Hot Licks (13 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Dellerman

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With an impatient growl, he snapped the sides with one sharp claw, thankful that cat shifters weren’t like wolf shifters and could manipulate partial changes. For a short period of time at least, and usually reserved only in the case of an emergency.

To Rome, getting his mouth on Gwen’s cream

constituted an emergency. Of epic proportions.

His mouth clamped over her, his tongue diving in deep into her wet core. Not the gentle lapping of a kitten or the tender coaxing of a tentative lover. No, Rome was all fierce, primitive male, licking at her with long rasping strokes, giving pleasure as he luxuriated in her response. He wanted to roll around in her scent, crawl inside and let her surround him. As her feminine essence slid down his throat he felt his gums begin to burn. A warning that his fangs were about to descend without his permission, a harsh reminder that Gwen was his mate, and the cat jumping and clawing at the cage of Rome’s control wanted her as much as the man.

“I love the taste of your cream. So hot and spicy and fucking incredible.” He licked his lips and dove down for another helping as he ripped at the button fly of his jeans, his fingers shaking so hard it took several tries to free his raging cock. It must have been habit that made his hand dig in his back pocket, searching out one of the condoms he’d stolen from Porter, because he certainly didn’t want anything to come between him and the soft, wet sheath of his woman. He didn’t want any barrier separating them when her inner muscles tightened around him as she came.

And he ached to fill her with his seed, claiming her in the most primal way as his own.

When he managed to get the condom over his shaft, he rose, lifting her legs over his arms. The thick head of his erection nudged the entrance to her body, but he didn’t thrust in. Not yet. He rocked his hips, gliding his length along her folds, wetting the condom with her juices before returning to press tightly against the small opening.

Rome felt almost savage at the first shallow thrust.

Sweat run in rivets down his back as he fought not to drive to the hilt. Delicate muscles squeezed around the engorged head and he pulled back, thrust in again.

“That’s it,
,” he crooned and praised. “Take me.

Take all of me.” He continued to stretch her with each careful thrust until he was seated balls deep. Feeling as if he were about to explode, he made himself pause, giving Gwen time to adjust to his size, his invasion, and simply luxuriate in the satin walls that surrounded his cock.

“Rome,” his name this time wasn’t a soft whisper, but a harsh reprimand. “What are you doing?”

He lifted his lids to see her head raised, the stark need in her eyes. The panting gasps and clenching of her internal muscles a dead giveaway her orgasm was close.

He wanted to beat his chest in victory. He also wanted to savor and tease, despite the burning need to come. “I’m enjoying you.”

“Enjoy later. Move, now!”

He knew his smile was feral as he pulled nearly out and plunged back hard and deep into her core. “Like this?”

“Yes!” Her head dropped back onto her makeshift pillow, her fingers curled on the edge of the step below and above her as if needing an anchor. Her open and earthy response made him feel like a god and he knew he would never tire of seeing her this way. And while he wanted to take her in the light of day, his night vision was keen enough to make out every detail of concentration on her face, the dusty rose-colored nipples that pebbled and danced with each thrust of his hips.

He surged forward in long, hard strokes, tunneling through swollen tissue that clamped over his cock. Lifting her hips higher, he plunged even deeper, setting up a friction over her most sensitive spot that was hot and demanding. His toes curled, his boots digging into the soft earth as he drove into her. Pressure built with each thrust into her welcoming wetness, until he thought he might lose his mind. His hands shifted higher up her thighs, curving over her hips, his fingers parting the soft folds to find the engorged knot of nerves at the apex of her thighs. Coating his thumb with her sweet cream, he rubbed that tight nubbin, not letting up the constant pressure as he slipped through her tight channel.

“Come for me,
,” he growled out as he began a harder rhythm, pounding into her. The beast had slipped its leash. Not the cat but the greedy passion of lust. His heart thundered in his ears, his legs shook with the impending orgasm that threatened to take him under. “I want to feel your tight pussy squeezing my cock.”

Just when he thought he might surely die from pleasure, her back arched and she let out a long keening wail. Her inner muscles clamped so tight around him that he had to put his weight behind the next several thrusts until he broke. Every muscle in his body stilled, stiffened, and then he was shuddering, clenching his teeth with the force of his release, emptying everything he had deep inside the woman who was his mate.


