House Rules (18 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Brooke

BOOK: House Rules
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Bending down he nibbled lightly on my ear before whispering, "Oh, we're not done."

I shivered at the feel of his breath on my skin.

"You're fucking gorgeous," Miller said in awe.

He leaned forward and licked a path through the center of my folds. "You taste amazing, too."

The room was starting to spin. Even though he'd stopped touching me, I could still feel the sexual tension radiating between us.

“Touch me, Miller.”

“I want to see you do it."

Color flooded my cheeks. I was no stranger to bringing myself pleasure, but having an audience was a different story.

Except desire had over taken my brain. It was like I was a different person, playing a part as I slipped my finger slowly around to stroke my clit. The sensations pouring through me as he undressed and watched as I touched myself had me feeling wild and carefree. Tearing open a condom, he rolled it down his long steely length, all the while his eyes never leaving my body.

When he made his way back to me, his mouth joined my fingers, licking up and down my folds, eventually taking my clit into his mouth. His tongue swirled, lightly sucking, driving me mad. The beauty of watching his head worshiping my body was more than I could explain. There was something decidedly erotic about having a man use his mouth to tease you, bringing you to the height of desire. His eyes focused on me as my breathing became more labored with each pass of his tongue, but my world exploded when his tongue thrust deeply into me. He continued to press into me as he helped me to ride out the aftershocks.

Taking his time, he nibbled a path up my body, making sure to stop to pull each nipple between his teeth once again. It was a sensation I was becoming addicted to.

There was sharp sting, but the pleasure was off the charts. When Miller reached my lips, I could see the evidence of my arousal there. With the first touch of his lips, I opened to the wildly erotic kiss.

"Miller, I need you," I begged between labored breaths.

His tongue licked out to swirl around my nipple never touching it. "Not yet.”

I needed him inside of me, but he was busy worshiping my body and I didn't want to deny myself the sensual of the feel as it flicked my nipples, tantalizing every nerve ending.

After torturing me for what seemed like hours, his mouth moved back to mine as he settled himself between my legs, his dick stroking my pussy but never allowing himself inside. My head thrashed on the pillow.


He groaned, capturing my lips with his as he surged forward.

"Oh my god, you're so fucking tight and warm." He groaned into the curve of my neck.

Needing him to move, I thrust my hips up. His head was thrown back, a muscle spasming in his neck as he fought for control. "Please don't move. Just give me a minute," he hissed from between clenched teeth. He sucked in a deep breath and lowered his head to look at me. “I don’t remember it being this good.”

Deep, driving strokes brought me back, my nails digging into his flesh as I reached for the orgasm I knew was dancing right before me, just out of reach. He played my body like an instrument: equal parts hard and soft, fast and slow. His fingers sliding down my stomach and into my wet folds, stroking my clit had me lightheaded, pleasure coursing through my body. Somewhere in the midst of orgasmic bliss, I felt him thrust a few more times before joining me.

His body collapsed against mine, his arms no longer able to hold up his weight. Slowly our breathing returned to normal and I knew everything had changed. The feeling I got that first night with Miller had been set free, clawing its way to the surface. Even though I wanted to push it back down where my heart was safe, I wasn’t sure if I could. It wasn’t only about just sex with Miller anymore.

What had I gotten myself into?





“You’re in a good mood today.” Ashton stepped into the office unannounced. “The whole staff is talking about it. I had to see it for myself. I guess that means things are going better with Tess?”

“What are you doing here?” I asked, ignoring his question.

“Oh, touchy. I seem to remember a certain brother digging very deep into my life when it came to Elena.” He took a seat in the chair across from my desk.

I signed off on parts of the payroll. “That’s because you used to tell me everything about your conquests.”

He laughed. “Like you were any different. Not telling me only proves that I was right. Things are going good.”

I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. “I’d give you more shit, but you’re right—I’m in too good a mood. Things are perfect. I wish I could convince her to quit working and let me take care of things, though. With her going to school, at least I’d get to see her outside of the bar.”

