Hot in Here (28 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

BOOK: Hot in Here
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Frustrated, she tried to pull off her sweatshirt while panting and gasping. Ham jerked it up and over her head and tossed it to the foot of the bed.

When he started to return to her, she fended him off with both hands flattened to his chest. “Now you.”

Blood thundered through his veins. His testicles were tight, his cock full and heavy. She wanted him. Finally. He nearly ripped his T-shirt getting it off. And still she held him back, her hands now moving over him, exploring him.

“I’ve dreamed of this,” she murmured, her eyes a little dazed, her voice thick with need. “You have the most perfect body, and there’ve been so many nights when I’ve imagined getting to touch you, to kiss you.”

She came up on one elbow, and put her soft, damp mouth to his shoulder. Her tongue came out, tasting his flesh. Her open mouth administered a soft, wet love bite.

“You taste—” her nose brushed up the side of his throat to his ear “—and smell even better than I’d ever imagined. All hot. All man.” She licked his ear, along his jaw to his mouth. “Delicious.”

The sexual connotation of that one word stole his breath. Hamilton prided himself on his control, on his iron resolve to do everything the very best that he could. He
make this good for Liv. But in order to ensure that, he had to take charge before she obliterated his already fractured patience.

The flannel pants she wore had a loose elastic waistband that made it easy for his hand to get underneath, onto her silken belly. “Let me enjoy you, honey.”

Her eyes darkened. Stroking her skin, he teased his way lower and lower, and with a deep breath, she settled back onto the mattress.

“Are you wet yet, Liv?”

Her breathing stilled. Eyes wide with shock locked on his. Ham knew she’d be blushing, but he couldn’t see it in the dim interior of the room.


“Let me see.” Touching her, sliding one long finger over her pubic curls, and farther down between her swollen lips, Ham whispered, “Yeah. You are.”

As his finger moved, stroking, sliding, her eyelids grew heavy and she bit her bottom lip. Breathing fast and hard, she watched him, their gazes a connection beyond the physical. Ham felt it deep into his soul, just as he’d always known he would. He was the man who’d have Liv. Period.

“How’s this feel, honey?” He pressed in, not far, just deep enough that her innermost muscles clamped around him.

“Ham...” she said raggedly, trying to lift her hips to take more of him, but he held back.

“Getting wetter, Liv. And hotter.” He kissed her shoulder, her chest, and drew her other nipple into his mouth. Forcing himself to remain slow and steady, he suckled her, fingered her, licked and stroked, alternating his attention from her breasts to the slick, swollen flesh between her thighs, gradually gaining urgency, driving her closer to the edge.

When she cried out in dissatisfaction, Ham pulled out his finger, only to stroke two back in, fast and deep.

Her nails bit into his shoulders. Her head tipped back, her neck straining, her hips lifting.

“That’s it,” he encouraged against her wet nipple, feeling the start of her contractions, and so damn excited he wanted to shout. He found her clitoris with his thumb and carefully manipulated her, pressing, fondling in a steady rhythm, pushing her—and with a deep, raw groan her entire body bowed, damp in sweat and fragrant with lust, she came.

Ham wanted to savor the moment, to hold her and ease her, but he couldn’t. Violent need shook his body. He’d wanted her too long—all his life it seemed. Waiting now would be impossible.

He knotted a hand in her hair, turning her toward him. Her mouth opened under the force of his. When he sank his tongue in, she sucked on it.

He needed out of his jeans—

Thrusting himself away, he went onto his back and raised his hips. Jerking open the snap of his jeans, easing the zipper down the bulge of his hardened cock, he freed himself.

Sated and limp beside him, Liv whispered, “Finally.”

Damn it, she didn’t help with her verbal prodding. It felt like he’d explode if he didn’t get inside her soon. He had enough sense left to grab a condom out of his jeans pocket before tossing the pants, with his underwear, aside.

While he tried to ready himself, she kept touching him, and she said, “I wish the electricity hadn’t gone out.”

Hands shaking, Hamilton rolled on the rubber and turned to her. “Me, too. I want to see you.”

“And I want to see you.”

“We’ve got forever, baby. A million more nights, just like this one. I promise.” He settled over her soft, warm body. She automatically adjusted her legs to allow the closeness, and put her arms around him.

