Hot for Teacher (3 page)

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Authors: Dominique Adair

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Hot for Teacher
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His cock twitched.

“Mmm, you’re so beautiful.” Brushing the tangled hair away from her face, his heart stuttered when she opened her eyes and smiled up at him.

“So are you.” Her breath was warm on his throat.

Lying on the carpet couldn’t be too comfortable for her, but he hated the thought of moving. With his hips between her legs and his cock still nestled in her slick flesh, each breath, each shiver caused his body to harden. His thirtieth birthday was still months away and he should be unconscious after that cataclysmic orgasm, but his body wasn’t about to give up on a good thing, not yet anyway.

Antonio flexed his hips, burying himself deeper inside her. “Do you think I missed you,

“Maybe a little.” Her inner muscles tightened around him and when her hands slid down his back to cup his butt, he did it again. “Oh, you feel so good.” Her voice was sexy soft.

“And did you miss me, my pet?” He withdrew then entered her again slowly sinking into her inch by inch. Her pussy was slick with her cream mixed with his seed making each motion smooth and easy. When she sighed, the sound of pleasure sucked the air from his lungs. Her green eyes were taking on a familiar hazy look signaling her escalating need.

” Her answer morphed into a moan.

” He kissed her, their tongues slowly touching, caressing. Her hips lifted to meet his next thrust and this time he moaned. They needed to move this to a bed before her tender skin was rug burned. Antonio broke the kiss to nuzzle the valley between her breasts. Hell, she still had her bra on. “Jane, we need to move this into the bedroom.”

“No, why?”

“Your skin is will be sore from rolling around on the carpet.”

His words were cut off when she wrapped her legs around him tightly. Her hot breath caressed his forehead, and he knew it was now or never. Two more seconds of this and he’d be pounding her through the floor.

Sliding one arm beneath her buttocks, he used the other to push upward into a sitting position. The changes forced his cock in deeper and she shuddered, the quivering sensation sent a mayday signal to his balls. The urge to tumble her to the floor and fuck her anyway ran hot in his blood though he refused to give into it. Instead he caught her around the waist and lurched upward to his feet. She gasped, and her eyes flew open. Her hands clutched his shoulders as if he were going to drop her.

“You’re safe,” he murmured. “I’ve got you.”

“You may have me, but who has you?”

He chuckled and when she kissed him, he stumbled over his own feet. Her breath caught, and her hips canted upward ever so slightly causing his vision to fracture. Whose bright idea was it to move the party into the bedroom? The floor felt good to him…

,” he protested but she didn’t stop the exquisite torture. He stumbled through the doorway of the bedroom and when Jane sucked on his tongue he decided that being horizontal during sex was highly overrated.

Jane gasped when they fell onto the comfortable king-sized bed and the force of their landing rammed Antonio’s cock deep into her pussy. Her eyes flew open, and she fell headlong into his gaze. The first time they’d made love she’d decided he had the face of a fallen angel as he was one of the most beautiful men she’d ever seen. His full mouth was damp, and his lashes were ridiculously long. His intense eyes were focused on her as his hips moved easily between her legs.

No man had ever looked at her the way he did, as if he wanted to swallow her alive. A tender smile touched his mouth, and he raised his hand to touch her cheek. There was no need to say anything as his feelings were written on his face for all to see.

She loved him too.

Tilting her hips she found the perfect angle then began to move, each dreamy thrust sent golden shards of pleasure through her system. Against her breast she felt the rapid tattoo of his heartbeat. This time he held himself in check for her, taking his time to bring them both to release for a second time.

With a flick of his fingers he released her bra and freed her breasts. Cupping one full globe in his hand, he teased the nipple with his mouth, teeth, tongue and fingers before moving to the other one. The growing ache deep in her body expanded and she moaned.

“Antonio, it’s…so…good…”

His hand slid down her stomach then between their bodies, and his thumb touched her clit. A wail was torn from her mouth as his firm touch brought her arousal to a sharp point and her need for release was now acute. Lacing her fingers through his hair, she pulled him close for a deep kiss. He nibbled her tongue as her orgasm washed over her in a slow, heavy wave leaving her relaxed and utterly sated.

