How to Fall in Love (46 page)

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Authors: Bella Jewel

Tags: #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies, #Flawed Heart, #Romance, #Flawed Love, #Wingman, #Number Thirteen, #Bella Jewel

BOOK: How to Fall in Love
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“What the fuck, Tia?” he barks.

“Good morning, sunshine. Time to get up. You did not drag my ass out of bed only to spend your morning fucking.”

I spin around and stare at him, a huge smile on my face. This isn’t the first time I’ve walked in on Reign fucking, and I know it won’t be the last. The girl is off his lap now and is sitting beside him, glaring at me. She’s got the sheet up to her breasts. He’s sitting up, only a sheet covering his very excited cock.

“Pitching a nice tent this morning, Reign.”

The girl makes a strangled sound and I turn to her. “I’m sorry, is something stuck in your throat? A pubic hair, perhaps?”

Her face reddens and she turns back to Reign. “Who is

“Oh my God, he didn’t tell you?” I cry, pressing my hand to my cheek. “I’m his wife. But don’t worry, we divorced after I found him with his dick deep,
in the maid’s throat.”

The girl jumps out of the bed and glares at him. “Are there other women, Reign? You said there wasn’t.”

He shrugs, but I can see him trying to hide his smirk.

She makes a noise laced with distaste, and quickly gathers her clothes before turning and rushing out. Reign sits up further, putting his hands up behind his head and staring over at me, an amused expression on his face. His muscles are bulging and he’s slightly sweaty from his extracurricular activities.

There’s only one tattoo on Reign’s perfect body, and it starts on his right pec and travels up, over his shoulder and just down his arm. It’s sexy as fuck. It’s a Celtic, black design, but boy does it work for him.

“You really enjoy doing that, don’t you?” he asks.

I walk forward and throw myself onto his bed. “Ugh, dude, your sheets smell like sex.”

He shrugs and leans over, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. He takes two drags before offering it to me. I crawl up and sit beside him, resting my back against the headboard. Then I too, take a drag. We have this weird, casual friendship thing going on between us; there are never awkward moments between Reign and I.

“What’s the game plan for today?” I ask.

“You stick by my side, look pretty and make sure you appear to be havin’ a good time.”

I focus on him. “You sure she’s going to be there?”

He takes the cigarette off me, plucking it right out of my lips. “I’m sure.”

“You nervous?”

He snorts. “I don’t get nervous.”

I roll my eyes and tuck my legs up. “It’s been months.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“Ugh, you’re so broody, even after sex.”

He stubs the cigarette out and looks over to me. “I didn’t get off because someone came charging in without knocking.”

“I knocked on the front door,” I point out. “And there’s always Mrs. Palmer and her five daughters to finish the job.” I grin, wiggling my fingers at him.

“You don’t shut that pretty mouth, I’ll roll you over and fuck you. God knows you owe me.”

I snort and slide out of the bed. “I don’t owe you anything, and you’re certainly not getting a piece of this.”

I point to my body and wiggle. His mouth twitches.

“It’s okay,” he murmurs. “You’re not my type.”

“Funny,” I say walking out of the room. “I’m making coffee, you want?”

“Yeah,” he yells as I disappear down the hall.

I’m in his kitchen making coffee when he emerges, wearing only a pair of low-lying sweat pants. I’ve seen Reign like this many times now, but damned if it doesn’t get better and better every time. I turn back to the coffee, trying to push the image of that just-fucked hair and those washboard abs out of my mind.

“You make the best coffee,” he says, reaching around me to pluck his cup from the counter.

“I know,” I say, turning and lifting my backside onto the countertop.

“I eat there.” He frowns, scrunching up his nose.

“Suck it up, princess. I don’t have diseases.”

He glares at me and I smile at him. “When was the last time you got fucked, Tia?” he asks, narrowing his eyes.

“That’s none of your business,” I snap, lifting my coffee cup into my hands.

“That long, eh?”

“Eat a big one, Reign.”

He chuckles. “You need me to be your wingman today?”

“I do not need you to pick up. If I want sex, I’ll get it.”

“You want me to fuck you, babe?”

“Ha-ha,” I mutter, jumping off the counter and joining him at the table. “I’d say yes, only I’m not fond of getting chlamydia. My vagina and I have a woman code.”

