Hope Springs (27 page)

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Authors: Kim Cash Tate

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BOOK: Hope Springs
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“Amen,” the kids said, then launched into their food and chatter.

Janelle and Kory stalled, looking into each other's eyes, their fingers intertwined still.

“Amen,” Janelle said.

Tuesday, January 26

ecca felt like a giddy schoolgirl, mixing and matching clothes and shoes from her closet. She brought out a pair of denim jeans and a frilly silk top.

Stephanie angled her head. “Uh, no.”

“Yeah, that doesn't do anything for me either.” Janelle sat on the floor. “It's cute, but it's not ‘stage.'”

“This is exactly why I wanted you two here,” Becca said. “You tell the straight-up truth.”

She went back in the closet. “Okay, what about this?” She reemerged with another silk top and blazer over the same pair of jeans.

“Too corporate,” Stephanie said. Her legs dangled over the side of the armchair.

“I'm sure that was fine for some of the other conferences you've spoken at,” Janelle said. “But you would completely fade in this on the Worth & Purpose stage.”

“Oh, I've got an idea.” Becca scurried back inside and flipped through the rack, choosing a completely different look—a denim skirt and long white button-up blouse. “This is cute. Right?”

Stephanie stared, then swung her legs to the floor. “Honey pie, let me see what's in that closet.”

“I should've thought of that at first,” Becca said. “See what you can piece together.”

Stephanie took her time, examining each blouse, jacket, skirt, dress, and pair of pants. “Hmm . . . I'm not quite seeing what I'm looking for. Either it's too dressy or not dressy enough.”

“What are you looking for exactly?” Becca asked.

“Well, I really never know what I'm looking for. I just know it when I see it. Something fresh.” She pondered a moment. “Too bad I'm a couple sizes bigger than you are. I've got a couple pieces we could've tried.”

“I didn't think about that,” Janelle said. “Becca and I are about the same size. I might have something.”

Stephanie looked at her cousin. “Janelle, I don't think I've seen you in anything other than sweat suits, jeans, and a Sunday suit. I can't even picture you wearing anything fresh.”

“I'm not saying it's ‘fresh,'” Janelle said, “if I even know what you mean. But it's worth going next door and bringing it back. I can also call Libby and tell her to bring some stuff tomorrow. She's got lots of nice things.”

Becca and Stephanie chatted as they waited. A few minutes later, Janelle was back with a duffel bag.

“Now, let me qualify,” she said. “I knew I'd be here a few months, so I wanted something that would work if Libby invited me to one of her events in Raleigh. But I'm not sure it would work for Becca.”

She pulled out a soft black leather jacket, a long silver tank with glittery beading, and dressy denim slacks.

Stephanie stared from the outfit to Janelle. “Cousin . . . that right there is fresh.” She turned to Becca. “But it has to be
. You have to like it and feel comfortable in it.”

“I love it, no question,” Becca said. “That fits right in with the types of things the speakers wear. I better try it on, though.”

Janelle handed it to her, and Becca went into the closet to change so they could see the full look at once. The first good thing was that it fit. But she couldn't see how it looked on her. She hoped she didn't look dumb.

Becca walked out. “Well?”

“Girrrrl . . .” Stephanie walked around her, arms folded, nodding. “You look fantastic. But how do you feel? Does it feel like you?”

Becca had that feeling of anticipation again. “I feel like the ‘me' I've always thought I could be—confident, stylish, even a little glamorous . . .” She smiled. “For a Bible teacher, that is.”

“A Bible teacher who's on a national stage,” Janelle said. “I love the look on you. You look great, Becca.”

Becca looked at her watch. “And I'm excited about this prayer meeting. Will you both be able to come?”

“Sister Mitchell is at the house visiting Grandma Geri. She said she'd stay and look after Grandma and the kids while we go over to Calvary.”

“Awesome. 'Cause I really want both of you there.”

Becca was stunned by the turnout. Several pews were full as she, Janelle, and Stephanie walked in. She had told Todd she wanted to have special prayer before she went to Richmond to speak, thinking he'd simply invite their friends over. Instead he'd made an announcement at church on Sunday. He said they'd be gathering on Tuesday evening to ask a special blessing upon Becca's first weekend with Worth & Purpose.

“Come on up here, sweetheart.” Todd was smiling at her, holding a microphone at the top of the aisle.

Janelle and Stephanie urged her down the center aisle. They took a side aisle and eased into one of the pews.

Todd put an arm around Becca and spoke into the mic. “Just before you got here,” he said, “I took the liberty of telling these friends how God has blessed you with this platform, both literal and figurative, to tell of His goodness. You've been faithful in teaching His Word, and we believe this is only the beginning of what God will do with the ministry He's given you.”

Becca got butterflies in her stomach. She hadn't told Todd that that's what she'd been thinking and praying.

He turned to her. “Bec, you told me you were proud of me my first Sunday here at Calvary as pastor. And I'm telling you in front of everyone here that I'm extremely proud of you, your dedication to the Lord, and your willingness to go where He leads.”

Tears formed in Becca's eyes. “Thank you, sweetheart.”

