Hunt, Delilah - Wyoming Triple Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Hunt, Delilah - Wyoming Triple Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“When?” he asked between teeth.

“Logan on the night I arrived and Owen yesterday morning.”

He stiffened beside her and dropped his arm from around her waist. “Did you fuck both of them while I wasn’t home? Which one did you let inside your pussy first?”

Her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach. It had been too good to last anyway… assuming the arrangement would work.

“You can cool your horses. I haven’t had sex with anyone, and I doubt I will until I figure out a way to leave this town before I turn fifty.”

“What are you talking about? I thought you said you wanted to be with us, that you were willing to make this work.” He sounded almost panicked.

“I know what I said.” She paused and looked up at the stars. “It’s just that I have the feeling no matter what I do, I’m going to be the person who ends up with the short end of the stick. You mention the three of you, but when you look at me now for instance, all I’m getting from you is that I should tell Logan and Owen to piss off and only be with you.”

“That’s not true.”

Lexie shrugged. “It was just an observation. Doesn’t matter, though, because I can’t do that. Stupid as it is, I already care for all of you, but what I feel is nothing compared to what I know you and your brothers feel for each other. I’m not going to come in between that bond. Sooner or later, this little arrangement is going to fall apart, and while you guys might argue for a while, eventually you’ll all hug and make up, bump fists, whatever. As for me, I’m going to be the whore who was nasty enough to fuck three brothers at the same time.” She gave him a wry grin and added, “Let’s see how fast you all look the other way when you see me coming and you have your sweet little wives tucked under your arms. No thanks, cowboy. The shame I can do without.”

He stared at her and said nothing for what seemed like forever.
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
The silent confirmation of her fears wrecked havoc inside her chest. Her heart felt like it was descending to her knees until Connor slipped his big arms around her waist once more.

“Please tell me you don’t believe a word of what you just spouted. If you knew what I was feeling inside, there’s no way you would even suggest me walking away from you.”

Blinking in surprise, she opened her mouth to answer him. His lips closed over hers, cutting off her retort.
Oh, sweet Jesus, the man can kiss
. Lexie reminded herself that she did owe him a kiss. Yes…of course that was the only reason she was running her hands through his hair and savoring the feel of his tongue melded against hers.

“I’m sorry for my reaction,” Connor murmured, trailing his lips along her neck. “I’ve wanted you for such a long time, baby. Almost went out of my mind when I realized Owen and Logan felt the same way about you.”

He cupped her breast through her dress and gave it a firm squeeze. Lexie released a soft moan. “So, why didn’t you ask me out?” She would have said yes to him.

“I was going to.” His breathing sounded harsh as he lifted his head. “When I finally worked up the nerve, I mentioned it to Owen. That’s when we got into it because he told me you were already taken.”

Lexie gasped, but he chuckled at her response. “Yeah, I was surprised, too. I’d never seen you with anyone. I asked him and he told me you were already taken by him. We were about to go at it physically when both of us realized that Logan, who usually got in the middle of our fights, had been keeping quiet. It was strange. That’s when we both noticed the look in his eyes. Right away, we knew we had a big problem on our hands.”

Her face heated. “You mean little ol’ me?”

“Yes. It took a long time before the three of us came to a conclusion. The one thing we all knew from the very beginning was that neither of us was going to give you up to the other. I guess that’s what led us down the road of wanting to share if you agree to it. At least that way you could belong to the three of us.”

Sighing, she placed her hand on his, tracing circles below his knuckle. “I just told you how I felt about this situation. Connor, you know you’re not a hundred percent on board with this, why else would you have gotten so upset when I mentioned kissing your brothers?”

“I reacted badly. I’m sorry, Lexie. You should know I wouldn’t think of you like that

as a whore. Owen and Logan wouldn’t either. Would I rather have you all to myself? That’s a no-brainer. It’s not going to happen however, so I won’t dwell on it. I’d rather focus on what I do have. And it looks like, as of right now, I have my girl in my arms, and that’s all I need.” Another moment passed before he said in a hushed tone, his gaze trained toward the night sky, “The thing is, even if I could have you to myself, I’m not sure I’d choose that. Not after seeing the way my brothers are with you. I want them to be happy, and right now it looks as if the only way that’s going to happen is if the four of us stick together in this and do our best to make it work.”

“But will you be happy?” she insisted.
Say yes. Let me be happy with you.
Connor was so caring, placing his brother’s feelings on the same level as his own. It was touching and reminded her of the way Bernice had selflessly given her a home, although it aided to her own detriment, having another mouth to feed. She didn’t want him to be adversely affected by all this. Truth be told, and hard as it was to admit because of her deepening affection for each man, Lexie felt that hurting Connor would be more painful than Logan or Owen. And so she glanced over at him, awaiting his answer, breath lodged in her throat.

“If you say you’re mine, then I’m happy. I can share you with a hundred other men as long as a part of you is mine.”

She threw her arms around him while tears stung at the back of her eyes. It was such a ridiculous statement, but whatever emotion Connor was feeling, it was palpable, warming her to her very soul. One way or the other, she was going to return the feeling to him tenfold.

“I’m yours.”

