Hotter Horizons (14 page)

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Authors: JC Szot

BOOK: Hotter Horizons
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Fern closed the space between them, coming to him.
His entire being rose to new heights, thrilled with the concept that she wanted
him as much.

Her eyes slowly moved between his, her lush lips
parted. Her light words had him on the verge of weeping with joy.

“Oh, Alec, you’re so easy to love.” She held his
face, softly kissing his parted mouth. Her tongue washed his teeth, flooding
him with warmth. Alec pulled back, needing more air for his excited body. Levi
stepped out of his boxers and knelt on the floor. He gazed up at them, his deep
voice filling the tranquil moment.

“It’s all for you, Frances,” he said, his
observation strangled with a desire Alec wanted to pounce on. Alec lowered from
his perch on the stool, kneeling before her in worship. He nuzzled his face
into her warm navel. He kissed the pillowed flesh there, easing the thin,
cotton pants down her legs. The apex between her thighs was neat and tidy, her
folds already moist. He inhaled her fragrance and gently parted her open,
reveling in her inner beauty.

He kissed her clitoris, knowing the pleasure it
brought her. He slowly licked the sensitive tissues there, the gateway to her
most intimate place, a place where Alec wanted to be forever. Her creamed
warmth soaked his tongue, causing his mouth to thirst for more of her. He could
barely hear Levi’s voice, his state dreamlike.

“On the floor with us,” he said, pawing at her knee.
Fern pulled away, leaving Alec licking his chops. She dropped to the floor,
pressing her body against his. His dick poked at her belly, already raining
with wetness. She rubbed it into the skin there, making him groan.

“Fern,” he gasped, taking her mouth and easing her
down. Their bodies met, already grinding together as her spine settled below

Levi padded across the floor on all fours, settling
near her head. He jerked his cock fast, the mushroomed cap purple and engorged.
Alec felt his own erection swatting at his abdomen.

He stared down into her. A light lit in her eyes,
yanking him deep and holding him there. Her pliant fingers explored, pressing
as they skated down his body. Her hips tilted, her body reaching for him to
fill it.

Their mouths met and moved
their teeth hitting as the need grew reckless between their blistering breaths.
She spoke to him, her words filling his mouth, their lips slightly touching.

“Please, Alec.” Her neck arched. Her hips lifted
again. Alec grabbed her shin and lifted her leg, opening her to him.

“Look at that,” Levi said darkly, his tone hard with
impatient desire.

Alec’s cock hovered at her saturated slit. He
steered her chin, wanting her eyes as he pushed inside her. Her lashes
fluttered. Alec slipped inside her heated body, feeling the blaze shoot up his
cock, consuming him like a ravenous forest fire. His dick sizzled, scorched
from her insides.

“Ah, yeah,” he gasped. A high that was all her
rushed through him. She was so hot and snug, but wet now, adding to a delirium
she provoked. He’d now had access to all of her body.

A silent stretch permeated the kitchen. Panting
breaths bounced off the walls. Fern’s eyes closed. Alec stroked her forehead
tenderly, her skin flushed. Her tongue licked her lips, her mouth now open in

“Yes, deeper, oh Alec,” she cried, her face slack.
Alec shot Levi a sideward glance. Levi’s eyes lowered into slits, painting the
picture for him as he always did. Levi sat back on his heels, his hand
strumming his cock. Alec licked his lips, smelling his lover’s musk from where
he knelt. A glint beamed in his eye. Levi repositioned himself again right near
Fern’s head. His cock stood stiff and bold, right above her mouth. Her eyes
opened as her head turned. Levi traced her mouth with the tip of his cock, prompting
her to open.

Fern’s lips parted as Levi sank inside, vanishing
into her mouth.

Alec lost it.

“Oh yeah,” he cried. He quickened his pace, wanting
Fern to hang on his orgasmic coattails.