“There are a lot of us here, so let's see how we'll handle this.” He looked up. “Travis, will you come up, please, so you can lay hands on Becca? My elders, I'd love to have you up here. Sara Ann, you're the one who gave me the idea to announce it.”

Becca looked at her and mouthed,
Thank you

“And the rest of you, if you could kind of make a circle as best we can around Becca. I know it'll be a big one.”

People filed out of the pews and surrounded Becca, and her tears continued to come.
Lord, thank You for this show of love. This means the world to me

“Travis, can you start us off?” Todd said. “And we're in no rush. Whoever wants to pray can pray. We'll be here as long as we're here. Amen?”


Becca lowered her head to soak in every word that was prayed over her. Her faith had never soared quite like this. Just this morning she'd read the words in the gospel of Mark:
“All things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.”
With so many gathered, praying and asking, she would believe with all her heart that she would receive.

Friday, January 29

ibby almost felt bad bringing Al to Hope Springs. She really didn't want to be bothered with him, but he called just as she was about to leave, asking if she had plans tonight. When he asked to come along, she opened her mouth to say no—but then she thought of Travis. With Al by her side she could avoid the thoughts and feelings that crept in where Travis was concerned. She'd have a buffer.

She was within a few feet of them both now. Al had his arm around her. Travis had the floor.

“First and foremost,” Travis was saying, “we're giving thanks to Almighty God. We had special prayer for Grandma Geri on New Year's Eve, and now midway through her chemo treatments, God has given a good report.”

“Yes, He has. Didn't I say He would? Glory!” Aunt Gladys waved her hand like she was at church.

“Amen,” Janelle said. She was standing behind Grandma Geri, who was seated in one of the family room recliners.

Travis continued. “We don't know what the future holds—for any of us—but today we know that the CT scan shows the tumor has shrunk and the spreading has stemmed. Folks, that's all I need to know to celebrate tonight.”

Cheers of agreement went up in the room from friends and family. Many had shown up for the impromptu celebration, including Aunt Gladys and Uncle Warren and two of their grown children.

Travis looked to Todd, who walked over and put a hand on Grandma Geri's shoulder. “All of us are used to Grandma Geri being a pillar of faith and strength,” he said, “but a cancer diagnosis is enough to shake anyone.” He addressed her directly. “I'm sure you're bearing a lot more on the inside than you're willing to show on the outside. Praise God for news that uplifts and gives you the strength to keep on keepin' on.”

“You want to say something, Grandma?” Janelle asked.

Grandma Geri's fingers were clasped in front of her. “If y'all want to know the truth . . . I suppose I always carried more on the inside than out. Not saying that's a good thing.” She focused on those fingers. “Family as big as ours, there's always something to carry.” She looked into people's faces. “It could be three weeks, three months, or three years . . . I'm going home to Jesus. I don't care so much about the
. I just don't want to be carrying as much when I leave.”

No one seemed to know what to say.

“Well, you just went and got deep on us, huh, Momma?” Aunt Gladys said. “I don't know what you're planning to unload, but if it's any of my business, please think twice.”

“I know that's right,” Libby said. “Grandma knows

“There's plenty more food,” Aunt Gladys announced. “Help yourselves.”

People shifted and began to talk and eat again. Libby held her breath as Travis moved in her direction.
Keep going, keep going

“Hey, Libby,” he said. His eyes always seemed to hold much more than was on the surface.

“Hey, Travis.”

He turned to Al and shook his hand. “Good to see you, man.” Travis took a step to continue on toward the kitchen.

“Is it?” Al said.

Libby frowned at him. What was he doing?

Travis backed up. “Come again?”

Al seemed to square his shoulders. He was six feet tall, which put him a couple inches shorter than Travis.

“I'm thinking you prefer it when Libby comes to Hope Springs by herself,” Al said. “Isn't that why you invited her to church?”

Libby's eyes grew wide. Al was reading her text messages?

Travis looked slightly amused, which was probably more than slightly irritating to Al.

“I invited her with the same motive I invite everybody to church—because I happen to think it's good for the soul.” Travis smiled as naturally as if he were talking to Todd. “You're welcome to come as well,” he added. “Service is at eleven.”

“My Sunday mornings are fine as they are, Pastor Brooks.”

Travis spread his hands. “Offer remains open. Like I said, good to see you.” He moved on.

Libby spoke under her breath. “What was that about?” She took Al's arm and nudged him toward a corner of the room, out of the traffic.

“I'm not stupid, Libby,” Al said. “I can tell something's up between you two. That's why you've been coming to Hope Springs so much lately.”

“I come to Hope Springs because my grandmother is sick and my cousins are here. I can't believe you.”

“And you're telling me nothing's going on with you and the preacher? Because you've clearly grown distant.” He looked down at her wrist. “I gave you that because I care about you.”

Libby sighed. “Al, there is nothing going on between Travis and me, but so what if there were? I've told you time and again that I don't want a committed relationship. And you've apparently been checking my text messages?” She groaned inside as she unhooked the clasp on the bracelet. “I don't think I should keep this.” She dropped it into his hand.

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