Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters (47 page)

Read Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters Online

Authors: Cari Quinn,Cathy Clamp,Anna J. Stewart,Jodi Redford,Amie Stuart,Leah Braemel,Chudney Thomas

BOOK: Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters
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She fidgeted with the edge of her napkin. “I take it you still intend to cut down the tree.”

He remained quiet so long, she figured he’d gone into lockdown mode again. Finally he broke the tense silence between them. “What happened last night doesn’t change anything.”

His words drove a nail through her heart. She didn’t need to read between the lines to determine he wasn’t only referring to the oak. She swallowed past the ball of bitterness wedged in her esophagus. None of this was news to her. When you were in love with a man who’d given up on the emotion, best to get used to disappointment kicking you in the teeth.

Fran returned, her glower permanently affixed to her face the entire time she scribbled down their order. Once she’d dropped the ticket off, she parked herself behind the register and glared in their direction. Considering Tully got the direct treatment of those dark stares, it made her uncomfortable as hell, but that was the least of the concerns occupying her mind.

“So you didn’t answer me about whether or not you’re going to the meeting tonight.”

Glumness sweeping over her, she poked at the puddle of condensation circling her glass. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

“Hang out with me instead. I’ll cook you dinner. And dessert.” He waggled his eyebrows.

God, the invitation was beyond tempting. But she also knew it wasn’t a date. Just like this lunch wasn’t. No point in fooling herself. “I’ll think about it.”


Their food arrived and eating became their primary focus for the next twenty minutes or so. Just as well. They couldn’t talk about the tree without it potentially devolving into a big argument. And they certainly couldn’t talk about a relationship that clearly existed nowhere beyond her hopeful imagination. Her appetite at an all-time low, she pushed her half-eaten sandwich away and reached for her purse.

“I’ll get it.” Before she could argue, Huck snatched the bill and strode to the checkout. Appearing unperturbed by Fran’s visual daggers, he fetched a twenty from his wallet. “Assume you’re not against taking my money.”

Grumbling, Fran snatched the cash from him and handed back his change. After leaving a generous tip on the counter, he walked Tully back to the bookshop. When she turned to offer a goodbye, he leaned in for a kiss.

Aw damn. She was such a goner. Twining her arms around his neck, she melted into the kiss, whimpering as his tongue grew bolder. By the time they came up for air every bone in her body was the consistency of pudding. His breaths labored, he caressed her nape. “Invite me inside.”

“It’s the middle of the day.”

“Nothing wrong with a naughty nooner.”

“Except when my granny is upstairs.”

“We’ll keep it quiet.” The bastard slid his mouth to her neck and sucked the spot that seemed to be directly linked to her clit.

She fumbled the key into the lock and they stumbled inside, hands tugging at each other’s clothes. Recalling the door, she snicked it shut and slid the deadbolt in place. Grabbing him by the wrist, she led the way to the reading nook. Enclosed on three sides by bookshelves, it provided a secure location in case her grandmother ended her siesta early. Unlikely, since it was Sera’s prime soap time. But anything was possible. 

Huck divested her of her shoes, jeans, and turtleneck. He fingered the lacy edge of her bra, the heat in his stare blistering. “You are the fucking sexiest thing alive.”

“No one’s ever said that to me before.”

“Then they’re blind.” He eased her panties down and lifted her onto the table used for book returns. Palming her breasts, he massaged their weight through her bra before unhooking it and tossing the garment aside. Unhindered by fabric now, he licked and sucked her nipples until she was a squirming, frantic mess.

Chuckling like the devilish son of a bitch he was, he pushed her back on the table and pinned open her legs. Her hips bucked at the first wet swirl of his tongue on her clit. He held her down, his mouth a devastating blend of demanding and coaxing. Soft tongue flickers alternated with firmer, luxurious glides. Decadent ripples of pleasure drifted through her and she whimpered and strained toward the beckoning glimmer of ecstasy.

“Mm, yes, baby. Pussy is nice and wet for me. You want that orgasm bad, don’tcha?”

Scooting up onto her elbows, she bared her teeth at him. “Get your damn mouth back on me.”

