How to Fall in Love (55 page)

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Authors: Bella Jewel

Tags: #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies, #Flawed Heart, #Romance, #Flawed Love, #Wingman, #Number Thirteen, #Bella Jewel

BOOK: How to Fall in Love
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Reign cups my cheek, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I’m sorry, I’ll call you later.”

He lets go of me and walks towards the door. I don’t move, I just watch him leave with a sad expression on my face. He turns to look back at me before stepping out, and his jaw grows tight.

“Don’t look at me like that, Tia.”

I turn away and disappear down the hall.

It’s in that exact moment that I realize I’ve fallen in love with Reign Braxton.


What can I say about my mom and dad? They’re crazy, loveable, and the reason I am the way I am. I love them to bits—but there are only so many hours I can spend with them before wanting to rip my own hair out. Today is one of those days. They’ve only been here four hours, and already my mother is starting with the lectures.

“Why aren’t you dating?”

“Why haven’t you got a decent job?”

“Why do you keep going for the wrong men?”

So I sit, legs crossed on my couch, pretending to be listening when really, I’m not. When she’s finished, I will smile and assure her I’m trying and then quickly change the subject. My dad is reading a newspaper at the table, rolling his eyes every so often at my mother’s whining. Go Dad.

“I think you should get a job at a
accounting firm,” she says.

I sigh loudly. “Mother, it is a real firm, I just do it from home.”

“How are you supposed to socialize when you’re not out in the public eye?”

I raise my brows at her. “It’s called clubs, bars and strip joints.”

My father chuckles.

“It’s not funny,” Mom snaps, pursing her round lips.

My mother looks a whole lot like me. Tall, long blond hair, pretty eyes . . . You wouldn’t be able guess my mom’s age, not with the amount of make-up she wears, or the designer brands of shoes and clothes. The only thing I seemed to get from my father was my olive skin-tone.

“Come on, Mom,” I groan. “I’m happy, can’t you just be happy for me?”

She crosses her arms and I catch sight of her gorgeous, red nails. “Fine, but you know I worry about you, Tia. You’re not getting any younger.”

“Gee, thanks, Mom. Next you’ll be asking how many of my pubic hairs are turning grey.”

She gasps. “Tia, watch your mouth.”

My father bursts out laughing, leaning back and wrapping a hand around his stomach. His blue eyes sparkle when he looks over to me. He loves how I wind Mom up. Shaking his head and trying to contain his laughing after Mom gives him the stink-eye, he runs his hands through his salt-and-pepper hair and gets back to his newspaper.

“How are things back home?” I ask her, trying to change the subject.

“Same as always. Betty next door is still trying to get her claws into your father.”

Here we go.

Betty, our life long next-door neighbor, has always had a thing for my dad. What can I say? The man is handsome. This has always riled my mother up, and every time I see her, she has another story about what Betty has done to try and ‘steal’ dad off her.

“That whore.” I gasp, smothering a laugh. “You should go and show her who’s boss, Mom.”

My mother straightens. “Oh, I did. She baked some cupcakes and brought them over. She knows your father loves cupcakes.” Her eyes flash. “I told her right where to put those cakes.”

I laugh softly. “Right up her bum hole, no doubt.”

“Tia!” she chastises again. “Your mouth has run away with you.”

“Actually, it ran away with Betty. The two of them are close friends.”

My father barks a laugh again, and my mother puts her nose up in disgust. I stand, walking over and wrapping my arms around her shoulders. “Calm your farm, Momma. I’m only joking.”

“I should think so.”

We spend the rest of the day just lazing about before going out to dinner that night. I haven’t heard from Reign all day, but maybe that’s a good thing. I don’t know how I feel about this situation, and I certainly don’t like how it’s probably going to end for me. Which is badly, by the way.

We arrive home just after eight p.m., full and content. We’re all laughing as we get out of the car, still teasing Mom about Betty. I hear someone clear his or her throat, and I spin around to see Reign standing at my front door. What. The. Fuck? I told him he couldn’t come over; I made it clear.

“Hey,” he says, then moves his gaze to my parents.

“Ah, Reign,” I mutter, walking over to him and leaning in close. “What the hell are you doing?”

“We have to talk,” he murmurs and then lifts his head and stares at my gaping mother.

“I’m so sorry to interrupt your time with Tia. I just need a quick word with her.”