Chapter Thirteen

“I love the feel of you when you come,” Rome
whispered against Gwen’s ear, his voice low and gruff, like
a rumble in his throat, the sound so sexy it made her shiver.

He was lying over her, keeping his weight from crushing her
with his forearms on either side of her head, yet pressing
that masculine chest she hadn’t had the chance to touch
and lick against her sweat slick breasts. “The way you
tighten around my cock.”

And she loved the feel of his cock. That would be the
one still inside her. Unfortunately, the tingling pleasure was
beginning to fade and reality set in.

So much for my willpower
, she thought without any heat. She was too lethargic, limp and satiated to be terribly upset over her lack of selfcontrol.

Especially as Rome continued to rub his lips over her neck and shoulder. Too bad her back was beginning to protest, the hard flat stones beneath her making their presence known.

The dull throbbing of her back made her eyes pop open. Her jaw quickly followed on a silent “oh, shit” as her brain finally kicked into gear.

Rome was on the same wavelength. “And as much as I want to stay like this all day,” he added with a slow swipe of his tongue along her bare flesh that threatened to reignite her sated lust and dim her returning clarity, “I doubt we have much more time until help arrives, and I just as soon not anyone else get so much as a glimpse of this gorgeous body.”

The last was said as he levered back up to a standing position, the adjustment shifted his cock, still lodged home, which caused a delicious aftershock to shudder throughout her body. His hand trailed down over her chest, his fingers spread wide so the tips brushed her softened nipples, then down over her belly to where they were still joined. Gwen bit back a whimper of pleasure as his thumb passed lightly over her sensitive clit before he pulled free from her wet clasp, holding the condom in place until he was clear.

She needed to move. Get going. Put a shirt on at least.

“Gwen?” She managed to shift her eyes to see him looking at her with concern. Making out more than a dim countenance made her realize the storm was passing and the cloud cover wasn’t as thick. Any minute not only would he be able to see every square inch of her bare body in exquisite detail – especially since he still stood between her spread legs – anyone who happened to take a look down would get a bird’s eye view of

That thought made her bolt upright. “Yes?” She found her bra on the step above her. Hoping there weren’t any communicable diseases or noxious molds now partying in the material, she hooked herself in.

Rome pulled out some tissues from her pack to wrap the used condom in before lifting her chin with two fingers.

“You okay? You’re not saying anything.”

Because she couldn’t believe how stupid she was or how out of the norm she’d behaved.

And I thought sex on a swing would be adventurous

Sex on stone steps, probably centuries old, in a tunnel under unstable ground, in the middle of the day, during a storm, and with the cavalry possibly minutes away.

Now that was adventurous. Bet her eldest brother, who was an adrenaline junkie, couldn’t top that. Not that she was about to tell him of course. Then again, the absolute shock on his face might be with it.

Gwen shook her head, focusing back on the here and now, because that’s all that counted. “I’m fine.”

Rome’s lips firmed in a straight line, his hands busy buttoning his equipment back in his jeans. “Ah. The dreaded ‘fine’ every man longs to hear.”

Gwen rolled her eyes and reached back for her pillowslash-shirt. Luckily, between the backpack and being smashed against Rome’s chest, it had suffered little damage in the long drop. “Well excuse me if I’m not Miss Chatty at the moment. I’m still trying to process everything that happened.”

His head tilted inquisitively. “And how is that going?

Because I have to tell you,
, I enjoyed the hell out of every second and plan on more of the same.”

Her eyes narrowed.
. Was sex all they could think about? Yeah, it might have been great sex – okay mindblowing and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t hankering for another go around – but that’s not all that happened. “Hello?” She shook her head at him. “Vampires, jaguars, earthquakes.” She couldn’t resist adding in a long drawl, “Oh my.”

His chin dropped and she saw his shoulders shake with silent laughter. “Sorry. The sex is what stood out most in my mind.” When he raised his head back up, though his lips were curved, there was no mistaking the carnal heat in his dark gaze. “The most important part.”

