Hot Springs Werewolf Complete Series (BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance) (9 page)

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Authors: Emily Cantore

Tags: #alpha male werewolf curves, #bbw werewolf erotic romance, #Hot Springs Werewolf, #bdsm werewolf

BOOK: Hot Springs Werewolf Complete Series (BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance)
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"You like what I've done with the place?"

I swallowed, feeling my lips and tongue and every other nerve ending in my body. Fucking asshole scare me.

Then last night came back to me. In my fight-or-flight it had gone from my mind. I looked at Red and felt a surge of anger. He was sitting there looking at me over his coffee. Looking damn hot. Looking damn married.

"I met your wife last night after you jumped out the window."

I don't know what I was expecting but I didn't expect this. Red spurted his coffee, half of it coming out his nose and went into a choking and coughing fit. Most of what was in his cup splashed over his hand and down on to his jeans and the floor.

"My wife?" he croaked, coffee dripping off his chin. He put the cup down and kept coughing as he wiped his hands off.

"Yeah, dark hair. Was wearing a red dress. She was at the dance."

Red stood up and lifted up the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face off. I saw his beautiful abs and the fine trail of hair that led down from his bellybutton. The man was built like a Greek God.

Greek God.

"Well! Answer me!"

"I'm not married."

Red looked at me and in his voice there was a tone and a warning.
He's not a tame wolf
flashed through my mind again. Then he smiled at me and walked over. I stood my ground although I wanted to walk out. He reached for my hand and I reluctantly allowed him to take it.

"I'm not married," he repeated again and this time the tone was gone. "The girl must be been Ana. A bit shorter than you. Little bit of the crazy eyes?"

I nodded. She'd been mad last night but I knew what he meant.

I saw Red bite his lip and then he sighed. "This is going to sound really... eighteen hundreds and bad but I promise you it's not. I need you to trust me."

I nodded again, although he hadn't said anything yet.

"Our pack was closed off to outsiders for a long time. Until I became Alpha a year ago actually. Before that we only mated in the pack or with one or two other closely connected packs. Ana is in my pack and she's something like my fourth cousin. We were betrothed."

I heard all his words and let them flow through me feeling each one push me further off-balance. Pack. Alpha. Mated. Betrothed.

"The parents made the arrangements and it had been set since I was a cub."


"But it was the wrong way to live and be and when I became Alpha I changed the rules. No more betrothals. No more arranged matings. We had to mate outside our pack or we would get weaker, not stronger. Ana was my betrothed and she and her parents weren't happy about it. But I'm Alpha. It's my decision."

He stopped and looked into my eyes. He still had coffee drops on his shirt and streaking down his neck and a wet patch on his jeans. A better woman wouldn't have mentioned it. But I'm not a better woman.

"You look like you pissed yourself."

Red smiled and then looked down. It gave me time to slap him and wipe that smile right off his face. Although he was fast still and I felt it connect but I think he only got half of it. He stepped away from me and I saw his eyes glinting gold.

"You don't think that after you have sex with a girl that maybe you should talk to her the next day? I'm just down the hill."

"I don't do what people tell me." His voice was low and dangerous and I heard the edge of a growl.

"It's common courtesy. When you put your cock in someone, you give them a call. And don't you fucking growl at me."

I moved and so did Red. We were slowly stalking each other in a circle. I felt like predator - and prey.

"Where did you go last night?"

"To protect what's mine."

"I met a man last night-"

"Freyr. I could smell him on you."

I let that go by. If he could smell a tiny corn-chip crumb on my blouse he could smell when I danced with another man.

"Yeah, Freyr. He said the Guile family had stolen their land with the help of a Finch and he didn't want it to happen again."

"No. It has been our land for generations. He's lying."

"What is he talking about though?"

"There were three packs. Toulouse, Finch, Guile. Some of the Finchs died and then they left. Then it was just Toulouse and Guile. He's Freyr Toulouse. More than that I don't know."

We continued to circle, my anger still bubbling below the surface.

