Read Human Blend Online

Authors: Lori Pescatore

Tags: #romance, #fantasy, #young adult, #science fiction, #fictionthriller, #fiction book, #fiction adult romance

Human Blend (18 page)

BOOK: Human Blend
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“Can you guys give me some privacy while I
say goodnight to my girl?” Austin ushered Neal and Annie to the
door. “I'll be out in a second,” he said, closing the door behind

“Meter's running!” Neal yelled through the

“I like your friends.” Julie laughed as she
slid into his embrace.

“Even Neal?” he joked.

“Somebody described him as a puppy dog,”
Julie said. “It suits him,” she added.

“Complete with yapping sound effects and
all.” Austin laughed with her.

Austin brushed Julie's hair back. “I wish I
didn't have to go,” he said softly.

“So don't,” she replied kissing him.

“We both have work tomorrow,” Austin said,
returning her kisses.

“Work, shmerk,” Julie joked, trailing kisses
along his jaw.

“You are not making this easy,” Austin

“Good,” she whispered, moving to his

“Jules,” Austin breathed, closing his

Suddenly, hearing a sound, Julie stopped. “He
didn't just do what I think he did, did he?” she asked, listening.
They both heard the sound again. Neal was beeping the horn. “The
landlady is gonna kill me!” Julie exasperated.

“Not before I kill him,” Austin said. “I'll
see you after work tomorrow,” he added with a quick kiss and

Julie watched him run down the hall and out
the entrance. She saw him jump into the back seat and joined Annie
in the beating of Neal. Julie laughed from her doorway at the sight
until Mrs. Gosley opened her apartment door with a scowl on her
face. Julie closed her own door and leaned against it, holding in
her giggle. “I am so going to get kicked out of here,” she said

Julie looked at the mountain of prizes piled
on the sofa and smiled. “So, this is what fun is,” she said and
smiled. She picked out a special memento; a fluffy white cat with
long hair and attached brush for combing. “I'm going to call you...
Gero,” she named. The remaining prizes she put in a bag. She would
bring them to the hospital tomorrow and give them out to the
children in pediatrics.

She took Gero into the bedroom and placed him
on the bed. She didn't feel tired enough to lay down. Julie instead
turned on the television and flipped aimlessly through the channels
before switching it off. She knew that if she lie down, she would
just toss and turn; she was too restless. Julie decided to see if
Eli was home. She knocked on his door; there was no reply. “Shoot,”
she said, remembering the cheesecake in his refrigerator. She had
the key to his apartment in her pocket.
He did say to use it in
an emergency,
Julie thought. She justified her craving as an
emergency and let herself in.

Julie sat down at the kitchen counter and
sliced herself a piece of the cheesecake. “Decadent,” she voiced
after tasting the first bite. She had just put the fork in her
mouth with the second bite when Eli's bedroom door opened. She
froze as Eli stepped out from his room, clad only in pajama

“Ah, I thought I heard the cheesecake calling
your name,” he teased upon seeing her. Julie was speechless. She
kept staring at his finely chiseled chest and well toned

“Does it taste as good as it looks?” Eli
asked her.

It took her a minute to realize he meant the
cheesecake. “Um, yeah,” she managed to stammer out, hoping she
wasn't blushing.

“I may have to try some later. How was the
carnival?” he asked, coming into the kitchen. She tried to avert
her eyes from staring at his bare chest.
What the heck is wrong
with me
? she questioned her intense reaction to the doctor. The
doctor kept talking even though Julie didn't answer. “I'm surprised
Austin didn't stay,” he commented. “Did you not have a good time?”
he asked.

Julie found her voice. “We both have to be at
work early tomorrow,” Julie explained. “I had a good time,
actually. I made some new friends,” she added. The only way she
could talk to him was if she didn't look at him.

“I'm glad you had fun,” Eli replied.

“Mind if I try a piece of yours?” Eli

“Sure,” she said. She watched as he used her
fork to cut a small piece of her cake. She couldn't take her eyes
off of him as he chewed and swallowed.

“Needs whipped cream,” he decided.

Eli went to the refrigerator and took out a
can of whipped cream. He sprayed it on the cake and took another
bite. “Much better,” he said. He cut another piece with whipped
cream on it and held it up for Julie. “Try it now,” he

Julie accepted the piece as he fed it to her.
She chewed and swallowed, still staring up to him. “Good?” he
asked, a crooked smile on his face.