Gwen slid into her shirt. “Are all men wired to hear blah, blah, sex, blah, blah or what? Because I have to tell you, finding out that vampires exist and actually seeing one pretty much tops my ‘things most shocking’ list.”

“But I already knew about them.” Rome reached out and toyed with the hem of her shirt which rested on the top of her bare thighs. Since she realized her panties were AWOL, she sucked in a breath at how close his fingers were to her damp folds. “I didn’t know Gwen.”

His voice was pitched low and thick, weaving a provocative web around her senses. She gulped, not having a single clue what to say.

Luckily a voice from above called Rome’s name, saving herself from herself and she pulled her shirt lower, covering her butt and tops of her thighs. As it was all she had, it would have to do.

“We’re still here.” Rome called back, his eyes never leaving hers. There was a dark promise in them, an unmistakeable conviction that what had happened between them would happen again. And damned if anticipation didn’t sing through her veins at the thought of having all those hard muscles under her hands and over her body once again.

“Look what the cat dragged in.”

Both Gwen and Rome turned their head to look up at the rim of the gaping hole to see a very wet Santos. From her position, she could see most of his body – clothed this time which brought to mind his nakedness from before.

Who runs around a forest naked? In the rain? Well. Other than his parents that is. She was half-afraid to find out what Porter did when no one was looking.

The clouds were moving off now, the rain barely a drizzle, and Gwen could see the rope in Santos’s hands. It looked at if he was tying a knot and Gwen hoped he was making hand and foot holds. She might be strong, but there was no way she could climb a rope, not with her back aching and her shin throbbing.

Next to Santos was an equally damp, darkhaired male she didn’t recognize, peering down into the chasm and blowing out a long whistle. “Damn, Felix. You get all the exciting adventures.”

Rome let out a snort and moved a few feet from Gwen, partially blocking her from the view of the males above.

Without his shirt covering him, she saw the nasty scrape on his back. She’d forgotten all about his wounds while he’d tended to hers. And then tended to other parts of her body.

Those parts of her body quivered in ready remembrance.

“Hell, Scott. I forgot you were coming today.”

Scott laid a hand over his heart. “Oh, man. That hurts. It really does. Your greeting is almost as bad as this guy’s.”

He flicked his thumb towards Santos. “I’m barely out of my car when he comes out of nowhere, grabs my shirt and says ‘who the fuck are you’.” He cocked his head at Gwen.

“Pardon my french.”

“No problem.” She waved it away, bemused at his prattling despite feeling conspicuously naked in only her bra and shirt.

“And I say ‘Scott Boeing’ and he’s all ‘you’ll do’ and drags me, in the pouring rain mind you, way out in BFE. On horseback none-the-less. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been on horseback? Try never. And, I might add, all before I could even use the restroom.”

Actually, Gwen could use a restroom herself right about now.

“Scott.” Rome called up. “Shut up. Did you bring what I asked?”

“Of course. And you’re welcome.”

Rome shook his head. “Thanks. Santos? You get spare clothes?”

“Yeah.” Santos turned to Scott, said something.

“Are you kidding me? That horse hates me and the feeling’s mutual.”

“Just get the fucking bag.” Santos snapped.

Scott threw his hands in the air. “Fine. But if I get kicked in the nuts, I’m suing.”

“That’s your security expert?” Gwen asked when Scott disappeared from view, recalling him telling her a friend would be coming on Monday to set up cameras on the cabin. Which wouldn’t be needed any more as it now lay in pieces twenty feet below where it once stood. Guess mother earth fixed that issue all on her own.

Rome glanced over his shoulder. “He’s hyper, mouthy, a smart-alec, but he’s sharper than a tack. If it’s computerized, motorized or electrical, he’s a freaking whiz.”

His brows drew together. “He’s also a flirt. So don’t talk to him. In fact, don’t even look at him.” He added before turning back to look up at Santos.

Her own brows rose in a disbelieving arc. That better not have been possessiveness she’d heard in his tone.

“Excuse me?”

This time Rome whirled completely around and placed his hands on his hips. “Some women find him attractive and I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Don’t you think that will be a wee bit difficult seeing as he’ll be staying at the same house I live in? Probably even on the same floor.”