"Why didn't you tell me you were betrothed?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were living with a man before you came here?" Red shot back.

How did he? Oh, right. That super sense of smell. My ex (dick) was probably still all over some of my clothes.

Red suddenly stopped and I saw his eyes shimmer to golden. It was mesmerizing. An instant later he was in front of me. I gasped and realized he'd allowed me to slap him. He was faster than fast.

"I want-"

He started to speak and then stopped. I saw the gold fade from his eyes and he took a deep breath, as though there was an enormous battle going on inside him. I saw him swallow and his eyes flicker downwards. In that flicker I became aware of my body and his, so close together.

He reached for my hand. I felt the rough spots on his fingers and palm and nearly shivered at the memory of them tracing down my spine.

"I want you to come with me," he said and I nodded and then followed him towards the stairs.

He was going to say something else, I was sure of it but the moment had passed.

Red picked up his coffee cup and then took me up the staircase and into a room on the second floor that still had an intact window. The sun was shining in and I could see the city through the trees. The floor creaked but Red was unconcerned so I felt safe.

I was about to say something about the weather or the view or the sunshine when Red placed the coffee cup on the floor, turned and then kissed me. It was a soft kiss, apologetic almost. I felt myself relaxing into him and then responding. The kiss left apology behind and became power and lust and physical connection. His hand touched the back of my neck. I twisted his shirt in my fingers. He growled, a deep sound from within his chest. I bit his lip.

The room was bare - no sofa or kitchen sink to hold onto this time and we were standing on a dusty floor that no one in their right mind would fuck on. But there were other things you could do.

I reached down to feel the hard bulge between Red's legs. I gave it a squeeze and then bit his lip again, almost hard enough to draw blood before sinking to my knees and pulling the button on his jeans open and unzipping him. I saw the outline of his cock through his black boxers and leaned forward to softly bite it. I placed my teeth against him and applied just the smallest amount of pressure. I pulled his jeans down so they were around his knees. I could smell him, warmth and spice and also the scent of the spilled coffee. I gripped his cock through his boxers and pulled it down. I could feel him throbbing in my hand with a pulse that matched the one between my legs.

I released his cock long enough to pull his boxers down and then I gripped him again. I was holding myself back from licking... from biting... from sucking.

"You don't keep secrets like that from me," I whispered. I curled my tongue around the head of his cock.

"It wasn't a-"

I didn't let him finish. I squeezed his cock and rasped my teeth across the head of it.

"You don't keep secrets like that from me," I said again.

"No," Red answered. I looked up and saw his had his eyes half-closed, glinting golden.

I curled my tongue around the head of his cock again and heard him breathe in. Most of those magazines promising sex tips were total garbage but this was one that was completely true. The head of the cock is where all the nerve endings are. Curl your tongue around the sides of his cock. Turn your head as you do so. Keep a grip on him.

I curled and turned my head and Red's breath jolted into him.

I was on my knees with his cock in my mouth but there was such power and dominance in this position. He was above me but I was the one in control.

I curled and turned. And again. And again.

I varied my rhythm, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and attempted to pull as much of him as possible into me. His cock was thick and round and I couldn't quite get there but I heard him gasping and sighing above me.

I sped up and felt his legs tense. I put one hand on his hip, feeling the strength of his body. The man had an ass you could bounce coins off. I glanced up again and saw he had his eyes completely closed and then for some reason, I wanted more. His hands were hanging by his sides. I grabbed one of them and put it atop my head. I saw him glance down and then felt his fingers push through my hair and close. I was still on control but now he had a grip on me too. I let go of his hip and pushed my fingers down between my legs. I was throbbing and wet and if there had been a bed in this room, I would have pushed him down on it and fucked him senseless.

Or at least tried to. I'm sure he would turn the tables on me and I'd end up under him.

I slipped my fingers over my clit and moaned through a mouthful of Red. I was pulling back and forth but he had his hand in my hair and it felt like he was the one who'd forced me to my knees. Forced me to serve him. I wanted to be dominant, to take control but as my power receded, Red took over. I was fucking myself with my fingers and Red was fucking my mouth with his cock. I was sucking and gulping air and going out of my mind. Every stroke back, I wanted him fully in my mouth. My hand between my legs was shaking as I flicked my fingers over my clit, every jolt like an electrical surge through me.