,” he whispered.

Capturing her hands he raised them over her head and held them there. Kissing her face, throat and breasts, he said her name over and over before reclaiming her mouth. His hips plunged, and his movement grew jerky only seconds before he found his release.

It was a few minutes later before either of them could move. Gently rolling to the side, Antonio held her in his arms before falling into a deep sleep.

Yawning, Jane snuggled into him and wondered where Santos could be. She missed the heat of his body against her back, and she hoped wherever he was he’d be back soon.

Chapter Three

“Beers as Big as Your Head.”

Santos barely glanced at the neon sign hanging over the doorway of a Bourbon Street bar. Who cared about copious amounts of beer when he was holding hands with a beautiful woman? His lips twitched when he noticed how her nose wrinkled as she grimaced.

“How is this a good thing?” she asked.

“I guess that would depend upon your idea of fun.” He shrugged. “If swilling cheap beer and puking up your intestines the next morning is your idea of a good time then have at it.”

College-aged males were crowded near the open door in noisy clusters. Most carried bright plastic containers of liquor in a variety of colors not found in nature. Tall neon yellow glasses with grenade-shaped bottoms sported a drink of the same name while bright red Hurricanes, the cocktail made famous in New Orleans, came in every shaped cup imaginable. Two of the young men stood off to one side clutching head-sized beer cups, and both were looking a little worse for wear.

“I’ll pass.” She looked away.

The humid evening air was as thick as honey, and the scent of Cajun spices made his stomach rumble. It hadn’t been his idea to hit Bourbon Street, but Jane had begged so prettily that he couldn’t deny her the experience. This was her first trip to the Crescent City, and she was determined to see all of the sights she’d read about.

While Santos met two potential vendors for the vineyard, she and Antonio had gone out to the marshes where they’d learned to throw a cast net, an effective if old-fashioned way to catch shrimp. They’d met up at the hotel and when he’d kissed her he’d tasted the spicy kick from the crawfish boil from their lunch.

Antonio said she’d had such a good time then suggested they’d have to bring her back when they could spend a couple of weeks instead of only four days. That wasn’t nearly enough time to taste all of the delights this unique city had to offer and he didn’t want her to miss anything.

Santos squeezed her hand, and she looked up at him. “Are you ready for some amazing barbeque and the best jazz you’ll ever experience?”

She gave an excited little bounce. “I’m starved. Let’s go.”

Her smile was wide and sunny, and he felt the warmth of it clear to his toes. Her pale skin had picked up some sun today giving her a healthy glow while the humidity caused wisps of blonde hair to curl about her face. She was dressed simply in khaki shorts, a white tank top and white tennis shoes that showed off her mile-long legs. Jane Porter was the picture of a thirty-something American woman, statuesque, confident and very beautiful. He’d seen more than a few admiring glances directed her way.

Growing up in Europe, both he and Antonio had been surrounded by some of the most gorgeous women in the world. Going by the current standards of beauty, Jane would be considered overweight by some foolish individuals though he thought she was perfect. Whoever decided that females should look like pre-pubescent children rather than a full-bodied, curvy woman with soft hips and breasts had never met his Jane. She had that indefinable something, a particular sway in her walk and that certain glint in her eye that lifted an ordinary woman to extraordinary heights.

In his eyes, Jane was the most beautiful woman in the world. Her physical qualities along with her business acumen, quick mind and somewhat bawdy sense of humor combined to create a woman who kept both he and Antonio utterly charmed. There was no doubt their relationship was unorthodox, two men sharing the same woman both in and out of bed, but it worked out well for them. For a man without a blood family, he knew he was blessed to have two people who loved him as much as they did.

Santos guided her back to Conti Street where their car and driver waited. The street was crowded and he kept a sharp eye out for grifters and thieves. All it took was a pointed look from him and potential troublemakers were convinced to take the night off. With his early years spent running wild on the streets of Barcelona, Santos knew how to handle those who wished him ill.

