How to Worship a Goddess (27 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Julian

BOOK: How to Worship a Goddess
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That worried Sal. Brand could hear it in the guy's voice. He tried not to let that freak him out more than he already was. Which was pretty damn freaked out. He didn't say anything, just watched Lucy for any sign that she was waking.

Damn, she was cold. He shrugged out of his coat and lifted her so he could wrap her in it, then held her in his arms. “Can I take her back to my place?”

“I think she should go to the
,” Catene spoke in a low, careful tone, as if she was relearning the language. “Nica and Mom can keep an eye on her and I'll be there—”

“No. I need to be home for the demon to find me.”

He looked down to see Lucy staring up at him, her gray eyes so dull, it made his heart hurt. “Jesus, Lucy, you're in no condition—”

“I need to go home. I'll be fine after a few hours' sleep. That's all I need. You and a bed, Brandon. Please.”

He wanted to give her anything she wanted but she looked so weak. Fear made his stomach cramp and he looked at Sal for guidance.

Sal just shook his head. “Lucy, you should let the
look after you—”

“No. I need rest. And the
can do nothing for me that a few hours of rest will not accomplish. I'll have Cole send a few
to patrol. Sal, I'll be fine.”

Would she be? Damn it, he'd make sure she was. Sal apparently realized he wasn't going to get anywhere with her so, with a sigh, he capitulated.

“But you need to take it easy. I don't know how much I need to stress that.”

She smiled, but it looked weak. “And I plan to, Sal. Please, just send us home.”

Minutes later, Brandon carried Lucy from her living room, where Sal had transported them, to her bedroom, where he set her on the bed. He released a tired sigh as she started to rise.

“Lucy, you need to lie down.”

“And I will. But first I want a shower.”

She looked so damn fragile, he didn't want her to be standing, not even for a shower. “How about a bath?”

Her smile made the gray of her eyes brighten for a brief second. “Only if you agree to wash my hair.”

“Sweetheart, don't you know yet? I'll do anything for you?”

He had water running into the huge claw-foot tub in seconds and went back for her. She'd already shrugged off his coat and was working on her toga when he returned.

“Here, let me.”

He reached for the gold brooch holding the whole thing together at her shoulder. It looked like a miniature shield, but with a brilliant ruby at its center. Ancient and heavy, the piece felt warm in his hand. But her skin was so cold.

“Come on, babe. Let's get you into the water.”

After carrying her into the bathroom, he stood her on her feet for the five seconds it took to get the toga to fall to the ground. Then he set her as carefully as he could in the tub. She leaned her head against the rim and sighed, her eyes closing as her expression slackened with bliss.

“This was the best idea.” Her speech sounded weak but not slurred. “But it'd be better if you were in here with me.”

Which was exactly where he wanted to be, though he planned to keep his shorts on. His heart rate still hadn't returned to normal and he didn't think he'd be able to get an erection even with a helping hand. But why take chances?

Stripped down to his boxers, he eased in behind her, the heat from the water soaking into his skin, loosening tight muscles, then put his arms around her as gently as he could.

“I'm not going to break, Brandon.” She lifted her arms to rest them on top of his.

He heaved a sigh of relief and let his arms tighten around her the tiniest bit more.

“So everything went according to plan?”

She paused and he had the awful sensation the other shoe was about to drop.

“I suppose so,” she finally said. “Catene and I are still breathing, I no longer feel those powers that I associated with being a goddess, and Catene's power has increased exponentially. I assume that means everything went according to plan.”

Pressing his lips to her ear, he kissed the lobe. “I'm sorry you had to give up that part of yourself, Lucy. And I'll say this again and again until you understand exactly what I mean. I don't want you to commit suicide to save Caeles. Let's come up with a plan where everyone gets out alive.”

“Wouldn't that be nice?”

Her voice had lowered and deepened, as if she were falling asleep, which probably wouldn't be a bad thing. After what she'd been through, she'd need to rest, especially if they were going to take on a demon and get back her son.

