Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters (53 page)

Read Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters Online

Authors: Cari Quinn,Cathy Clamp,Anna J. Stewart,Jodi Redford,Amie Stuart,Leah Braemel,Chudney Thomas

BOOK: Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters
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"Like that," he panted in my ear.

A door slammed again and footsteps bounced down the hallway, stopped, then started again and a door closed.

"Hurry up, darlin’," Wade hissed.

"Call me darlin’ again," I yelled for our audience, "and I’ll have your fucking job!" I reached around and dug my fingers into his bare ass as my pussy clenched and my legs nearly gave out beneath me.

Wade didn’t waste any time. A few sharp thrusts and a groan he muffled by biting my shoulder and then he sagged against me. The harsh, raspy sound of our heavy breathing filled my ears but I didn’t miss the sound of the floor creaking somewhere nearby. I sat up as much as I could and tapped Wade’s shoulder then pointed toward the wall that separated Hal’s office from mine. He gave me a nod of understanding.

We hurriedly dressed, then I sank down in the chair next to Wade on shaky legs.

"Does it smell like sex in here," I asked with a nervous laugh.

"Probably," he replied with a soft chuckle. "But ya gotta admit, it was worth it."

"You’re damn good, but you’re not worth my job, Wade."


Wade and I had quickly reached an agreement about work. I agreed to go on a
date with him Thursday night and he’d leave me be to have my fun at Jimmy Z’s on Friday. Which is how I found myself standing outside of Houston’s premiere gentleman’s entertainment establishment two nights later.

An evening breeze pressed the skirt of my paisley halter dress against my legs as Wade and I crossed the parking lot of The Dollhouse. She’d never qualify as a
southern belle. She was more of a Yankee carpetbagger type mansion lit up like Christmas and flaunting her presents.

I quirked an eyebrow at him as I stepped inside. "Wade, in case you haven’t noticed, this is a strip club." Our dinner date had gone off without a hitch. In fact he’d been a perfect gentleman all evening, but I could see now why he’d been so secretive about our destination plans. As dates went this one was definitely different.

"They have pool tables." Grinning, he rested a hand at the small of my back and guided me toward the cover charge girl.
got in for free. "And this is the classiest strip joint in the whole state, which means the chances of us getting caught together are slim to none."

"It better be as much as she charged you to walk in here. You bring all your dates here?" Inside the Dollhouse, some country singer was going on and on about picking wild flowers while up on stage a busty blonde pranced around in a thong and a cowboy hat.

"Only the special ones."

When Wade had asked me out on a date, I never imagined he’d take me to a strip joint. Albeit one that qualified as the epitome of swanky. The place was busier than I’d expected for a Thursday night, but judging from the amount of suits and ties, Wade was right. No one from work would be caught dead in here.

Wade guided me to a table near a side stage, planted our chairs so close that I was nearly in his lap and then draped an arm around my shoulder. I listened as he ordered us beer but couldn’t seem to take my eyes off the woman on stage drawing figure eights with the cheeks of her ass.

He pressed his lips to my earlobe and asked with a husky laugh, "Think you could do that?"

Pursing my lips, I watched for a few more minutes. Her golden tanned skin shone under the lights, and when she turned around I didn’t miss the challenging angle of her chin or how she appraised the crowd with slightly narrowed eyes. She might have been almost naked but she was completely in charge and knew it. She was also incredibly hot.

"I could do that."


"I didn’t go to college for four years to strip for a living." I raised my voice to make myself heard above the music. "And besides, my steel-toed boots are a hell of a lot more comfortable than what she’s wearing."

The four-inch come-fuck-me heels practically made me wince. But I could see why she wore them. They probably added an extra cup to her firm, dark tipped breasts and curve to the globes of her full bottom. She had nice tits, full and natural looking. But then most of the women in here were exceptional.

"Want me to buy you a lap dance?" He leaned over and slipped a hand up my skirt.

I squeezed my thighs together and gave him a long hard look, then took in the Mayan cutie cupping her breasts with long red-tipped fingers and licking lips that matched. "How about

"How about you give me one?" His hand slid a little higher, and I squirmed against the tingle of excitement between my thighs.

