Hope in Love (12 page)

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Authors: J. Hali Steele

BOOK: Hope in Love
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Chapter Fourteen


Osce hadn’t stopped laughing since Ram relayed the story of
Yael’s return. “Poor Patty, caught up in your tangled web.”

“She’s safer with me than that degenerate Peter.” Ram could
smile again. Yael was back in his home. Exactly where she belonged.

“Michael is going to geld your ass.”

“Shut up. This is partly his fault. Him and the Fates. They
foisted this assignment on the two of us.”

“Yeah, but you did say he offered to let you off the hook
and give it to Raphael.”

“It was too late then. Yael’s a gentle soul and she had
already gotten used to me.”

“Bullshit, Ram. You’d say anything to have her. Really, what
will you do when the babe is born? Michael won’t let you keep her. It just goes
against all of the principles of the Father. Angels and exulted—it won’t
happen, man.”

Ram watched Osce’s eyes darken with anger and knew exactly
what and who he thought about. He wasn’t sure this was a line of conversation
that should be continued, but he felt the need to explain himself to his

“Nephilim. And Uri. Shit, it’s still not my fault. The Fates
will have to deal with it. My daughter isn’t going to be left alone as the
others were. She’ll be raised by me and her mother. She won’t be running amok
on Earth.”

“Unlike those in the past, she will be a force to be
reckoned with. She will have your strength and magic,” Osce reminded him.

“Her mate will be strong. The Fates have seen to that.”

“Shit, let’s
, and I use that word facetiously,
she has a little of her mother in her. Then she will be a great power.”

“Screw you. I’m not that bad.” But Ram agreed. In fact he
hoped she not only had her mother’s temperament, but that she was just as
lovely. Shit, maybe not. He’d be the one gelding the men.

“Anyway, what did you need with me? More guard duty would be
my guess.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want her to know. Could you pretend you’re
interested in Patricia? And since I told her I’d stay out of her way, if you
take Patty out now and then, we’ll tag along. Would tonight be too soon?” Ram
smiled at himself. He was pleading.

“Hell, that’d be a pleasure.” Osce laughed at him again. “You
got yourself in a real mess, don’t you?”

“What would be a pleasure and who’s in a mess?”

Both men’s heads spun around at the new voice.

“Fuck.” Dislike dripped from Osce’s tone.

“Aren’t you supposed to be visiting above?” Ram asked.

“Did already, and what a nice visit it turned out to be.
Morta is more magnificent than I remembered,” Uriel said.

Ram watched his eyes cut to Osce. He had to give it to Osce,
he never batted an eye nor did he lower them as most did in Uri or any angel’s
presence. It was what Ram liked about him. He didn’t bow and scrape to anyone.
If he liked you, he liked you, and if he didn’t, well, it was pretty much “fuck

What had happened between Osce and Morta?

“Why are you looking at me? I’m not going back to lockup so
get that thought out of your peanut-sized mind, Uri. And remember, I
how beautiful Morta is.” A sly smiled curled Osce’s lips.

“I need him to handle some things for me,” Ram spoke up to
diffuse the energy that arced through the air.

“Yeah, right. What would that be?” Uri glared at Osce.

“None of your goddamned business is what it would be.” Osce’s
eyes swirled with fire.

“Easy, O. Wasn’t trying to put you on lockdown. Relax
already. But know this. If I wanted your ass back in lockup, it’s where you’d
be. Don’t push it,” Uri said.

“Go to hell,” Osce growled.

“I live there. My home away from home,” Uri replied.

“Excuse me,” Ram intervened before things got out of hand. “We
have to go,” he said to Osce. The last thing he needed was to break up a
dogfight between these two. At this point he wasn’t sure who’d win. Osce could
tangle with the best of them. Uriel would have to pull out the big guns. Then
all hell would break loose. Earthquakes and shit. Ram didn’t have time for that.
He wanted to get home and see Yael. He couldn’t wait to get her in his arms or
his bed.

“Come on. You owe me again, Uri,” Ram said as he vanished
with Osce.

* * * * *

Clothes were strewn over every inch of the room. Some hung
from the doors and the chairs. Shoes of every color and heel height dotted the

Yael’s laughter was punctuated by a fit of coughing.