For the next few minutes, Brand let her rest against his chest and just breathe. The hot water surrounded them in a haze of jasmine-scented steam. He'd smell like her when they got out but he was okay with that. More than okay.

Hell, he didn't care if he smelled like a shampooed French poodle as long as she was around to notice. And speaking of shampoo… Grabbing the glass cup on the table next to the tub, he used it to soak her hair then picked up the tube of shampoo from the same table.

He worked the thick liquid into the long strands of her dark hair, massaging her scalp as he did. Her moan of sheer, sensual enjoyment had his skin tightening all over.

Forcing back his ever-present desire for her, he rinsed the shampoo from her hair then turned to pick a bath gel.

There were four kinds and he picked the one that reminded him of her. Moonlit Night. A little musky, a little floral, all woman. Perfect.

Instead of putting the gel on the sponge, he poured it into his hands. Starting at her shoulders, he smoothed the gel onto her skin. Silky bubbles formed, the scent combining with the bubble bath to create a heady perfume.

He washed every inch of skin he could reach without moving her, rubbing her still-tight shoulders and arms.

Stroking up her stomach, he cupped her breasts in his hands. He worked the pebbled nipples into stiff peaks with his thumbs and forefingers, watching her chest begin to rise and fall at a much faster pace as her head pressed back into his chest.

“Shh, sweetheart. Just relax.”

Releasing her breasts, he used the cup to rinse her body then shifted her forward so he could reach her legs. He rubbed at her tight calf muscles, kneaded her thighs and hips until he brushed the small triangle of hair on her mound.

Breathing in sharply, she tilted her hips up, pressing his fingertips into her flesh.

“Brandon.” Her voice tried to loosen the strings of his tight control, but he refused to let it. He didn't want to tax her strength but he knew she gained power from orgasms. So he'd keep his dick in his pants. So to speak.

He knew she needed to rest, so he wouldn't draw this out. He'd learned enough about this woman in the four intense days they'd shared that he knew how to bring her off as quickly as possible. Letting his fingers slide between her thighs, he went straight for her clit. The little bundle of nerves was swollen and she flinched when he flicked it.

“Brandon.” Her voice sounded like a moan.

“I know what you need, babe. Let me give it to you.”

Her head turned on his shoulder, and he felt her lips graze along his throat, making his blood thicken.

Alright, he could do this without embarrassing himself by coming all over her back.

But if she moved her ass one more time—no. Pushing those thoughts aside, he used his fingers to caress her clit, starting with a slow, steady motion. The bubbles in the water created a silky glide as he rubbed her clit then slid down farther to play with her swollen lips.

Her hips shifted and pressed forward. She wanted more and he gave it to her. He increased the speed of his fingers, flicking her clit then sliding back down to play at her slit.

Lucy tensed, a moan passing through her lips on a breath of air as she inched closer to climax. He increased his speed but not too much, just enough to send her over the edge.

She shook, a full-body shudder that lasted almost a minute and left her boneless against him. His arms wrapped around her again, holding her tight against his body until the water had cooled considerably. Then he took her to bed.


Lucy came awake with a start at the mental prod.

It's time. Meet me in the forest near the head of the small stream.

demon holding her son.

Behind her, she felt the steady rise and fall of Brandon's chest. He slept now but she knew he'd awaken at the slightest movement from her. She didn't want him involved in her mess. Which was such a joke at the moment. He was most likely stronger than she was now. She needed him. She wanted him in her life and it was time she started acting as if she trusted him with her life. Something she'd never done with another man.

Rolling onto her back, she turned her head to look at Brandon. So beautiful, all those muscular lines chiseled and well defined, even in sleep.

She leaned forward to press a kiss against his lips and pulled back to watch his eyelids open to reveal dark, dark eyes.

“It's time.”

