Authors: Bart Jones
Channel 2 (RCTV).
RCTV (Radio Caracas Television, Channel 2)
charisma of Hugo Chávez.
See also
speeches of Hugo Chávez
por ahora
speech after failed coup
Chávez, Adán (Hugo Chavez brother)
as civilian collaborators' contact
at ULA (University of the Andes), Mérida, Venezuela
Chávez, Argenis (Hugo Chávez brother)
Chávez, Elena Frías (Hugo Chávez mother)
Chávez, Hugo de los Reyes (Hugo Chávez father)
lunch with Fidel Castro and HC
Chávez, Isaías "Latigo," Hugo Chávez baseball hero
Chávez, Marisabel Rodríguez de (Hugo Chávez's second wife).
Rodríguez de Chávez, Marisabel (second Hugo Chávez wife)
Chávez, Rosa Inés (Hugo Chávez grandmother)
Chávez Frías, Hugo Rafael
See also Bolivarian headings;
charisma of Hugo Chávez; civilian-military union concept of Hugo Chávez;
presidencies headings;
road to power of Hugo Chávez; socialism for twenty-first century
on Bush, George W.: and Afghanistan war
decrees prepared for 1992 coup
fiscally conservative/socially progressive
See also main heading
Castro, Fidel;
main heading
heroes of Hugo Chávez); complications of
against political party formation
socially progressive/fiscally conservative
on USA: and Latin America intervention
See also
speeches of Hugo Chávez); world domination
and "
¡Vuelvan caras!
" battle cry of Páez
claimed deadly ambushers at Llaguno Bridge
crowds outside Turiamo naval base HC holding place
Donde Est
Que Hable
! (Where's Chávez? Let him speak!) demand
protests of Venezuelan network
and tear gas canister/rubber bullets
Venevisión identifying as deadly ambushers
childhood of Hugo Chávez.
See also
Chávez, Rosa Inés (Hugo Chávez grandmother)
baseball love of Chávez)
Chávez, Rosa Inés (Hugo Chávez grandmother)
and El Gavilan (the Hawk), avenger for poor
children of Hugo Chávez
Hugo Rafael: fleeing Caracas during 2002 coup
See also
Allende, Salvador (Chilean president 1970s)
The Christian Science Monitor,
US ambassador after 1992 coup
See also
NED (National Endowment for Democracy)
See also
Allende, Salvador [Chilean president 1970-1973])
Arbenz, Jacobo overthrow (Guatemala)
and Bravo, Douglas (PRV/guerrilla leader)
Venezuela intelligence-gathering for Bush administration
Cisneros, Gustavo (Venevisión network owner).
See also
Venevisión as Chávez hater
Cisneros, Oswaldo (Venezuelan elite)
Cisneros, Ricardo (Banco Latino "apostle")
Citgo (PDVSA subsidiary/US gas station chain)
discounted heating oil to USA needy
Mandini, Roberto (Citgo vice president): named PDVSA president by HC
civilian-military union concept of Chávez
and Bravo, Douglas (PRV/guerrilla leader)
journalists' anti-HC activism
asking HC to increase oil output
Neudstadl, Otto (correspondent)
COFAVIC Venezuelan human rights group
Colmenares, Nancy (Hugo Chávez's first wife)
See also
García Márquez, Gabriel
asylum granted Pedro Carmona (interim coup president)
Gaitán, Jorge Eliécer assassination
Columbia Journalism Review,
journalists' anti-HC activism
Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)
CONASEDE (national security council)
HC as personal assistant to chief of
Confederation of Venezuelan Workers (CTV).
CTV (Confederation of Venezuelan Workers)
constitutional assembly of Chávez
presidency of Hugo Chávez (first term)
"Constitutional Assembly Now!" slogan
Defender of the People office creation
democratic activity at street-level
fast-track legislation presidential power
judicial emergency declaration
legislative emergency declaration
"mini Congress" interim body appointment
See also main heading
National Electoral Council)
La Reconstituyente
The Reconstitution
play parodying assembly
Supreme Court: declared defunct
constitution of HC administrations
Article 350 (right to oppose government deemed undemocratic)
contras in George W. Bush administration.
Iran-contra figures in George W. Bush administration
COPEI (Social Christian Party)
Correa, Rafael (Ecuador president)
See also
judicial system, Venezuelan (traditional)
The Dictionary of Venezuela
and PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela)
and Transparency International
1992 coup against Pérez; 2002 coup
criticism of Chávez presidencies.
See also
media headings; presidential categories;
recall; State Department, USA; USA
by Abrams, Elliot (NSC human rights point man)
"as sugar cane crushing machine,"
civilian militia as following Cuba
educational programs of social missions
by environmentalists: on land appropriation
foreign investment discouraged
hatred of HC as primary platform
heard by revolutionary tourists
heating oil US program as "political theater,"
and international oil project takeover
militarizing the government fears
also main heading
Plaza Altamira "Liberated Territory")