Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 04] Roman Retreat (10 page)

BOOK: Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 04] Roman Retreat
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As she excused herself to use the laundry bowls she came up with her plan.  She had arrived at the perfect place to destroy Marcus’ Horse and all those associated with it; her mother’s killers. She was close to her Nemesis, the wife and children of one of her enemies and close to the training ground. She did not know how but she would find a way to insinuate herself into the ala’s fort, and, more than that, to be welcomed. She identified the serving girl who would have to die to enable her to stay.  The young girl had seen but thirteen summers and was popular with the young recruits. Morwenna stayed in the background nibbling on a rabbit leg she had purchased all the time observing what was going on. The young soldiers had only recently arrived at Morbium and decided to impress the pretty young serving girl. They ordered river oysters bantering with each other about the sexual prowess the beasts would bring.  Morwenna readied herself for her chance.  The young men swallowed the oysters shouting about the power it was giving them. The young girl continued to bring in drink and each time flirted a little more.  When the plate had been emptied one young recruit asked for more for the girl and himself. She protested that she had never eaten them but the handsome young man was insistent that she would love them and she relented, her twinkling laugh lighting up the dim room.  As the platter was brought in it was just a sleight of hand which enabled Morwenna to sprinkle the deadly poison over the shellfish. She was her mother’s daughter and cared not about the incidental deaths she might cause.  There were no innocents, they were Romans and this was a war, a holy war. No-one had noticed and she slipped back into the shadows her sharp features accentuated by the shadows and the evil grin which cracked across her face.

The young recruit was adamant that the oysters were a love tryst between the two of them.  The girl’s father, who owned the tavern, watched on confident that his daughter would resist the charms of the young man but knowing that the club hidden below the counter would ensure she remained a virgin.

Morwenna was becoming almost orgasmic as she watched each oyster descend down the throat of the young man. So far the girl had avoided eating one and Morwenna was not sure which ones would have the poison.  Her work would have been undone if only the young recruit died but as long as they ate them all there was a good chance they both would die. At last the young warrior, a Trinovante, asked the girl to take one as he did.  He promised her a taste like no other and she agreed. Time seemed to stand still for Morwenna as they both lifted the oysters to their mouths.  There was a charged, sexual feel to the air and almost everyone appeared to have stopped breathing and was silent as the molluscs slipped down their throats. Their first reaction was joy for Morwenna had added dried truffles to the poison to make it more palatable.  When she saw the ecstasy she knew her plan had worked and she slipped out of the room, ostensibly to thank the hostess for her food.  In reality she was absenting herself form the scene of the crime, and crime it was for there was a sudden pair of screams as the two young people felt the poison work its way down their throats, burning as it went. Their noses began to bleed and they were unable to breathe.  Those around them gave them water to assuage the pain but to no avail.  As their bowels opened they dropped writhing to the floor dead with two violent judders and their sightless eyes staring at each other.  Two young lives snuffed out by a malicious and malignant young woman who held such lives as cheap.

The oysters were blamed; they had obviously been tainted and the distraught parents said prayers to the Allfather. The bodies were removed and the shells of the offending oysters burned as a sacrifice. Morwenna made sure she was still around the settlement for the next few days and, once again feigning poverty, she evoked sympathy as a pleasant young woman thrown on hard times.  Her story of raiders from across the western waters, slaughtering her family and enslaving her, fictitious, brothers was a common one. By the time the bodies had been sent onwards and the settlement was back to normal Morwenna was a fixture.  She slept where she could and she paid the smallest coins for the barest repasts even though Luigsech had ensured that she was provided with many gold and copper coins. The tavern was just as popular with new recruits arriving daily and it was only three days after the deaths that the hostess approached Morwenna. “Would you like work?”

Morwenna feigned gratitude with eyes as wide as an owl’s. “Oh yes please lady.”

“I am no lady but I thank you for your manner.  You can sleep on the floor and we will feed you.  There won’t be much money but I daresay if you pretty yourself up you will get tips.”

“Oh I will.  Thank you.” She kissed the back of the woman’s hand and ensured that she was in her good graces.

