How to Liv (11 page)

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Authors: Megan Keith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: How to Liv
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“Toto in the Wizard of Oz,” I interrupted, nodding when I realised.

“Yes, just not black.  And obviously Ruby is smarter.  Aren’t ya girl?”  He gave her a pat.  It was adorable to see a grown man playing with a small dog with affection like that.

“And cuter too.
  Toto was a little on the ugly side, and vicious,” I said.  Joel looked at me strangely.  “Don’t you remember?”

“No.  I haven’t watched the Wizard of Oz since I was a kid.  That wicked witch gave me nightmares!”

“Oh no, really?”  I giggled.

“Are you laughing at me?” Joel spoke, trying to hide his smile.

“Of course not.”

“I think you are.”  His eyes held mischief in them.

He lifted the tan coloured cutie from his lap and placed her down on the cushion beside him, she let out a contented sigh and went straight back to sleep.  Then he moved closer, pulling me against him so he could kiss me.  We kissed gently at first but that turned into something more passionate rather quickly.  Our hands started to roam, as did our tongues.  Joel trailed kisses down my throat, then up below my ear and I traced my tongue along his neck.  My body was burning with desire in no time.

Joel’s hand ran slowly up the outside of my thigh, lifting my dress with it,
then he ran his fingers along the edge of my knickers a couple of times before his hand moved further north, towards my hip.  He squeezed gently and pulled me closer to him.  His chest was against mine but not close enough so my hands made their way up under his t-shirt.  He let me go so that I could lift it over his head.  Then his hands hurriedly made their way to the buttons on my dress, undoing them at a very fast pace, opening the dress wide.  He started to lower his head toward my breasts but I didn’t allow him, he was not going to torture me this time and I needed all material between us to be gone.  I pushed him back and then lifted the dress up and over my head throwing it to the floor, I hastily undid my bra and flung it somewhere behind the couch.

Our pace became frantic as he laid me down against the couch and covered me.  Our legs were entwined halfway to the ground while our torsos meshed together against the soft lounge.  He pulled my
knickers down with one hand as our mouths continued to explore each other’s bodies.  Then Ruby started to snore on the other end of the couch.

And she was loud.

I threw my head back in laughter.  Joel buried his face against my neck stifling his own snorts against my skin.  Then he pulled me to a standing position.  I wriggled out of my knickers that were caught just above my knees, allowing them to fall to the floor.

Joel was still wearing his jean shorts, while I stood in front of him completely starkers.  His eyes wandered my body, his look practically eating me up with desire.  Surprisingly, the shyness I usually felt being exposed in front of a man, was gone in front of Joel.

His mouth pushed down hard against my lips while his hands grabbed my backside before moving down to clamp onto the back of my thighs.  He lifted me up and my legs circled him tightly.  We continued to kiss as we made it back into the kitchen.  He paused in front of the bench right near the box of condoms.  Realising his hands were full (of me) I grabbed the box for him and then we continued down a long dark hallway.

I felt my body tilting backwards, we were falling, and then I felt the soft bedding beneath me.  Joel pulled away and I immediately sat up.  There must have been a full moon tonight that I hadn’t noticed, or a street light outside his bedroom window, because even without the light on I could see Joel fairly clearly.  I pulled his hands away from his jeans and undid the button myself and then the zipper and shoved them downwards where they fell at his feet.  He sprung free right at my eye level. 
  I sighed at the sight of him.  I lightly trailed my fingers over his erection before I grabbed hold firmly, pulling him towards my mouth.  He stilled and put his hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

“No.  I need to be inside you.”

As much as I wanted to take him in my mouth, I wasn’t about to argue with that.  So I handed him the box of condoms and watched as he opened it, pulled one out and then placed the box on the bedside table.  He tore the packet open and then slowly rolled the condom on and it was as excruciating to watch as it was erotic.  I lay back against the pillows on his bed, the right way around this time, and he slowly lowered his body onto mine.

He started trailing kisses along my jaw and down my neck, lifting his body as he went, he wanted to tease, but I wasn’t going to let him.  I pulled him back to me.  Grabbing hold of his thickness I pulled him into my entrance and thrust my hips towards him, taking him inside of me with one quick movement.

“Fuck you’re…” he said with a groan, moving deeper, causing me to moan in reply.  I was so wet and ready for him and he filled me so completely.  It was perfect.  “Liv… damn… fuckin’ perfect.”

We found a steady rhythm as our hands continued to explore one another, his mouth finally making its way back to mine.  Our hips continued to collide and I felt myself getting closer and closer to orgasm.  I was not normally able to climax with just penetration alone, but this angle, with this man, I could feel it building rapidly.  Our pace increased, harder and faster.  I was getting closer and closer to the edge,
then Joel’s hand came up and squeezed my nipple pushing me over that edge completely. 