“Sit still,” Patricia said. “Stop moving. You’ll be striped.”

“I can’t help it, it tickles,” Yael giggled. Her toenails
were blazing red. And so were a few of her toes.

“There, done. I like that color on you.” Patty stared at her
friend’s toes and laughed some more.

“I am not going to say I like that green on yours no matter
what, Patricia.”

“I wish you’d call me Patty. Patricia is so damn formal.”

“Patty, I hate your green toes.” They broke out in laughter
again. A knock on the door sobered Yael up.

“Yes,” she called out.

“Osce would like Patty to join him for a drink.” Ram’s voice
sounded stilted.

“Hold on.” Whispers flew back and forth. Patty told Yael
they should dress up first. “We’ll come right down after we change,” Yael
finally replied.

“Thank you.” Ram’s footsteps echoed down the hallway.

“Okay, let me pick out what you’re going to wear.” Patty’s
voice lilted with excitement. “You need to make him notice you.”

“Since we’re staying out of each other’s way, how do you
suppose we’ll ever have a moment alone again?”

“I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” Patty answered. “That’s
if he hasn’t already. I don’t think Osce just dropped in. Do you?”

“I don’t know. He seems pretty taken with you.”

Yael watched the pink creep up her friend’s face. She’d been
right. Patty liked Osce. The two of them made a striking couple. She wondered
briefly why she had never seen Osce above. He was exulted and had the ability
to move between both worlds. She made a mental note to ask Deborah about him.

“He’s okay, I guess.”

“I think he’s a little more than okay. The man is sinfully
gorgeous.” She watched Patty smile. Then sadness crossed her perfect features
and darkened her blue eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

“I wonder what he thinks about me being in Ram’s house?
Especially with the stories that circulated about the two of us.”

“Osce’s not the type to put stock in gossip,” Yael said. “Has
he said anything to you?”

“Of course not, he’s too much of a gentleman for that. I
just wondered.”

“Well, I can work it into a conversation and see what he
thinks, if you want me to.” Yael could see her friend was distressed.

“Would you?”

“Patty, are you kidding? If it wasn’t for you I’d be above
with red eyes and no hope of happiness.” Hope. Yael’s heart was full of it now.
Ram hadn’t tried to get rid of her. Indeed, he’d found a reason for her to
stay. She’d make the most of it.

“I love you, Ya.”

“Ya. Hmm, I think I like that. Come on, let’s get ready.”


Yael and Patty traded smiles as they stood on the patio and
waited for Ram to change. Their plan had worked like a charm. Men, even angels,
were so gullible.

She thought about how handsome he was in his usual black
shirt and slacks. When his hair hung loose about his shoulders, she fought not
to run her fingers through it. The steel gray color had shimmered in the waning
light of day.

She allowed her mind to run wild as she imagined it brushing
against her face while he plunged deep inside her. Again, she thought about
being enclosed in his wings. The softness of his feathers as they slid against
her bare breasts. Her nipples grew hard and she was glad the stays in the top
of the dress kept them from pointing outward. The last thing she’d want was for
him to see how he affected her.

Control of her body slipped away like a puff of smoke. Yael’s
thighs were warm with moisture that seeped from her. How would she make it
through a night with him? The minute he put his arms around her in a dance, she’d
be lost. Right now she didn’t care. She needed to be with him no matter what it
might cost later.

She remembered her old life. Each day she’d woken to the
rising sun and begun her chores. She shopped at the outdoor market. There was
cleaning and cooking. Then bed at the set of the sun.

Sometimes she’d traveled to neighboring towns for goods not
available near her. Those visits, because of the mode of transport, often
involved nights spent away from home. They were filled with excitement and joy.
How simple life had been. Nothing in the old life had prepared her for what had
happened now.

Her husband had been a good man and she’d loved him. She was
a good wife too. When he had needs, she fulfilled them. A blush covered her
cheeks as she thought about the needs she’d fulfilled for Ram. The things she’d
done with him still shocked her.

She had started a new life. She’d come alive and now wanted
so much more. Ramiel was the sun. He burned her smooth skin with just a look.
When touched by him, she opened like a blossom.

