How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!) (26 page)

BOOK: How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!)
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she’d left, Ryder patted the chair she’d vacated. “Come sit between us, Cato.”

moved and immediately Ryder laid her head on Cato’s shoulder. She soothed the
younger woman’s hair. “I’m so sorry this happened.”

just couldn’t believe it.” Pepper wiped her eyes. “One minute he was laughing
and talking about a date he had lined up with Tamara Grayson and the next we
heard everyone screaming that he was hurt.”

to live with a disability is always hard, but not impossible.”

other two girls nodded and smiled slightly, knowing Cato spoke from experience.

should have been out there helping.” Ryder twisted a napkin in her hands. “When
I was younger, I used to dog every step Jaxson made. I knew we were
short-handed. Most of the men were out baling and hauling hay. Ten was out with
Bowie Travis checking out a lead they’d found down near Sandy Creek.” When she
saw Cato’s look of curiosity, she explained. “Ten found tire tracks and a place
where one of the fences had been cut. And Philip was with Zane going over his
defense and I…I was talking…”

leaned forward. “Stop being so hard on yourself, Ryder. There is no one
definition or formula for love.”

was confused but she wouldn’t ask.

placed her head in her hands. Cato thought she was crying. She wasn’t, she was
blushing. “God, who would have ever thought?” In a few seconds she looked up
and turned to Cato. “Do you remember Samson Duke?”

he would be hard to forget.”

Ryder wiped her eyes. “Isn’t that the truth? Now, imagine this. There’s two of
them. He has a brother named Gideon and they both want me.”

have two brothers fighting over you? Gosh, some women have all the luck.” She
was trying to tease her into a smile.

they’re not fighting.” Ryder laughed wryly. “They’re cooperating.” She leaned
toward Cato. “They want to share me.”

.” Pepper got their attention. “Here comes Heath and
he has ears like a bat.”

heard that,” Heath said dryly, meeting Cato’s eyes and winking. “What do you
not want me to know?”

turned several shades of red. “Nothing,

bet.” He hugged both of his sisters. “I’m going to take Cato home and then head
out to the ranch and get things ready for Jaxson to come home. I went in to see
him and you two can go next.”

is he?” Pepper asked, her face hopeful yet sad.

now, he’s on a lot of medication. But he hasn’t lost his sense of humor. He
said now his socks would last twice as long and his risk of getting rattlesnake
bit had been cut in half.”

moaned. “Aww, poor
. I love him so.”

all do,” Heath agreed. “Ready?” he asked Cato.

She stood and hugged both girls. “Please call me if I can do anything to help.”

saying their goodbyes, Heath led her out. “You never know what a day will
bring. Do you?”

you don’t.” She squeezed his hand. “I’m so sorry all of this happened.”

know.” He pushed her hair over her shoulder. “Being with you made it all
easier. So, let’s continue on with our plans for next weekend, whatever they
are. I have this feeling I’m going to need you like crazy after a few days.”


*  *  *


huffed her consternation. What a day! First, she’d had a flat tire over near
Johnson City, then she’d been stood up for an interview with one of the
musicians from Coldplay. It wasn’t his fault, they were playing Austin City
Limits and a rehearsal had been called. Still, she’d gone to a lot of trouble,
getting reservations at the exclusive Roaring Fork restaurant. Hence, she was
disappointed. “
!” She flung down her briefcase.

Something was wrong.

looked closely at her desk.

had been moved around! She’d swear it. Slowly, Cato sat down at her chair and
tried to remember where she’d had everything sitting. Yes, she always kept the
stapler to the right and it was now on the left. The yellow sticky note
dispenser was now at the front and she liked it in the back. Her coffee cup was
on the far corner, very near to the edge, not where she’d left it. “Dang it!”
She tried her drawers and thankfully they were still locked. Who had gone
through her desk? And what were they looking for?

was unnerved. She didn’t have anything worth stealing.

she’d feel better if she talked to someone, Cato walked toward Floyd Redford’s
office. On the way she met the eyes of her coworkers, none of which she knew
well, but they were all so easy going and friendly. Elaine liked cats, she
wouldn’t hurt a flea. George loved to talk about golf, he was the one everyone
went to for hints on media coverage. Bernice was quiet, but she always had her
mind on men. None of those folks would be out to steal small change or
paperclips, would they?

one of them was guilty.

