Read Hopeless Magic Online

Authors: Rachel Higginson

Tags: #Fantasy, #Young Adult, #Romance

Hopeless Magic (18 page)

BOOK: Hopeless Magic
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A pang of jealousy rippled down my spine and I felt my magic flare in an unforgivable display of emotion. I coughed loudly to try and hide the out-ward reaction of unexplainable envy and turned to smile at Jericho, hoping to come off more charming rather than the green-eyed jealousy monster who was supposed to only like Jericho as a friend.

"Yeah, that's true. Well, that will be fun," I couldn't pretend any longer, I had to suddenly get away from Jericho before I sent him anymore mixed signals. "Goodnight, Jericho, I'm glad we worked all of this out."


"Me too, Eden," he paused in front of his couch, and smiled what I imagined was his most charming smile as well. "Goodnight then."

I turned around and ran up the stairs, anxious to have some breathing room and clear my head.

But once on the stairs Avalon's thoughts and feelings suddenly came flooding into my mind. It was like he had been holding his breath and trying to make himself as small as possible inside my head. Then all of a sudden he let his breath out and was overwhelming me.

Are you happy?
I groaned in my head, feeling Avalon's elation with how things had gone between Jericho and me.

You have no idea.
He responded smugly back.

I rolled my eyes at my brother. I knew he felt the gesture, and I hoped he knew he deserved it. I was confused enough as it was; I didn't need Avalon picking a side and then mixing up all his one-sided feelings with mine.

I did a good enough job mixing things up all on my own.



"Damn it!" I cursed loudly, burning my forearm again on the oven rack trying to balance the heavy turkey roaster. That was the third time I had checked the turkey and it still wasn't done. I cursed again at the famous recipe I stole off the Internet, and turned my attention back to mashing the potatoes.

Aunt Syll would be back any minute with the wine; she had disappeared an hour earlier, afraid of both me and the kitchen. I couldn't blame her.

Thanksgiving dinner had been a lot harder than anything I had imagined. Between the turkey and the casseroles and the stuffing and the mashed potatoes and the pies, I was at my wits end, and had apparently turned into a sailor with a sudden and deep knowledge of all curse words. Not to mention the fact that I had been up since five this morning baking.


I didn't know who I thought I was, but it felt like one of those irreversible nightmares that once I had stepped inside, I couldn't escape. So I just went on baking and baking and baking and now I was almost finished with the meal portion of cooking. If I could just get that damned red button to pop.

Lilly had graciously helped me for the majority of the day and we had had fun rolling out pie dough and doing our best to distinguish baking powder from baking soda and what exactly a pastry blender was. But I had sent her upstairs forty-five minutes ago so she could wash the flour out of her hair.

I was going to have to rely on magic to pull my look together. Kiran and Talbott were due in half an hour and I was in some serious need of makeup. Amory would be here soon, too. He was Aunt Syl's invited guest; she hadn't wanted to be the only adult.

I was glad she had thought of him, it would be nice to have an actual family Thanksgiving meal.


I hadn't meant to exclude him at all, but my mind was swimming with simply trying to figure out how to make Avalon and Kiran co-exist at dinner, that I had forgotten all about my grandfather, who should have been first on my guest list.

Avalon was adamant that Jericho would be joining us as well. I was not exactly excited to share the table with both Jericho and Kiran. I knew without a doubt that I could never leave Kiran, especially for another guy; but that didn't stop the unwanted butterflies every time Jericho and I made contact. Besides, he could be distracting.

With Avalon, Amory, Kiran and Talbott all at the same table, I needed my A-game.

Avalon had claimed Jericho had to come for my protection and all that, but I knew better. My brother had a very, not-so-secret agenda and he was trying to torture me to prove his point, whatever that point might be.

Roxie was the only one of my bodyguards that would not be joining us. She highly disagreed with having Kiran anywhere near me, especially 272/711

inside my house and at my table. She refused to share a meal with the "Prince," as she called him in a very degrading tone. But most of all, she didn't understand the tradition of Thanksgiving.

Not only Immortal, but born in Peru, she had no desire to sit in on a purely human-American event. And there was something else about not liking turkey.