It was like rafting down an angry river. Each swell
took them higher, their bodies undulating to the natural rhythm of the other.
Her legs curled around his hips, her feet digging into his spine. It was a
fluctuation that was matched. Levi’s cock slid in and out of her pouty lips,
her neck stretched and smoothing for him. Alec worked his hand between their
damp bodies, thrumming over her clit, wanting her there with him minute for
minute. Her cries had him emptying into her as they reverberated into his

“Ugh, God,” Alec growled. His body went tight with
effort. Muscles pulled and burned. Levi gasped. Alec watched his lover’s entire
body quake with pleasure.

Levi pulled out of her mouth. Fern’s sated brown
eyes opened, mirroring all the passion. Levi continued to fondle his cock.
Streams of pearly froth erupted from his body, decorating her breast. Levi
tipped his hips, his head flinging back. Howling groans roared in Alec’s ears,
the mating completed again, and marked with flawless perfection.



Over the next two weeks they settled into a
contented routine that was fueled with profound exploration. They were
experimenting, studying. There was so much you could do, especially with two
men who loved each other the way Levi and Alec did.

Levi’s candidness only made the bond stronger,
uniting them as three along with the absolute balance of Alec’s softer side. It
was a bond that was safe and solid.

Fern had made arrangements for them to travel to
Easton to see Jada and the Chippendales perform at the casino. Alec had taken a
few days off from work, and Levi had asked someone to cover all his clients.
They would be away for two days.

As much as Fern couldn’t wait to see Jada, the fine
edge of fear where Johnny was concerned was slicing through, spoiling the
excitement. She didn’t want to talk to the men about it. Levi often got too
riled up, and Fern didn’t want him worrying about it.

Alec, on the other hand, had the skill of reading
her like an unlocked diary. The morning they were packing the car to leave, he
cornered her in the garage.

“Hey,” he said lightly, his fingers in her hair. He
always touched her when he spoke to her, needing that tactile connection. “I
know what’s flitting through that pretty head of yours.” He gave her a knowing

Fern shrugged, feeling her stomach roll over. Her
morning yogurt was curdling in her stomach. Alec was shaking his head, his
vibrant blue gaze direct.

happen. This
trip is ours, and no one else’s. Got that?” he said stiffly.

Fern nodded.

“Okay.” She sighed, taking his hand. His fingers
tightened around hers.


The trip felt longer than it should. Fern had
forgotten about the issue of traffic and how she’d had to dodge all the chaos
through Easton during the rush hour. They arrived at the casino a half hour
before the show.

After they checked in, flashing their IDs, Fern took
both of their hands and pulled Alec and Levi through the crowded lounge, making
her way toward the bar. Jada’s excited squeals trailed through the air before
Fern could see her.

“Fern, over here,” Jada called, waving frantically.

Fern steered them through the clusters of bodies.
Sweet fragrances mixed with a male spiciness. Swirling lights of red, blue, and
green blinked in her eyes. The crowds parted for them. With the bar in sight,
Fern quickly grabbed one of the stools.

Alec and Levi folded in around her like two
bodyguards. A wide, welcoming grin spread across Jada’s lips.

“You made it!” She flung up her hands and rounded
the bar. A short, black leather skirt grazed her thighs, her top a bold white
with silver sequins. Dance music trembled in Fern’s ears, and Jada’s voice rose
to converse.

opened her arms for a hug. “We wouldn’t miss this show.” She laughed, pulling
back to see Jada’s face.

Jada’s eyes sparked with humor, her perfectly arched
brows waggling. Vivid colors streaked her platinum hair from the track lighting

“I bet.” She smirked. “How are you fellas?” she
asked, seeking Levi and Alec over her shoulder.

“Great, Jada, how about you?” Alec leaned into her,
grazing his lips across Jada’s cheek. Her friend blushed, waving away a rush of
heat. She winked at Fern before intercepting Levi’s embrace.

“Thanks for having us.” Levi rocked back on his
heels, releasing her.