“I love you, Ham.” Her hips undulated under his, the slow, wanton movements firing his blood more, heating his flesh and causing all his muscles to clench.

He reached between their bodies, used his fingertips to spread her delicate vulva. She was very wet now, slick with her own orgasm, still tender and sensitive and he felt ready to shatter when he wedged the head of his cock against her.

Restraining himself, he rasped, “Tell me again.”

“I love you.”

A fine trembling invaded his limbs, making it impossible to ease into her. Through his teeth, he said, “Again.”

She hugged him fiercely. “I love you, Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton Wulf—”

Her words ended on a harsh gasp as he plunged into her, burying himself despite the tightness of her body, clamping his arms around her to keep her immobile.

He could feel her stretching to accommodate him, felt her small shivers as she tried to adjust.

He buried his face in her neck. Raw, unfamiliar emotions rose to the surface, bombarding him. He felt vulnerable. And he felt powerful.

In a voice unrecognizable to his own ears, he rasped, “You’re mine, Liv.”

“Yes.” Her small hands moved over his back, both soothing and inciting him.

He drew back, pushed in again, deeper this time.

Her warm tears tracked his shoulder; a small kiss seared his skin. She drew a shuddering breath. “I love you, Ham.”

It was enough. It was too much. He began thrusting fast and hard, unmindful of anything but Liv and the fact that she’d finally accepted him, all of him. Their heavy breathing filled the room as they strained together. Her arms hugged him. Her legs hugged him. She gasped, writhed, clasped around him—and Ham felt himself ready to come.

Wanting to see her, he stiffened his arms to rise above her. Her face twisted with her pleasure. Her cries were sharp and throaty and

Looking at her, loving her, Ham let himself go. The turbulent release washed through him, wave after wave, each one stronger, more acute than the other. He groaned, kept himself pressed deep within her until finally, utterly drained, he lowered himself into her arms.

* * *


MINUTES WENT BY. His heartbeat slowed. His breathing evened out and his overheated skin began to cool. Ham decided that Liv was far too silent, almost withdrawn.

He didn’t like it, but he felt so replete, so happy with her, so damned in love, he couldn’t work up the energy for more than a smile. Rubbing his nose against her ear, he whispered, “Hey. What’s wrong?”

With a deep sigh, she ran her fingers over his military haircut. “Nothing.”

Why did women always say
when they meant
“Tell me, Liv.”

Her rounded shoulder lifted, nudged against him. She sighed again. “I just wish this moment could last forever.”

Because he still had to do two years of study for his Ph.D., two years that’d keep him on active duty, which would involve compromise on her end, he didn’t get into his plans yet.

Hoping for some middle ground that wouldn’t spoil the moment or his mellow mood, he promised, “I’ll make you happy, baby.” He rose up to see her face. Her hair was wild, and he smoothed it, tucked it behind her ears. A slight whisker burn marred her smooth cheek, and he touched it with his thumb. Her breath caught.

Smiling into her smoldering eyes, aware of her nipples stiffening again, Ham continued to touch her softly and asked, “For now, can you just trust in that?”


He put a finger to her mouth. “No buts, Liv. You love me. I love you. I’m not about to ruin that by doing anything that’ll make you unhappy.”

Still she hesitated, and Ham gave a partial admission. “I’ve made some plans, changed some things. It’ll be all right, Liv. You have my word.”

She searched his face, her eyes suddenly filled with hope. “I do trust you, Ham.”

Thank God. She didn’t yet know what his plans would be, but he knew she couldn’t possibly get the wrong idea. He’d been too clear on his position in the air force. He wouldn’t give it up. Her acceptance showed her willingness to compromise—just as he’d hoped.

He put a firm kiss on her mouth and left the bed to stand on shaky legs.

Their eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and she visually devoured his naked body with interest. It was a good thing, to please the woman you loved, the woman who would be your partner for life.

Staring at his lap, she asked, “Just where are you going?”

Stifling his grin with an effort, Ham explained, “I have a box of rubbers in my bag upstairs.”

“A whole box, huh?” Looking sassy and sweet, Liv raised herself onto one elbow. “You must have been feeling pretty hopeful when you came here.”