“Mhm,” she mumbled an agreement, not trusting
her voice.

Eli wiped a bit of whipped cream off the
corner of her mouth and put it in his own. That action caused Julie
to become flushed as a heated sensation spread through her. She
turned away and stared down at the cake. “I... um... should
probably get some sleep.” She stumbled as she got up from the
stool. Eli's hand immediately steadied her.

Their eyes met. “You okay?” he asked. Julie
nodded and quickly turned away from his gaze.

“Thanks... for the cake,” she said, making
her way to the door.

“Anytime. See you tomorrow,” he said. Julie
left the apartment with a backward wave, closing the door behind

Eli chuckled to himself. His hunch had paid
off. While at the hospital, he had been unable to concentrate. He
finally admitted to himself that he was interested in more than
just friendship with Julie. Eli had wondered if Julie was even
remotely interested in him in such a way. His test proved to him
that Julie did find him attractive. “Hope you are up for some
healthy competition, Mr. Dorsett,” Eli voiced.

Back in her apartment, Julie was a bundle of
nerves. Her heart was racing. It had taken a lot of self restraint
to keep from reaching out to touch Eli.
When he did that thing
with the whipped cream
... she thought, and had to grip the
table to ground herself. “What has gotten into me?” she asked
aloud. “Here, he befriends me, takes me into his home, and I repay
him by lusting after him!” she argued angrily. “What must he think
of me?” she asked. She was angry with herself. Tomorrow, she would
apologize to him. “I seem to do that a lot,” she sighed.

Disgusted with herself and her behavior, she
went to bed. Sleep came neither easily nor quickly. She tossed and
turned, images of a half-dressed Eli floating in front of her,
interspersed with flashes of Austin. It seemed like she had just
fallen asleep when her alarm went off. Forcing herself out of bed,
she showered and readied for work.
At least I'll be too busy to
think about things today
, she thought.


Chapter Eight-- It's All Relative


Dressed and ready for work, Julie crept
quietly out of her apartment and down the hall. She knew she would
cross paths with Eli at some point, but was trying to avoid it as
long as possible. She needed to build up her courage to

She got to work early and went to the
cafeteria to get something to eat. “Hey, Screamer,” Neal teased,
sneaking up behind her.

“Hey, Neal,” Julie greeted, distractedly. She
was still so tired that she didn't notice Neal had draped an arm
around her.

The woman behind the counter looked at Neal.
“Did your persistence pay off?” she asked him. Neal grinned. Julie
came out of her stupor and looked at Neal's grin.

She felt his arm around her and promptly
removed it. “Neal,” she scowled at him.

“What?” he laughed. The woman behind the
counter just shook her head.

“What can I get for you, honey?” she asked

“Just a bagel with cream cheese,” Julie

“Grab some orange juice too, so you are more
aware of your surroundings,” the woman suggested.

“Thanks.” Julie smiled.

Neal placed his order and followed Julie to a

“You are really zoning,” Neal said.

“I know,” Julie said. “I didn't sleep well
last night,” she added.

Neal felt her forehead. “Maybe you're coming
down with something,” he surmised.

Julie picked at her bagel. “I don't know why
I got this. I'm not that hungry,” she admitted.

“Hey, Julie. How's it going?” Kathy asked,
joining them at the table. She had a banana and a bowl of

“Hi, Kathy,” Julie addressed with a smile. “I
see you are eating healthier,” she noticed.

“Yes, I am. Finally taking my doctor's
advice,” she said proudly.

“Good for you,” Julie acknowledged.

“Now what's up with you? You looked wiped.
Are they working you too hard?” she asked with concern.

Neal put his arm around Julie again. “It's my
fault. We were at the carnival yesterday. I must have worn her
out,” he bragged.

Kathy sat back a little. “Oh, are you two...”
she began to say.

Julie, again, removed his arm. “No, we are
not. Neal, knock it off,” she admonished.

Neal raised his hands. “No harm, no foul,” he

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!” Joy
exasperated, joining them at the table.

“That's three 'oh my Gods', must be big,”
Kathy noted.

