Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5) (2 page)

BOOK: Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)
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And still I danced with Cole and the brunette in red. Closer and closer. The crowd grew sparse, then more people piled in. Hands reached out, touching Cole, touching her, touching me. The caresses of others heightened the desire, but they were ghostlike, almost seeming to create an intimacy all our own that they couldn’t break through.

Her fingernails grazed my abs through my thin t-shirt, just above the waistband of my cargo shorts. As her shoulder dropped, the thin strap of her dress slipped down. Cole caught it in his fingertips and dragged it further, almost to her elbow, over the curve of her breast until another little tug revealed her nipple. My thumb brushed the smooth satin of her skin, a teasing caress over the tightened bud that caused her to moan. Tangling my fingers in her long, silky hair, I tugged and brought her lips up to mine once more.

As she kissed me, her hand slipped under my shirt, skating along my ribs and raking up to my chest. Dragging the soft cotton of my Mofo tee up over my head, her touch on my bare skin drove me insane. I vaguely noticed Cole grabbing one of many guys who stood watching our carnal display, practically salivating at the sight of her beautiful, bare breast.

“Dude,” Cole demanded in a course, rough voice, “where’s a bed?”

The guy hitched a thumb over his shoulder, indicating a short hallway behind him, at the end of which stood a set of French doors.

“Justin,” he grunted, and I lifted my head from the brunette’s mind-numbing kiss, “this way.”

“Justin…” she whispered dreamily, her eyelids heavy as she peered up at me through her lashes and kissed me again.

Cole began to guide us slowly from the center of the room towards the hallway, down it and through the doors that opened to reveal a massive master with a king bed. He gently pushed our stumbling forms through the doors and over by the bed where he zeroed back in behind the brunette, sandwiching her in between us. She’d barely come up for air, swirling her tongue with mine, and when she gasped against my lips, I cracked open my eyes to see Cole nipping at the delicate skin of her neck.

His hands began to slide up under her short skirt, drawing her dress up over her body. She lifted her arms, only pulling her lips away from mine momentarily to allow the garment to be stripped away, then moaning when her bare torso melted into my chest.

I rocked back a step, sitting on the mattress to take her in.

Fuck, she was perfect.

Wearing only lacy red underwear and strappy red heels, her lips swollen and wet from voracious kisses, she gazed down at me with dark, hungry eyes. Cole’s hands skimmed along the curve of her waist, coaxing goosebumps to rise in their wake. She trembled before me, watching me gaze upon her.

“Jesus Christ, she’s gorgeous,” someone murmured from across the room, drawing me back into the present momentarily to realize the room was filling up quickly.

“She has the most beautiful tits,” said someone else.

We had an audience. A crowd had gathered, circling the bed. More onlookers stared at us from the doorway. One of the guys had his hand over his own crotch, groaning at the sight of her standing before me.

She bit at her lip, and I reached out to cup her cheek. “Do you want them to go?”

To my surprise and sheer delight, she shook her head slowly. “I like to be watched.” Her voice was husky and low, reigniting the fire inside me, and I caught her lips with mine once again, pulling her down over me.

“Fuck, yeah,” I heard someone say.

Fuck, yeah
, I thought to myself as her tongue swept along my teeth. I felt an increase in the pressure of her body at my hips and the faint scrape of Cole’s fingers as they roamed over her body, burning where they came into contact with mine every so often. At first, those brushes of his fingers seemed incidental. Almost testing the waters to see if I’d bite. Then his hands began to roam more freely from her skin to mine, making me moan, which made him smile wickedly. His touch was so different than hers—rough where hers was smooth, firm where hers was soft—and the contrast was electrifying.

I needed things to move faster. Arousal pulsed through my veins, and I scooted back on the bed. Cole and I both lifted the girl to bring her with me, almost as though it was all rehearsed. Pure animalistic instinct.

She spread her legs to straddle my body, arching her back and grinding against my throbbing junk in a slow, circular motion. His hands cupped her tits, pinching them to draw a low, deep gasp from her throat, and she raked her nails down my abs, digging into the skin when she reached the waistband of my cargo shorts.