“Honey, I’ve lived off hope since you turned twenty-one.” He put a hand on her bare hip, trailed his fingers down to her knee, relishing her warmth, the silkiness of her bare skin. “Now I have you right where I want you, and I don’t intend to let you sleep anytime soon.”

Since she didn’t object to that plan, Ham left to get the protection. And when he returned, she smiled and opened her arms to him. Finally, he had what he wanted.

He had it all.



SOMETHING WOKE LIV, some strange pounding that barely penetrated her subconscious. Lethargy pulled at her, the results of a long, wonderful, sleepless night.

The pounding continued, and finally she stirred. Just as she’d done throughout the long humid night, she automatically smiled. Time and time again, Ham had curled her close, petting her, kissing her. They’d made love three times and each time had been as exciting as the first. After that third time, her mighty warrior had slept. Liv hadn’t. She didn’t want to waste a single second of their time together, so she’d watched him, listened to his breathing, and loved him more with each passing second.

The excess of pleasure threatened to burst her heart. She felt physically languorous and mentally relaxed, peaceful in a way that had eluded her until Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton Wulf had shown her how special lovemaking could be with the man of her heart.

And he had said he was changing things.
For her.

Without opening her eyes, smiling in satisfaction, Liv stretched out an arm to the side of the bed he’d occupied.

Her hand encountered only cool rumpled sheets.

She bolted upright and surveyed the room. No sign of his clothes, but the drapes were open. The gray sky, still dark with storm clouds, gave no indication of the time, but it had stopped raining.

The humming of the house let her know the electricity was back on. Her battery-operated bedside clock told her she’d slept much later than usual. Her class would be on their first recess by now!

When Liv slid her naked legs out of the bed, she became aware of the chill in the air, and of all the places that now suffered a tantalizing ache. Another smile, sappier than the first, curled her mouth.

And then she heard the rapping of a hammer, the very sound that had awakened her.

Taking the sheet off the bed and going to her window, she looked out at the backyard. Jack ran along the side of the house, barking and looking the roof.

It took Liv all of two minutes to pull on another pair of flannel pants and a sweatshirt. The loose, comfortable clothes were her favorite “at home” wear. She gave a brief glance in the mirror at her hair, finger-combed it back and secured it with a cloth-coated rubber band, then headed for the kitchen.

The scent of fresh coffee made her pause to pour a cup. After two fortifying sips, she opened the kitchen door and stepped outside. The soggy ground froze her feet. Jack spotted her right off and came tearing toward her. Since his feet were muddy, she fended him off, and made do with a lot of petting on his scruff.

Going to the edge of the house, she looked up and found Ham on the roof, replacing her lost shingles. The chilly morning air cut through her sweatshirt, but Ham wore only a black T-shirt, jeans and boots. It was gloomy enough that he didn’t need his sunglasses.

His squatting position showed off thick thigh muscles and the obvious strength in his back and upper arms.

She had experienced that strength firsthand.

With a rush of yearning, she called up, “Good morning.”

He paused with his hammer raised, a few nails in his teeth. The moment he spied her, his gaze warmed and grew intimate. After removing the nails and scooting to the edge of the roof, he said, “Good morning yourself, sleepyhead.”

Everything had changed, Liv realized. The way he smiled at her, the way he held himself in her presence. It was as if mammoth barriers had been ripped away. Even with him on the roof and her on the ground, a new closeness existed between them.

Her heart started thudding in fast, hard beats. He’d said she would be happy with him, and since he knew her feelings on the military, that could only mean one thing.

Breathless, filled with hopefulness and expectation, she stared up at him.

“Liv? Yoo-hoo. Did you go into a trance?”

His smile touched her heart, encouraging her own smile. Because the previous night had been so wonderful, she didn’t question the change, just accepted it as her dream coming true.

“You should have awakened me earlier.”

“I thought about it. You looked so damned enticing, all warm and sleepy and...naked.” He cocked one eyebrow, his expression wolfish. “Then the electricity came back on and I heard the weather report. More violent storms predicted.” He indicated the pile of shingles with a tilt of his head. “As tempting as you are, I figured you’d appreciate a dry house.”

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