“Have you seen the totally hot, new
resident?” she asked. “He is absolutely gorgeous and... single!”
Joy squealed.

“Like I need any more competition,” Neal
grumbled. Julie smiled.

“So, c'mon give the specs,” Kathy

“Tall, dark, and handsome,” Joy sighed.

“More details, please,” Kathy suggested.

“Dark black hair, piercing blue eyes...
and... when he looks at you... you melt like butter,” Joy told.

“Sounds like he would raise my cholesterol,”
Kathy kidded.

“.And blood pressure,” Joy added, “ but what
a way to go,” she gushed.

Julie enjoyed watching Joy and Kathy
converse. They seemed so comfortable with each other.

“What's his name?” Kathy asked.

“Doctor Samson, Marcus Samson. Hair... little
on the long side, down to about here,” Joy described, putting her
hand close to her shoulder. “Parted in the middle and it falls in
his face when he leans over. So gorgeous,” she elaborated.

“Sounds too perfect,” Kathy said. “He's
probably a jerk,” she deduced.

“Flirtatious as hell, definitely not a jerk,”
Joy said.

“All talk, no action, then,” Kathy

“Why are you trying to say something bad
about him?” Joy asked.

“Just playing devil's advocate. The guy you
described sounds like he exists more in your head than in real
life,” Kathy explained.

“I can't wait to prove you wrong,” Joy

Kathy looked at her watch. “Time for work,
people,” she said. Julie had drifted off. Kathy put a finger under
Julie's chin, lifting her head. “Stop working so hard,” she

Neal put his arm around Julie. “I'll look
after her,” he said.

Julie yawned and rested her head on his
shoulder, which bought a smile to his face. “I'll be okay, just
tired,” she said sleepily.

“Stop that. You are making Neal smile. It's
creepy,” Joy shuddered. Julie smiled but didn't move. She didn't
see the worried look that passed between Kathy and Joy.

Joy stood up and grabbed Julie's arm. “C'mon,
sleeping beauty, you need to wake up,” she said, pulling Julie out
of Neal's embrace.

“Hey,” Neal exclaimed. Julie laughed and
stood up, but had to sit back down because she felt dizzy.

“Now you're scaring me, Julie,” Joy said,
sitting down next to her. Julie shook her head.

“I'm sorry,” she said and reached for her
orange juice. “I probably should have eaten,” she said after
finishing it. “I'm really okay. C'mon, let's get moving,” Julie
stood up. She followed Joy up to the fifth floor. Neal was not far

“Anytime you need a rest, come find me. My
shoulder's always ready,” he told her before he left for his

“If it gets to be too much, go home. You hear
me?” Joy ordered, then exclaimed, “Oh my God, here he comes.”

Julie looked to where Joy was looking. The
man walking down the hallway, flanked by two beaming nurses and
Doctor Elsworth, was exactly as Joy had described him. Julie and
the new doctor locked eyes long before he reached the station she
was at. He smiled at her as he came to stand in front of her. Julie
heard Joy speaking and tried to listen to what she was saying.

He stuck out his hand to Julie. “Nice to meet
one of our valuable volunteers,” the doctor said. Julie took his
hand, her eyes never leaving his. The electric shock she felt as
their skin made contact was enough to make the hair on the back of
her neck stand up. Julie felt afraid, yet curious. There was
something about him; something familiar. The feeling then changed
to a heated, flushed desire.

She pulled her hand from his. “Nice to meet
you,” she mumbled. “I have to get changed,” she said, trying to
make a quick exit.

Eli stopped her. “Miss Miller, are you okay?”
he asked her.

“Yeah, I'm fine. I'll... um... I'll talk to
you later,” Julie stammered as she headed for the locker room.

She was glad the locker room was empty.
What the hell is wrong with me
, she thought as she stomped
around, getting changed.
I'm such a nut job. I want to jump the
bones of every nice looking guy I meet. I'm a freak of nature, and
what the hell is with that guy? I felt like I was trapped in his
web. Was it him or was it me
? she ranted to herself.
was something about him, I know it. I can't put my finger on
... she sighed heavily. “I'm falling apart,” she voiced
aloud. She sat down and put her head in her hands. She stayed that
way until Nurse Hacher found her.

“Julie, my dear, are you alright?” she asked.
Julie raised her head, her face wet with tears.

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