“That’s it.  Come for me,” he said with his eyes watching me.

I cried out in ecstasy then fell into oblivion, waves of pleasure rolling through me.  Joel followed soon after and collapsed on top of me, his heavy breath hot against my neck.

Liv… that was…”

tastic!”  I breathed out and then giggled, he joined in, his body shaking with quiet laughter.  He was still inside me and the movement was making me get worked up again.  I groaned and Joel pulled up to look at me.  He pushed the hair back off my face and stared down at me for a moment and I felt him move inside me again.  He was softening but it still felt amazing against my sensitive spot.  I groaned again and he gave me a quick kiss, before sliding out.

“I’ll be right back.”

He jumped off the bed and I watched his naked body leave the room.  I heard the toilet flush and he was back on the bed beside me seconds later.

His mouth found mine and
he again trailed kisses down my neck and onto my breast, taking my nipple in his mouth.  He sucked and licked and then did the same to the other one.  All of a sudden I felt one of his fingers enter me and I convulsed in pleasure as he moved it in and out.  His mouth left my breasts and kissed my belly, my hip and then his tongue found my clit.  His fingers continued their steady rhythm as his tongue teased me.  A minute or so later I was calling out his name as I came violently… again! 

We lay side by side as I steadied my breathing.  We hadn’t made it under the covers and it was still warm in the house.  Eventually in the still and silent room I found myself starting to drift off to sleep.  I jolted awake realising Joel hadn’t asked me to stay over.

Where were we on that point?  Would it be too much, too soon, if I was to sleep overnight?  Would that scare him off? 
He had said that he’d never lived with a girl before.  I didn’t want to freak him out.

“I should probably go.”  I sat up reluctantly, flipping my legs over the side of the bed.

“No.  I want you to stay.”  Joel startled me from behind.  All I expected was a mumbled response and a grumble as he got out of bed to drive me home.  I thought he was falling asleep.  I looked over my shoulder at him.  He blinked up at me.

“You sure?”

His answer was an arm coming around my waist and pulling me back down beside him.

Things between us were moving so fast, but as he pulled me a little closer it felt just right.  I rested my head against his shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief that I didn’t have to go anywhere tonight and that I hadn’t set the guy into a panic.

After a couple of minutes of silence I drowsily turned to my side to get more comfortable.  Joel followed, tucking his body to mine and draping his arm over me.  His hand found mine and held on.  I gave it a squeeze.  He nuzzled his nose against the back of my neck.

“Good night,
Liv,” he whisper-sighed, his warm breath giving me goose bumps.

“Night,” I mumbled sleepily, even though my body was suddenly feeling very alert.

I must be dreaming!
Joel was just too good to be true. 
After such an amazing day, he tops it off by spooning me?

Day. Ever.

The problem was past experience assured me - if it felt too good to be true then it generally was.

I went to sleep wondering how and when the other shoe was going to drop and destroy my happiness.

Happiness like I’d never felt before.



felt warm lips press to my forehead.

ake up babe… Liv?”

I blinked my eyes open to find Joel leaning over me, pushing the hair from my face.  Sometime during the night a sheet had been draped over my body.  He smiled.

“Breakfast is ready.  Are you hungry?”

I nodded sleepily.

“Do you like pancakes?”

  I nodded again and he moved back, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.  I sat up and stretched, wondering if I was still dreaming, Joel looked smoking hot.  So handsome.  No one should look that great when they have just woken up.  Joel looked absolutely edible, his brown hair drifting near his stunning eyes.  The stubble on his chin more defined in the light of a new day.  His sexy smile. 

His eyes drifted downward for a moment before he abruptly twisted away reaching for something on the floor.  That’s when I noticed that he was already dressed.  He was wearing the same cargo shorts that he wore that day at the supermarket and a black tank top that showed off his broad shoulders and his muscled, tattooed bicep.  He flung something at me.

“You better put this on.  I like to eat my pancakes while they’re still hot.”

He glared pointedly at my chest which I now realised was completely bare, the sheet having fallen when I sat up.  I looked down to my hands to see what he had thrown at me and found it was a black t-shirt of his.  I put it on and breathed in, it smelled like him, just divine.

“Have you been up for a while then?” I asked as he stood and grabbed my hand, pulling me from the bed.  His t-shirt hung to mid-thigh, I had no idea where my knickers were, nor did I care.  I felt sexier than I had ever felt, wearing just his t-shirt and his eyes on me, full of lust.  He gulped as they drifted over my body again.

“A little while… Let’s eat, I’m starved.”  He squeezed my hand and then pulled me from his room.