I could barely hear Red gasping over my own thudding heart and breathing but I knew he was close to coming. At the thought of it, the
of him in my mouth, moaning as he came, I tipped over the edge and my shaking hand hit my clit and I shuddered, bucking my hips. I heard Red growl and then I tasted spice and salt. I swallowed and sucked and felt his body juddering above me in time with the fading echoes of my own orgasm. I curled my tongue and sucked and heard Red growling in pleasure above me.

We eventually slowed. I slipped my hand out of my underwear and gripped his cock. He relaxed his fingers in my hair and I regained my power. I gently squeezed and licked it again and again, hearing him sigh over and again. I pulled back and gave his cock a gentle kiss on the side of it before reaching down and pulling his boxers back up and then his jeans. I pushed him softly back and then stood up to adjust myself. Red staggered back to lean against the windowsill, his face flushed and his eyes gold. My legs had turned to jelly too but I was determined not to show it. I straightened out my skirt, adjusted my top and then reached down to the floor to pick up the blue coffee cup. It was lukewarm but delicious. I drank all of it and then primly put the cup down on the floor.

"That's why you call girls you sleep with," I said and walked out.


made it to the front gate when Red appeared from the trees and I hit the brakes. He walked up to the my window and I got the distinct feeling I was being stalked out on the plains.

"Harper Finch," he said, looking at me though eyes that were still glinted gold.

"Red Guile," I responded, as though I hadn't had his cock in my mouth all of ten minutes ago.

"Tomorrow. Have lunch with me. There's a clearing in the forest north of the cabin. Follow the path from the cabin. You can't miss it."

"What if I'm working? Aren't you working? I am writing a book you know."

"Write in the morning then have lunch with me. You'll enjoy it."

Under and around his words was a crackling force and I felt my eyelids growing heavy and my body tingling at the nearness of him.

"I'll think about it," I said, intending to drive away. Then Red leaned down and forward, as though to kiss me on the cheek. I turned my head and our lips touched. A quick kiss from two people who knew if they delayed any longer they'd end up having crazy sex up against an old truck in full view of the road.

We broke apart and then Red leaned down and nipped me on the shoulder.

"Do as I say woman," he whispered and then he was gone. Without a sound. Without me seeing where he went, although I'd been looking right at him.

I smiled to myself and then I heard a wolf howl from the forest. The one I'd heard last night had been piercing and it had hurt to my bones. This howl was close and comforting. It was powerful and dominant. My smile turned into a grin and I took a deep breath and howled back before pulling Boris out on to the road and heading back into town.


wasn't ready to go back home yet (although my body was in that strange place halfway between buzzing and sleepiness and I could have gone to sleep) so I stopped in the town and used my phone to find the library. Maybe I could find out more there before I met Donald Crisp on Tuesday (and tried to pretend that he didn't know about my underwear being upstairs in the office with the broken window). I found the library but then saw it was closed on Sundays. Just as I was about to hit the internet to see if there was anything there, my phone started buzzing in my hand.


I let out a sigh, briefly pondered the ramifications of never answering my phone again, called myself a bad sister, had a two-second argument with myself about who precisely was the bad sister and then finally answered it.

"HLF! You answered!"

Jem was in a good mood. She only ever called me by my initials when she was feeling happy.

"Hey Jem, how are you?"

"Millie's lawyer sent me a check for twenty thousand dollars! It came with a letter from her telling me the book was a joke and to pull the stick out of my ass. Wasn't Aunt Millie funny?"

I looked up at myself in Boris' rear-view mirror, feeling ready for a good-old-fashioned eye-rolling. Jem was Jem was Jem and she'd been incredibly angry about the book on leeches and blood-letting. Now that she had some money she loved Millie again.

"Congratulations. What else did the letter say?"

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