Yael had never been more ready to live.

* * * * *

Ram had barely been able to contain himself at how easy it
had been. It didn’t take him long to change. What he really needed to handle
involved his erection being put under control. It hadn’t been easy. That battle
would rage all night. He thought about Yael.

The skimpy red concoction showed so much leg, he’d fought
hard to pull his eyes away. His cock weighed like a rock. He wondered what kind
of underwear she wore because there was little room to fit anything between her
and the strapless dress.

The night was warm and this time there were no stockings,
just beautiful tan skin and lots of it. His fists clenched to stop the itch of
his fingers. They wanted to run up her thighs. Caress her moist…
Shit, get
it together

He couldn’t just attack her. This would take time. And he
had to keep the green-eyed monster from an unwelcomed appearance. That would be
the hardest part. Every man’s eyes would be glued to her ass in that dress. God
damn it.

A thought flitted through his mind—
do not lose her to
. He wouldn’t lose her to anyone. Least of all himself. The way he
saw it, she belonged to him. No way would he let her escape again. Ram
remembered the conversation he’d had with Osce before the women arrived.

“I know, I know, bathe, hair and paint. But damn, it’s been
an hour,” Ram lamented.

“Shit, you got it bad.”

“Shut up.”

But he did have it bad. Really bad. Ram could think of
nothing else.
Yael, Yael.
It rang through his head constantly. He didn’t
even know how he’d managed to not slip in any of his duties. That was something
he couldn’t allow to get out of hand. Michael would be all over him. And he
needed to keep him as far away as possible.

By now everyone would be aware she was back in his domain.
Yet not a word from Michael. Nothing. From the conversation earlier with Uri,
the Fates had paid a visit to the angel-general. Shit, he’d have to go see him
sooner or later. Later seemed to be the better choice.

How long could he keep up the game of Osce wanting to take
Patty out? The excuse would wear thin soon. Not if he could help it. He got the
feeling Osce liked Patty more than he let on so maybe the game could last
Yeah, don’t you wish?
The voice in his head, the part of him
that felt hopeless as hell, had begun to get on his nerves. Everything was
fine. He hoped he didn’t mess it up this time.

Everything had gone according to plan. Patty agreed to go
out with Osce as long as her friend, Ya, wasn’t left alone. Ram had offered to
join them and take Yael so she wouldn’t feel like a third wheel. He assured her
they could have a good time together for one evening.

His eyes had roamed her body as he told her it would be a shame
to waste the lovely outfit she wore. Damn, but she looked good enough to eat.
Patty called her Ya. He liked the way it sounded. It suited her in the red

Ram now returned to the patio, ready for the evening ahead.
He’d taken all the time he could. His thoughts only served to make him nervous
as hell.

“Shall we go, ladies?”

Chapter Fifteen


Michael sat in his office and looked out the window at the
beautiful expanse of green lawn. It did not calm him as usual.

“Am I disturbing you?”

He jumped at the sound of Decima’s voice. He couldn’t
remember the last time someone had appeared to him before he knew they were


“You’ve been to see the Father,” Decima stated.

“Is it that evident?”

Lord, now the Fates were reading him. This was worse than he
thought. How had things gotten so out of control? They needed this baby, but at
what cost to everyone else?

“I assume he is not happy about the meshing?”

“No, he is not, but he has left it in your and my capable

“Damn. Fathering the child of man’s salvation should have
been enough to fill him or any angel with everlasting hope.”

“Decima, I believe that’s a first.” Michael couldn’t help
the smile that touched the corner of his mouth. She was always so straight and
proper, he couldn’t believe she had let the word escape her lips.

“This is going to be bad, isn’t it? Goodness, of all things
to happen, this is what I least expected. I thought he would tire of her and
return to his old happy…whoring ways.” Her brow furrowed, “Are you sure he will

Michael heard her but something else pressed on his mind. “Why
do you suppose I love Ramiel so?”

“I’ve known you a long time. Long enough to know if you’re
asking me why you love Ramiel more than the others, you’ve already asked the
Father. And he didn’t answer you, did he?”