She watched awareness fill his gaze as his lips quirked into a hard smile. “I'm ready.”

Pushing away the doubt that wanted to paralyze her, she nodded then rolled to the side to sit. She felt remarkably refreshed. Apparently some things would remain the same.

The bed shimmied as Brandon got up and began dressing. She followed suit, choosing comfortable jeans and a bright pink T-shirt. The burst of color lifted her spirits and she knew she looked good in it. Which shouldn't mean a damn thing at this time but she needed every little bit of help she could get. Finally, she pulled on a pair of red hiking books and walked downstairs in silence with Brandon's arm around her shoulder.

Surprise, followed quickly by despair, hit her when she realized she hadn't felt the four
who waited in the bar for her. Some things

Kyle and his three fellow
—Duke, Nic, and Kaine—sat at the bar. They stopped talking and stood when she and Brandon walked in. The men bowed, and Kaine curtsied though Kyle knew damn well she no longer deserved the honor.

“Lady Lucy—”

“You no longer need to call me that, Kyle. You know—”

“I know you are still Lusna and will always be Lady Lucy.” Kyle's gaze burned steady. “That won't ever change.”

She had to swallow several times before she could manage all of two words. “Thank you.”

To which Kyle nodded and continued. “Now, we need to put a plan together to get Caeles back without sacrificing you. And I think I've got an idea for that.”

Kyle transferred his gaze to Brandon. “How would you like to play stupid human?”

“Won't work.” Brandon shook his head. “That demon knew there was something different about me. It knew I was
before anyone else did.”

Kyle just nodded. “That's what we're counting on. You'll be the distraction. It'll expect you but you'll smell different than you did before. We're hoping that'll give us enough time to get Caeles and kill the damn thing. We need to send a message to Charun that no matter how many demons he sends to capture our goddesses, they'll fail because we're stronger.”

“And what am I supposed to do?” Lucy asked.

“You need to stay out of that thing's way, Lady. We don't know if it'll be able to sense your… changes. We're going on the assumption that it won't or, if it does, it won't be able to figure out what's different until it's too late.”

Kyle fell silent, watching her, waiting for her decision. Just as if she were still the
's favored goddess. She couldn't let them down.

“Sounds like a plan. I'll let the demon know I'm coming.”


Kyle and his
melted into the forest in two seconds flat.

Brandon couldn't hear, see, or smell them. Damn, they were good.

His job was to be more conspicuous. To attempt to be invisible, knowing he wasn't that good. But it might just be enough to throw the demon off. Might being the operative word.

Lucy had walked into the forest ten seconds after the
and Brandon followed seconds after her. He didn't have to see her to keep up. His sense of smell and his hearing had increased since his
had been released. Even his eyesight had gotten sharper.

He found it relatively easy to keep up with her and even managed to keep his bumbling to a minimum.

That acrid scent he remembered from before reached his nose after about five minutes. The demon was out there. And close. Had it tracked Lucy from the house without any of them knowing? Probably. Fuck. Brandon took off at a lope, forgetting about trying to be silent. He needed to get to Lucy now. Because somehow the demon had managed to outmaneuver them.


“You didn't really think it would be that easy, did you. Lusna? Did you really think you'd just traipse into the forest with your
and take your son back without paying the price?”

Lucy wasn't surprised when she encountered the demon only halfway to where it'd told her to meet.

She'd known this wouldn't be as simple as walking into the forest. She'd known the demon would find a way to catch her off guard. To catch everyone off guard.

“I fully expected to pay the price.” She stopped several feet from it. “Where's my son?”

“On the other side of the gate, keeping company with a friend of mine. Bet you didn't know you had a gate between the planes in your own backyard.” The demon patted a blue hand on the trunk of an ancient oak that stood tall and strong in the midst of younger pines, oaks, and maples.

Lucy shrugged, happy to be able to disappoint. “Of course I knew. My fault was allowing myself to believe you didn't.”

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