Human Hieroglyphix - Dex & Leila (27 page)

BOOK: Human Hieroglyphix - Dex & Leila
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She raised her eyes to his as she moved.

"Fuck," Dex breathed almost overcome with watching her, the fucking feel of her.

She picked up the pace remembering the speed that he used when he was inside her, riding her towards his goal.

As the wetness dripped down his scrotum, she used her other hand to capture it and glide her hand over and around his heavy sac and around the sensitive skin just behind it.

"Gonna come, Elle," he whispered, his voice breaking.

"Mmm," she moaned as he hit the back of her throat and he felt the vibrations of it sending him over the edge.

 The jets of his cum hit the back of her throat and he felt her swallows taking every drop of him.

His hands dropped away from her hair and his head dropped back onto the pillow.

"Fucking hell," he breathed.  "God, Leila."

She moved up his body, bringing her legs alongside him before burying her face in his neck.  His arms came up to wrap around her, holding her close.

"Did I do it right, honey?" he heard her ask softly, only the tiniest hint of uncertainty evident.

"Oh, fuck yeah," Dex admitted and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.  "But you didn't have to swallow, babe."

"I didn't?" she asked raising her head and capturing his eyes.

"No, you didn't."

"But you swallow when you…uhm…when you," she stuttered.

"Remember, babe.   If you can feel it, you can say it."

She took a deep breath  and said as confidently as she could, "You swallow my cum when you, ah, lick me.  And it feels amazing when you do.  I…uhm…wanted to make you feel that way, too."

"Fuck me," Dex said, his eyes roaming over her face catching on her beautiful brown eyes.  "You are

"Something good, I hope."

And Dex saw it, that bit of uncertainty, the residual shit that her ass-hat of an ex had left her with. 


How could anyone,
, let something so precious go and, in going, make her feel so bad.

"Babe.  It's
good when I'm with you."

He watched her eyes warm and color hit her cheeks at his words.

She stretched out and arm and grabbed her Nano and scrolled through before putting it back on the base and hitting play.

"Dance with me, Dex," she said as she maneuvered her way to the edge of the bed and stood up.

"Oh, princess," he said eyeing her naked form.  "My pleasure."

And they danced again to Bill Evans, 'The Sunday After' , there in the soft light of early morning of Leila's bedroom, naked as the day they were born, their arms around each other and their hearts entwined.




Chapter Twenty Five


I was laying on the chair in Dex's booth, listening to one of Mindy Abair's CDs playing on the overhead system at Human Hiero, as Dex bent low and began putting the color in on my butterfly.  Technically it was after hours and we were the only two people in the shop.  All the rest of the lights were off except for the spotlight Dex had angled down to better illuminate my hip.

The two weeks that we had been back together had been unbelievable.

First off, I would have to say that both of us were a lot more comfortable around each other as we learned the different pieces that made up each of us, the good and the bad, the big and the little. 


We were both clean freaks, but because we were, most of our cleaning found us doing it together whether it was at my house or his. 

Jake's anger was loud but easily forgotten, but when I got angry, I seethed and had to force myself to let go of it in order to move past it. 

Dex was creative where I was cerebral, which means he was quick to move and I had to think things through a bit more before actually acting on my decisions.

We'd gone out to dinner with Caitlin and Jake a couple of times who seemed to be the perfect couple to be around since they were so tied to each other but still maintained their individuality.  Exactly what I, for one, was hoping to achieve with Dex.

Occasionally the four of us would invite another couple, whether it was Frank-kay and his partner, Stan, or Marianne either with Paul or Ram, or Crys and her flavor of the week.

"You okay, sweetness?" Dex asked, pausing to wipe the extra blood and ink off my hip.

"I'm good, honey," I replied.

"Like this music, Elle," I heard him say as he sat up and reviewed his work.

"Frank and Stan's suggestion."  I had heard from Stan that Frank's name really was Francisco but that he had changed it when he was disowned by his family after coming out of the closet when he graduated high school.  Seems the Latino community had not yet moved forward regarding the gay issue and, according to Stan, Frank had a lot of things he was working through especially when it came to either his family or his religion.  But that Lotti, the one that had turned me from wookie to cookie with her waxing magic, was one of Frank's sisters and one of the few family members that had remained a part of Frank-kay's life.

So I started to see Frank in a new, different light.  He was so generous with his patrons, his friends and his partner and yet sometimes, just sometimes, you could see his sadness come through and it made my heart ache for him.

"May have a couple of concerns about having them as friends.  But they sure as fuck know their music," I heard Dex say before starting his machine again and bend back down to work his ink-magic on me.

I smiled as I remembered Dex throwing a shit-fit when I had played 'Lady Marmalade', another Frank and Stan suggestion, at an ear drum pounding level the other night when I was making fajitas.  Well, at least until he caught me dancing to it using a dish towel in some really inventive ways. 

Obviously my man got hot watching me dance.

Good to know.

Even though we had our friends that we met with a couple of times a week, we still had plenty of time for just the two of us.

Like the time Dex got a new machine that was supposed to be quieter and easier to handle, but cost a whack, which I learned meant a crap load of money (who knew?). 

And to never,
call it a gun. 

