HOT SET: Playing with Fidelity (A romantic suspense novel)

BOOK: HOT SET: Playing with Fidelity (A romantic suspense novel)
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Playing With Fidelity


(Book One)




©Not So Noble Books, London 2013



To my gorgeous husband and children for waiting for me

To Katherine, Erin and Marisa who saw something special in this story and encouraged me to publish

To Anna for her invaluable advice

To my forum buddies who were with me through the entire making of this book

To Emily for keeping me on track

And finally to Diane W., my friend and inspiration,

I give my sincerest and most humble thanks to you all. Without you, this story would have stayed in my head.


Main page image:
© konradbak

Cover design: e-SSENT Administration

The sequel to this book, HOT SET: The Jealousy Game is also available for your kindle:


You’ll never get away with it.”

You’re wrong. I AM the master.”

The master of failure!”

Wrong again! I’m the master of awesomeness!”

Master of awesomeness? In your mind, mister, only in your mind.”

Hah! You think you can defeat me with those pretty words, fair maiden, but no, you have met your vengeful enemy.”

Well then, vulnerable enemy; let us see who is truly the master, the great champion, the mightiest hero; and owner of the coveted No-Dishes-For-A-Week trophy.”

Game on, wench.”

Game on, peasant.”

bent forward over the air hockey table, the breeze from the multitude of holes in the surface causing wisps of their hair to dance. The white, domed paddle handles were gripped firmly in their hands, their bodies crouching in the poise of a tennis player, shifting lightly on the spot.

The royal blue playing surface stretched enticingly before them and they ignored the large, red numbers
enumerated on the scoreboard in the arch high above the table.

The numbers read 14/14
. It could go either way; the players equally matched, their formidable skills stretched in this tournament of wills. The winner would have gloating rights for the rest of the day. The dishes were a bonus.

lyn Johnson’s dark eyes narrowed as she slid her paddle side-to-side behind the puck to disconcert her focused husband who was intently monitoring her movements, perched in front of his gate and waiting tightly for her move. Kate sideswept the puck once more before flicking her wrist, deftly firing it to the left where it clipped the edge and spearheaded straight for the goal. Mark slammed his paddle into the oncoming plastic disk shooting it down the same path towards Kate’s dancing hand. Kate saw the angle of the approach and in a split second, swapped the paddle to her left hand and a loud crack was heard as plastic connected with plastic and the disk took off to the right, bouncing off the right wall and hitting the back of the goal with a clatter before disappearing into the void.

Oooo yeah. Oh yeah! Oh yeah!” Kate lifted her hands triumphantly and circled her hips in a victory dance, grinning at Mark’s bemused face. “Who’s the man now, eh husband?”

Lucky shot, wife.”

Sheer talent!” She turned and shook her denim-clad bum at her grinning husband who bolted down the table and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her kicking off the ground.

Let’s see you get out of this one then!”

squealed with merriment.

It doesn’t matter if you trap me, I’ll still be the winner! I’ll still be…eeeepppppp!” she shrieked as Mark tickled the sensitive spot under her ear. She curled around his marauding fingers, dropped from his arms and took off out of the arcade doors into the main street of Surfers Paradise with Mark hot on her heels. He caught her a few steps out of the doors and spun her around, dropping a kiss on her lips and draping his arm around her waist.

Surfers Paradise
was as cruisey as ever. Kate and Mark were on their annual holiday. They’d been here for four days with another four to go and were enjoying swimming, shopping, playing and reconnecting after months of busyness. They walked leisurely down the main tourist stretch, winding slowly through the meandering crowds, the palm trees, the ornamental curb gardens and the sidewalk cafes. Cars and small delivery vans coasted slowly along the road, carefully avoiding the occasional distracted tourist wandering off the grey and cream bricked pavement. Sun-warmed air slipped around Kate’s bare legs below her denim shorts and ruffled the collar on Mark’s dark blue polo shirt.

rms around each other, they turned down a side street and hopped onto their matching white mopeds, pulling on open-faced helmets.

Where to?” asked Mark.

looked at her watch. 3:45pm.

Back to the hotel for a swim?”


They turned
their little bikes around in the narrow street and headed back to their towering beach front hotel.


Thirty minutes later, Kate and Mark were frolicking in the roof top pool, unusually empty of hotel guests. Mark had her pressed against the wall of the pool and was kissing her hard while running his hands along her bikini. Kate’s arms and legs were wrapped around him and she was kissing him back delightedly, loving the risqué-ness of making out where they might be seen.

intervened and she pulled back slightly, “Mark, there are cameras around this pool. Someone could come any moment!”

Let them watch,” he growled.

He licked up her throat and took her back into a deep kiss
, which she found a convincing argument until they heard the latch click on the heavy door behind them and a child’s joyful squeal peel out of the stairwell, followed by another. Before they had a chance to separate, twin girls of about four-years-old in matching pink swimsuits ran out of the doorway onto the pool concourse, followed by their anxious mother in a flowery maxi-dress calling after them not to run. The mother glanced their way speculatively before focusing on her daughters once more.

eyed the mother and mumbled to Kate, “damn.”