“And who is this fine young gentleman?” my mother says, pulling herself together and sweeping past me to stretch out her perfect hand to Reign.

God, help me.

“Reign Braxton, Ma’am. You must be Tia’s mom.”

He kisses her hand and I can practically hear her swoon.
Shame on you, mother.

“And you know our Tia . . . how?” my mother prods, smiling up at him.

“She works for me.”

“Isn’t that lovely?”

My father walks up, extending his hand. “Nice to meet you, son.”

Reign shakes it and nods. “You too. I won’t be a minute with her.”

“Don’t be silly, come in and let me make you a cup of tea.”

Oh, God. A cup of tea. I want to groan.

Reign flashes me a cocky grin and turns to her. “I’d love to.”

Oh, no you don’t!

I reach out for him, but my mother has already dragged him in the front door. Letting out the groan, and figuring what the heck, I follow them inside. My mother is already chatting to Reign as if they’re best friends, having known each other for years and years. My dad squeezes my shoulder as he walks past me.

“She is your mother.”

I grunt. “You married her, you old fool.”

He laughs and kisses my head. “Best day of my damned life, too.”

I smile. Regardless of Betty and her old, dirty flaps, my dad has never had eyes for anyone but my mom. It makes me sad. I want a man that looks at me that way, that will never let his eyes travel to another woman’s, never forget how much he loves me and why he chose me in the first place. So many relationships end on a cruel and bitter note. I wonder when and how they forgot what it was they once adored about the other person.

“Tia,” my mom says, snapping me from my thoughts. “Reign here tells me you’re doing wonderful things for his business.”

“He’d say anything I told him to. He loves me.” I grin and he smiles.

“She’s only in it for the pay.” He winks at my mom.

“That’s my Tia. She never holds back.”

I’m so glad she’s proud of me for being . . . money hungry?

Surprisingly, Reign gets along really well with my parents, I mean super-dooper well. They laugh and joke, talk about things like fishing and cooking, and by the time he stands to leave, they actually look like they’ll miss him.

“I’m afraid I have places to be. I promise to return Tia after I’ve spoken to her. It was lovely to meet you both.”

He kisses my mom’s cheek and shakes my dad’s hand again, before turning to me with a devilish grin. “Outside, Tia?”

I scoot out of my chair, flashing my parents a smile, before following him outside. He turns to me as soon as the front door is closed behind him. “I have information about Autumn.”

I lose my smile. “Tell me.”

“The man they think is after her goes by the name of Mario Supremo.”

“What is he, a fucking pizza? What a stupid name,” I grunt.

Reign laughs, putting his hands on my shoulder. “Calm down and let me finish. That’s not his real name, though we’re finding it hard to dig out his true identity. However we have managed to find where he used to work. Jackson is looking into it. In regards to the MC club that has been hired to track her down, there’s no way for Jackson to get involved in that without causing an all-out war between clubs. That’s their business; it isn’t his. He is trying to get someone following the biker that’s on her trail. He can offer her protection if he can track her down.”

I take all this in, slowly shaking my head.

“Is she in danger?”

“It seems Mario isn’t too happy, and we’re still tryin' to get to the bottom of why. Obviously Autumn did something that really pissed him off, not to mention it put him in jail. Men like that don’t put time and effort into just any girl for no good reason.”

“I’m worried for her, Reign,” I say softly.

He cups my cheek, his calloused finger grazing over my skin. “We’ll figure this out. In the mean time, there’s nothing you can do.”

“It won’t stop me from worrying.”

Reign shakes his head, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips. “Maybe not, but you just need to try and think about other things until we have more information.”

I nod, looking up at him. “Are we still on for our awesome business trip away?”

He grins. “And the best part? I got you a golf outfit.”

I moan really loudly. “Shit, Reign, are you trying to ruin my reputation?”

“I just know how much you love golf.”

“You’re an asshole, you know that? You better be careful. I can do seriously bad things to you while you sleep. The first of those things involves a toothbrush, a toilet and an evil laugh from me.”

“I can return that favor, and believe me, I’ll make you cry, little girl.”

I cross my arms and huff. “Ha! You only wish you could make me cry.”

He steps forward, his eyes lusty. “It’s apparent you underestimate me.”

“Back atcha, big guy.”

