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Authors: Sherrod Story

How to Love a Blue Demon (13 page)

BOOK: How to Love a Blue Demon
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dark purple on the right side,” Rierdane advised.

My leg is completely healed now,
he told the servant.

“Well, every once in awhile wince and pretend to favor it for a few more days.
You might rub it if you’re feeling particularly theatrical.”


He came out of the bathroom in time to catch an armful of warm happy woman.

“Hel-lo-oooo!” she sang, laughing. “How you feel?”

“Wonderful,” he said.

“Me too, thanks to you.” Then she yawned. “Excuse me!”

“You need vitamins,” he
said knowingly. “And you need more rest.”

“Think so?”

He nodded.

She grinned and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. “Wanna take a nap with me?”

“God, yes.”

She laughed, and
focused on making love to her, he ignored Rierdane who asked, “This God, is he the same type of entity as our favored deity?”

wanted to be gentle, to take it easy with her, not because she was still sick or recovering – he knew she was 100 percent well. No, he wanted to linger over her, exploring her long, curvy body to discover any nook or cranny he might have missed in previous sessions. He wanted to distinguish himself, to show her a different side of body worship than the passionate, but hurried loving she’d grown used to from Lee.

ly he acknowledged there hadn’t been anything wrong with the man’s lovemaking, in theory. His technique had been primitive, almost constantly rushed, and he had been rough with Cass on more than one occasion, but she’d liked it. He’d brought her to her crisis almost without fail.

Eyoen, who’d made love to hundreds of women from all over the universe, learning the value of technique, nuance and patience from his many lovers, not to mention the lessons
in body worship that were his by royal right – and which he had excelled in, thank you very much – knew that he could do better.

One would never know it, however, because like Lee, he seemed incapable
of anything except attack when he was near Cass. Slow was not an option. The urgency he felt wouldn’t go away. He never got to a place where his desire eased. He wanted her with the same intensity he had before they’d made love three times the night before.

e knew her as well as he knew his own borrowed body, but he knew instinctively that familiarity with this woman would never breed contempt. Hell, it wouldn’t even breed familiarity. Every time he touched her it felt fresh and exciting. No matter how he cautioned himself to have patience, he remained desperate to get inside her; the longing and urgency were hard, demanding and lasting.

“What is this hell?” Rierdane asked. “Does it have anything to do with that God
you mentioned? I’ve been combing through Lee’s memories, and I only find the sketchiest informa –”

t now, Rierdane!

“Apologies, sire.”

Cass laughed as he tumbled her onto the bed, her hands tangling with his in their haste to remove his clothes. Eyoen grunted in relief when he was free of his pants, and his eyes begging her forgiveness, he didn’t bother to take anything else off, just plunged in and immediately began to ride.

He wondered if all Earth males felt this crazed when inside their females. Only by gritting his teeth could he keep his higher intellect even partially functioning, and only that because he slowed his thrusts down to a
sensuous rock. One that had them both groaning, as though they were lovingly stabbing each other to a sensation filled death.

What a strange thought.

“Not necessarily,” Rierdane offered. “The French call climax
le petit mort
, the little death.”

Eyoen reveled in the ascent to orgasm, luxuriating in the slow push and pull of his body into her soft, snug wetness.
That only lasted so long though. All too soon he could feel the edge of sexual hysteria that had blinded him before nibbling at the corners of his mind. She clenched around him, and he groaned as though he was indeed being murdered. When she did it again, he began to move harder, faster, nearly hammering at her, and she seemed to love it, crying out his name as she came.

After they made love Cass fell asleep. He rose
, took off the rest of his clothes, and used her laptop to check his stocks; he sold a few at a 138 percent profit, and brought a few more on sale.

He surfed around to different sites. Her comments about his making a fortune giving massages had given him an idea. But a
fter awhile he rose, sensing she’d wake soon. He had just stretched out of his seat when he sensed someone outside the bedroom. The knob turned, and to his utter shock, a man entered. A man, by Gods! Not seeing Eyoen in the corner where her desk stood, the man strode over to the bed like he did it all the time, and reached for Cass’ naked shoulder.

’s hand came down hard on the man’s shoulder before he could make contact, lifting him and dumping him outside the room before he shut the door and locked it with his mind.

There was a pause, and he could see the man standing there
completely startled, his mouth hanging open, then he heard, “Shit,” and “Cass, wake up! Lee just put me out!” And the man knocked loudly.

The gall! What was wrong with these
Earth men? They had no sense of decorum, of propriety. Women walked around unchaperoned in the streets, were forced to work and support themselves often completely without assistance from the men they kept company with, it was ludicrous. And to enter a lady’s bed chamber without permission, well. Even for a male member of the family it was completely, utterly –


Cass woke with a start and sat up, the sheet falling below her naked breasts.
She blinked at him. “Is that Natty?”

tightened his jaw and tamped down the surge of irritation that made him want to vanish this rude creature into another zip code. He moved closer, as always drawn by her deep voice and lush curves. He shrugged, though he knew good and well who it was. He kissed Cass for several long moments, enjoying her sleepy warmth and powdery floral smell. He was nuzzling her neck, having successfully gotten her on her back and the sheet out of the way, one hand on her breast, the other spreading her thighs, when she remembered the man outside.

The wretch had the temerity to knock – again
! – and call out, “Cass? Are you coming out, or what, girl?”

sighed when she broke away and threw on a robe. “What happened?” she asked, opening the door.