“Decima, you do know me well. I just don’t understand why
I’ve always championed him.” He let the thought go for now. “I do not know if
the meshing has taken its full effect. Can we allow that? Can any of us live in
a world where there is no hope? There will be none, I fear, if he were to lose
her after they’ve fully meshed.”

“Perhaps he doesn’t love her. It may just be a phase. Then
there is always Morta.”

“He hasn’t even realized himself how happy, how hopeful he’s
become. She left Deborah’s and returned to him and he is like a child. It’s
been a joy for me to watch him smile, hear him laugh again. He delivers hope
with compassion once more. Earlier he even offered to help Uri return Luke’s
demons to Hell.”

Michael thought about Morta, the cutter of life, and how she
could assist with their problem. In dealing with death, and if the Father
allowed it, the Fates had the power to end an angel’s life. Those three were
more involved in this than he’d originally thought. Not even Michael was privy
to all of God’s reasoning. His heart weighed heavy in his chest, and he couldn’t
stand up if he had to.

“I fear if he loses Yael, he will tear the world apart. We
will all wish for a swift death by the time he is done.”

“What do you propose we do?”

“Wait, we wait.”

* * * * *

They’d all enjoyed dinner, and Ram sat at the table with
Yael. He was uncomfortable with the silence. She was on her second glass of

They both watched as Osce and Patricia danced around the
floor. Ram’s head followed the sound of Patty’s laughter. The two were having a
good time.

“Did you enjoy your meal?” he asked. He could no longer
stand the quiet.

“Yes, thank you.”

Ram didn’t know what else to say. She wasn’t making this
easy for him. The rise and fall of her breasts made it hard for him to
concentrate. Her long, slender hands around the wineglass took his mind in a
direction it should not be allowed to go. He’d never get through the rest of
the evening if he let his body entertain his brain’s ideas.

“Would you like more wine?” Exulted, unlike angels, could
become intoxicated. Because the baby had his blood, Yael could safely consume
alcohol. Maybe it would loosen her up a little.

“Yes, thank you.” He filled her glass. When the ruby red of
the liquid touched her lips, he swallowed. How could something so mundane pull
at him? But he continued to watch as her throat worked around the fluid. The
slender column of her neck enticed him.

Ram couldn’t move.

Her pink tongue peeked out to catch a wayward drop and take
it into her mouth. A mouth that was warm and sweet. One that could surround him
with pleasure. He wanted it again. Chrissakes. What had happened to him? A damn
drop of wine and his cock writhed like a snake in his pants. It took all of his
control to refrain from whisking them from the restaurant straight to their
bed. His body shuddered.

Shit. This giving space to each other already bore on his
nerves and it was only the first night of her return.

“I would like to dance,” she said.

Ram’s mind was elsewhere and hadn’t noticed that the beat of
the music changed. A low, pulsing bass reached his ears. He looked at the
dancers on the floor and they gyrated in slow motion to the sensuous sound.
Yael’s hips moved in her chair to the spellbinding beat. It seemed the wine had
influenced her after all.

“Are you sure?” He wasn’t certain if she could handle a
dance of this type in her tipsy condition.


Was this his Yael? So assured of herself, and she looked
bewitching with her alcohol-induced glow. He wanted to hold her in his arms.
Ram thought this could be the start of a very close evening.

“Come.” He stood and reached for her hand.

He took her to the center of the dance floor where there
remained a little space. She began to move her body in a slow, beguiling
motion. His lidded eyes watched her thrust her pelvis to each beat. He placed
his hands on her hips and followed her rhythm.

When she lifted her arms and shimmied low to the floor, Ram
inhaled deep to calm his body. But then she came up and turned in his arms, her
butt pressing against him as she continued to rock her body. He was gone.

He put his arms around her and moved with her in time to the
music. Ram had lived a long time and prided himself on being a great dancer.
Right now it was all he could do to stand. She made him crazy with need.

The music slowed and came to an end. He held her tight with
her ass still against him. The band took a break and people left the floor. A
new sound entered the air.
Tango to Evora.
He couldn’t believe his luck,
and if she let him into her mind, he would show her the joys of a true dance.

He twirled her around hard to face him. He laced his fingers
through her left hand and yanked her tight into his embrace as he placed her
left arm over his shoulder. With one hand firm on her back, he pushed her
across the floor, which was now empty. He stopped.