Indeed.” She grinned at her husband and kicked off the wall out of his reach. Kate felt the cool water slide around her body and closed her eyes against the bright sun loving the feel of the warmth. Sydney had cooled down already, typical for mid-April, so the Surfer’s sun was delightful. Her shoulders had gone dark even in the few days she’d been there and she was trying to get her tummy to match. She noticed Mark had also started doing laps, although with far more enthusiasm than her, and they swam for another half hour.

t dinner, they chatted with familiar ease over their food.

Mark admired his wife across from him
. She had thick, curly black hair, parted in the middle that reached her lower shoulder blades. She was 5’6” and trim with curves. Her skin was a light olive colour due to her Maori ancestry and her large eyes were a deep, dark brown and framed with long black lashes. These were set above high cheekbones, a full mouth, rounded nose and a small, rounded chin; features which brought many in her profession in the film industry to assume she was a Bollywood actor. Kate was a very attractive woman with striking features that one remembered and the camera loved.

I never did ask what Bob thought of the extension plans?”

Mark finished chewing before
answering. “He’s fine but Devina’s got issues, again.”

What’s her problem this time?”

She doesn’t like where the second window in the bathroom is. This is the one she first insisted wasn’t needed, then the house just wouldn’t be complete without it, then it was the wrong size, then it was too high...”

shook her head, amused, and speared a mushroom.

Probably the last time you do work for friends, right?”

That’s what I tell myself every time. Never seems to work.” He laughed.

’s heart skipped a beat as he laughed, remembering for the first time in months just how cute she found him. He was 5’11” with a medium, fit build. He had a gentle face, sculptured cheeks, hazel eyes and a trim goatee around a wide mouth. His hair was close cropped all over and a sandy brown with a few grey strands threaded through. He was ten years older than her and despite his sometimes serious nature (especially towards his career as an architect) and a gruff temper, he also had a boyish streak that loved to cause mischief. Kate adored the boyish side of Mark and occasionally had to pull him back from exploits.

changed the subject.

You know, I was thinking…”

Mark sighed
exaggeratedly and stared martyr-like at the ceiling.

What do I have to do?”

Smart arse. I was thinking I’d like to try movies.”

Mark actually looked
dumbfounded. “Movies?”

Yeah. It’s not so outrageous is it?”

Well, no… but I thought you were happy with your job on the soap?”

Oh I am, I love it. You know that. I just thought it’d be something nice to try.”

But you’ve said yourself the movie industry is ruthless and mean. Then there’s the lack of work in Australia.”

She sobered
. “I thought it’d be fun, that’s all.”

Mark watched her for
a second, her disappointment evident.

He’d never
fully understood Kate’s career as an actor. He felt disloyal admitting that because he loved her more than anything and it was her profession which had initially attracted him; an actor was exotic. Being completely honest, he considered it too flighty, even though she had a regular job on the soap opera
Pacific Beach
as the misfit Bronny Trin; a blessing in the entertainment industry. All the women he knew were either white-collar professionals, at home with the kids or school teachers. He’d secretly hoped it was only short term and she’d find something else to do. A movie would only concrete her decision to keep going.

It’ll mean you travelling.”

Sometimes. But you travel, too.”

Only for a few days; you could be gone for months.” Dread was spreading in her stomach.

I’m aware of that. It’s just that… it’d mean a lot to me.” She held up a hand when he started to speak again. “Mark, just hear me out. You know I don’t want to go big time, that being an Alister has no interest to me. I just want to audition for a movie. If I get in, great. If I don’t, that’s okay too.”

grunted, “Well… it’s not as though you need my permission.”

grinned. “Like you said, it’s pretty ruthless and I might not even get a look at.”

Sure.” He still didn’t look all that pleased. She reached for his hand.

Come-on honey. It’s just a movie. Same as what I’m doing now, just a lot more money.”

Well, can’t argue with that.” He gave her a smile. “If it makes you happy.”

It won’t hurt to try.”

Sure,” he said, “what harm could it do?”


Later that night, her concerns were forgotten as Mark reminded her how much he loved her. Not an extraordinary lover, he was otherwise patient and enduring. For the first time in months, he brought Kate to a gentle climax before letting go himself. They snuggled relaxed afterwards.

Mark lifted a hand and rubbed his forehead.

“Headache again?”

Yeah. I must be working too hard. I really need to stop taking on so many customers I think.”

Well, we’re not desperate for money so maybe you should take it easier.”

Yeah, I can try.”

I know you don’t want to hear this, but you could see a doctor. Your headaches are…”

He cut her
off, “no, it’s fine. I’m sure it’s nothing more than stress.” He quickly changed the subject. “You know, we could go on more holidays like this,” he said as he started to nuzzle her shoulder. “Plus, it’s prime baby making time.”

She sighed quickly
and pushed down her disappointment before suggesting, “Well then mister, we may as well have fun trying.”

Your wish is my command.” And with that, he did.

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