Natty was scowling on the threshold holding his shoulder. “Damn, Lee! Why you do me like that?”

“You should never enter a lady’s bed chamber without knocking,” he said, forcing himself to speak calmly. Especially my lady, he wanted to add, but contented himself with a simple, “Wait for an invitation.”

Natty stared at him, not like an angry male who’d been routed from the female he was pursuing but
like a confused, suspicious one. “Bed chamber?”

The two men continued to stare at each other long enough to give
Cass a chance to slip off to the bathroom.

quickly put Natty into a small trance enabling him to scan his mind for thoughts of Cass. He found only a deep respect and their long standing friendship, including one tipsy, casual sexual encounter many, many years ago. He sighed at this, and Rierdane said, “You can’t blame him for that, sire. He never mistreated her, and he would have continued to sleep with her had she not moved on.”

he told his servant.
Your analysis is unnecessary.
He huffed and could feel Rierdane’s hidden smile. The sexual morays on Earth did not look down on Cass for this casual encounter because she’d been discreet; it was much the same on Cyanus, but he would never be happy that anyone other than him had touched her body.

He released Natty
’s mind from his control when Cass emerged from the bath, smelling and looking amazing in dark tight jeans that hugged her long legs and a textured v-neck t-shirt in light yellow.

Natty frowned at him as though the last 10 minutes hadn’t happened. “Why’d you grab you me like that, man?” he laughed. “You didn’t tell me Lee was the jealous type, Cassie.”

Cass ignored his teasing and grabbed him by the hand to tow him from her room. Eyoen didn’t like that either, and he followed them up to her studio. The man was tall, taller than Cass by at least 4 inches making him around 6’2, only an inch shorter than Lee. He was handsome with the kind of thick shiny black curls women loved to run their fingers through and a slender but well proportioned body with big hands and broad shoulders.

In his natural
form, Eyoen would have been able to look down at the smaller man without difficulty, and for the first time since the accident he wished he was as the Gods had made him. But his feelings of jealousy faded some as the two got to work.

thought it was strange that he’d followed them to the studio – he’d never done so before – but he said nothing, and Cass only smiled at him and nodded toward the computer, assuming he’d want to get on it to “futz around,” as she called it, with his investments. He’d convinced her this was not a new habit when she queried his sudden interest in stocks, but one that he had gotten got into more heavily because they’d been spending so much time apart lately working. He’d felt a pang of guilt as he rubbed seemingly absently at the long gone wound on his leg, but it worked as a distraction, and after he assured her that he was alright he was able to steal several kisses.

Now h
e listened as the two discussed lyrics and musical arrangements. Cass loved the premise of the song Natty had brought as a candidate for the first release from her next album. It was called Bad Girl, and Eyoen thought it was quite clever. Unlike most of the music of this time, Cass did not offer a lot of sexually explicit lyrics. Her music was full of innuendo, however, and this piece with its mentions of black guitars, rocks stars and playing all night was sexier than a more obvious interpretation. He was pleased and proud as she took what Natty gave her – which was quite good on its own – and made it even better.

The man was
enjoying collaborating with her. Eyoen sensed that this, apart from getting Cass into ‘the booth’ at his studio, was his favorite part of the process. An hour later, Cass stopped the music and stared at her friend and producer closely.

“You don’t look to
o good, man. Given up on sleeping?”

It was the fourth
or fifth time Natty had coughed and rubbed the back of his neck, and he had faint shadows beneath his large hazel eyes.

He laughed. “Been burning the candle at both ends, that’s all. Smoking too much. Work’s good right now.”

Cass smiled at him fondly. “You always say that.”

“Thank God!” and they laughed.

Cass turned suddenly. “Baby! Why don’t you give Natty one of those massages like you gave me? Would you mind? Natty, this damn massage will make you feel like a new person.”

The man laughed, smiling at her fondly as his eyes traced her shining eyes and flawless face. “Is that why you look so good?”

She nodded. “I even sound better,” and she sang the words for the song they were working on.

tty’s brows rose. “Damn, girl.” He eyed Lee and shook his head. He was no dummy. He knew the other man didn’t want to go there with him.

“Come int
o the bathroom downstairs,” Eyoen told him. He would heal the man because Cass wished him to and because if he did so Natty would be able to think more clearly, work faster, and leave sooner. “We’ll need more room.”

Natty looked l
ike he wanted to protest, so Eyoen gave him a little psychic push and he followed with another frown.

“Flush my toilet!” Cass
called through the door, then Eyoen heard her go back upstairs to the studio.

“You don’t have to do this,” Natty began.

Eyoen didn’t even bother to reply, he just thralled the man into pulling his pants down and sitting on the toilet, then handed him the small yellow bucket that Cass used the rinse out the tub after she used it. He didn’t have to do much massaging, since Natty wasn’t really aware of what was going on, Lee simply ran his hands over the man’s limbs, letting his magic free as he circled the producer’s head, concentrating on his throat and chest and lower back, and like Cass, his internal organs and bowels.

In short order
Natty began to evacuate into the toilet and spit into the bucket. Gobs of tar and chemicals were expelled from his lungs. He actually filled up the bucket, and Eyoen emptied it before he gave him a glass of purified water to drink.

He waved a hand at a window
and it opened, a sweet wind blowing through to air the place out, though Natty had been flushing even more diligently than Cass. But cleaning one’s abused system was a nasty, smelly business. Thirty minutes later Cass knocked on the door.

“How’s it going in there?”

BOOK: How to Love a Blue Demon
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