“Over my dead body,” he all but growled out. “He can sleep with Porter over the barn.”

She nearly choked. “I don’t think that will go over well with your brother.”

Rome all but heaved with menace and Gwen wanted to laugh. “I don’t care. I don’t want you around him.”

“What? Are you afraid he’ll ravish me?” The idea was ridiculous. The only man she’d let ravish her was standing not three feet from her in a jealousy fit.

“Rome. Ramon. Clothes.” Santos yelled out. Rome caught the plastic bag when he dropped it and placed it on Gwen’s lap.

“Thanks.” She rummaged through, pulling out with no little amount of relief a pair of tan sweats, a gray t-shirt, bra, socks, her canvas shoes and – thank you Lord – panties.

The sight of the underwear and dry socks and shoes made her believe it was Melinda or Annie that had gotten the bag together and for that she was grateful.

Except.... She turned her eyes upward at the twin faces peering back, her teeth sinking in her bottom lip. Then she looked at Rome.

He understood immediately. “We’ll be ready in two minutes. Make sure the end of the rope is secure.”

Santos fisted the front of Scott’s shirt and pulled him away from the edge of the hole, giving Gwen some privacy, who didn’t hesitate a moment longer. In thirty seconds she was almost completely redressed. Sitting back down on Rome’s shirt, because hey, no use in dirtying the seat of her clean sweats, she slipped on the socks and shoes, only glancing up when she heard Rome blow out a very long breath. “What?”

His voice was tight when he said, “You are

unbelievable sexy.”

Gwen straightened. “Ha. I’m dirty, in pain and there’s mud in my hair. I just want to get out of this pit and go home.”

With the edge of a fisted hand under her chin, Rome leaned over to press a hard kiss against her lips. “Just a little longer,
and you’ll be home. Annie’s probably making cookies while Mom’s pacing the kitchen floor, waiting for us.”

It all sounded wonderful. Especially the cookies part.

She was starving. “Aren’t you going to change?” She eyed the clean jeans in his hand.

His teeth flashed around a broad grin. “I was too busy enjoying the show. Besides, I need to take off my boots first and this ground is not exactly conducive to bare feet.” The sun was peaking through the clouds now, giving Gwen enough light to see broken boards, chunks of stone, piles of mud, and pieces of mortar tossed all over the vicinity. It was actually amazing neither she nor Rome had come out of their ordeal any more damaged than they had.

They had been lucky, and she had been damn lucky Rome had such quick reflexes and protective instincts. He hadn’t hesitated to wrap his hand about her head and push her face into his throat, keeping her noggin as covered as possible.

Feeling a little overwhelmed, she pushed to her feet, not refusing Rome’s help in guiding her to the bottom step, then watched as he took her previous position. He didn’t sit yet, and with his eyes on Gwen’s, his hands went to his fly.

Gwen licked suddenly dry lips, knowing full well she should turn away, but given what he’d said, she decided to repay his voyeuristic tendencies and watch the show.

She’d never given much thought to a man’s flaccid penis before. It was just there, hanging around until it was needed. But not anymore. Even in a relaxed state Rome’s was as impressive as hell. Then again, she might be thinking that because the man sure knew how to work his shaft to provide maximum pleasure. Even as she stared at the nest of dark hair concentrated at his groin, he began to pulse and fill with blood. The sight of his arousal was echoed by the clenching of her sex. Her tongue slipped over to wet her lips once again.

He let out a half-moan, half-laugh. “If you keep looking at it like that, I’ll never be able to get my jeans on.”

His voice was a husky whisper and she blinked free from her fascination as he sat his bare butt on his shirt, his jeans down around his calves. “You go commando?”

“Makes it easier to shift.”

Another slow blink. “Shift?”

He pulled off one boot and then the other before lifting powerful shoulders in a casual shrug. “Shift. Change clothes. You want another drink?”

She shook her head at his question, not for a second sidetracked by his explanation. Shift clothes? She’d never heard it described that way before and she sensed more than anything else that that was not what Rome was talking about.

Then again, what did she know about this man? As he dressed she mentally ticked items off. At the top of the list, which she could no longer ignore, was their sexual attraction. Explosive sexual attraction.

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