We sat at adjacent sides of the four-seater square table off to the side of his kitchen.  Joel had been busy.  There was a stack of pancakes on a large plate in the middle of the table.  He had set out the condiments, cutlery and glasses as well as two smaller plates for us to eat off.  I glanced at the clock, it was half past ten.  I’d slept in.  I wondered how long ago Joel had gotten up.

“Tea or coffee?” he asked, placing two pancakes on the plate in front of me and then two on his own.

“Have you got juice?”

“I’ve got apple juice.”


I watched as he stood, grabbing the juice from the fridge, then returned to the table to pour it into both of our glasses.

“Eat.”  He pointed to my plate.  He didn’t have to tell me twice, I was starving.  I poured some maple syrup, grabbed my knife and fork and dug in.

Mmm, these are delicious.  So you’re a good cook, too?”

“I cheated,” he admitted as he sat back in his chair, “they’re from one of those shaker bottle things.”  He shrugged, causing me to smile.  He looked so adorable, like he was embarrassed that he didn’t make them from scratch.

“You know, I’ve never made pancakes from scratch, I’ve only ever used those.”  I smiled, putting him at ease.  It was funny that he thought I wouldn’t be impressed because of something like that, especially as I was super-impressed that he had made me breakfast at all.  “Spanks for cooking me breakfast.”

“You’re welcome.”  He gave me a cheeky grin.

He squeezed lemon on his pancakes and then sprinkled sugar and cinnamon on top.  The smell hit me and I wished I had of done that instead of choosing the maple syrup.  Those thoughts must have been written all over my face as I eyed his plate, because after he took a couple of bites he held a piece out to me on his fork. 

“Want some?” he said, but the look in his eyes seemed to mean something else.

The smug smile on his lips kicked up a notch when I licked mine.  He knew exactly what he was doing to me.  I pulled my chair closer to his corner of the table and opened my mouth for him.   I watched him watching my mouth as it closed around his fork and he licked his own lips, slowly sliding the fork back out.  Our eyes locked for a moment, the electricity in the air between us thick with desire.

Mmm, delicious,” I muttered which made him chuckle, his eyes finally leaving mine to look back down at his plate.  He cut another piece and repeated the process.  I felt the muscles at the apex of my thighs clenching with desire.  I shifted restlessly in my seat.  My knife and fork clattering against the plate as I moved one hand under the table onto his thigh.  He fed himself another bite, his eyes only disconnecting from mine for mere seconds, and then going a little wide as my hand slowly crept higher up his leg.

Then there was a loud thumping at the front door interrupting us.

“You expecting someone?”  I blinked myself from the fog (I liked that word).

“No.”  He got up and looked out the window.  “It’s my brother.  Quick, go get dressed,” he said as he ran around the lounge room collecting my clothes.  He shoved them against my chest as soon as I reached him.

I quickly raced into his bedroom, reluctantly but hastily pulled off his t-shirt and replaced it with my dress from the day before.  I pulled on my knickers and then realised in my hurry that I forgotten to put on my bra.  Looking around the room I also realised that Joel hadn’t given it to me.  I could hear voices coming from the other room. 
  It must still be in the lounge somewhere.  I roughly ran my fingers through my hair to tidy it and left the room.  My heart was racing when I spotted a brawny guy with a shaved head, flanked by Joel and a small dark-haired woman holding a child.

Liv.”  Joel reached his arm out towards me as I stepped up to them.  “This is Adam.”

I shook the burly man’s hand.  His blue eyes were kind, but he looked at me like he was assessing me.  Studying me perhaps to figure out if I was worthy of his brother.  Looking between Adam and Joel I couldn’t see any family resemblance.  Adam was slightly shorter than Joel.  Much rounder in the face and body and I could see that, now I was closer, he had extremely short shaved blonde hair.  They looked nothing
alike at all, and Adam was definitely the older of the two, by a lot.  At a guess I would say he’d be early to mid-forties.  I wondered if maybe they had different fathers.

“Hello,” he said letting go of my hand and looking over his shoulder.  “This is my better half Raelene and our
munchkin Chelsea.”

“Hi.  Nice to meet you,” I said with a small smile at the brown haired pair that were standing just behind him.  Raelene seemed really young, she was short with a friendly smile and big brown eyes.

“How’s it goin?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye and then turned her attention to Joel.  “Heya spunk!”  She greeted him with a one armed hug, her other arm occupied by the cute chubby faced girl with two little pigtails high upon her head.

Unkoo Jojo,” the little girl squealed, her blue eyes, that matched her dad’s, going wide as she tried to wriggle out from her mother’s hold.