“Might wipe some of that sass from you,” he points out, sipping his coffee.


His mouth twitches again and he leans back in his chair.

“What are you wearing today?”


He gives me a
not funny

“I have jeans and a tank, why?”

He scrunches up his nose. “You can’t look like a street bum today.”

“I do
look like a street bum.” I gasp. “Jeans are very classy.”

“Your jeans have holes in them.”

“I will have you know I purchased them like that.”

He raises his brows. “Then you got ripped off.”

“You have no idea about fashion.” I sigh shaking my head. “Poor man.”

He looks up at the ceiling, as if gathering his calm, and then he turns his golden eyes back to me. “I’ll call Roberta and have her bring you something . . . sexier.”

I poke my tongue out at him and stand. “Fine, only because you pay me well. Hair up or down?” I ask as I walk to the bathroom.

“Down, and wear the bra that makes your tits look good.”

“I didn’t know you were looking?” I call out.

He chuckles again and I smile. I get into his massive, black and white bathroom. The dark granite benchtops are lined with expensive products. I open the drawer and pull out a comb, and then I get to work styling my hair. Reign comes in about half an hour later and thrusts a dress at me, along with a pair of sandals. Then he reaches over and takes a strand of my hair, pulling it back. I try hard not to shiver.

“Tuck this back, looks nicer.”

He turns and walks back out before I can throw some smart-ass response at him. Instead, I pin my hair back like he wanted it and then I turn and stare down at the dress. Ugh, it’s so . . .
nice girl
. It’s a white halter dress that has a low dip at the front, exposing a good amount of breast. It’s tight on the top, but flares out at the base. The good-girl parts are the tiny, purple flowers all over it.

“You can’t be fucking serious?” I yell.

“Wear it, Tiani.”

“I look as though I need to go to church.”

“Maybe you do.”

“Fuck you, Reign.”

“Later, babe. Now get dressed.”

Fine. Asshole.

I throw off my clothes and pull on the dress. Okay, when it’s on, I will admit it does look pretty with a little sexy edge. I perk my boobs up, slip on the white sandals and then double check my hair and makeup before walking back out. Reign looks up when I step into the living room. His eyes flash for a second before his mask is back on.


“Gee, Tia,” I mock. “You look so sexy, thank you for wearing this ugly dress for me.”

“It’s not an ugly dress.”

I shake my head and walk over to take my purse. “Are we taking the SUV?”

“Yeah,” he says, pulling on a light grey sweater over a pair of dark jeans. He looks divine.

“That’s an ugly shirt,” I say, scrunching my nose up. “You look ugly.”

He grins at me, and I lose my breath because it’s so rare. He walks over and presses a kiss to my head. “You look sexy, thank you for wearing that ugly dress for me.”

“Well,” I say, hating that my voice is breathy, “that wasn’t so hard was it?”

He lifts his keys and jingles them at me. “You ready?”

I stand and hook my arm through his. “Let’s rock this party.”


elena is . . . wow.
Just wow.

Blond hair down to her perfectly-formed hips. Eyes so blue the sky is jealous. Big, pink lips that even I am feeling the urge to kiss, and a body that belongs on the cover of a magazine. No wonder he’s hung up on her; shit, I would be too. She’s . . .
. Just damn.

“Jesus,” I say, keeping close to him. “I’m pretty sure even I want to fuck her.”

He looks down at me with a horrified expression. “I always knew you loved to munch rugs.”

“I am not a lesbian,” I say, shoving him.

“Act like a lady, babe. She just saw me.”

I straighten up, plaster a fake smile on my lips, and hook my arm through Reign’s. Selena is watching him and when she sees me touch him, her eyes harden. Oh, so she isn’t over him? Good to know. As we get closer to her, she only gets harder to look at. Her perfection burns my eyes.

“Reign,” she purrs in a perfect sing-song voice as we stop.

He slides my arm from his and leans forward, brushing his lips against her cheek. Shit, I think I just had a mini-orgasm. So did she. Her eyes flutter closed and she breathes him in.


“Selena.” His voice is low and husky. “It’s good to see you.”

“You too,” she says in a shaky tone as he steps back. “It’s been a while. You look good, Reign.”

