Hunger Embraced (The Hunger Series) (18 page)

Read Hunger Embraced (The Hunger Series) Online

Authors: Jennifer James

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #menage

BOOK: Hunger Embraced (The Hunger Series)
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“Yes. I promise. I’m sorry for this.”

Ooohh. He seemed to have read the manual on my hotspots
I grasped the woman in front of me by the hips and caressed her waist. When she leaned in to kiss me this time, I responded. Not with as much enthusiasm as she deserved, but I tried. When she trapped Daniel’s hand over her breast, I ripped it away and bit her lip.

“Mine.” I glared at her.

“I’m so hungry…please…” The pleading tone fueled my regret, and I traced her nipple with one fingertip in a slow circle. I still didn’t know how I felt about getting it on with a girl, but it didn’t repulse me. T.T.B. scraped my neck with his fangs and slid his hands into the waistband of my jeans, over the front of my thighs. I gave in, letting my body relax against his. If I was gonna do it, I might as well enjoy it.

Dominique pressed her cold lips to my cheek. I started, shying away from the contact. T.T.B. stroked the top of her ear with his fingertip, tracing to her lower lip. She kissed his finger and sucked it into her mouth.

I reached out and tweaked her nipples between my fingers. “
Stop doing that crap or I’m going to kill you.”

A wet pop sounded when her lips released him. He tucked his hands into the cups of my bra.

“If you don’t want to have Christophe over there decide he is going to help or call Stephan because we are not moving things along fast enough, you’ll start to respond to her.”

Dominique leaned into the pressure I put on her breasts. I licked my lips and took one breast between my teeth, lapping at her tight peak with my tongue. The soft skin around her areola provided an intriguing contrast to her nipple, and I explored it, enjoying the way she bobbed on her toes to get closer. I dragged my lips down her sternum to the underside and back around to the center. My body responded, my own breasts engorging in anticipation as T.T.B. shoved my bra down and freed them to the cool air.

I listened with half an ear as the door opened again and then closed with a soft snick. Great, more lookey-loos. I felt like an accident victim on the side of the freeway.

“Do not look. Pay attention only to me. To us.”

“Easy for you to say. I’m the one with no shirt on here, sucking on some stranger’s tits. You usually have sex in public? And I have no idea what this ritual is supposed to do, only that it’s probably BAD.”

A grumbling sigh drifted through my head as he bent down to nibble on my shoulder and popped the button on my jeans.

He bit down hard enough to send a jolt of pain through me. Dominique grasped the sides of my head, and I moved to her other breast. I flicked the nub of her dark pink nipple and clenched my palms on her rib cage. Every bone molded into my skin, and I moved away, worried I would hurt her. She clutched at my ass, and I slid my hands around her waist, cupping her bottom in return. Her hip bones dug into my torso. Poor woman was so thin, close to emaciated.

“They want you to be Blooded so they can use your power. I’m going to get us out of here before that happens.”

His hand slipped under my waistband, and strong fingers cleared the top of my panties, stroking my clit. I whimpered and shifted, wanting more. The sex I’d been having for the past few years had been frequent, true, but it had been nothing like this. The other vampires had treated me with little more regard and attention than would be paid to a sandwich or carton of milk. All I could think of were the orgasms he’d given to me the first time we met and how I wanted more.

They were hungry. I was food.

But not Daniel. He was focused and absolutely consumed with touching and kissing me everywhere. It didn’t seem to matter that we were in grave danger and a creepy old monster sat across the room.

I rocked on his hand, and he ventured lower, teasing my pussy with the tip of two fingers. I parted Dominique’s ass and touched her labia. She twitched at the contact, moving her moist flesh over me. This time when she kissed me, I responded with far more interest, teasing her swollen folds. She unsnapped my bra and slid it the rest of the way down my arms, trailing her lips over my chest. Unexpected lust and pleasure rose and spread through my veins. I threaded my fingers through the hair at her temples and held her in place when she settled in at my right nipple.

Daniel’s erection pressed at my lower back. His shaft throbbed in time with his pulse. He parted me more fully and plunged two fingers in to the middle knuckle.


He rubbed them in and out, fast and hard. My inner walls convulsed, grasping his digits. My flesh grew slicker, wetter, with every fierce stroke.

