Hot SEALs: SEALed Fate (Kindle Worlds) (Deep Six Security #0) (6 page)

BOOK: Hot SEALs: SEALed Fate (Kindle Worlds) (Deep Six Security #0)
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She’d thought she was wrung out, incapable of more, but surprisingly, his words, the sensational feel of having him inside her, wound up her tension again. “Move, Jaxson, I need more,” she begged in a husky whisper, tensing her sore muscles to circle her hips.

With a growl, he held her tight as his hips shot forward to impale her with every inch of his throbbing erection.  Fallon lost her breath at the incredible fullness, and her inner walls clenched around him.  Holding her gaze, his fingers were like a vise on her ass as he lifted her higher and pulled out then plunged back inside her body.  He set a slow rhythm, assumed a position where his cock raked her sensitive bud with every stroke.  The wet sucking sounds of their bodies parting, the incredible drag, enflamed every nerve in her passage as he pulled out, and his pleased moans echoed in her skull.  All of it mixed to put her brain into sensory overload.  His strokes became quicker, his breathing heavier as their bodies slapped together. 

, there was no way, Fallon thought, just as a freight train of an orgasm ran over her, flattened her, took every scrap of energy she had left to turn it to fire that swept through her to body to melt her bones.  Jaxson’s muffled roar as he found his release just barely registered over the pounding in her head.  With a grunt, he collapsed beside her, pulled her body flush to his and a final tremor rocked him as he kissed her hair.

Fallon thought Jaxson Thomas could have written the books she’d read.  She wished he had, because then she might have been prepared for what she’d just learned in his hands-on classroom.  And after a nap, she might be ready for another lesson, she thought, smiling.




Before dawn the next morning, Jax got dressed and let himself out of the condo to check the perimeter of the complex in the guise of a little PT.  He should be worn after last night with Fallon, but for some reason Jax was revved.  He left her sleeping, took a quick shower and dressed, but made sure to leave a note so she wasn’t afraid when she woke up and found him gone.  When he passed the bedroom door after his shower on his way to Jon’s room to borrow some PT clothes, the urge to go back inside, have round four with the hot redhead was strong, but he knew what he had to do.  Run her out of his system.  Getting more deeply involved with someone he was protecting on an assignment was the worst idea in the world. 

First, it distracted him from doing his job properly, and secondly her wanting to have sex with him could be a result of fear or gratitude.  Neither a good motivation.  In Fallon’s case, it could also be from remorse, since she seemed intent on getting his forgiveness for her part in what happened in Cancun and after.  Him taking advantage of her under any of those circumstances was just wrong. 

Even though it felt so right. 

No, Jaxson decided when he got up this morning with her wrapped around him, he was not having sex with her again until after he completed this assignment.  After he knew for sure where her head was.  If Fallon still wanted him then, they’d talk.

The oddest part of the situation was that he wanted her at all.  He’d hated her for five years, plotted her demise in his mind.  But he hadn’t really known her then either.  The brief exposure he’d had to her in Cancun had not been pleasant.  So when he found out she and her father were his accusers in the JAG investigation, it hadn’t surprised him. 

But Fallon was different now, and he was reevaluating his opinion of her.  She wasn’t the judgmental spoiled judge’s child that he’d pegged her to be.  Born with a silver spoon that had tarnished in the acid in her mouth.  Fallon Sharpe might be a politically-appointed judge’s daughter, a politically-appointed judge now herself, but she seemed to have ethics and a conscience which was refreshing. 

Not only was she taking on a mobster to see justice done, she was continuing to do it even at the risk of her own life.  She’d also told him she knew he hadn’t molested her sister in Mexico, or enticed her to find him at his guard post when keeping her mouth shut would’ve served her.

I tried to find out where you’d gone after you were discharged and Hannah came clean, but they wouldn’t tell me
.  Maybe that’s why she’d been looking for him then, and maybe when she couldn’t find him she just decided to let sleeping dogs lie.  And maybe he just wanted to think the best of her, give her the benefit of the doubt because he liked her now.