Floyd’s glassed-in office, she hesitated because he was on the phone. Keeping
her eye on him to see when he was free, Cato let her mind wander to Heath. She
wondered how things were going with Jaxson. It had been a few days since she’d
seen them and the weekend couldn’t come fast enough to suit her.

imagined it was the same with those who could hear—sometimes you aren’t really
listening until a word you overhear catches your attention and then you start
to listen. It was the same way with her lip-reading from a distance. She wasn’t
really trying to read Floyd’s lips until she saw the word ‘McCoy’ and then she
was on red alert. Cato narrowed her eyes. What the hell? “I couldn’t find it.
I’ll keep looking. How much proof do you need? What’s my cut?”

of what he said was damning but warning bells were ringing inside of Cato’s
head. Slowly, she backed away and left before he could see her. Could her boss
have been the one who was going through her desk? And if so, what exactly was
he looking for? All of a sudden she wanted to talk to Heath.

around, Cato picked up her stuff and left. Something was going on and until she
had it figured out, she’d be working from home.


*  *  *


Jaxson threw a glass across the room and felt little satisfaction when it
shattered all over the floor.

hurt. His foot cramped—the foot that wasn’t there.

phone rang. He picked it up. Tammy. She’d called six times and been by twice
and he hadn’t talked to her yet. “Hell!” Might as well get it over with.


this is Tammy. I’ve been so worried. I’m so sorry.”

fine.” He wasn’t fine. Fine was just something you said when you didn’t want to
talk. He’d never be fine again.

like to see you.”


“Jaxson, please, I just…”

I’ve been thinking and this isn’t going to work.”

don’t understand.”

to understand?” Jaxson asked harshly. “I don’t want to see you. You’re not my
type.” He bit the words out. No, she wasn’t his type—not anymore.

Tammy’s voice was barely above a whisper. “Sorry to bother you. I hope you’ll

hung up, he couldn’t handle it anymore.




opened the door. “Are you all right? I heard something break.”

fine and dandy. How are you?” Jaxson pasted on a fake smile.

about you.”


don’t you come out in the living room and stay with the family. Dad is beating
at chess.”

tired, I think I’ll go to bed.” Jaxson rolled his wheelchair to the other side
of the room, effectively putting distance between him and his older brother.

you sure?” Heath asked, taking a step forward.

Jaxson’s tone brooked no argument.    

right, I’ll be up for a while if you need me.”   

peal of the doorbell rang through the house. “You’d better go, I think you have

if it’s for you?”

them I don’t live here anymore.” Jaxson turned his back on his brother and
stared out the window.

wanted to stay but the commotion from the front of the house concerned him.
What the fuck could be wrong now?

he walked back into the living room, he knew.


do you want,
?” Heath barked.

looked around to see
standing there flanked by
two men in very expensive suits. “Good morning, everyone. I’d like to introduce
my attorney, Clyde
, and I believe you know the
state Attorney General, Hector Gonzales.”

Philip and Heath stepped forward. “What’s all this,

met Ryder and Pepper’s worried eyes and nodded to
them. “I hate to do this in front of your women folk, but I’ve come to shut
down your oil and gas wells, McCoy. And to tell you I’ll be bringing heavy
equipment onto your land to start some exploratory work.”

the hell are you talking about?” Heath asked with fury. “If you think you’re
stealing my land, you’re crazy.”

I’m not after your land, McCoy.”
held his hand
out to his lawyer, who handed him some papers. “But I am the sole owner of all
the mineral rights associated with your ranch.”


























was lying in bed when she felt her phone vibrate. Picking it up, she read the
words. “I need you.”


She typed.

I come over?


God. Let me in.

are you?

your front porch.

my God! Cato jumped up and ran to the door, threw it open and Heath swept her
up in his arms. “What’s wrong?”

knew he couldn’t answer until they got back to her bedroom where the light was
on, as always. As soon as they did, he started talking. It was as if he
couldn’t shut up. “Cato, I’ve missed you. I need you.” He repeated the

heart pounded. “You’ve got me.” She stared at him with big doe eyes and pulled
him close for a kiss.

right, keep the kisses coming.”

smiled and offered her lips once more. Heath deliberately tasted her mouth,
mapping every inch. Their kisses grew more intense, longer, hotter,
. Heath lost track of number or time, all he knew was
Cato and how she was turning him inside out. Pulling away he gasped for breath,
gazing at her as if he couldn’t quite believe how he was feeling. “I want to
get all tangled up with you. You make me feel alive.”

kiss better than anyone in the world, cowboy.”

chuckled. “I hope that’s not my only talent.”

not, you have many.” She took his hand in hers and placed it between her

can’t change who I am, Cato, right or wrong.”

not asking you to.”

realized that. She wasn’t asking him for anything and the funny thing was, he
was disappointed. “Ask me for something.” He challenged.