I could hear mumbles and murmurs in the room, muted whoops and hollers down the hall. It had been a while since I’d been to a party like this, and fuck I needed it. I needed something to drive away the unsettled melancholy that had filtered into my life.

And this girl, being with Cole again…
Fuck, yeah
. They made it disappear completely.

I sat upright for a minute to capture her lips, to relish in the feel of her hot, little body, of Cole’s hands caressing both of us. Her whole being pulsed with excitement. She writhed against his touch and mine. I slipped my hands to cup her jaw, holding it firmly and bringing her back down with me as I lay back.

Suddenly, she gasped against my lips, and I heard Cole mutter softly.

“Fuck, she’s so wet. So hot. Like silk.”

Her hips nudged my cock as she pressed back into his touch. Her thighs clamped against my hips. He began to stroke her pussy, and each long, slow movement had her rubbing more firmly against me. Moaning softly into my mouth.

I felt something light hit me in the chest. A condom had been tossed on us. A couple more lay scattered around us on the bed.

Our little brunette lifted her hips and dove in to rip at the fastenings of my shorts. Her fingers shaking with frantic need, she reached inside to close her hand around my dick.

“Damn,” someone off to the side muttered. “She wants it

It was all I could do not to shoot my load right there.

But as she caressed the tip and squeezed my thick length, her lips traveled down my neck. Biting and soothing the sharp pain with little kisses scattered across my chest and down, nipping even harder low on my abs. A second later, and I felt her hot breath down along my vee, then a sweet, hot stroke of her tongue up my cock. Long and slow, savoring every inch of smooth skin, caressing every vein and ridge.

Finally, her mouth closed over the top and she drove down on me, trying to take all of my thick shaft in her mouth. I felt the squeeze of a threatening gag, then she swallowed, opening her throat to allow me to slide even deeper with a tight grasp of my balls.

It was like the nirvana of blowjobs.

She was so fucking good. She sucked and licked, tickling her way up my length with the tip of her tongue, then bobbing quickly over me. Her dark, thick lashes lifted to stare up at my face with those fascinating dark eyes.

It was intensely erotic to watch. Her going down on me, Cole standing behind her, caressing her curves. I couldn’t see his fingers deep inside, but I could feel it every time he stroked her deep. Her body arched and her mouth lifted. With a gasp, her cheek would brush against my length. Her fingers would close around me, slowly pumping me before she would turn to take my dick back into her mouth with renewed abandon.

Cole looped his fingers in the scrap of red lace and began to slide it down her hips. The sight of her rounded, bare ass made me groan as he pulled the fabric free and pulled her hot center up to him. Up to his waiting mouth.

She let out a muffled cry, choked around me, then began to circle her hips and increased the pressure of her hands and lips. She sucked me to the back of her throat with a delicious moan. Her grip on my dick tightened, and she gently twisted her hand as she pumped my length, slick with her saliva.

A burning urgency coursed through me, the premonitions of an orgasm I was in no way ready for. I needed more of this. More of her. More of Cole. With a quick, firm grasp, I reached down and grabbed her just beneath her arms. I jerked her up to me, marauding her lips, as I heard a crinkle of a wrapper. A sideways glance revealed Cole rolling a condom over his length.

“Give me a rubber,” I choked, too overwhelmed to even grab one of the dozen scattered around on the bed. “I get her pussy.”

He tossed one my way, then pulled our brunette to sit upright, back away to allow me space to don the prophylactic. She squirmed against him, brushing her bare, wet pussy against my hands as I slipped the latex over my dick. Then Cole’s fingers dipped down to spread her lips for me and his other hand helped stroke the condom onto me. His fingers wrapped around me, and I almost lost it right there. It was all I could do not to spooge like a fourteen-year-old boy as he guided my cock to her entrance, then grabbed her hips and yanked her down onto me with a harsh shove.

“Holy hell,” someone whispered.