Chels, come here munchkin,” Joel cooed.  Chelsea donked him in the head with a plush rabbit she tightly held in one hand as her little arms circled his neck.

“She’s been so excited to see you,” Raelene said, untangling her arms from between the two.

Joel hugged Chelsea fiercely, her little legs circling him.  “It’s good to see you sweetheart,” he said placing a kiss on her head.  “Would you like some pancakes?”  He pulled back a little to look at her face.

“Can I Mummy?”  She looked back at Raelene.

“Sure.  Can Mummy have some, too?” Raelene asked Joel.

“I’m sure that can be arranged.”  Joel spoke over his shoulder as he carried Chelsea towards the kitchen, dumping her on the seat he had occupied only moments ago.

I felt Raelene’s and Adam’s eyes on me as I watched Joel taking extra plates out of the cupboard and cutlery from the drawer.  He returned to the table and put a pancake on one of the plates, placing it in front of Chelsea as he shoved his plate out the way.  I watched in awe as he started to cut up the pancakes for her.  It was sweet to see him so attentive toward the adorable girl.  Chelsea seemed in just as much awe as I was, her head turned upward, blue eyes glued to his face and a big grin on her lips.

“Here, let me do that Joel,” Raelene spoke, grabbing the knife and fork from his hands.

“Sure, I’ll just cook some more.”  He strolled back to the hotplate.

“Do you want some help?” I asked, walking up beside him.

“No,” his arm came around my back and he leaned in to whisper, “you look so sexy without your bra on, but maybe you should do another button up babe.”

I loved that he called me babe. 
His eyesight wandered downward, as did mine.  I gasped at just how revealing my dress was and quickly did up two buttons.

are for my eyes only.”

I blushed furiously. 
That’s not all they were for last night. 
I glanced at his mouth.
  I distinctly remember those lips on them as well – God!  What has gotten into me?

Joel spoke a little louder, snapping me out of it, “You sit.  Eat.”

I was more than a little mortified when I turned around.  Adam and Raelene were seated at the table watching us, hopefully they hadn’t copped too much of an eyeful of my tits before.  And I sure hoped that they hadn’t heard Joel’s comment.  Embarrassed, I sat back in my chair and silently collected my knife and fork, taking a bite of my pancake.  Adam had claimed the remainder of the pancakes from the centre plate and was silently tucking in.

“You’ve got to excuse the rudeness of these boys, they didn’t properly introduce us,” Raelene spoke.  “I didn’t catch your name.”

“Olivia,” I said, after swallowing my mouthful.

“Tim Tam girl.”
  She nodded and I almost choked.  I wondered what exactly she had been told about me.  My head shot up in Joel’s direction and he chuckled when his eyes met mine over his shoulder.

“Raelene is my ‘connection.’  She’s the one who got the-”

“Giant pack.”  I concluded, turning back to Raelene.  “Thank you.”

“No drama.  So you spent the night, huh?” Raelene asked and I was taken aback.

“Raelene!” Joel yelled.

Adam laughed.

“What?  It’s kinda obvious,” she shrugged, lifting her arm from under the table.  She had my bra dangling from her fingers.  If I thought I was mortified before, I obviously had no idea what mortification truly was until that moment.  I gasped, my face redder than a beetroot. 

“It’s about bloody time you got some!” she hollered to Joel, who immediately bit back.

“God woman, learn to filter!”

Raelene’s response to that was to throw my bra across the room hitting Joel in the face.  He laughed and tucked it into the pocket of his cargo shorts.  He looked at me apologetically.

“Please excuse my wife Olivia.  She really is trailer trash.  She doesn’t understand boundaries whatsoever,” Adam piped up.  He was speaking seriously but with a twinkle in his eyes.  Then he lost it, laughing uncontrollably as he threw his head back and his hands thumped the table, causing me to jump.  He had a great laugh.

Chelsea, who was silently eating her maple syruped soaked pancake beside me, looked up then and smiled at her dad before focusing back on her food, oblivious to everything else around her.

Raelene leaned closer to me giving a playful punch in the arm and a wink.  The friendly smile on her face made me relax.

“It’s just a bra.”  I shrugged trying to play off my absolute mortification.

“That’s the spirit!  I think we’re gonna get along just fine,” Raelene said, sitting up straight again and yelling to Joel, “Now where’s my pancakes?”

“Yeah, yeah, they’re coming.”

Joel left the stove to open the glass sliding door letting Ruby in.  She greeted everyone excitedly with a sniff and her front paws in each lap.  Chelsea giggled wildly when it was her turn.  Then Ruby came to me tickling my bare legs with her wet nose.  I bent down and gave her a pat and then she curled up under the table at my feet, resting her chin on my foot.  It felt lovely, to be accepted by her like that.

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