He nodded and pulled her closer, resting his chin atop her head. “That’s all I need to know.”

Chapter Eight

Logan scrubbed a finger above his temple. Laughter floated from downstairs, reverberating through the crack in his office door. Lexie was with them watching television. More laughter. Frustrated and feeling silly for leaving the door halfway open because he hadn’t wanted to feel cut off from the rest of them, he pushed out his chair and shoved the door closed.

He was being unreasonable, and he knew it. She had spent the better part of the morning going over some of the paperwork he’d neglected in favor of those requiring his immediate attention.

He couldn’t expect her to spend the night tucked away inside his office when Connor and Owen were available and ready to spend time with her. He wanted to laugh with them, to be as carefree as Owen. He’d heard the dirty jokes Owen cracked with her and the way she fired back at him, taking it all in stride. If he did that, Logan doubted she would give him the same reaction. If he said any of the things Owen did to most women, he’d probably be charged for sexual harassment. On second thought, no one in Oak Creek would dare level a charge against the Kincaids. As of now, Frank Warren and his son were the only ones they classified as enemies. Had been like that ever since they’d refused to sell the factory to the older man.

A muscle ticked in his jaw. They needed to hurry up and figure out a way to bring down the second wealthiest man in their community. He didn’t want to mention his suspicions to the sheriff in case the man let it slip out to Warren Junior, who would issue an advanced warning to his father. Worse, both of them could skip town, and that was the last thing they wanted to happen. He wanted them to pay. If the fire hadn’t been so quickly contained, lives could have been lost—hundreds of his employees could have been killed and his great-great-grandfather’s hard work would have been thrown to the wind.

“Knock, knock.”

Logan straightened in his chair as Lexie stuck her head through the door. “I thought maybe you had fallen asleep at the desk. I promised your brothers I’d poke and yell at you to get back to work.”

Against his will, his lips curved into a smile. Logan felt lighter. “Come on in, honey.”

“I can’t believe you’re still working. Don’t you ever quit?” she asked, climbing on top of his desk and crossing her legs at the ankle in front of him.


She raised a brow then lifted her feet, resting them on his thigh “Do you want me to force you to relax?”

“And how do you propose to do that?”

“You’re the one who’s strung so tightly. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”

I would,
Logan almost said. He wanted to tell her exactly what part of him she could start with, but he didn’t. Instead, he placed his arms around her waist and hoisted her from the desk, forcing her to stand between his legs.

“Honey, you don’t have to be up here with me. You can go back downstairs to whatever it is you were doing.”

“If I wanted to be down there, I would be. I came up here to help you, like I told you I would.”

Logan let out a silent groan. As much as he loved having her work beside him, there was no way he could keep her near without touching her lush body. His cock was straining, trying to rip a hole through his pants because of her nearness.

“It’s best if you leave.”

She glared at him. “No. I said I’m going to help you.”

Logan pressed his back into his chair. “You’re too stubborn.”

She jutted out her chin and stared at him. “So what?”

“So what?” Logan growled, half rising from his chair, palms flattened against the desk. “Look at me.” He widened his legs so she could see his massive erection. “Does it look like I need your help with paperwork?”

Her eyes widened and she shook her head ever so slowly, her gaze riveted to his cock pushing through his pants. “Oh, my God. It’s huge,” she whispered, as if she didn’t think he could hear.

His cock swelled painfully under her gaze. If she didn’t leave, he was going to come inside his pants right in front of her. “Go downstairs to Connor and Owen,” he commanded.

She looked up at him, her eyes bright and shoulders squared. “I want to stay here.”

“And do what?” Logan asked. She flicked a tongue across her lips, and Logan felt pre-cum spill from the tip.

“I want to look at it.”

“You’ll have to do more than that.” His hand went to the zipper, freeing his cock. Feels so damn good, Logan thought, fisting his shaft and giving her an eyeful.

He heard her throaty moan, saw the way she stuck out a finger to touch him. His penis twitched right before her hand made contact. Her eyes widened and she drew back.

“Touch it.” Logan clamped a hand around her wrist.

She did. Stroking along the heavy base with the pad of her fingertips. “Like this?” she asked, peering up at him.

Logan nodded, noting the way she was hesitantly seeking his approval. His chest swelled with pride. God, but she was ready. Had to be. Her fingers felt like heaven on his prick.
No turning back.

“Lexie.” He breathed.

She raised her lovely head, although her fingers continued their exploration, caressing over the engorged tip and rubbing the splotches of watery fluid across the cockhead. “Yes, Logan.”

“Do you remember what I told you we wanted from you?”

Small white teeth sank into her lips. “I remember.”

“You want this, too, don’t you?” He placed a thumb beneath her chin. “You see how hard I am for you, how your little fingers are wet from how much my cock wants to be inside you?”

She nodded and her gaze flickered to the floor between his legs then back at him. “You want me on my knees?”

God in Heaven
. He groaned watching as she knelt before him. Her nipples were taut, pert buds thrusting against her silky camisole. The tiny pair of shorts she wore rode high on her bare thighs. Logan drew in a breath, catching sight of a distinct spot of wetness between her legs.
Ah, fuck, honey. Your pussy must be glistening with sweetness.

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