House Rules (26 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Brooke

BOOK: House Rules
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Taking another sip, I swiveled back around in my seat to face the dealer and threw in the money before I lost my nerve. He dealt the cards. I held my breath and picked up the two cards in front of me. It wasn’t a great hand but I was determined to play it as best I could. Five hundred dollars was on the line.

Unbelievably, I won that round, and the next two. For a moment, I thought maybe Miller had told them to let me win. It pissed me off to think that he would do that. It wasn’t until the fourth hand I knew that wasn’t the case. The other men at the table were cursing and throwing cards in the heat of the moment. Dean had to remind two of them to sit their asses down.

By the end of the night I felt more relaxed in that room than I ever thought possible. I’d won at least half of the hands, a few with decent size pots, and the pile in front of me was definitely bigger than when I started. Playing instead of watching from the bar was exactly what I’d needed. I felt in control of the situation. The decisions were mine, no one else’s. It made me feel powerful, like I could do anything.

Miller came over after the last hand to check on me.

“You didn’t tell me your girl played like that,” Johnson accused, putting his winnings back into his pocket.

Miller glanced down at the pile of money then back at me. A heat lingered in his eyes as they stayed focused on mine. “I had no idea.”

He took my hand and began guiding me quickly toward the exit. “Good-night,” he called over his shoulder, making it clear that the night was over.

“Miller you left all of your money on the table.” I tried to stop him but like earlier, he was on a mission and there was no stopping him. I couldn’t believe he left it there like it didn’t matter.

“Dean or Charlie will deal with it. They always do.”

“Where are we going?” I tried to match his pace, taking two steps for each one of his, practically running to keep up.

“To my office.”

He didn’t stop, he didn’t slow. I’d have to wait until we got there to find out what was so important.

He flung the door open and slammed it closed behind me. For one brief second, I thought he was pissed that I didn’t win enough. I should have known better. He backed me up against the door, his lips capturing mine.

I was trapped, pinned between Miller and the door. But it wasn’t like there was anywhere else I wanted to be. His tongue darted in and out of my mouth in a rhythm that made my head spin and my knees weak. I wanted more and Miller didn’t disappoint.

His hands slipped under my skirt, hiking it up over my hips.

“Fuck, I need you.” The panties were torn from my body.

It had been the perfect night, and this just made it better. His heat, his passion, his insatiable need—it was all for me. Feelings that I’d kept locked up tight poured through me along with the lust.

Miller pulled my ass up over his shaft and slammed into me, filling me, taking me to new heights. Thrust after thrust, he took me against the door. My heels dug into his back, my nails scratched his shoulders, the noises coming from both of us loud enough to be heard in the hall.

I could feel it happening again: the moment where Miller would show me unparalleled pleasure. It was so amazing that I couldn’t stop the words from pouring from my lips as my released crashed over me.

“I love you.”

His eyes snapped open and he thrust into me one last time, holding steady, his breathing shallow, his gaze burning me. I couldn’t believe I’d said it. Heat flooded my cheeks. I’d held it back for weeks and in the heat of one passion filled moment I ruined everything.

I tried to push him back so I could get down and away.


I couldn’t look at him; not bearing to see the pity or anger in his eyes. One hand stayed curled under me, while the other came up to guide my face to his. I had no choice but to look at him and what I saw in those chocolate depths stole my breath.

“I love you, too.”


For the first time since I was a child, I believed those words when they left someone’s lips. Miller had shown me time and time again how much he truly loved me. I didn’t have to question it, just let it fill every corner of my heart.




The rest of the week was gone in a flurry of baseball playoffs and football games. Miller and I had taken our confessions back to his place and spent the night showing each other exactly how much we loved each other.

The bar was packed every moment. By the time I finished each night, it was all I could do to get home safely before I crashed out. Even though there was no sign of Ray, I got this strange feeling I was being watched. There was nothing I could pinpoint, and I didn’t see anyone actually following me. Call it a notion but it was enough to unsettle me. I knew Ray would never be that stupid after Miller’s warning.

Exhaustion was weighing me down. From studying for my finals the two weeks prior to working and spending time with Miller, I barely had a moment to catch my breath. Summer classes might have been done, but fall classes had already begun and I needed to sleep. Only one year more, I told myself.

I figured my tired mind was imagining all of the crazy stuff going on. At least until the next morning when I walked out of my apartment to head for class.

My car was trashed.

Broken windows, spray paint covering the lights, and the word
written on the hood. I got closer, rounding the car to see the extent of the damage.

I’m coming.

I’m coming.

The words were written twice, once down each side of my car, the fluorescent paint making it impossible to miss the words, or the meaning.

Rage took over. I was done with the little bastard. Whatever Miller did to him from now on, he had coming. And for the first time since we’d started dating, I picked up the phone and willingly asked for Miller to handle one of my problems.







The first call I made was to Ashton, asking for Brock to find Wasden alive, but only so I could put the fucker in an early grave myself. I was afraid of calling Dad since I still hadn’t told him about Tess and I didn’t want him to think I couldn’t handle things myself.

That little shit was dead. As much as I wanted to buy Tess the new car, I understood what it felt like to be proud of something you bought with your own money. It’s how I felt about Rock Bottom and Orbit: they were my babies. For the prick to take that away from Tess was unthinkable. My hands shook. I shoved them in my pockets to keep my cool.

All of this made me feel a shit ton better about the surprise I had for Tess. I had a feeling she wouldn’t let me buy her a car, but I’d found another way to make it easier for her to buy it on her own.

Watching her bust her ass to make a few extra dollars in tips pushed me too far, and knowing that the only reason she did it was to pay off her school debt was enough to force my hand.