Beside him, Jane stumbled over an uneven brick and he slid his arm around her waist. The soft curve of her left breast pressed into his side, and he inhaled the sweet scent of female flesh and healthy sweat. His groin tightened, reminding him that it had been a week since last he’d taken a long hard ride with this lovely creature beneath him.

As they approached the car, the driver’s side door opened and Aubrey, their driver, stepped out. The New Orleans native reminded Santos of a young Louis Armstrong with his deep bass voice and quick smile. He opened the back door for them.

“Did you have a nice time, miss?” His accent was rich and luckily for them, not so garbled that they couldn’t understand him.

“I did. This city is such great fun.” She was grinning as she climbed into the car.

“Good, good.” He looked over to Santos. “Where to, sir?”

“Vaughan’s on Lesseps.” Santos followed Jane into the car and sank back on the soft leather seat. Aubrey had left the car running so the air from the vents was cold and refreshing. Santos slid an arm around his woman and enjoyed the way she cuddled into him.

“So you’re looking for some authentic jazz are you?” Aubrey’s brilliant teeth flashed against his smooth black skin and he nodded approvingly. “Yes, sir, you picked the right spot. Not many visitors know ’bout Vaughan’s, sir.” Putting the car in gear, he pulled away from the curb.

“I’ve been here on several occasions, and I make it a point to stop in when I visit,” Santos said.

“Do you enjoy jazz, miss?”

“Oh, very much.”

“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Aubrey was saying.” You’re going to have a good time tonight, miss, a very good time.”

Her hand landed on Santos’s thigh and he looked down at her in time to catch sight of her tongue moving across her lower lip. He leaned down to growl in her ear.

“Keep it up, and we’ll spend the rest of the evening in the car.”

“Mmm, that’s your job.” Her teasing gaze dropped to his groin. “Keeping it up that is.”

Santos laughed, and it was a very long twenty minutes later before they reached their destination. Vaughan’s was a somewhat ramshackle white building with two big windows facing the street complete with the obligatory neon liquor signs throwing patches of color onto the sidewalk. Two long benches, one under each window, were full of patrons catching a breath of air having a smoke.

“This is it?” Jane looked surprised.

“Don’t let old Vaughan’s fool you, miss, it’s the best Jazz place in town.” Aubrey smiled wide. “And tonight Kermit Ruffins is in the house. Yes indeedy, you’re in for a real treat, a real treat.”

Santos helped her from the car then told the driver to park and come on inside as well. Following the aroma of spicy barbeque, he led her across the street to an old pickup truck where a group of men gathered around a smoky grill. After buying their dinner they headed to the club patio to eat while local musicians got the crowd warmed up before Kermit Ruffins took the stage.

A waitress met them at the table with bowls of red beans and rice along with two ice-cold beers. Settling back in his chair, he couldn’t decide what was most enjoyable, the music or Jane’s excitement.

“This place is amazing,” she shouted over the energetic music.

“I knew you’d love it.”

He had to remind her to eat as she kept losing herself in the music and her feet were tapping madly against the cement. When Kermit and his band took the stage, she reached for his hand. Wordlessly, he pulled her to her feet as the band swung into a rousing version of Skokiaan, an energetic tune that made it impossible to remain still. Sprits were high and everyone was out to have a great time.

They slipped into the dark club and claimed a spot on the miniscule dance floor. Pulling her close, he realized this was the first time he’d seen her dance so he wasn’t surprised to realize that she danced with the same sensual abandon that she had in bed. Jane simply allowed the music to sink into her body and take control.

After several songs he stepped back to the edge of the floor to watch her. The lighting was low, but her golden hair glowed like a beacon. With her eyes closed, she didn’t see the heads that turned in her direction as she moved in time to “Can’t Take My Baby Nowhere”. Her slim hands stroked her lush thighs before sliding over her belly then between her breasts to her throat. By the time they reached up and over her head in a move vaguely reminiscent of a bondage position she favored, his cock was fully stiff and throbbing.

When the song ended, applause broke out on the floor and her eyes flew open. He laughed at the look of shock on her face when she realized they were clapping for her. Jane’s gaze sought his but before she could move, a young black man asked her to dance. She looked at Santos again, and his subtle nod had her taking him up on his offer.

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