That evening the tavern was full and Morwenna had shed the dirty look.  Her eyes and lips had the subtlest of colours upon them and her hair was brushed and combed.  The host and hostess were pleased for it had an immediate effect. The young recruits clamoured for her attention even more than they had for their dead daughter and were happy to buy more and more drinks and food as long as it meant they were served by the enticing Morwenna. By her second night the tavern was almost bursting and both Morwenna and the landlords were literally raking in the coins.  All the time Morwenna was asking subtle questions; interrogating, albeit sweetly, to find out the names of the officers of Marcus’ Horse.  She had gleaned little until the largest man she had ever seen entered.  He was so tall that he had to duck under the lintel to enter and his broad shoulders filled the frame of the door.  She knew by the silence as he entered that he was an important Roman but even had he not been she would have sought out his company for she felt it stirring in her loins as he stood erect and beamed across the room.

“So this is where you all waste your evenings.  I can see we are not working you hard enough!”

“No Decurion Macro we are only here to discuss the training and how we can become better warriors.”

“Metellus Strabo you are a lying little boy lover and for that lie you can buy me a drink!”

Morwenna could see, in an instant that he was very popular by the way the young recruits crowded around him. She picked up the empty beakers and returned them.  As she passed him she brushed next to him. She had created a sweet smelling fragrance from rose petals and lavender and she knew that it would rise to the huge officer’s nose.  Sure enough he turned and she looked up at his face with a smile so sweet and subtle that a man would have had to have a heart of stone not to react and Macro was, above all else, a man. “And who are you my pretty one.  I haven’t seen you here before?” Macro was smitten.  One look at the green eyes, the cascading chestnut tresses and the inviting red lips had done the work of Cupid.

“Why sir, I am Morwenna the new tavern maid.”

He lowered his head and his voice so that his words could only be heard by her.  “I can see why my boys come here so often, I will have to do so myself.”

“You have the advantage sir.  What is your name?”

“I am Decurion Macro Annius Barba.  I am, at the moment the trainer at Morbium but next week I return north to my ala for I serve with the famed Marcus’ Horse.”

Morwenna did not need to feign excitement for she had struck gold.  She could ignore all the other recruits as she had found her way into the ala. “Oh I have heard of them.  They are the finest soldiers in Britannia are they not?”

Macro shrugged self consciously, “I don’t know about that.  But we did defeat all the northern tribes and we would have defeated the Caledonii but…”

“Weren’t you the ones who rescued the Queen?”

“Morwenna! Customers are waiting!” the irate tone of the hostess almost made Morwenna decided to kill her there and then but she had a part to play.

“Sorry mistress.” She looked up at huge warrior. “Decurion Macro I would love to hear more about your brave ala. When I have finished I would like to hear more.”

Beaming like a child given sweetmeats Macro could not contain himself. “I will await you princess.”

When the tavern had finally emptied Morwenna and Macro were left alone. Morwenna had already made her plans.  She could sense that the warrior lusted after her and she had been taught by Luigsech that men were not ruled by their heads when it came to women but by their animal instincts. She knew that she had aroused him. Her mother had used her body and her lovemaking to help defeat the Romans and she was happy to do so.  Part of her wondered if this was the right time to give up her innocence but, in truth, she was attracted to this affable young man and was looking forward to discovering what it was like. Her personal preferences were nothing until she had completed her quest.

Macro, for his part could not believe how beautiful the young girl was.  She reminded him of someone but he couldn’t quite place her.  Perhaps it was his dream, his fantasy. For the first time he regretted that he would have to leave for Caledonia in the next few days. Now he just wanted to spend every minute he could with this vision of loveliness who seemed to hang on his every word.

“So you rescued Queen Cartimandua?”

“No, for I was but a boy then. No but it was my ala and my friends Tribune Marcus Aurelius Maximus and Decurion Princeps Gaius Metellus Aurelius were there. They both wielded the queen’s sword.  The Tribune has a villa close to here and the Decurion’s wife and his young family live close by.  If I were here longer I would take you and introduce you for Ailis is a kind Brigante princess and I am sure she would give you better lodgings than this stable.”