Roxie's absence was fine with me; it was one less thing to have to explain to Kiran and Talbott.

Besides, she still intimidated me and I knew I wouldn't be able to trust her to be polite.

"Do you need any help?" Jericho was leaning on the kitchen counter, three feet from me and I hadn't even noticed him come in.

I looked up surprised, and wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. I couldn't help but smile at him. He looked very handsome in black dress pants and a pressed white dress shirt with a skinny black tie, his sleeves rolled up to the middle of his tanned forearms as if he was ready to work. His hair was styled back from his face, I 273/711

could smell cologne, something I had never noticed he wore before.

"No, thank you, though. But you look way too nice to get your hands dirty," I thrust my potato masher back into the deep pot. He walked around the island, and stood next to me, taking the masher out of my hands and moving the pot in front of him.

"Please, go get ready. I can handle mashing a few potatoes," he smiled down at me reassuringly.

"I guess, I um, I guess I should go get ready," I looked down at my sweatpants and flour stained t-shirt, agreeing silently that I couldn't very well meet Kiran like that. "Are you sure you're going to be ok?" I glanced nervously at my precious potatoes not wanting to leave them alone.

"Trust me, I can handle myself in the kitchen," he smiled with confidence and I couldn't help but believe him. He looked down at the pot and left it for a moment, opening the refrigerator and pulling out some milk and butter. I stayed watching while he expertly poured the milk and sliced 274/711

some butter, making the potatoes creamy and rich. Why hadn't I thought of that?

"Oh hey, can you keep an eye on the turkey then, if you're such an expert chef?" I smiled playfully, still in awe of his kitchen skills.

"No problem, but seriously go get ready, you're running out of time," he turned around, flicking the oven light on and inspecting the turkey.

I, too, turned around, unable to wipe the smile off of my face and bounded up the stairs and into Aunt Syl's room. The best thing about sharing a room with her was getting unlimited access to her fabulous closet.

I jumped in the shower, washing the food and flour out of my hair as thoroughly as possible and gave my legs a quick shave. I dried off and then let the magic dry my hair. I had noticed over the last few months that it was not only efficient to do it that way, but magic was far more gentle on my hair than a blow dryer. My long, thick black hair was still as impossible as ever, but at least I wasn't struggling with split ends.


I glanced at the clock and panicked, racing into Aunt Syl's closet, going straight for the good stuff in the back. I ran my fingers through her fancy dresses, trying to decide which designer would be appropriate for the occasion.

I stopped on a midnight blue strapless number with a sweetheart neckline. The skirt ballooned out into a fun poof, so even though the top was a little racy and a little low cut, at least the skirt was fun. I zipped the back up with magic and then grabbed a black cardigan for good measure.

Finishing my makeup in record time and spraying some of Aunt Syl's top shelf perfume, I heard the doorbell ring. I rushed back into the closet for a pair of stilletos, beaming with excitement as my eyes rested on a pair of plain black pumps with red soles. They would be perfect.

I heard Aunt Syll welcome somebody but I wasn't quite ready to make my grand entrance just yet.

Knocking on my own bedroom door, I let myself in, finding Lilly putting her own finishing touches on and Roxie asleep on the bed. Lilly 276/711

looked ravishing in a short black skirt and blousy pink top. The pink set off her porcelain skin and fiery red hair and her short legs looked extra long with that much skin showing.

"Nice shoes," she laughed, gesturing at her own that were still sitting on the bed, but identical to mine.

"That's funny. You must have good taste," I smiled, realizing she did have good taste and I relied on Aunt Syll for my fashion identity.

I walked over to my dresser, pulling out my jewelry box. I needed some accessories. I chose some big silver hoops for my ears and the necklace that Kiran had given me in Geneva. The stone was black inside my jewelry box, but the second it touched my skin, the jewel turned a shining blue, matching the color of my dress exactly.

"How do I look?" I turned to Lilly, hoping for a good result.

"Gorgeous as always!" she replied exactly how I had hoped, I chose to believe her.


"So do you. You look stunning!" I gushed, meaning every word.

She slipped on her shoes and we linked arms, moving out of my bedroom towards the staircase.

I sighed contentedly, it was so nice to have Lilly healthy and in my home.