"Right here?" I waved a hand at the high-class crowd, at the busty redhead who’d taken the last girl’s place on the small stage two tables in front of us.

"They won’t say anything. Just pretend it’s the VIP lounge at Jimmy Z’s."

you get in that lounge?" I sipped my beer, needing a little false courage for what I was about to do. The thought of climbing on his lap with an audience made my blood flow a little...a

"Gimme a lap dance and I’ll tell you," he coaxed with a sly grin.

Smiling, I stood and straddled his lap and lifted my skirt out of the way so my thong and the bare cheeks of my ass rested against the rough denim crotch of his jeans. A waitress with a tray full of beer walked by, her pace slowing as she returned my smile. I wrapped my arms around Wade’s neck and winked at the guys at the next table. The slender, well-fed duo, a blonde with a crew cut and lots of well-developed muscles and a preppy looking brunette, watched in fascination. I never took my eyes off of our audience, even as Wade’s hands slipped under my skirt and cupped my ass. My panties grew damper and my clit swelled at the constant friction on my pussy lips and Wade’s strong fingers, but I refused to let myself speed up. Refused to let myself just hurry and finish, because my climax was imminent.

Wade’s lips were on my neck and he was saying something, but I couldn’t make out what, and honestly, it didn’t matter. All I could do was focus on his hands, the finger slipping under the thin string of my thong to tease the tender, nerve-filled skin. Then he slid one finger inside me and I bit back a moan, licked my lips and checked to see if our audience had grown. The waitress who’d winked at me earlier now stood at the bar, watching while she chattered with the female bartender. If anything, my nipples grew harder at the few appreciative smiles I caught.

That finger slid in and out of me as I rode it, never going deep enough, never hard enough or big enough, while Wade smiled at me in a way that made my insides quivered and quickened. I slid down as far I could go and my thighs clenched his hips. "I want you," I mouthed, knowing he’d understand.

He nodded in understanding and gently withdrew his finger. "I think that’s enough for you, little girl."

The absence of his finger was almost painful and incredibly frustrating and I sagged against him. "Damnit, Wade."

"Payback’s a bitch, darlin’."

I sucked in a deep breath of cold air and then let it out slowly. "So that was for Jimmy Z’s?" I asked, pushing myself upright on his lap and reaching for my beer.

Nodding, he squeezed my thigh. "My college roommate is a part owner."

"So, if you went to college, how come you’re a drywall foreman?"

"No more talking. Let’s get out of here."


e turned onto my dark quiet street, lit with splashes of paleness from the occasional street lights. Neither of us spoke again until Wade pulled into the driveway beside my truck and killed the engine.

"I had a nice time."

"We’re not through," I insisted. I slid out of the truck to the sound of his chuckle in my ears. The warm night air quickly took away the air conditioner’s chill as I crossed from the driveway to the sidewalk, Wade on my heels. We barely made it to the door before he had his hand under my skirt again and his fingers under the thin strap of my thong.

"A wedgie is not the way to win me over," I said, yanking my keys out of my purse and finally located the right one. My shaking hands didn’t help matters at all.

"Maybe this is," he murmured huskily. His fingers trailed across my butt cheeks and down my thighs, distracting me even more from the door lock that refused to cooperate with my determined attempts to get it open, get Wade inside and get naked. I gave one last rattle of frustration and rested my forehead against the door with a chuckle of frustration.

"Problems?" Wade whispered in my hair. His hands were busy elsewhere, pushing my thong off my hips until it was tangled around my feet.

"I can’t get the damned door open." I dropped my purse.

Wade lifted the skirt of my dress and smoothed a hand over my belly while slowly grinding his crotch against me in a way that made me want to bend over and just submit. The twenty minute drive home hadn’t quenched my appetite for him at all.

Turning, I peeked over his shoulder at the quiet dark neighborhood, then stepped out of the thong and yanked my dress over my head, dropping it beside my purse. "What happened to the old-fashioned guy who needed a bed?"

With a chuckle, he untucked his shirt and unzipped his jeans, pushing them down just enough to free his cock. "I was afraid I’d scare you off."

"I kissed a woman in a bar and you were afraid you’d scare
off?" Snorting with laughter, I wrapped my fingers around his erection and rubbed my thumb across the tip then licked it.