“Oh I would love that.”

“I could take you to meet her tomorrow if you wish.  The training is finished by early afternoon.  Should I meet you here?”

Putting her hand on his thigh and giving it a slight squeeze she purred, “Oh yes please.  I would love that and could you tell me more about your ala.  I long to know of your brave deeds.”

“Of course and now, I suppose I should go?” He stood, towering over her.

Morwenna had decided to use this opening as a way into the heart of those she wished to destroy.  She would give him a hint of the pleasures to come which would guarantee his return. “I do not want you to but this is no place for us to spend precious time together.” Leaning up she put her arms around his waist and slightly parted her lips showing her immaculate white teeth against the ruby red lips. Macro lowered his head and their lips met; Morwenna opened her mouth and her tongue darted into Macro’s mouth. Although she had never kissed a man before she had been taught well. Her tongue flicked into Macro’s and he felt his whole body judder with the thrill of it.  He felt himself pressing into her and growing. In that moment he wanted her more than he had ever wanted anything in his life. Just as quickly as she had started the kiss, so she ended it. As she lowered herself to the floor she could see that she had succeeded, he wanted more and the words of Luigsech echoed in her head, ‘always leave them wanting more for then they will return.’ “Until tomorrow,” she touched his lips with two fingers, “my love.”

Macro almost floated back to the fort unaware that Morwenna was busy planning the deaths of those who had thwarted her mother and ended her life.


Eboracum had grown much since Marcus had last been there. The stone buildings and walls now made the capital of the north much more solid. He reflected as he entered the Porta Praetoria that it was the work of the auxiliaries which meant that it had never been assault at all and the guards there had the easiest posting in Britannia. The Optio who stood at the Governor’s residence looked down his nose at the auxiliary officer who rode up.  Marcus had his heavy cloak around his body disguising his rank. “And what do you want? The auxiliaries have their own fort across the river.”

Something about the young officer reminded him of Julius’ brother the arrogant patrician who had caused the deaths of many of Marcus’ friends. Marcus dismounted and, throwing his cloak over his shoulder to reveal his uniform strode up to the Optio who was already regretting his arrogance. “Listen my fine young Optio,“ behind him the two legionaries were struggling to hide their smiles. “I was here when this was a wooden fence and it was the auxiliaries who stopped the Brigante from castrating the legionaries who were stationed here so before you begin disparaging auxiliaries thank the Allfather that they are here for otherwise you would be roasting on a Caledonian fire. Now stand to attention and take me to the governor. He is expecting me.”

The pale Optio was now quaking. “And who should I announce sir?”

“Tribune Marcus Aurelius Maximunius formerly commander of Marcus’ Horse.” The two legionaries snapped to attention and the Optio began to wish the ground to open beneath his feet.  He was standing before a legend. “And who are you young Optio?”

The Optio stammered his answer, already visualising his military career being washed to the sea. “I am Optio Sextus Cassius Celsus of the eight cohort Ninth Legion.”

“ A fine legion is Decius Brutus still First Spear?”

A voice from behind him bellowed, “Of course he is you old horse shagger!”

Turning with a smile already creasing his face and ignoring the relieved Optio he said, “Decius Brutus! So you haven’t retired yet?”

“No and I can see that promotion has come your way… sir.”

As they clasped shoulders Marcus muttered, “Less of the sirs. We are old friends are we not?”

“Aye that we are and there are damned few of us left. Now then Optio Celsus you have learned a valuable lesson today. Never judge a man by what you see and never, especially in my hearing, say anything bad about the auxiliaries they saved my life more than once! Now take us to the governor.”

Sallustius Lucullus was sat behind his desk when Marcus and Decius entered. “Ah Tribune I see you have met Centurion Brutus?”

“We are old friends sir.”

“Are you? Excellent then that will make life much easier.  Sit down gentlemen my nephew and wife will join us later but I thought we could discuss the broader strategy first. The Tribune here will coordinate the forces south and north of the Danum. As there are elements of the Ninth here that may mean the Tribune will be calling upon their services when necessary.”

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