Read How The Warrior Fell (Falling Warriors series Book 1) Online

Authors: Nicole René


How The Warrior Fell (Falling Warriors series Book 1) (54 page)

BOOK: How The Warrior Fell (Falling Warriors series Book 1)
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"That's where you're wrong, Namoriee," he purred. "I know exactly what I'm doing, and I know exactly what I want."

Namoriee’s back collided with the wall, and she turned her head to give it a startled look before she snapped her head back up to him. His chest brushed against hers as he caged her in with his arms and dipped his head to capture and ensnare her eyes with his.

"I want you. All of you, and that's never gonna change. I waited two winters to make you my wife. And guess what? Your time is up."

He didn't even give her a chance to deny him again before he captured her lips with his.

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To my readers both, present and future—Thank you for taking a chance with your hard earned money and buying this book. I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I look forward to (virtually) getting to know you all!

My family—Thank you for all your continued support, and love. Dad, thank you for all your help with making this possible. I know there was quite a few (a lot) times that you caught me writing instead of doing my office work like I was suppose to be doing, yet you continued to support my dream. Mom, thank you for always picking me up when I fell with self-doubt and fear. You were always ready to listen to me read and blab about my book ideas. You were quick to offer me words of encouragement and gave me strength to work through my fears. I love you. To my brother, you’re my best friend and one of my favorite people. I love you lots!

To my friends—Even though I was a bit tight lipped about what exactly I was writing, you still supported me through it all and were always ready to support me in any way I needed. I truly have the best group of friends, and I’m so thankful to have found true friendship in you all.

To Joanne—You’re the best employee ever! You’re always quick to encourage me, and your excitement and willingness to listen to me read whatever I write means so much! I hope you enjoyed this book as much as you thought you would!

To Lauren Funtootie (told you I would, ha ha!)—one of my best, and closest friend who was lucky enough to meet Mike, her closeted-romance-book-reader boyfriend who inspired some of my personal favorite quotes in this book. You rock Mike!

To my beta readers(bare with me, I have a lot!)—Alisha, I’m so happy that I met you in Vegas! I still can’t believe how a few months ago, we were talking about the books we were writing, and now we’re both published authors. I know that the next time we get to hang out, we’ll have lots of other book projects to talk about, too!

Bobbi—I am so grateful to have you as my beta reader! Your excitement and encouragement for this book was so amazing, and it meant the world to me. Not only are you an awesome fan, you’re an amazing friend! I can’t wait to tear up Ohio with you and meet my virtual bestie in person!

Heather and Erin—Thank you both for giving my book a chance. I asked you months in advance if you’d be interested to beta read for me, and I’m so happy you said yes. Heather, your excitement and love for my characters were amazing. I loved to hear all your feedback, and it genuinely put a smile on my face. I’m just sorry I had to piss you off by killing your favorite guy, Killix. Ha!

Erin, you saw exactly what I was wanting for this book, and the characters, and I’m so grateful for that! Your feedback and insight was greatly appreciated. Thank you for not hating my book, even though you were worried you would, ha!

Bree—You told me once that you’re generally not a fan of this genre, and the fact that my book made you one and that you enjoyed it was the best compliment you could have given me. Thank you!

Matt—So glad that I was able to have your point of view and feedback. It’s always good to know that my female character can get a modern guy to like her!

Krista—Thank you so much for being the smartest person ever and creating an incredible Facebook group filled with incredible authors. I asked you to be a last minute beta, and to help me with the teaser of Tyronian’s book and you rose to the challenge. Thank you so much!

To Carian Cole—I don’t think I can truly express how thankful I am of you. I adore you. You have been so incredibly helpfully, and supportive. You took the time to listen to your fan, and completely blew expectations away by the helping hand you offered so freely. Thank you for being so patient with me, and for answering my endless(and sometimes annoying) questions about this crazy self publishing world, and all the encouraging words and advice you have given me. Their are no words to truly express how thankful I am of you. You’re truly one of a kind! I hope that we can one day meet so that I can hang out with my girl-crush face to face!

To Book Enthusiast Promotions—Debra, I can not thank you enough for your help with the promotional aspect of my book release. You were so patient and helpful, you answered all my questions and didn’t blink at my lack of experience with the whole blog tour thing! You made this journey so exciting, and made my cover reveal and blog tour beyond a success! I can’t thank you enough. I had a blast working with you!

BOOK: How The Warrior Fell (Falling Warriors series Book 1)
10.54Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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