She leaned over and kissed his chest. “Every time I think about you, I ache.”

answer. Picking up her gown by the hem, he skimmed it up and over her head.
“Fuck, baby.”

down.” She pushed on his shoulders. “I never did get to be on top last time.”

you didn’t.” He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his fly. “Allow me to rectify
that oversight.”  

stared at the strip of white underwear he’d exposed and the large bulge beneath
it. “You are so hung.” She reached out and raked her nails down the hard ridge
and was gratified when she felt it pulse beneath her fingertips.

inspire me,” Heath hissed.

about inspire.” She tugged on his pants, attempting to free his cock. “One look
from you and my panties are damp.”

don’t have on any panties.”   

right. I’m naked and you’re way overdressed.”
they tugged on his clothes, laughing
“God, I’m glad you’re here. I wasn’t expecting to see you until this weekend,
and I really wasn’t sure about that, not with everything that’s going on.”

a moment, his brain fogged and all of his problems came roaring back. No!
Later—he needed this now, he needed her. “I couldn’t stay away.” Taking her by
the hand, he urged, “Sit on me.”

steadied her as she climbed on top of him. “Don’t let me hurt you.” She was
careful to get her knees on either side of his hips. “I don’t want to damage
the goods.”

make me laugh.” Heath snorted.

don’t laugh at me, laugh with me.” She waved her hands up and down her body.
“I’m feeling a little vulnerable here.”

Heath’s pulse raced as if he’d sucked in pure oxygen. The sight of her before
him stole his breath. “You have a perfect face and body, magnificent tits, a
tiny waist and an ass that won’t quit—and this…” He touched her between the
legs. “Let me see.”

had her hypnotized. She leaned back, supporting herself on her hands and tilted
her pussy toward him, spreading as wide as she could.

how wet you are for me.” With the pads of his fingers, he rubbed luxurious
ovals up and down her slit, lubricating Cato with her own cream. “A woman’s
pussy is one of the most perfect creations.” Heath held her gaze. “And this one
belongs to me.”

shuddered. “Yes, it does.” She belonged to him—body, heart and soul—for as long
as he wanted her.

the sexiest woman in the world to me.”

didn’t know where all these sweet words were coming from, but she was enjoying

wide smile and the honest pleasure in her eyes made his cock throb in time with
the pounding of his heart. Heath let his hands slide up her thighs slowly,
enjoying the smoothness of her skin, moving around to meet at the crease of her
butt. “Kiss me?”

question surprised her. “Love to.” Leaning over, she brushed her mouth against
his. Her nipples grazed his chest, tingling from the tickle of the dark hair
dusted across his
. When she let just the tip of
her tongue touch his, she felt him tremble. Rising up, she studied his

tease me, Cat, I can’t take much more tonight.”

new nickname sent a thrill down her spine. “I’m not teasing, Heath, I’m more
than serious.” She moved in to kiss him again and he captured her lips, soft
hard in seconds. Heath took over, his
tongue invading, his lips possessing. When Cato felt his fingers on her
nipples, pulling and milking. She shook, her control slipping away. All she
could do was seek to be closer, to get relief. Cato couldn’t have stopped her
hips from moving if she’d tried. With tiny undulations, she scrubbed her pussy
against his abdomen, the friction sending a zing through her body, any moment
she’d go up in flames. Heat rushed straight to her clit as Heath continued to
play with her breasts. God, she loved this! Cato ground herself against him. “I
need you inside me,” she gasped, tearing her mouth from his.

answered, “Take me. Do it.” He demanded.

she hesitated, not sure how to proceed, all she knew to do was show him how
much she wanted him in the only way she knew how.

was kissing and licking his body, nipping his throat, rubbing her cheek against
the scruff on his face. Reaching between them, Heath urged her to raise up long
enough for him to guide his aching cock to the opening of her pussy. She met
his gaze then, huge eyes that mirrored what she was feeling. He watched her
mouth form a perfect ‘O’ as he pushed up inside of her. “God, baby!” How could
he ever begin to explain how good it felt to sink up into her snug velvety
heat?  Heath shunted his hips to bury himself all the way, closed his eyes
and groaned. “You’re a witch, I swear.”

placed both hands on his chest and tested what she could do. “This feels so
good, Heath, you’re so deep.” Bending forward slightly, she lifted her hips up
and sank back down, up and down.

moving a second.” Heath grasped her hips. “I’m hanging on by a whisper.” Cato
smiled at him, a smile so bright it made Heath feel like he’d swallowed the
sun. “You’re beautiful, my Cato.” Lifting his hands, he covered her breasts and
palmed them, lifting and molding, kneading and shaping. “Oh, I like that,” he
groaned as she tightened around him. “Do that, squeeze my cock. Don’t go up and
down, just move back and forth and milk…” He groaned. “Shit…I still may not

don’t have to.” Cato melted. “I can’t. I have to cum, it just feels so good.”

you’re amazing.” Heath could get off just from watching her face. She loved
being with him—there was no pretense, no put-on. This woman flamed at his touch
and that was a major turn-on. “Hold on.”