I’d had to do some digging, which had taken a while, but I was able to figure out what bank held all of her student loans.

Then I paid them off.

Maybe she’d be pissed, but I was sick of her saving every scrap of money to put toward her school and rent. And eventually I thought she’d see what a good thing it was.


Plus, it was time. I wanted Tess in my bed every night. I loved her and she loved me—something I honestly never thought was on the cards for me. I wanted her with me every second of every day. It was time for her to move in with me and let me take care of her.

On the way over to her place, I made a plan. One she couldn’t say no to because I wouldn’t lay it out until after I fucked her senseless. She was a lot more pliable after sex. If I waited until then, she was more likely to agree.

The sight that greeted me made the blood roar through my ears. He’d taken things way too far this time. Slashed tires and broken windows were one thing, writing “whore” on the hood of her car another.

I’m coming.

That shit took this to a whole new level.

No longer was he asking for broken bones and a hospital stay. No, by doing this he was telling me he wanted me to slice his dick off and fuck him with it. Pain and humiliation were going to be his companions—sooner rather than later.

I walked past the car and into the apartment to find Tess sitting on the couch, a beer already in her hand. She held it up in a mock "cheers."

“I figure if I have to get up and start my day like this, there’s no reason I can’t start drinking this early.”

I walked over and took the bottle. “I have Charlie, Dean, and Brock all out looking for Ray. How about instead of getting drunk, I find other ways to help you forget about your shitty morning?”

She got this glint in her eye that made my balls tighten. “I think I like the sound of that.”

I bent at the waist, throwing her over my shoulder and giving her a quick smack on the ass. Tess liked things gentle and sweet as much as she liked things a little on the rough side but after the morning she’d had, rough was on the menu.

When we reached her bedroom, I set her down and stripped as quickly as possible, watching her do the same. Free of clothes, I plunged my hand into her hair and dragged her mouth to mine. Our tongues dueled, dancing, fighting for power, and my cock grew harder with each thrust. Releasing her hair, I slid my hands down her neck.


and down,
until I reached paradise.

She was already wet. We both wanted it hard and fast. I pushed her legs back and slammed home. Sensation tore through me and my cock jerked. I wouldn’t last long. With hard, plunging strokes I fucked her, pushing her over the edge and letting her body take me with it.

Panting, I dropped down next to Tess and pulled her into my arms, her back to my front. “Better?” I asked, pressing a brief kissing to the back of her neck.

“Much,” she whispered dreamily. “I love you.”

“I love you, babe. I’m so sorry that asshole fucked with your car.”

Her body shuddered and it was hard to miss the thickness in her voice when she answered, “It’s only a car.”

I knew she didn’t mean it.

She was upset, but relaxed, I decided to barrel through and deal with the consequences later.

“No, it was more to you. But I have something I think will make it better.”

She turned her head, one eye cracked open. “You’re going to kill Ray? I already know that.”

“Not quite, but I think you’ll find it just as pleasing.”

Her brows drew together, but she still hadn’t bothered to open her other eye. “I’m listening.”

“You’re debt free.”

One snapped open fully. “I’m what?”

“And,” I said at the same time, “you’re moving in with me.”

The other eye snapped open. “What did you say?”

“That you’re debt free and moving in with me.”

She sprang from the bed, gloriously naked, her creamy skinned limbs moving with a fluidity that had my cock stirring again; although, I had a feeling with the way she was standing there, braced for a fight, I wouldn’t be getting any. Not until she calmed down.

“What do you know about my debt? And what makes you think I’m moving in with you?”

I knew she might have a problem with me paying off the loans, but I never expected her to question moving in with me. Did she not understand how un-fucking-safe it was now Ray had figured out where she lived?

“Have you not seen your car?”

“Oh, I’ve seen it all right, but I don’t understand how that translates into me moving in with you.”

It was my turn to jump from the bed. “You’re lucky he didn’t try and do that shit to you. You can’t stay here anymore. It’s not safe.”

“So because you deem it unsafe, I’m supposed to jump and listen? What would have been so wrong with you
me instead of telling me I’m moving in? I might have been willing to listen had you given me the option, but instead you come in here and rearrange my whole life. You haven’t pulled this kind of stupid shit since the beginning. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I thought you’d figured out the best way for us to decide something is to ask me for my opinion, not tell me what it is.”

“Not when your safety is on the line. You’re mine and I’m not going to let that slimy bastard lay a finger on you,” I roared. The whole argument was fucking stupid. She would be safer in my house. I had no idea why it was so difficult for her to see that? Didn’t she understand how much I loved her and wanted her there?

“That doesn’t mean you get to rearrange my whole life for me. I’m not moving in with you, end of discussion.”

She began reaching for her clothes, tugging her panties up her legs and swiping my shirt off the bedroom floor, pulling it around her body like a safety blanket. I tried to move closer but she held up a hand; a hand that was shaking. “Stay where you are, Miller. You better explain right now what you mean when you say I’m ‘debt free.’”

“I paid off your student loans.”

The air around us froze, a chill sweeping through the room and holding us both immobile. There was a piercing squeak and I watched Tess’s mouth hang open. For one brief moment I thought she’d be happy.

“Get out.”

The words left her lips but there was no emotion in them. No excitement, no anger, no . . . anything. Only words. Words that hung in the air, waiting for someone to take them. But neither of us moved.

“I said, get out.”

“I pay off your debt and you throw me out. What the fuck is that?”

She stalked around the bed until we were only inches apart, her voice rising with each word. “You go and do exactly what I’ve been asking you not to do for months. I keep trying to tell you that I can handle my own money, but you decide to ignore everything I’ve been saying about how important it is for me to know I am self-reliant and throw your wealth at me? What did you expect?”

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