Her eyes turn to me and narrow. “And this is . . .”

“This is Tiani. She’s with me.”

Her lips from a little
, but she says nothing. She just turns back to him and flutters her eyelids. “I’m back in town. I’d love to have lunch sometime.”

He nods. “That would be great.”

“Well,” she says, turning towards the course, “I have to go. I’ll see you soon, Reign.”

I watch as she disappears.

“She’s still into you,” I point out.



He nods, with a quick jerk of his head. “Good.”

Double awkward.

We make our way through crowds of people, stopping so Reign can chat. He knows a shitload of people and by the end of the afternoon my legs are aching. Seriously, I have walked half the course just following him around as he moves from person to person, well, okay, it wasn’t
the course but it was close. When he stops at the next lot, I find a seat and flop down onto it with a sigh.

“Your feet sore?” Reign asks, standing beside me.

“Yeah, can I go soon?”

He looks around until his eyes find Selena. “Let me talk to her, then I’ll take you home. You did good today.”

He disappears before I can say another word.

“No worries,” I mutter to no one.

I wait for fifteen minutes before Reign comes back. He has Selena by his side. She has this “I won,
,” look on her face. I narrow my eyes at her, but when I see Reign’s expression I force the look off my face.

Your job, Tia. Don’t forget it’s your job.

“Selena needs a ride,” he says. “I’m going to take her home, and then I’ll come back and get you.”

Point made, loud and clear. He doesn’t want me to come.

“Fine, no problem,” I say, leaning back into the chair.

He leans down and presses a kiss to my cheek before whispering into my ear, “I won’t be long.”

Then he’s gone with her . . . Slutena. She looks back and has the audacity to smile at me as she hooks her arm through his. What is it with women? They can go without a man, saying they don’t love him and don’t want him, but the moment he’s seen with another woman the claws come out and they turn into crazy, over-possessive bitches.

I wait for more than an hour before deciding to get off my chair and walk to the car park. When I get there, I glance down at my phone. Nothing from Reign. I wait for another half an hour, but he still doesn’t come back. Not long my ass.

“Waiting for someone?”

I turn to see a handsome, well-groomed man standing beside me. He’s got sandy-blond hair that’s cropped short, and green eyes that are absolutely stunning. He’s got a rugged jaw, with light stubble covering it, and he’s wearing a suit, so he looks quite professional, only he has a real edge about him.

“I am.” I smile weakly. “But I think he forgot about me.”

“Are you after a lift? Perhaps I can call you a cab?”

I look down at my wristwatch. It’s after five p.m.

I look up, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. “Maybe a cab.”

“Maybe?” He smiles, his eyes crinkling at the side.

I smile back. “Sorry. Yes, that would be great. I’m Tiani, by the way.”

He reaches his hand out. “Xander.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Xander.”

“Pleasure is all mine. Who were you here with, darlin’?”

“Reign Braxton.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “You’re with Reign?

“I’m not
Reign. He just invited me along.”

He runs a hand through his messy hair. “I work for him. I run a bar on the south side.”

“Oh,” I say, feeling my cheeks heat.

“Listen, let me give you a ride home. I’m leaving now anyway.”

I give him a skeptical look. “You could be an axe murder.”

He laughs softly. “Ring Reign and ask him, if you like?”

Sighing, I stand. “No, look, that’s okay. I’d love a ride, thank you.”

He smiles and points to a small, sleek, red convertible. “That’s mine.”

“Nice ride,” I breathe, walking over to the car.

We get in after he opens the door for me—yes there are still men like that in the world—and then I give him my address. He pulls out of the car park and speeds off down the highway.

“I’m just going to let Reign know I got a lift,” I say, waving my phone about.

He nods his head. “No problems.”

I quickly punch out a text to Reign.

T: Thanks a lot for coming back to get me. I’ve been abducted by a murderer, and am currently about to be chopped into tiny little pieces

A moment later I get a response.

R: Sorry, T. I got caught up. I’ll be there in 10.

T: I got a ride. It’s fine.

R: With who?

T: Xander.

R: He’s a man whore.

T: You said I needed to be fucked.

It takes him about five minutes to respond.

R: Let me know when you’re home. I’ll call you later.

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