house of women (22 page)

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Authors: Yelena Kopylova

BOOK: house of women
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"Where is he?"

"Oh, he went out shortly after you did, within minutes. He took a briefcase with him, as if he were going back to the Works. May's just phoned. They can't come over to dinner tomorrow; they've got

unexpected company. She wants you to slip across when you can."

"But the turkey! We'll never get through that."

"Oh yes, we will. We'll have hash for days." Victoria smiled at her, then said, "What was all that about upstairs?"


"What d'you mean, love?"

"He was at her, trying to make her say that she loved him better than she did me. I was outside the door, listening. I didn't know he was home and I was just on the point of going into her room when I heard him."

"Dear God!" Victoria shook her head.

"What'll he be at next?"

"The question is. Gran, what has he been at already? That's what worries me every minute. But what can you do? What can you say?

There's no proof, and . and she's fond of him and she wouldn't do anything to hurt him or get him into trouble. But there's been a change in her of late. She's refused to go to the baths since she had that cold, but I think she was clever enough to make that an excuse.

Dear God in heaven! " She put her hand to her brow.

"What a state of affairs."

"Look, lass, it's Christmas. There's nothing you can do about it at the moment. Go on, get yourself over to May's and meet her company, whoever they are. She sounded very excited."

"Well, she expects Charlie home today."

"Yes, she does, but she said " company", and Charlie isn't company, well, not that kind. She would have just said Charlie's home."

"Will you take her tea up?" Peggy jerked her head in the direction of the ceiling, and Victoria said on a laugh, "Yes, yes, I'll take her tea up. And if she gives me any of her pernickety, finicky quips I'll throw it over her. I've wanted to do it many a time."

They laughed together now, but it was a gentle laugh without mirth .

Peggy heard the laughter coming from next door before she left the woodland, and it further burst on her as she opened the kitchen door.

May was at the table piling sandwiches on an already full plate, Frank was cutting into a large fruit loaf, and they both turned and hailed her brightly, saying, "Hello, there!"

"What's all the noise?"

"You may well ask. It sounds like a tap room, doesn't it? It's the band, the quartet."

Frank laughed.

"You said it; the quartet, four plus Charlie, but it sounds like a football match, doesn't it? Go on in."

"Oh no! I... " Don't be silly! Oh, and by the way, I'm sorry we can't make it tomorrow. They're staying over the weekend. "

"All of them?"

"Yes, all of them. There'll be some shakedowns to make up, but they're used to sleeping in cramped quarters."

2. "They are not going home for Christmas?"

"Well, one lives in Scotland, one lives in Ireland, one lives in London. Anyway' her voice dropped 'it's a breaking-up party."

"They're breaking up?"

"Oh, my dear, he'll tell you all about it later. Go on in."

Reluctantly she went out of the kitchen, across the small hall and towards the sitting-room. The door was open and she stood just outside the aperture taking in the five men. Charlie had his back to her. He was sitting on a pouf fe to the side of the fire. And when two of the men stopped laughing and looked over his head, he turned and sprang up and hurried towards her, saying, "Hello, there," and reached out to take her hand.

"Hello, Charlie."

"I ... I was coming across but I was held up by this lot." He thumbed towards the men behind him, then said, "Come on in and meet the gang."

He led her into the room and, looking at the four musicians, he said,

"This is Peggy, my sparring partner ever since we both crawled on the lawn together. And this' he spread an arm out 'is the amateur group I've been supporting over the past years."

There was a great hoot of laughter and chipping and protests. The men were standing now and Charlie, pointing to a small middle-aged man, said, "This is Joe, violin and much more." Joe shook her hand and smiled.

"And this is Ron, viola, but he really should have been playing the cornet, he spends more time on it."

"How d'you do, Peggy?" The tall man with a long face bent in the grand manner as he took her hand.

"And this too is Ron. The cellist. And believe it or not we've got to put him on a high chair to enable him to manage his instrument."

The short man's answer was lost amid laughter.