She’d kept her damned mouth shut so her father could save face, he reminded himself, increasing his pace as he moved onto the shoulder of the street.  But wouldn’t Jax have done the same if it were his parents involved?

No, he wouldn’t have. 

If his father, an Army Captain, were in a similar situation no matter the egg on his face, he would have insisted that Jaxson do the right thing, make things right.  But then his dad hadn’t been a typical man.  Glen Thomas had been a warrior, an upright man whose mind worked in black and white.  There was no gray for him.  Glen set a good example for Jax and his sister, and gave his all in everything he did, even when he was killed in the first gulf war when the Apache attack helicopter he’d been flying was shot down when Jax was ten and his sister was a baby.

God, he shouldn’t have had sex with her last night, but Jaxson was only a man and she had been so fucking hot.  They’d both needed it to burn off the aftereffects of the adrenaline, he reminded himself.  Fallon had wanted him as much as he wanted her last night.

Jax ran harder, his feet pounded on the asphalt now in the pre-dawn light eating up ground.  Sweat poured from his scalp to drip down his neck, and after a few minutes, the borrowed Navy PT shirt stuck to his back.  His heart pounded in his ears as a wash of endorphins flowed through him.  Jax had borrowed the workout clothes from Jon to make sure he blended in while he performed his perimeter check.  Considering the number of SEALs and Navy personnel who lived in the area, he was sure he wouldn’t be noticed, but he hadn’t passed anyone else on the road yet.  That worried him as he reached the end of the road at the interstate where he stopped to breathe and wait for traffic to clear so he could cross the road. 

Pulling his shirt up over his face, he wiped it.  When it settled back on his chest, his eyes tracked across the road to the black van parked at the edge of the entrance ramp on the median.  That van looked a helluva lot like the one that had followed them from Rick Mann’s house on the interstate yesterday, but it was too dark to tell. 

Jax’s heart beat faster, and he became very aware of the weight of the pistol at the small of his waist in the back in the belly band jogging holster he’d also borrowed.  If he crossed the road, his back would be to whoever was in the van.  If they’d already spotted him and recognized him, and he put his back to them in all likelihood he’d end up with a bullet in the back of his head. He would also lose his opportunity to find out if it was them for sure.  Instead of crossing the road, Jaxson huffed another breath, yanked the sunglasses off the collar of his shirt and slid them on, before he started running again toward the interstate bridge. 

Thankfully, he saw a pack of what looked to be four Navy guys running on the other side of the road about a quarter mile ahead.  He’d catch up to them, cross the road and join the pack.  That would give him all the cover he needed to figure out exactly what was going on here, because once he passed the van, before he ran under the interstate bridge he knew for sure that was the same van from yesterday.  The professional hit squad was obviously waiting on something.  Most likely he and Fallon to leave the condo.  The question was how had they found them, when Jax was absolutely certain they hadn’t been followed?


Fallon stretched her arms over her head and gloried in her deliciously sore muscles.  When her hand landed on the empty pillow beside her, her eyes popped open to look that way.  Rolling over, she grabbed for the pillow but saw a sheet of paper on top.  She lifted it and squinted to read the neat, square letters on the page.

Gone for a run, don’t be worried.  Stay inside and I’ll be back soon to cook breakfast.  Jax

Erotic visions of why they needed breakfast replayed in her mind.  Good
—that man should want a buffet when he got back.  Fallon knew she could use one from their athletic activities last night, and he was out jogging. 

Where in the hell did he find the energy?  Fallon threw back the covers but couldn’t even find the oomph to swing her legs over the side of the bed.  Instead, she rolled over and grabbed his pillow to hug it, inhale his intoxicating scent, and rub her face in it.  Her nipples hardened, and her insides melted, but with a deep sigh, she forced herself to release it and get out of bed. 

Jax was jogging, and would probably be starving when he got back home.  She would have breakfast waiting on him when he got back, then maybe have him for dessert as a reward, Fallon thought with a shiver as she walked to the bathroom to shower and find some clothes.