“She didn’t seem like the type who would want you to take care of everything.”

“She’s not. It pisses me off whenever she tells me no.”

Ashton rolled his eyes. “Then stop asking.”

“Whatever you say. Now what the hell are you doing here? Dad’s down the hall if you only came to harass me.”

“I came over to check on you. I know you’re meeting with Marcello today. I also know Dad doesn’t know.”

My hands clenched into fists at the mere mention of Marcello. Bastard kept sending other people over to meet with me, like I wasn’t worthy of his time. He had no idea who he was dealing with. This time, if he didn’t show up, I would no longer want to have a peaceful conversation. I would bring half of my employees to him and make sure he that he understood the importance of showing up when I requested a meeting.

I knew he was screwing me. For whatever reason, he thought he was big enough to run this town. Either he didn’t realize, or didn’t want to admit that the Hawes family already did. Whatever the excuse, he was in for a rude awakening .

“Yeah. I’m waiting for him to call and try to cancel again.”

“And what are you going to do if he does?”

“I’ll bury the fucker. I don’t need this shit. I want one thing and one thing only: him to stay the fuck away from Tess.”

“And how do you plan to get him to agree to that? You know Marcello doesn’t wheel and deal.”

“He doesn’t need to. Either he leaves Tess alone, or we’ll do it my way, and I guarantee I’ll need to call for cleanup if that happens.”

“You need to tell Dad. If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t push, but Marcello is a crazy bastard. We haven’t had any run ins with him, but we’ve heard enough stories. I’m not sure how he’ll handle it.”

I ran a hand through my hair. Ashton wasn’t like me or my father. He kept his temper in check and was more willing to forgive. Although I had a feeling when it came to Elena, he would do anything it took to keep her safe. “Like you wouldn’t have killed Dominic Tolley if it meant getting Elena away from him?”

He scoffed. “I would have ended him in a heartbeat. But you have to remember, Dad knew all about how he treated his wife. He knows nothing about your relationship with Tess or Marcello. I knew he’d be there if I needed him.”

I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes. The fear that people wouldn’t see me as strong as my father surfaced again. “If I can’t prove that I’m just as powerful as Dad in this town, how in the hell am I supposed to take over and be successful?”

“Is that what you’re worried about? Shit, Miller.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Do you really think anyone around here questions you or your ability to take over?”

“I know they do. Karlstad was here trying to get a lower rate the day after Dad said he was looking to retire.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Of course that cheap asshole would do that. Has anyone else asked for something like that?”

I sprang from my seat and began pacing. “No, but only ’cause I threatened him.”

“Exactly. Word spread like it always does. But most of Dad’s clients aren’t out of their fucking minds. Have you forgotten when Marcello beat the shit out of the client’s pregnant wife and she lost the baby? Then there was the time he let one of his goons rape the sister of one of his clients while he forced the brother to watch. Or what about when he beat the crap out of the guy’s mom, while he was strapped to a chair? Anytime he made a sound he hit her, and anytime she made a sound they hurt him. It’s stupid to meet with him alone. The guy has no morals. He’s crazy as fuck. Wouldn’t you rather Dad know he’s coming to the club?”

I stopped and turned to face him. Lines creased his brow. He had a reason to be worried, but I also knew how to protect myself. “It’ll be fine. Most of those stories are probably exaggerated by his own people to create fear. Besides we’ll be at my place not his.”

“I guess nothing I say is going to change your mind?”

“No. I need to do this. You’d do it for Elena.” I took my seat again. Marcello would understand his place in the food chain when I was done with him.

“You’re right.” He stood. “Just let me know what happens.”

“I will.”

He turned for the door. I knew Ashton was only looking out for me. But this wasn’t about me. I needed to look out for Tess. She was the first woman to ever make me feel anything closely resembling what my parents had.

I called out to him when his hand reached for the knob.


“Thanks for looking out for me.”

He shrugged. “You’re my little brother, it’s what I’m supposed to do. Be careful.”