Dominique straightened up, and I shoved my tongue in her mouth as far as it would go. I released her ass with one hand and parted her from the front, flicking her clit. She groaned and rocked over my hand until I skimmed her entrance, smearing her wetness around and back up to her hood.

The jeans confined me from moving my thighs very far apart, and I huffed in frustration. I thrust my hips toward Daniel’s touch, helpless to do much more because my legs were trapped. He teased my clit before moving his fingers deep inside again, fucking me within the constrictions of my jeans. Dominique ripped my waistband down to the tops of my thighs and would have peeled them down all the way, but he stopped her.
“We can’t, Miranda. We must play at this until the right moment.”

I didn’t know what the hell he meant. Right moment? How about right now? Right now. Right here. I’d kill him if he didn’t stop teasing me.

I squirmed until he let go of my hands. Dominique yanked my panties down and sucked my juices from his fingers. I leaned over and caught the side of his hand, licked it, and welcomed Dominique’s tongue in my mouth. Our tongues roved over each other, and I captured her lower lip.

I had to have him inside me, had to feel him spill his seed when he came, and I didn’t care who saw. There was no way to stop now. Dominique’s Hunger stoked my own and sent my desire spiraling tighter and tighter. I breached her with three fingers, cupping her with my palm as she rode my hand.

If he thought he was getting out of here without fucking me, he had another thing coming. They wanted me hungry? Hell, I was ravenous. I didn’t know what I was supposed to eat, but I knew what my body wanted right then.

I reached back with my free hand and groped his cock through his pants.

“Fuck, Miri—” The expletive burst from him in a fierce whisper, but I did not relent. He leaned over my shoulder to kiss Dominique. Her hunger beat at my temples, getting worse the longer we touched and the closer I drove her to orgasm.

I needed him right now. I released Dominique and turned, yanking him away from her, tried to climb his body with my hands on his shoulders and feet scrabbling for purchase on his shins. He hissed when I dug my nails in to his shoulders. He took my weight in one hand and grabbed the back of my hair with the other. My vision blurred when he twisted a hank around his fist and tugged, the sharp pain igniting in a thousand tiny pricks on my scalp.

He sank his fangs into the left side of my neck, and Dominique mewled behind me, taking my breasts in her palms and licking the top of my spine. She moved to bite me on the same side as Daniel, but he growled and shoved her back hard enough to make her fall.

He withdrew his fangs and licked the wound. “
I love the way you taste, cara mia.”

Daniel released me, setting me back on the ground. I twisted and held my hand out to Dominique. She crouched on the floor, disappointment and dejection clear on her expressive face. She scooted closer to me, and I fell to my knees at his feet, taking her hand. My pants tightened on my thighs with the movement, but I left them as they were. Dominique nuzzled the bite mark on my neck with her fangs and I let her. I had a different agenda.

T.T.B.’s erection strained the front of his pants. I freed the button and undid the zipper. A slurping sound accompanied by a high-pitched keening distracted me from my goal.

“Keep going. You must or we will be discovered. He is distracted while he feeds. It may be our only chance.”

I had forgotten we were not alone. The nasty Empath vampire had asked for food. And food meant…oh no.

Dominique snagged the top of his boxers and started to pull them down. I stopped her and slapped her hand away. Then I peeked past his thigh toward the source of noise.

Christophe had changed forms again, this time taking on the characteristics of a tall, overweight man with balding hair and five o’clock shadow. He wore a dirty T-shirt with sweat stains and heavy boots. A curvaceous blonde rested on her knees in front of him, giving him head. She whimpered, tears tracking down her cheeks. The vampire had a nasty, satisfied smile on his face, whispering things to her I couldn’t hear. His pants were around his ankles. The black fog of his aura had extended, undulating glowing tendrils that wrapped around the girl. Her sickly green and muddy brown aura was smothered beneath his taint.

I turned my face to Daniel’s thigh and shuddered. The beautiful girl’s pallid skin stretched over her ribs. Christophe was draining her. Daniel caressed the top of my head.

“When I tell you to, you must run to the right side of the fireplace. He is going to drain her completely. In that moment when he takes her life’s essence into himself, he will be vulnerable. That is when I must strike and you must flee. Do you understand?”

