How It All Vegan!: Irresistible Recipes for an Animal-Free Diet (2 page)

Read How It All Vegan!: Irresistible Recipes for an Animal-Free Diet Online

Authors: Tanya Barnard,Sarah Kramer

Tags: #Social Science, #Cooking, #ebook, #Vegan Cooking, #Vegan Cookery, #Vegetarian & Vegan, #Veganism, #book, #Agriculture & Food

BOOK: How It All Vegan!: Irresistible Recipes for an Animal-Free Diet
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I think without the Internet
would have been just another cookbook on the shelves, but people our age were logging onto the web and finding other like-minded people to talk to about animal rights, vegan products, politics, and everything in between. Word of mouth spreads fast on the Internet, and they found us at

I also think having our photos on the cover helped with sales. Our publisher, Brian, insisted that we be on the cover, and I fought him for a while because I didn’t want to be like a cheesy, mainstream Martha Stewart (sorry Martha, I do love you). Thank Tofu he won that argument, because being on the cover was the best thing we could have done. I have countless fan mail from people telling me that they purchased the book without even looking inside because they saw us on the cover and were excited to see someone like themselves reflected back. I also have a few letters from mothers who ripped off the cover, or covered the book with paper so we wouldn’t influence their kids with our tattoos and piercings. *laugh*

We did every interview request. Every TV show. Every newspaper interview. Whatever came our way . . . we did it. We worked hard to get the word out, and it showed in sales. I thought we’d be lucky if we sold a few thousand copies, but when the numbers came back at 30,000 books sold in our first few months of sales . . . I was in shock.

What surprised me the most was our first royalty check. I really thought we had hit the big time. Best-selling book. Fame. Where’s the fortune? I quickly learned that writing a cookbook is not a way to make quick money. The book sells. The money goes to the store. Who then pays the distributor. Who then pays the publisher, who then splits the royalty portion with each author. Eventually, I would get my check.

It was then that I realized this project was going to be more of a labor of love than a job. A job pays you a regular paycheck. You get medical and dental. You work 9–5. This new job of being a cookbook author was 24/7, and if I added up the hours I worked versus the cash I was bringing in—I was being paid pennies.

But it didn’t matter to me because we were receiving so much encouraging fan mail from the readers; they were loving what we were doing, and it was hard to think about walking away to get a real job. I really felt that what we were doing was beneficial for the vegan community, and on a personal level I found the work utterly satisfying, creatively. I love how a little spark of an idea about flavors will turn into a recipe, and even though recipe testing can be frustrating and overwhelming (actually, all the dirty dishes are the worst part), the thrill I get when I finally get the combinations right is intoxicating.

Luckily, we were doing okay. Gerry had started tattooing full-time, and we were able to live off the money he made from that so I could continue with the books. Thank Tofu for Gerry and his support or none of this would have been possible. With a little extra cash in our pockets, we were anxious to get out of the McClure Street house, as it was starting to fall apart, and we were afraid for our safety. We heard later that two months after we moved out, the ceiling in the living room collapsed, so we’d been lucky to move out when we did. But even though that house was a creaky, drafty, mouse-infested dump, my life changed in a way I never expected while I lived there, so that old rickety pink house holds a special place in my heart, and I’m sad that it’s now gone.

My hope for
How It All Vegan!
back in 1999 was to create a book that would make the transition to veganism an easier one for newbies. Ten years later, I hope that those of you then-newbie vegans who are now veterans still love and continue to use the book. For those of you who are picking this book up for the first time, I hope it makes your vegan transition easier and that your new healthy lifestyle makes a positive change in your life and the lives of those around you. Most importantly, I hope that you realize you can have a blast in the kitchen while making yummy healthy food to fuel your body.

As for me now? Writing these books is like baking a cake: I’m so very careful about measuring, mixing, and making sure the oven temperature is perfect, but once the book hits the shelves and I start hearing back from fans, well, that’s pure icing. I love the writing. I love the editing. I love traveling to other cities to meet and greet fans of the book. I love visiting with readers at
. I love working with the team at Arsenal Pulp. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to be able to have a career doing what I love. And as for Tanya, we wrote a second book together called The Garden of Vegan, and then Tanya decided to leave
to pursue a career in nursing.

So here I am in 2009: four cookbooks under my belt, a tattoo shop to run, a loving husband, a snuggly dog, friends and family that I cherish. In 1999, as I sat at my table in that tiny kitchen worrying about every tiny detail of the
manuscript, I don’t think I ever could have imagined my life would be as wonderful as it has become.

As for this tenth anniversary edition, some of the information that was current in 1999 is now incorrect, so I’ve made a few minor tweaks throughout the book and added five new recipes. Thank you to everyone who has supported the books and
over the years. You are wicked awesome!