His grin obnoxious, he dutifully complied with the command, sucking her clit with strong pulses that triggered the fuse on her orgasm. Gasping, she surrendered to the endless nirvana ricocheting through her body.

Straightening, Huck wrenched his shirt off and unsnapped his pants. He scooped her up and carried her to the leather loveseat. Digging in his pocket, he unearthed a Trojan packet and handed it to her for safekeeping while he sat down and arranged her on his lap. Reclaiming the condom, he sheathed his cock with three pumps of his fist and settled her over him.

She sank down on that fat, rock-hard shaft, bringing a groan to both of their lips. His fingers dug into her hips, lifting her before pulling her into his thrusts. The air became spiked with the scent of sex and old books. Probably no one else would have found that last part particularly erotic. But for a weirdo bibliophile like herself, it was hot as hell. Particularly with the accompanying soundtrack of their muted groans and the wet slap of their flesh. Combine all of that with the sheer intensity of staring eye to eye with Huck while his cock drove deep into her, and she was primed to detonate again.

The sensation started in her toes, building swiftly into a tidal wave that swamped her whole being. Huck swallowed her rapturous cries, his own groaning response to his climax spurring another round of flutters around his throbbing cock.

She slumped against him, her heart racing and her body total putty. He stroked her back, the motions soothing. She blamed her limp, brain-dead state for her next words. “Where is this going, Huck?”

His fingers stilled.

She pushed back from his chest and looked at him, the guardedness in his eyes weighing like an anchor on her heart. “This is more than just fun and sex to me. You need to know that.” Anxiety roiled in her stomach. As much as she dreaded the likely rejection, she also needed to say this. “I love you. I’ve
loved you.”

The rush of panic in his gaze was unmistakable, and it delivered another devastating blow to her already pummeled heart. “I don’t have it in me to give you want you want, Tully.”

“Now? Or ever?”

“I’m not going to give you false promises. It wouldn’t be fair.”

She blinked back tears, the jagged emotions welling inside her overwhelming. “I think you should go.”

“I don’t want you to hate me.” He gripped her tight, the misery in his voice almost a match for the anguish tearing at her insides.

“That’s my problem. I don’t.” Cupping his face, she kissed him one last time before saying goodbye to a future that’d never see the light of day.



e did the right thing.

So why did it feel like his soul had been ripped out?

Clutching the steering wheel until his knuckles cramped, he stared through the windshield, seeing nothing but the pain riding Tully’s face. He’d hurt her. Badly. When it was the last thing he’d wanted to do.

He’d known giving into his desire for her would bite him in the ass. He just hadn’t counted on it doing the same to her. This is what he got for being a selfish prick. He should have continued to keep her at arm’s length.

But then you wouldn’t have known the sweetness of her kisses. Or the softness of her body as she hugged you so tight, the ghosts of your past momentarily slinked into the shadows.

He also wouldn’t know this uncomfortable truth—she was the only one he’d let get close. And that vulnerability scared the living shit out of him.

His gut a mass of knots, he slammed to a stop outside his cabin. Barely registering the heavy metal tune blasting his eardrums, he pressed his forehead against the wheel. His heart hammered and he felt sick enough to puke. Not daring to move until the sensation passed, he closed his eyes.

A few minutes stretched into infinity. Still he felt like shit. Not that he didn’t deserve it. He did. And much worse.

Something tapped on his window, breaking through his self-inflicted agony. Lifting his head with a weak groan, he shifted his focus sideways. And almost lost his lunch anyway when he saw who stood outside his truck. His body tense as a springboard, he returned Melanie’s stare. Endless minutes ticked by before she broke the spell of silence.

“Follow me.”

Fury lanced him at the muted summons that’d drifted through the window pane. He grabbed his door handle and she stepped back several paces. The dead-calm set of her features only riled him more. Growling, he climbed from the cab. “Get the fuck off my property.”

A small smile tipped her lips. “Really? That’s the best you’ve got for me after everything that happened?”

Her taunting threw him for a loop. Wary at whatever game she might be playing, he slammed the truck door shut. “What do you want, Mel?”

“Follow me.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “Whatever you have to say can be done right here.”

“No, it can’t. Now stop being a stubborn blockhead and follow me.”