I nodded against his leg and gripped the strong muscles with both hands. I had no idea why he wanted me to go to the fireplace. There might be a fireplace poker or something I could use as a weapon. I thought I remembered a large whip in that part of the room. It would hurt pretty bad to get hit with one of those things. If the fire had been lit, we might have been able to get Christophe into the huge cavernous space and torch him. The knife in my boot might take his head off if we could hold him down. It wouldn’t be long before reinforcements came running.

Daniel waited for the perfect moment to attack. There were tons of substitute stakes in this room. I spied a wooden phallus on the bedside table. The image of a shriveled vampire with a dildo sticking out of his chest came to mind, and I almost snickered.

“Guardian. What are you doing? Have the girls suck your dick already or I will fuck Miranda and Blood her myself after I’m done eating.”

“Kill his ass, Daniel. Rip his fucking head right off.”
Dominique kissed me, and I parted her labia, stroking her wet folds and clit. The lust that I’d been riding shriveled and nearly died.

“Patience, cara. I can do nothing until the proper moment.”

“But that girl—”
Dominique cried out and bit my lip, drawing blood. The pain distracted me, and my nipples tingled in response to the teeth dug into my flesh.

“She is beyond saving. If we had been elsewhere, I may have been able to help her. But here…”

I understood what he didn’t say. Outnumbered and outgunned. We would probably die in the next few minutes ourselves. It pissed me off.

I licked my lips and looked up at him from half-shuttered eyes. Then I tasted my way across his stomach, dipping my tongue below the top of his waistband and back up. Dominique moved behind me, stretching my pussy with her fingers. I gasped in surprise and moaned into her mouth when she leaned over my shoulder to kiss me.

“You will not share him. So I will take from you,” she whispered.

It’d be polite to apologize, but I wouldn’t. She didn’t get to touch his cock. Not in front of me. She was here to be food and a sacrifice. Not Hoover Daniel.

I nibbled on the skin just below his navel and inhaled his scent as it rolled off him. He clenched his fists and rocked back on his heels. I did it again, this time running my hands up the front of his shirt, across his abs and back down, then around to his back, before dropping my hands to his butt. I worked my tongue and teeth across the bulging muscles of his stomach and into his belly button. Daniel kept his hands clenched at his sides, not touching me.

His long, thick cock sprang free when I tugged his boxers down, jutting from a patch of blond curls. Dominique gasped behind me, her anticipation zipping over my awareness. My magic gathered in a way it never had before. It continued to respond to her and her own brand of the Hunger. The more aroused she became, the stronger it surged.

I had to touch him, suck him, and cover every inch of his cock with the moist cavern of my mouth.


The voice in my head sounded louder than I’d ever heard it. Pure glee overtook my senses when I closed my lips over the head and used my tongue to explore all around the rim. I dipped my head, and his entire length slid down my throat. The fingers plundering my pussy moved faster, tormenting my clit and sending me to the edge of orgasm.

I sucked back up Daniel’s shaft, massaging it with my tongue. I reached the tip and nipped it. Dominique used her mouth on the back of my neck and ears as I rode her hand. The Hunger grew stronger, and I knew that when I came it would erupt into the room, a freight train bent on feeding.

The keening cry from across the room stopped, and a charge crackled in the air. I gripped the base of Daniel’s cock and looked around his thigh. The girl’s body lay on the floor. A blue misty outline rose from her still form and hovered there before the vampire began to draw it toward him like sucking pop through a straw.

Daniel dipped and whirled in a sudden burst of motion, yanking the knife from my boot. It flew through the air and hit Christophe in the forehead with a meaty
. I never saw Daniel throw the projectile. The stunned Feeler crashed to the floor and lay on his back. A breeze blew my hair into my eye, and Daniel reappeared across the room. He knelt on Christophe’s chest with his back to me. Wet crunching sounds met my ears, and I gagged.

“Miranda, the fireplace. Move. Now.”

Shit. Right. I attempted to stand but my pants tangled around my legs, and I fell on my face. Dominique clamped her hands down on the backs of my thighs and crawled up my body. She was stronger and heavier than she looked. I squirmed to crawl away and stand up, but she held me down with her upper body.

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