By the time she heard the locks flipping on the outside of the door, Fallon was sitting on the sofa with her feet propped up, sipping her second cup of coffee as she flipped through the channels on the large television on the wall.  Jax’s breakfast was probably stone cold because it had been two hours since she put it on a plate and left it on the counter. 

Nobody ran for three fricking hours unless they were they were triathletes or something.  That made her wonder what he’d been up to.  She could’ve been kidnapped by the mob or killed in that amount of time.  He was supposed to be here protecting her, not getting in his daily exercise.  But Fallon knew why she was upset—it wasn’t because he went for a run.  She missed him, and wanted to wake up with him beside her.  She was damned disappointed to be denied that pleasure, something else she’d never experienced before.

Her eyes swung to the door when it opened, and Jax filled the doorway his hard body backlit by the bright sun.  He was drenched in sweat, but her mouth watered because he looked damned good in the sexy running shorts he wore.  When her eyes glided up to his face though, she saw he wasn’t smiling. 

“What’s wrong?” she asked anxiously, her hands tightening around her cup.

“This,” he growled, slamming the door, before holding up a black box.  He turned back to flip the locks on the door angrily, then punched in the alarm code to arm it, before walking over to the sofa to plop down and rest his head on the back.

“What is it?” Fallon asked, her eyes darting to the small black box again.

“A GPS tracking device,” he replied with a huffed breath.

Fear turned her blood to ice in her veins.  “They followed us?” she asked, her voice shaking.  Leaning forward, she sat her cup on the coffee table and tried to stand but Jax’s hand clamped onto her arm.

“No, they were following
evidently,” he replied with a huffed breath.

Fallon’s eyebrows slammed together in the middle.  “Who was following you?”

“An Arab hit squad probably hired by Prince Khalil or his brother.  I figured that out when I ran past them and saw the driver who had his window down smoking.”  Jax sat up and turned to her.  “Remember the van that tried to take us out on the interstate yesterday?” he asked, his voice as tight as his lips.

“Yeah, the one who shot out the car window.  How could I forget?” Fallon replied, trying to fit the pieces of what he was saying together, but they just didn’t compute.

“They weren’t the Italian mobsters who are after you, they were Arabs, and this situation just got a helluva lot more complicated.”

“Arabs are after me too?” Fallon asked with a groan, her stomach rolling.  To her recollection, she had never even met an Arab Prince, much less made one angry enough to want to kill her.  “Did the mob hire an Arab hit squad?”  With all the criminal relatives in the Crifaso family, she didn’t see why they’d need to do that.

“No, I told you I think the Prince or his brother hired them, and I believe this is related to the last case I worked at Deep Six.  There’s no way my car was at your house long enough for the mobsters who visited to put a tracking device on it.  Besides, they had no idea who I was. 
are the guys after you and if they were going to put a tracking device on a car, it would’ve been on
car.  This has to do with me and what I know about the Prince’s brother, or what they think I know about him.”

“Deep Six?” Fallon repeated even more confused.

He looked at her and his eyes were fathomless.  “The security company who hired me after I was discharged from the teams.  A company I let down by screwing up my last assignment with them.”

“How did you screw up?” Fallon asked, surprised and a little afraid since she was this man’s

“The Prince’s son was kidnapped right under my nose, so he’s either pissed off about that, or his brother thinks I know too much about his covert activities to continue to live.”

Fallon bit her lip to stop the whimper.  She could be kidnapped from right under his nose too.  Her faith in Jaxson Thomas’s ability to protect her slipped a little with that knowledge.  Especially if he was distracted because his life was in danger too.

“So you have a hit squad trying to kill you too?  And you’re trying to protect me?”  She looked down at her hands.  “Maybe you should find someone else to protect me and worry about yourself.”

“There is no one else, remember?  That’s why I was assigned to your case.”  Jax pushed up to stand.  “We need to get out of here, find another place to hide out.  This location has been compromised.”

Before she could say a word, or offer him his breakfast, Jax headed down the hallway and slammed the bathroom door.

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