"And finally, this is Percy. Percy can play anything from the triangle to the tambourine. He can also whistle." Percy took her hand, saying,

"Definitely my art is diffused, but I have never stooped so low as to even touch a guitar."

She was laughing. They were all laughing, and she was amazed at the feeling of camaraderie among these men and particularly at Charlie's obvious standing amongst them, for all four looked to be in their mid-forties.

"Sit down, dear." Charlie pressed her on to the pouf fe near the fire and then he sat down on the floor beside her.

Solely for something to say to cover her embarrassment, she said, "When did you get back; I mean, from Spain?"

"Oh, we landed at Newcastle airport' Charlie turned and looked at the men' at three o'clock?"


They nodded, saying, "Yes, three o'clock." For the next ten minutes or so she sat listening to these mature men chipping him, and he, her quiet Charlie, giving them back as much as they sent. This was a different Charlie. She had never imagined him being a popular


The man called Percy was now leaning forward and saying, "Those two old girls in the old people's home, remember? They summed up your guitar playing as nobody else has been able to do."

The memory caused another burst of general laughter; then Percy, addressing himself to Peggy, explained, "We were giving this concert in this old people's home. Two old girls were sitting very close at the front. One had a hearing aid and she kept fiddling with it. His nibs here was doing his solo piece, the stage to himself and the old people were comparatively quiet, until the one with the hearing aid asked in no small voice, " I can't get me aid to work; what's he playin'? " And her companion answered in an even louder voice, " It's one of them tinny things. And don't bother with it, you wouldn't like it anyway, it's got no tune. " The room again exploded with laughter.

And still laughing, Charlie said, "But I did what you lot didn't do: I came back with an Irish jig, and then, " We'll Meet Again" and " Roll Out The Barrel". But you stiff necks, what did you play?

Mozart's Quartet in A Flat, and half of them fell asleep. Of course it could have been in B Minor and then they would all have been carried out. "

"Who does he think he is? And fancy him knowing about Mozart's Quartet in A Flat."

"Not only A, but B Minor."

Charlie was about to retaliate when the door opened and May now

appeared, saying, "Well, there it is. If you're hungry, come and get it. It'll fill a holey tooth until later."

As they made their way to the dining-room Peggy went towards the kitchen, calling to the men, "I'll be seeing you again."

Amid their replies Charlie said, "Carry on, will you? I'll be with you in a few minutes," and he whipped up his coat from among a stack of luggage and instruments lying in the hall, and taking her by the arm he hurried her through the kitchen.

Out of sight and sound of the house, in the wood, he put his arms about her and kissed her hungrily; and she returned his kisses with fervour, muttering, "Oh Charlie. Charlie." Then she asked, "What's afoot? I mean, your mother said something about breaking up."

"Yes, this is a sort of parting party. I'm going to miss them. They're a fine bunch of fellas, grand, each one of them."

"But why?"


"Oh, it's a long story. Anyway, to make it brief, they've got a chance of doing a six months' tour in America from coast to coast. Now two of them, Percy and Joe, they are staying in America, I know that, and I think the other two could be persuaded. It will depend on how the tour goes. None of them has any connections here, not really; they're all bachelors; at least, in a way. One's a widower and

another's divorced, and only Joe's parents are alive, so they're free-lance in all ways.

But I couldn't see me staying away all that time . not from you, and then probably being persuaded to follow their line and make America my home. No, I just couldn't do it. "

"Oh, Charlie, I've spoilt that for you, too. And Auntie May'll be so mad at me. She'll try to hide it, I know, as she always does."

"Oh, no. Auntie May won't. Auntie May's de lighted at this

arrangement. Anyway, it's been in my mind to step out on my own for some time now. I've enough material to give a full recital. And

what's more, I can always teach. And there's more people taking it up seriously now, not just strumming chords. I learnt so much from Mr.

Reynolds. I do miss him when I come back. But he was old and tired; he's had youngsters falling over themselves to be taught by him.

Knowing his methods, I feel teaching could be quite a side-line. I won't starve.