"That's a pretty necklace," she said, remarking at the sparkling stone glistening off my neck.

"Thank you," I replied without offering any details.

I heard Amory and Aunt Syll in the kitchen and as we made our way down the stairs both Avalon and Jericho appeared in the living room. I was pleasantly surprised to see Avalon dressed up for the occasion. I had half expected him to wear gym shorts and a t-shirt. But he looked very dap-per in designer jeans, a dress shirt and sports coat, all of his tattoos carefully concealed. His hair was pulled back into his school-style pony tail, but instead of looking rebellious like at school, he looked actually put together.


The boys stopped to watch us come down the stairs, sending heat to my cheeks and Lilly tensing up with anxiety. Avalon couldn't keep his eyes off of Lilly and he made no attempt at being shy about it. Jericho stood there, too, mid-step just watching me and doing absolutely nothing about hiding his stare either.

The room was completely silent, except for our heels clicking their way down the wooden staircase. Jericho's eyes burned with intensity, his hazel eyes burning brown with flecks of green shining through. He smiled at me, his dimple pronouncing itself and I didn't know what to do.

I wanted to say something, to break the deafening silence, to make the room feel less like it was just he and I, but I couldn't think of anything to say. I couldn't think of anything but those golden brown eyes and the way they looked at me.

The doorbell rang, cutting the silence with harsh reality and I exhaled, realizing I had been holding my breath.


"Oh, thank God," I mumbled underneath my breath, reaching the bottom step just in time and letting go of Lilly's arm.

I turned my back on Jericho and felt him leave the room. Lilly and Avalon followed, leaving me alone with greeting the company. I hadn't thought about how awkward things would be between Lilly and Talbott until just that moment and suddenly regretted the whole evening. What had I been thinking? This could have been a colossal mistake.

"Hello," I smiled, opening the door and welcoming Kiran and Talbott, both dressed in black suits and ties, into the house.

"Eden, you look too beautiful," Kiran sighed, stepping inside first, and pulling me to him. His mouth found mine, kissing me before I could even say thank you.

My magic surged, finding his and popping frenet-ically. I let his magic wash over me, reminding me of the love we shared. I had been away from him for too long; I had let myself forget what it 280/711

was like when we were together. The house suddenly felt stifling and too small. I found myself regretting the elegant dinner I had prepared, wanting to just run away with Kiran and leave this all behind.

"I'm so glad you're here," I sighed, slowing his kisses and finding oxygen again. "I've missed you." I mumbled with more emotion than I wanted to admit.

"I've missed you too," he said, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Well, come in, dinner's all ready," I moved out of the way so Talbott could come inside as well.

He had been waiting patiently on the front stoop until we were finished and I was suddenly embarrassed that Talbott had to witness our friendly hello's. "Hi, Talbott," I said politely, clearing my throat.

"Hello, Eden," he said curtly, eyeing my necklace suspiciously. I put my hand over it, subconsciously, wondering if it was a mistake to wear it.


"This way," I grabbed Kiran's hand and led the boys into the kitchen where I had set the table earlier in the day. I had used Aunt Syl's lace table cloth and her grandmother's china and silver.

There were crystal goblets from her father's side and ivory candle settings from an uncle that had lived in Africa for a while. The candles had been lit and all of the food moved from the stove and island. The table looked like a magazine spread and I was beaming with pride.

"Jericho, did you do all of this?" I asked, gesturing towards the food and lit candles.

"Well, somebody had to," he smiled playfully and my hand started to sweat inside of Kiran's.

"And my turkey? Is it ok?" I let go of Kiran's hand to lean over the table and inspect my handiwork.

"Well, ok. Don't get mad at me," Jericho began nervously. I snapped my head up, afraid of what he had done. "No, see don't get mad...." Jericho backed away from the table with his hands in the air.


"What did you do?" I gasped, inspecting the twenty pound bird once again.

"It was nothing really. It's just that.... ok, when I pulled it out to look at it, it was kind of.... ok, completely raw in the middle." He couldn't stop himself from laughing and I took a sharp inhale of breath, knowing it looked too good to be true.

BOOK: Hopeless Magic
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