She was small, but so delightfully curvy, deliciously tight. When I impaled her, she moaned so low in her throat I could almost feel the vibrations ripple through my junk. She tilted her hips, pulling up and then grinding on and around me with a firm, burning squeeze. Cole’s hand cupped her breast. His fingertips pinched at her nipple, causing her to contract around me with a sharp cry. His other hand flicked circles around her clit, stroking the base of my dick ever so slightly as she rocked and swayed to take me deeper.

Then with a fierce growl, he pushed her shoulders down towards me. Shoving her torso flat against mine, pressing her face against my neck. Practically folding her in half. I felt the invasion of two fingers alongside my dick, all at once collecting the flood of her arousal and stroking my throbbing length where it sat nestled inside her. She and I moaned in unison, one sound that reverberated through the room.

Then I felt the added pressure as he slid his pinky into her ass, his first two fingers still caressing our union.

“Fuck, her ass is so tight,” he muttered. “I can’t wait to fuck it.”

A moment later, and his hands were gone, making me feel the slightest bit bereft. Then pressure as he began to push inside. Our brunette jerked with a sharp, pained gasp. Her body jolted, attempting to rise.

“Easy, baby,” I murmured, brushing my fingers down her back in a soothing caress, holding her in a firm and gentle grasp.

“Oh my God, so full…” she breathed against my neck.

“Just relax.” My voice sounded almost foreign to my ears, way too calm for how I felt. “Open up and push back against him a little.”

“Fuck,” Cole harshly swore as she followed my command, “that’s it… so good.”

Through the thin barrier separating our dicks, I felt him push inside completely. I felt the brush of his balls coming into contact with my own, making me moan as the touch teased and tantalized. So wrong, but so fucking good.

He gave her a minute to absorb the sensation, to allow her body to adjust, and then he stroked out slowly, and back in. She gasped against my neck, a higher pitch than before, and her hips tremulously tilted as he drove back in. Cole moved again, faster and a little harder. And again. Picking up the pace and driving into her with more purpose. At first, I just lay there, lost in the sensation of it all. Overcome by lust. A sharp cry from her throat brought me back, and I began to rock along with him, flexing to push up into her wet heat with every thrust.

“Fuck,” she whispered into my shoulder, “fuck yes… fuck me…”

My muscles began to burn, growing weary with the fabulous resistance of her body and his. Every stroke made her wetter, made her claws dig a little deeper into my shoulders. Cole’s hand slipped from the damp skin of her hip to my thigh, digging in with a powerful grasp that made my dick throb.

There was something to be said for the brutal strength of a man’s grip before he came, and judging by his jerking movements, by the guttural grunts and groans he let out, he was close. And the harder he fucked her ass, the more I felt his touch through her. The more it turned me on. The more it drove me and brought me closer to the edge.

Suddenly he pulled free, ripping off the condom and jacking off, watching us. He stared down at me and stroked his hand firmly up and down his length with a scorching, feral glaze in his eyes that rocked me to the core. With a sob, our little brunette lifted slightly, rising between us and capturing my gaze as she began to fuck me with a circular motion of her hips. Her entire body trembled, and the shivers rippling up and down her sweet little pussy made my dick swell and jerk. I tangled my fingers in her hair, dragging her lips down to mine, and kissed her hard as she began to shake with release. Rolling our bodies to position her beneath me, I pounded into her as she came around me.

The tight, trembling squeeze of her pussy finally did me in. Everything rushed through me as the last hold on me broke. I felt the heat boil up inside me until I victoriously erupted with a low, harsh growl, and heard Cole groan loudly as his cum splattered across our skin. All the aching, burning need flowed from my veins, and I let ecstasy take hold, collapsing over her, numb with unbelievable relief.

“Holy shit,” I heard off to the side.

Her labored breathing tickled my neck where her face was buried. I heard her whimper and felt her swallow hard. My hand caressed her side, down her hip, sliding through the slick, sticky cum where Cole had decorated the both of us with his own orgasm. He dropped down onto the bed beside me, a satisfied, sated grin on his chiseled face. His voice was breathless and rough.

BOOK: Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)
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