Now enough reminiscing. Start flipping the pages, find a recipe, and start cooking!


xoxo, SARAH



Firstly, I need to recognize the most important woman in my life, my stepmother Pat. Without her loving support through out my entire life I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Her guidance, knowledge, and belief in my abilities has been a crucial inspiration. Thanks to the rest of my family, whose support does not go unnoticed: Kari and Trevor, my beloved siblings; Nana and Papa, for loving support; Bob, Jordan, and Stephanie, for being there. Also, a special thank you to all other family members, of whom there are too many to name.

Chris, whose love, patience and wit has helped me in innumerable ways, especially by providing me with renewed energy sources when I was exhausted beyond belief. I need to thank my patient housemates: Tracy, Dylan, and Pat. Thanks for letting me use your computer for endless hours, and keeping me sane. Appreciation to the Benny’s crew: Lisa, Mo, and Ben. These three ladies, who I’ve shared laughter, knowledge, and inspiration with, have greatly enriched my life.

Thanks to the encouraging Dawn crew, especially Sarah T., Lance, and Noah. Your combined wisdom has provided me with essential motivation and insight. I’m grateful to my friend Jamie. His motivation, integrity, and brilliance leave me constantly in awe. Special thanks to my friend Toni, whose help and encouragement has had a significant impact on me and this project.

Special thanks to all whom are far in miles but not in thoughts. Kyla, Dave, JB, all kids from the Springfield era. The Vic West crew. Chris, Jen, and Kieran. Rob and Todd. Gerry. Sivan. Jana at Earth’s Herbal. Again, a list that could go on for miles. All of these people have touched and enriched my life in unimaginable ways.

Recognition to the furry and feathered beings without voice: they provide me with inspiration and drive, especially my sweet, lovable cat, Chicken.

I want to acknowledge all the organizations and businesses who stand for social change. These groups are held together by people who selflessly strive for a more humane world. I thank them for being true to their beliefs.

Sarah, my beautiful friend and co-author, whose friendship means the world to me. Without her encouragement and support through all my endeavours, I don’t know where I would be. I have the deepest admiration for her strength, wisdom, and brilliance.

Lastly, thanks to Blaine, Brian, Lisa, and everyone at Arsenal Pulp Press. Due to their vision and expertise, they have taken this dream of mine, and made it into a reality.


There are so many people I need to thank, without them this book would not have been possible. At the risk of forgetting someone, I need to thank those closest to me by name for their support and guidance: Gerry, for his patience, wisdom, and love. My niece Heidi, for filling my heart with joy. My father Ken, for teaching me by example how to be creative, eccentric, and self-confident, and for giving me the space and guidance to discover who I was in my own time. To my mum Sue, for her love, for being the beginning of everything I am now and for leaving a little piece of her spirit in me before she died.

There are two women who have taught me about grace, beauty, and what it means to be a woman: my stepmum Denise and my Auntie Bonnie. I am so thankful to have them as female role models, and I especially need to thank Denise for sticking by me all these years, even when I was a horrible step daughter. Thanks to my brother Ben for his wisdom in the kitchen and his partner Sarah for her laughter. My cousins Stacy and Natasha, for loving and supporting me no matter what. My Zeyda, Art and his wife Lee, for always pushing me to be a better person. Black Bumps, Riley, Sir Douglas Fort, and Chelvin for teaching me about unconditional love. My Grandma Em for making me cardigans, my Aunt Jean, Uncle Geoff and their family for loving and supporting me from so far away. To Corri for her endless love and support. Thanks to Jen, Kieran and Chris, Maureen, JB, Chris, Jana and Korma, Trinity and Steph, and of course, the one and only Larry. Thanks to Pat, Richard, Matthew, Bertha, and Faye. Thanks to Timm, Greg, and Bubba for their integrity. Thank you to Mike and the Stark Raving Tattoo crew, the Capital City Scooter Club, and Earth’s Herbal Products. To Cheryl, Leslie, Vanna, Rebecca, Meagan, Shana, Maury, and Graham. The Deverall, Miller, Howard, Ball, Sperling, Cuddington, and Smollett families. Thank you to the Vic West crew and the Springfield roommates who have all moved away, but are still close to my heart. Thanks to my Regina friends, who knew me at my worst and still like me. And of course to Blaine, Brian, and everyone at Arsenal Pulp for their encouragement and support.

I especially need to thank my co-author Tanya. Through good and bad and even worse, she has consistently been the one person I can count on no matter what happens. Her dedication, beauty and strength leave me breathless. Without her, I honestly don’t know where I’d be. Her support, frequent pushing, and love make me a better person and for her I am ever so thankful.

A final thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of us and our endeavour. Without your help, suggestions, recipe ideas, excitement, and smiling faces this book would feel hollow. Thank you very much.

Now quit looking for your name and go make something yummy!

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