But there was nothing I needed to be careful of. Marcello didn’t understand who he was screwing with.

He left, giving me the silence I needed to contemplate the meeting. I knew Marcello was as crazy as Ashton described. My plan was to show him that it was time to back off. I’d pay half of what Ray owed in exchange for him leaving Tess alone. Whatever happened to Ray was his problem for borrowing the money. Why anyone borrowed money from Marcello was beyond me. Ashton was always the better choice, and not only because he was my brother. He also wasn’t batshit crazy.

Forcing the whole issue from my head, I msde myself to go back to work until it was time to leave. I didn’t want to give Dad a reason to check up on me.




“He better show I this time this time,” I said, walking through the club to my office upstairs. We weren’t opened for the night yet, which made it the perfect place to meet. No one interfering where they didn’t belong.

“I have assurances he’ll be here.”

“He better.” I took a seat in the chair behind my desk. Dean followed suit on the couch in the corner of the room.

Thirty minutes past and my temper was soaring to new heights.

“That bastard needs to learn some fucking respect.” I stood and walked over to the windows, imagining all of the ways I could make the fucker suffer.

There was a knock on the door. “Come in,” I said, not even bothering to hide the irritation in my voice.

I turned to face the man himself, Nathan Marcello.

Could he be anymore stereotypical? Probably not. The oily slicked back hair, the black pinstripe suit, not to mention the hat. Jesus Christ. Had he ordered his outfit from a costume store? If I hadn’t heard of some of the shit he’d done, I’d laugh and kick his ass out of my office. He looked ridiculous.

He walked up to me, hands in his pockets. “You must be Miller Hawes.”

“And you’re Nathan Marcello. I’m pretty sure we knew that before you got here. I don’t feel like standing here playing with niceties. Can we get to it?”

“A man who gets straight to the point.”

The man would understand the word respect so much better when he left. Without a word, I took the seat behind my desk and gestured for him to sit. While I wanted to climb over the desk and teach him respect the old fashion way, I’d let my words sink in first.

“Of course I do, why wouldn’t I? I’m a Hawes, I don’t have to worry about anything in this business. Not sure I can say the same for you.”

He sat back in the chair. “I seem to be doing just fine.”

I leaned forward, resting my arms on the desk. “Only because I haven’t put you out of business yet.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You honestly believe you have that kind of power?”

Dean stood in the corner, ready for anything. I leaned back in my chair and put my leg across my knee. A little push was needed. “I do. But that isn’t why I called you here. I’m more interested in the way you handle non-payments.”

“You want to learn from me?”

I scoffed. “Don’t be fucking obtuse, we handle our debts without a problem. We don’t go after family.”

He shrugged it off. “Someone has to pay.”

Dean brought over a decanter and filled two glasses.

“Yes they do, but it should be the person who borrowed the money.”

He pushed a glass over to me and one to Marcello. I knocked back mine and watched him do the same. “That’s not nearly as effective as my way.”

“Your way means a woman who has no involvement with your client is caught in the crossfire. I want you to leave her alone, pretend you never heard of her, and deal with him.”

Marcello watched me for a moment. “And which debt would you be talking about?”

“Ray Wasden.”

He chuckled, the stale scent of cigarette breath wafting in my direction, turning my stomach. “Ah, that sexy little brunette my boys have been looking for.”

I clenched the glass so hard, I thought it might shatter in my hand. ““She’s mine now, and I can’t be held accountable for my actions if one little hair is out of place on her head. You need to call those motherfuckers off.”

“Say I’m willing to do as you asked, what do I get out of it?”

I looked him square in the eyes. “More than you’d get by going after her.”

He contemplated the glass in his hand. “Let me get this straight, I call off my boys and I get something from you? I take it you’re aware that little shit owes me half a million.”

“I am, and I brought half.” Dean stepped forward and placed the bag of money in front of Marcello. I leaned forward in my seat. “Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to take the bag and walk out of here. When you get to the car, you’re going to call your men and tell them they are to look for Ray only. The woman is off limits. Do we understand each other?”

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