It was a machine. 

When he challenged me on his new piece of equipment, I told him that I honestly couldn't see anyone spending that kind of money on anything except for shoes or
a handbag.

So he dragged me down to Human Hiero after hours, armed with a couple of grapefruit from the fruit bowl, and showed me the difference, using the grapefruit to practice on. 

The only way I can describe it is to think about as attaching a Sharpie to a couple of heavy D cell batteries along with a couple of vibrators and then trying to move the unit at just the right angle, speed and depth to follow the image that you'd transferred on to whatever surface you wanted to tattoo. 

you had to worry about keeping the skin tight so the needles wouldn't drag.

Believe me when I tell you, I had a lot more respect for what Dex did for a living, for the beauty that he created, than I did before his demonstration.

 I mean, like, a

Just like he did when he read my paper than had been released and that was to be included in both The Atlantic and Scientific American Mind as well as the BBC Knowledge Magazine.  I'd given him a tour of both my office and the amphitheater where I lectured and where he heard me respond to "Dr. McCarthy". 

He had been really, really quiet as we finally made it back to his place afterwards.

"You okay, honey?" I remembering asking.

He was quiet as he looked at me in my pink, sparkly Harley tank top, Lucky jeans and rhinestone studded, heeled flip flops.

"I'm fucking a doctor?"


"No, really.  I'm fucking a

I moved to where he was leaning a hip against his kitchen counter and scooted underneath his arm, pressing myself against his side.

"Yes, sweetie.  You've finger-fucked, performed very successful cunnilingus and have slid your hard cock inside a doctor many, many times," I murmured softly while dragging my fingernails over his nipple ring through his shirt.

"Holy fuck," was about all he could muster before he up-ended me over his shoulder and took me into his bedroom to do all three things, and do them absolutely

There had been a couple of hiccups in the two weeks, as well.

Mrs. Gunderson had started a petition to try and force me to move from my house based on, and I quote," lewd and lascivious dress and behavior" as well as "entertaining, cavorting and pro-creating with people who lacked moral character".

Luckily I had other neighbors that weren't in anyway concerned with whatever it was that I was doing and didn't sign her petition. In fact the neighbor on the other side of me had told her to take her petition and shove it up whatever orifice she could reach.

As for me, I honestly couldn't care less.

Or as Crys had been heard to say, fuck them and the horse they rode in on.

Benny, one of the co-owners of Human Hiero, had actually failed a blood test and was being tested further, which meant that he was out of commission in inking his fair share of the customers and basically took over reception duty for the front counter.

We were all on pins and needles, no pun intended, awaiting the results to see specifically what he might have contracted.

Crystal, my friend and Hiero's resident piercer, had made it very clear that she didn't
to ink, had no
of inking and there was no one, repeat
no one
, that could make her do it.

  So Dex and Benny put their heads together and called a few buddies before they found a couple of people they felt would be a good fit in the shop until Benny was back on his feet.  Benny's son, Gabe, was taken on as an apprentice. 

Dex said that maybe it was because Gabe had grown up surrounded by ink, but he had a natural talent in both the design and the inking. 

The cool thing, though, was that by bringing in a couple of extra people and an apprentice, the shop could handle more clients and it gave each of the co-owners extra time off.

Dex had told me one night after we had been playing rough, hard and oh so good that Benny was the one that taught him everything he knew about inking and had worked with him as he practiced again and again. 

And that Dex, Benny and Max had bought and worked the shop together until Max bought it on his bike just outside of Phoenix where he'd gone to attend a funeral for someone from his old motorcycle club.  His will had specified that Crystal, his daughter, was to inherit and work his share of Human Hiero.

And how every year the shop closed the first two weeks of August while they made their way to Sturgis, SD and made 35% of their revenues for the year as well as partied their asses off.  Jake explained that it had taken time and money, but he finally had gotten a standing reservation for one of the motels there and no longer had to sleep in a sleeping bag on the ground.

Along with everything we were learning about each other, Dex and I were still working through our time apart, that gut-wrenching month when we both walked around with a hole in our chests and tried to maintain a real life.

Which everybody that has gone through something similar knows is the
thing to do.

I would catch him occasionally looking at me, when he thought I wasn't aware.  Or how he sometime clung to me in the middle of the night, when he thought I was asleep.

For me, I have developed a habit of touching him, a soft stroke across his shoulders as he bends over his light-box designing more flash, reaching for his hand when we're just sitting quietly together watching TV or driving somewhere.  Resting my face against his chest after wiggling beneath his arm.

I hadn't ever really been a touchy-feely kind of person before, but I found, with him, I was.

And my Dex was just as touchy-feely right back.




Chapter Twenty Six


We were now in the scholastic homestretch with only a few days more before the school year ended.  It occurred to me this year, just like with every year before, the ending involved a lot more stuff to do, to wrap up than when it started

My office was partly packed in banker's boxes, marked, labeled with the papers inside and the year they were done, where I knew they would languish in the attic space in my garage.  I'd never opened a box containing the scholastic achievements or embarrassments of any of the previous years and, just like every year before, I'd try to talk myself into getting rid of some of the previous years' detritus.

But, I never did.

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