems insane.”

Ophelia was shaking her head before Nyx had finished. “Oh wow, that’s way too soon. This is going to be the party of the year.”

“Okay, is this really about my wedding or your need to have a crazy party?”

“It can be both.”

Before Nyx could respond, Bo and Rory appeared as if out of nowhere. She hadn’t even realized her mate was home yet. Smiling, she slid off her chair.

He pulled her into his arms and just like that it was as if everything else faded away. “I missed you,” he murmured.

“I missed you too.”

“You guys are disgustingly adorable. I’m gonna go find Ian. Come find me when you’re…done.” Ophelia snickered as she headed out and Nyx was vaguely aware of Rory and Liberty leaving too.

She felt a little rude but it was hard to care. “I think we just started planning the wedding. Officially.”

He flicked a glance over at the pile of magazines, his lips quirking up. “I talked to Finn today. He said we could use his hotel in November for the venue if we wanted.”

So that gave them about seven months. Which was kind of perfect. She didn’t want to rush anything but she also didn’t want to drag out planning something. “Sounds good to me.”

“I’ll tell him it’s on then.” His amber eyes lit up with a wicked glint she knew well.

When she leaned into his familiar, heated kiss she knew there was no one else she could ever spend the rest of her life with. Just a year ago her life had been incredibly different; sheltered, boring and she’d been surrounded by horrible people.

Bo had changed everything and she was glad she was starting the rest of her life with the most honorable male she knew. Now that they’d found each other, she was never letting him go.

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Excerpt from

Sworn to Protect

Red Stone Security Series

by Katie Reus

Copyright © 2015 Katie Reus

“Are you nervous about Monday?” Lizzy asked as they rounded the pool. It was filled with multicolored floating candles.

“A little bit. Not about the job, but the presentation itself I guess.” For the last two years she’d done contract work as an event coordinator all over the world. Not local wedding type stuff, but big things—tradeshows and festivals. She taken her first job the week after she’d graduated college and because of her willingness to travel—and a lot of freaking hard work—she’d landed a lot of contract jobs. Some better than others. She’d majored in hospitality and minored in public relations, both of which had been an asset to her career.

BOOK: Hunted by Darkness (Darkness #4)
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