Rather than bristling at her words, he frowned. Melanie had never been a name caller. Even during a fight, she’d preferred to give him the silent treatment. In every way, she was the polar opposite of Tully. He used to wonder if that wasn’t what had initially attracted him to Mel, her propensity to be cool and reserved. Now he couldn’t imagine what he ever saw in a woman who lacked fire and the constant need to challenge him.

He pushed that perplexing and entirely ill-timed thought from his mind and returned his concentration on Mel’s unexpected arrival. The fact that she was even here remained a complete mystery to him. Confrontation sure as hell wasn’t her style.

“Are you coming or not?”

“Fine, but you better fucking make it quick.” Grumbling, he turned to see where she was parked so he could have her move her car if necessary. The only vehicle in sight was his truck. Bemused, he eyed her. “How did you get here?”

Rather than respond, she began walking toward the edge of the glade. The sun hit her platinum hair, picking out strands of red that he swore hadn’t been there a second ago. Something poked out from the hem of her sweater. It looked suspiciously like a leaf. Weird.

Then again, all of this was beyond bizarre. Shaking his head, he trailed after her. When she ducked into the woods he dragged his feet to a stop. She turned again to look at him, her expression patient.

An eerie sensation fell over him.

That wasn’t Mel. He didn’t know
he knew. But he did.

She smiled. “Now you’re starting to believe.”

Goosebumps cropped along his skin. “Who the hell are you?”

“I think you already know.” She cocked her head to the side. “Though something’s holding you back from admitting it.”

“Stop playing these damn games and tell me who you are. What’s going on.”

“You’ll get your answer to both...” she waved a hand toward the forest. “In there.”

He eyed her suspiciously. “If you’re luring me in there to dismember me or something there will be hell to pay.”

“If you’re dismembered you won’t exactly be able to enact your revenge. Besides, I’m a lover not a killer. But you already know that.”

“Lady, I don’t know

She snorted. “Truer words have never been said.”

Left with no other choice if he wanted to get to the bottom of this, he allowed her to lead him into the forest. During the trek, a constant sprinkling of leaves fell from her sweater. He had no damn idea where they were coming from. It was like she had a leaf manufacturing plant tucked under there.

They entered the clearing and another wave of unease swept him.

A suspicion crept over him—one so outlandish he couldn’t believe it was even popping into his head. Unable to help it, he glanced toward the leaves tumbling from her sweater. Her smile radiant, she stopped under the tree and clasped her hands in front of her.

He shook his head fiercely. “Nuh uh. No. Fucking. Way.”

A long suffering sigh broke from her. “You are possibly the most clueless individual in existence. Or the most stubborn. Probably both. Oh, and let us not forget ungrateful. I mean, really, I give you the hottest night of your life and you
want to chop me down? Normally I don’t curse. But you, sir, are an asshole.”

He pressed two fingers to his temples and rubbed them furiously. “I’m still in my truck. Any second I’ll wake up and laugh over all of this.”

“Why is this so unbelievable to you?”

“Hello, I’m talking to a
. Who’s impersonating my cheating ex. What part of that

“As someone once said, not everything in this world makes sense.” She shook her sweater, releasing several more small piles of leaves. “I adopted the guise of Melanie because you need closure. And believe me, it hasn’t been easy fooling everyone in this town that I’m her. In case you didn’t know, she’s not exactly well loved here.”

He grunted. “Okay, then why go through the hassle?”

“Like I said, you needed to face her. Also, it was a guaranteed means of getting you here.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Getting me here for

She moved forward and took his hand. He reluctantly allowed her to lead him to the other side of the trunk. They halted directly in front of his and Mel’s carving. Seeing the mockery of that filled him with renewed anger. Tamping down that emotion, he averted his gaze.

“You’ve learned the hardest lesson of them all.”

He grunted. “What, that even a magical tree can’t bring me love?”

“No, that even a magic tree can’t bring you the
love. She was never meant for you, and I think even
are starting to believe that.”

His thoughts retraced to his earlier epiphany about needing a woman with some fire in her. That memory was quickly preempted with a vision of Tully. He swallowed hard, the recollection of how he’d hurt her twisting his insides all over again.

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