Levi was manning his post tonight. Fern could see
the lines deepen in his expression, taking in his unfamiliar surroundings and
feeling the urge to protect. Jada’s voice broke through her thoughts.

“What can I get you guys to drink?” She reached for
her tray on the bar.

“I’ll take a white wine,” Fern told her, swiveling
around to Levi and Alec.

The guys both ordered beer. As more stools were
vacated by patrons wanting a piece of the dance floor, Levi and Alec claimed a
stool on either side of her.

Jada flitted around the bar, serving all the
customers at her station, talking with them intermittently.

When the lights began to dim and the music shifted
tempos, Fern squirmed in her seat. The announcer’s voice reverberated through
the microphone, quickly going through the rules and etiquette of the evening’s

Levi leaned into her, his voice deep in her ear.

“I’m assuming that these men will get you all
torqued up, Frances?”

Fern turned, connecting with his blazing stare.

“Not the way that you do,” she said, her reply
murmured between tight lips. She fidgeted in her seat, feeling her body react
to the innuendo that often gushed from him. Levi sank back in his stool, shock
coating his features. Alec playfully rocked into her shoulder from the opposite

“What’s going on?” His brows pulled together below
the brim of his hat. Fern loved when Alec wore his derby. It was his visual

The music started. Fern shrugged and waved off the
recent banter. She could see the shadowed figures as they made their way out on
stage. She glanced at Alec, knowing his attention had already been diverted.

“Her Strut”
pounded from the speakers. Yellow and red lights lit up the stage as the hard
flesh of ten men filled her eyes. The curved outline of their biceps flexed
below immaculate skin as their feet stomped to the music.

Fern gawked at the assorted costumes, noting that
the police officer and construction worker were leaving a pleasing taste on her

Levi slid off his stool, rummaging in his pocket. He
tossed a roll of bills out onto the glossy bar, shooting Fern and Alec a sly
sideward glance. He remained on his feet. Levi’s mouth parted into a sensual
smile, signifying that he was ready to be catered to, no matter what the cost.

The men began to slowly disrobe, drawing in the
audience with every inch of bare skin that was revealed. The stage darkened as
water began to fall from above, raining over their naked flesh. Water beaded
off their skin, their physiques glittering. Tiny rivulets trailed down their
bodies. Levi groaned when one of the men came up to him, thrusting his hips.

Though his cock was barely clothed, it was long and
hard beneath his metallic-colored G-string. His body undulated for Levi,
his eyes gleaming as he gazed down at all three of them. A hand moved in her
eye’s periphery. Alec leaned up onto the stage, the bills extending from
between his fingers.

Fern watched Alec as he stuffed several bills into
the dancer’s G-string, his eyes glazed. Her men were panting, soaking it
all in as if their skin was parched and needed a drink. The heady musk of the
dancers’ bodies evaporated into the humid air, bathing their faces with a
warmed mist.

The men gyrated and pranced across the stage, their
groins covered by a mere scrap of material. Levi sat back on his stool, jamming
two fingers into his mouth. A loud shrill of a whistle rang through the already
cheering crowd.

They were hot, the crowd riled. Fern downed the rest
of her wine. As she set her glass down, it was then that she noticed Jada’s
paled expression. Fern squinted, trying to read the worry lines that creased
between Jada’s perfectly manicured brows. Her stomach tensed. Acid crept up
into the back of her throat, its burn punishing.

Fern spun around on her stool. The sight that filled
her vision almost had her retching right at the Chippendales’ feet.



Those black eyes, a curtain of evil she’d had to
look at for way too long, were back. Johnny’s stare chipped into her like an
ice pick as he eyed her over the neck of his beer bottle. He downed the entire
beer, setting it on the tray of a passing waitress.

Fern spun around, meeting Jada’s wide gaze. Her eyes
darted like a frightened animal. Fern’s mind reeled, trying to think fast. He’d
caught her off guard, just as he always did. That was Johnny’s specialty, his
only talent. Jada’s hand waved frantically, motioning her to the back of the

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