With a twinkle in his eye, he turns and walks off down the path.

“Good to see you too, Reign. Have a nice evening. No problems about the cup of tea, it’s fine. I have plenty of money, so don’t you worry yourself at all about taking a poor girl’s teabag.”

He chuckles but doesn’t turn. “Night, gorgeous.”

Well shit.

Sassy . . .


“Holy shit!” I squeal, launching myself onto the massive king-sized bed.

I jump up and down, waving my hands in the air, doing small circles. I’m filled with excitement. The room Reign got for me at the resort we’re staying at is stunning. It’s all plush carpets and white walls, with perfect crisp linen and a big spa bath. It overlooks the grounds, and I can see the sparkling blue pools as well as the ocean at the back. White curtains whip in the breeze that washes through the open balcony doors.

“Jesus, I can hear you from two doors down,” Reign says, appearing in my room.

“I am so excited,” I squeal, leaping off the bed and rushing over to throw myself into his arms. He catches me with an
and takes two steps backwards.

“Where are we going first? The pool? The beach?”


“Oh nooooo,” I groan, letting my body slide down his until I land on the floor at his feet. “You’re a horrible boss, Reign Braxton.”

He stares down at me. “Then we’re going to a business dinner.”

I roll to my side, curling in the fetal position. “Kill me now. Take a bullet to my brain, and put me out of my misery.”

“Then I might take you to the pool and fuck you until you scream my name.”

That has my head jerking up. “Go on . . .”

He kneels down and runs his finger up my thigh. “Imagine how hard your nipples will be in that cold water. They’ll ache for my mouth.”

“Mmmmmm, I could be swayed.”

He leans down and lifts me, pressing my lips to his in a hungry, demanding kiss. Then he lets me go and stands. “Now get dressed in the golf outfit I got you.”

He disappears and I turn to the suitcase. Crawling over, I flip it open and gape at the ugly outfit on top.

“I hate you Reign Braxton!” I bellow. “You will die a slow and painful death for this.”

I hear him chuckling all the way down the hall.


top fidgeting,” Reign chastises as we walk across the lush grass to the group of people waiting to start the game.

“I look so fucking ugly, old women would run from me. You did this on purpose, didn’t you?”

He smirks.

“I fucking hate you.”

“Language, babe,” he says, giving me a warning look.

“Bite me.”

I don’t even want to look at myself. Green-and-white golf pants, a white polo shirt with a cardigan pulled over the top that has big green diamonds on it . . . I fucking hate him. HATE him. It only gets worse when I see Slutena in the crowd. She’s wearing a tiny skirt that shows off her long, bronzed legs. Her top half is similar to mine, only she makes it look so much better. She flicks her long, blond hair over her shoulder as she sees Reign approach.

“Bitch,” I mutter.

Reign tightens his grip on my hand. “Enough.”

I huff but keep my mouth closed as we stop. Everyone greets everyone else, and then we’re all set. I’m stuck with Reign, some other young man, and Slutena. I mean fuck, why do we all have to get put together? This isn’t a coincidence. I give everyone skeptical looks as I climb onto the golf buggy, crossing my legs. When the young man gets in beside me and I see Reign and Slutena get in the front, I want to beat somebody.

“So, I hear you’re quite good at your job?” the younger man says to me. “Everyone says great things about you.”

“My job?” I snort. “Yes, I am very good at it. In fact, I think Reign would call me superb. I work wonders with his need to . . .”

“Tia,” Reign growls from the front. “Enough.”

Gritting my teeth, I stare out at the open course, wanting to beat someone. When the refreshments come around, I dive right into the beer. Slutena gets a wine; of course she does. She stands there, sipping it like she crushed the goddamned grapes herself.

“It’s your turn, Selena,” Reign says, turning to her.

“I’m a little blank,” she says innocently. “I’m afraid I’ve forgotten how to hold it. Would you show me, Reign?”

“Seriously?” I snort to myself, though I see Reign’s jaw tick and Selena’s eyes narrow.

Then he walks out, wrapping his arms around her as he teaches her how to swing. I roll my eyes and sit back in the cart, sipping my beer. As we go around the course, I watch them flirt and carry on. I won’t lie, it pisses me off. When Reign finally decides to give me a turn, I’m angry. I know it’s probably childish, but I don’t care. He deserves it.

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