he began to move inside of her, Cato’s brain fogged. She arched her back, her
hair flowing behind her and clenched and unclenched her pussy muscles as he
thrust upward, faster and faster. Having to hold on to something, she placed
her hands on his forearms as he continued to massage her tits. “Fuck, fuck…”
she whispered.

erotic word on her lips spurred him on. “Yes, ma’am.”

dissolved into mindless rapture. She couldn’t keep up, so she just accepted
him, welcomed him, became the source of his pleasure, the receptacle of his
passion. Over and over again, he hammered into her—big, thick, hard, throbbing
and she loved it—she craved it. God, she wanted to fuck him forever. “Heath!”
His name on her lips seemed the appropriate epitaph to dying of mind-numbing

whole body jerked in rapture as he emptied himself into her, prolonged,
wrenching spasms that made him tingle and his toes curl. How could it keep
getting better and better? And he hadn’t become satiated with her. Heath craved
Cato more and more. Tonight, when he could take no more at home, it was to her
he’d run. Without a doubt, without hesitation, he had sought no other for
comfort and solace. If he hadn’t been so replete, he would’ve dwelt more on
what that meant—but not now, at this moment everything was perfect. 

started to move, but he held on. When she turned her face to his, he explained.
“Let me keep you close just a few seconds longer. My world has gone to hell in
a hand-basket and holding you near is the only thing that feels right.”

she would never move. “What’s wrong, baby?” Cato couldn’t have kept the
tenderness out of her voice if she tried. 

is falling apart. Jaxson has shut down. He’s given up.”

idea of the young vibrant man suffering just tore at her heart. “Oh, no. What
will you do?”

getting him some help. He’s pushed the family away.”

reached up and kissed him on the cheek. He was hurting so. Heath took her hand
and kissed the palm. “Philip’s scared, he won’t admit it but he’s losing faith
that the jury will believe there was some kind of conspiracy behind Dalton
Smith’s murder.”

least in this area she could offer some help. “I’m still working on the
documents. I’m only about halfway through. I’ll find something to help. If it’s
there, I’ll find it. I promise.”

you, I know you will.” She laid her cheek on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

a few moments, he put a finger under her chin and lifted it. “And to top it
showed up at Highlands and informed us he
owns all of our mineral rights.”

shocked Cato. “How can that be? How is it possible that
is making such a claim?”

don’t know. Zane and Presley have come back to Highlands and they’re working on
all of this. They’ve even brought in Zane’s partner Adam and even Noah’s
fiancée, Skye.”

didn’t know Skye worked for Zane.”

an associate. Don’t worry, I have a hard time keeping up.”

went to
a couple of days ago to see the twins
and take Avery and Isaac a little post honeymoon gift.”

was sweet of you.”

got us a surprise also.” She gave him a wicked little grin.

really. Like what?”

she could answer, he said, “Yeah, I know. I know. It’s a surprise.”

I was there, Jacob gave Noah a photograph of his mother. They were pretty upset
but he was so happy to have it. I felt sorry for him.”

can’t imagine,” Heath agreed. “It was hard to lose my mother, but Noah’s
circumstances are far worse. He’s never known his.”

started to say something about her own situation but her lack of maternal love
was water under the bridge, there was no going back.

was beautiful. Noah favored her.”

a softie, that’s what you are, especially here.” He smacked her on the bottom.

giggled and kissed his cheek, noting the shadows under his beautiful blue eyes.
“You’re tired.” Cato cupped the side of his face tenderly. “Can you sleep with

a little while. I’ll have to go home soon.”

hold on.” Before he could protest she rose and went to her restroom, returning
with a warm wash cloth. God, she had the sexiest ass!

Heath’s breath and part of his heart, he watched Cato kneel down and pick up
his dick, washing it tenderly with the soft cloth. Despite his fatigue, he
could feel his flesh react. “Ha! He never gives up even when I’m bushed.”

makes me happy.” With a smile, she bent over and placed a gentle kiss on his
spent shaft.

have mercy on me,” Heath whispered as she left to put the cloth back in the

she returned, she crawled into the bed, splendidly naked, flawless in her
femininity. Heath tried to remember what his life had been like pre-Cato but it
was almost impossible. “Cuddle with me for a little while before I head back.”

She nestled against him, her head on his shoulder so he could see her mouth.
“If you want, we can put the trip this weekend on hold and just meet like this
when you have time, like you originally wanted to do.”

Heath was quick to answer. “I’m looking forward to getting away for a bit with
you. I need it.”
I need you.

She breathed easier. “It’s all arranged. I was prepared to cancel if need be,
but if you can go, I have something special in store for you.”

ran his hands over her shoulders and down her arms. “More special than what I
have in my arms?”

yeah.” Cato laughed. “Way better.”

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