"Turn around."

"No." Giving him a saucy grin in the dim light, I leaned against the door and lifted my right leg, waiting for him to take it.

He did, moving closer so his cock was pressed against the cradle of my hips. "Your hand’s in the way."

"I know," I said, giving it a firm stroke.

He grabbed my wrist and pushed it away, then guided himself inside me. Sighing, I relaxed against the door as he filled me, pumping into me with smooth even strokes. The sound of an oversized pickup truck caught my attention and I wrapped my arms around his neck, watching from the safety of my recessed porch as it eased up the street with no clue that not far from where they passed a couple were fucking like rabbits. Laughing softly at the fact that Wade never even stopped, I sank my teeth into his neck, sucking at the warm, slightly salty skin.

"Harder," I ordered, slipping an arm under his and grabbing a firm butt cheek.

He obliged with a grunt, thrusting nearly hard enough to make my teeth rattle, and suddenly we were all business, fighting for our release. Fighting for it not to end. Fucking like a couple of back-alley dogs in heat as we took turns nipping at each other.

Like I said nothing was sacred. Wade kept me pinned to the door with one hand while the other one roamed free, down the length of my leg and back up again, leaving heat trails in its wake and pushing me closer to my climax. He caught a tight, hard nipple between his fingers and worried it as his hips never stopped. Neither did mine.

We were both straining for our climax, until all it took was one last hard stroke, and the one leg I had on the ground buckled. I clung to him as the force of my orgasm left me breathless, and only the chunk of flesh I’d nearly taken out of his shoulder saved me from the whole neighborhood finding out what a tramp I was.


"I think I pulled a muscle last night," I murmured in reply to the kiss Wade pressed on my neck before he rolled out of bed.

"Come take a shower with me and I’ll massage it," he offered.

"You go ahead." I threw back the covers and rolled over, smiling appreciatively at the sight of his bare ass disappearing into the bathroom. After a slow stretch, I gave my leg an experimental flex and forced myself up. I grabbed my robe from a nearby chair before hollering, "I’ll start the coffee."

A few minutes later we traded places, sorta. I stepped into the steam-filled bathroom for a shower while Wade dressed and sipped at the cup of coffee I’d left sitting on the dresser for him.

On sore legs I stood letting warm water run down me, soaping my hair and thinking. A dangerous thing for any woman, especially after a night like last night. I couldn’t even begin to contemplate what a real relationship with Wade would mean for our jobs. Someone would have to leave Dolan Industries. And just then, I wasn’t even sure I wanted one—a relationship. What I
sure of was that I liked his company in and
of bed. Wade had become more than just a fuck, but then I’d probably already known that all along. A lover maybe? Not a boyfriend. That implied too much control, and holidays and families—things that tended to complicate relationships even more. I shuddered and added body wash to the sponge, then winced as I bent over to wash my feet and legs.

"You gonna stay in there all day?"

Leaning against the wall, I peered up at Wade through the water streaming down my face. "I just got in."

"Want me to fix us something to eat?" he offered with a tender smile that made me grimace a bit.

Oh dear. Maybe I’m just imagining things.
I blinked to clear the water from my eyes and shook my head no. "You don’t have to wait on me or anything, I’ll just grab something on the way to work."

"Suit yourself." He disappeared from view, and with a sigh of relief, I reached for the conditioner. "I guess you don’t want a ride to work, either, huh?"

"No, thanks." The bottle slipped from my hand and landed in the bottom of the shower with a loud splat. I frowned down at it while slowly untangling my hair. "See you later," I blurted out, unsure if it was a question or a comment.

By the time I stepped out of the shower Wade was gone and my house was silent as a tomb. Sighing in frustration, I sipped lukewarm coffee and stared at myself in the dresser mirror. I didn’t have time right now to think about what to do with Wade.

After drying my hair and pulling it up in a clip, I hurriedly dressed. While a bagel toasted, I packed a lunch and filled my thermos with iced tea, grabbing a couple of extra bottles of water for later in the afternoon. I slathered my breakfast with cream cheese,  and then collapsed in a kitchen chair with a fresh cup of coffee, refusing to think about how tired I was.

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