And, darling, you wouldn't starve, either. Can't you make up your mind? "

"Oh, Charlie, you know my mind's been made up for years. I could walk out this minute, this very. minute, if it wasn't for Emma. But he would and could claim her, you know he would. And there's things going on now that frighten me."


"In a way, yes."

"He hasn't ... ?"

"Not as far as I know. But I just don't know; she's afraid of rows between us, so she's afraid naturally to say anything."

"And the great Mrs. Funnell?"

"Oh, as enamoured as ever."

"I can't believe it of that old girl, you know, I just can't. She was such a level-headed, dynamic person;

and to be taken in by a scut like him. "

"Vanity's a strange thing. I never realised it until lately, but looking back I can see she has always been inordinately vain. Mother said the same. And that's another thing. Mother used to pop in nearly every day. She doesn't any more. I envy her her happiness she can't help it shining out of her- but I'm also bitter against her for

saddling me with this lot, and for changing me from what I was: she made the young girl into a woman before her time and a bitter one at that. Charlie, I've changed. I'm

. I'm not the person you knew years ago. I say and do things that shock me. "

He laughed now, saying, "My dear, dear, Peggy, you'll always be the same to me. You know I've loved you from the very beginning and I'll go on loving you. And now that I'm home for good, at least my bookings abroad will be for just a week or so at a time, that's all, well ...

we're coming together. Do you hear? Really coming together. I don't care where or when. Oh yes, I do, as regards when, anyway, because it's got to be soon. And you needn't have any feeling of compunction about him, for he's been at it for years on the side, and you know it.

I must get back now, if for no other reason than that the table will soon be cleared and I haven't had a bite since this morning. Oh, love.

" He held her close again, and as they were about to part she said, "

Charlie," and he said, " Yes? "

"Have you never wanted anyone else; is that true?"

There was neither an immediate protestation nor confirmation from Charlie; then he said, "No; I have never wanted anyone else; but that's not to say I've never had needs, and they had to be met. But over the past few years, what with one night stands and travel, there was little energy or time left except for eating and bed."

He kissed her again, then said, "I'll see you later tonight. I'm coming over with Emma's present."

"All right, Charlie." Even to herself her voice sounded flat.

She did not hurry back to the house.

That's not to say I haven't had needs, and they had to be met, she thought.

She, too, had needs that cried out to be met, but there was no way of meeting them. But Charlie was a man. She had to remember that: though why should she? Yes, why should she? Who was to weigh the difference in the urge? Her body was racked at times when the torment had almost driven her across the corridor into Andrew's bed. Only shame and pride had prevented that humiliation.

Damn men! Damn Charlie!

Oh no; never say that. She'd have to pull herself together. But if only he hadn't told her. Oh, come off it. What did she want in a man?

A plaster saint? She should remember that she went with a man when she was sixteen. Oh well, didn't she know that? Dear God, didn't she?

But Charlie had been different.



"Take her to the doctor," Lizzie said.

"What can I say to the doctor, Mam? That her teacher says she's not paying attention? That twice this term she's had to leave the

classroom because she was sick?"

"Yes, you can say just that, especially the latter ... She's not...


"Oh, my God! Mam, don't suggest such a thing."

"Well, my dear, just think back; you weren't many months older."

"Don't rub it in, Mam."

"I'm not rubbing it in, Peggy. That's the last thing I would do, you know. I'm just stating a fact."

"Well, it isn't that, it's him. She's worried in some way about him, but I can't get anything out of her. And if I can't make her open up, how do you expect the doctor to do so?"

"Oh, she'll more likely do so with him than to you, knowing that it's hell let loose every time you look at each other. So do as I say: get on to Doctor Rice and make an appointment."

"She tells me she's going to a disco tonight."

"Has she been before?"

"Once or twice. But he doesn't know."

"Well, you should tell him. Put him in the picture. He's bound to know when he comes and finds her gone or going."

"He rarely comes home early on a Tuesday night. He has some meeting or other he goes straight to. On a Friday, too. So if there's anything she wants to go to on these nights, I tell her to go."

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