“I…” Yael whispered. Ram felt her tremble with fear in his

“Open your mind to me and I’ll show you everything.”

He dipped her low, away from him and snapped her back up.

“Let me in, Ya.”

And she did.


She’d had one wine too many. The dance he drew her into was
not familiar to her. Not that Yael had familiarity with any of them.

Ram sent a flash of color and movement into her mind that
enticed and thrilled her body. Her feet were quick to pick up the intricate
turns and steps, and when he pulled her, she resisted. The beat of her heart
filled her own ears so that she could barely hear the music. But she didn’t
need to.

The emotion that boiled to the surface carried all of her
feelings with it and she put it all into the dance. When he snapped her to him,
she pushed from him. Golden eyes locked onto cobalt blue and fire jumped
between them.

Each time he bent her back, his desire for her pushed into
her pelvis. Her body sang with its own need as she rubbed against him then
pulled away. Her feet kept up with his in a fast pattern of kicks and stops.

Their eyes never broke contact.

And suddenly Yael felt it. She belonged to this angel who
couldn’t love her. When Michael punished him, the pain would be too great for
her to stand. The thought of him being hurt made her angry.

Their bodies close in the dance, the look of unbridled
passion and desire in his eyes is what finally set her free. She pulled from
him and moved around his body. He stood still as her hands stroked down his
back. The need to feel him one last time drove her hard. She felt his muscles
quiver beneath her touch.

He spun around and brought her back into his embrace and
moved with her. As the music ended, his hand behind her neck held her face
pressed to his chest. For a moment their hearts beat as one.

Applause rose from the crowd. Yael blushed at the thought of
what they must have looked like. She heard Ram whisper above her.

“You’re very desirable. Yael, I don’t know if I can ever let
you go.”

She didn’t know what words were going to come out of her
mouth when it opened to respond to him. It was left up to her to save them both
from the wrath of God.

“The angels have played with my life enough. I’m giving them
what they wanted—our child. I have nothing else to offer.”

She disappeared.

* * * * *

He stopped time.

He couldn’t allow the humans to see what Yael had done. He
turned to their table to see Osce nod his understanding.

Ram vanished. He would not allow her to return to Deborah’s.

His wings unwrapped from his body as he followed her trail
of energy into the heavens. Catching her essence, he folded his wings over her
and rose higher with her body held tight to that of his angel.

“You will not leave me again,” he grated through tight jaws.

“And you cannot hold me to you.”

you to your word. You will stay with me until
our child is born. Then you can go where you want.” The fury he felt at being
left by her again filled every word with anger.

“If that’s your wish,” Yael said. “I will stay only ’til the
child is born. She is mine, Ramiel. No one will ever take her from me. Do you
understand that?”

“What kind of monster do you think I am? I would never let
anyone take her from you. But know this, she is mine also and I will be in her
life. Do you understand that?”

“I wish to go home.”

“As. You. Command.” He ground out each word.

Ram came to a halt and hovered in the dark sky. He’d felt
her desire on the dance floor. She wanted him. Why was she so angry now? He
wondered if he would ever understand what was in Yael’s heart?

He began a slow descent back to his Earthly domain with her
embraced in his wings. Enflamed by her angry passion, his cock began to harden.
He tried to look into her eyes but she kept her face hidden against him. The
way she felt toward him now, what difference would it make if he entered her
mind. He could do it without her knowledge if he was careful.

His body blanched at the turmoil and pain he felt there. Yael
did want him. She even felt as if she belonged to him. But her anger simmered
like molten lava. What had happened to make her leave him if that was not what
she truly wanted?

He didn’t bother to pull his wings in as he deposited her in
front of the house. Without a word, he lifted back into the sky. His wings
shook the trees and sent birds twittering in every direction.

* * * * *

“Ramiel,” she whispered into the wind.

She did not fully understand what had happened. Yael hoped
perhaps it was the wine. Fear was what caused her to react the way she did.
Fear of not only losing him, but of what could happen to him when Michael
discovered they had meshed.

Her body doubled over in pain at the thought of being
without him. But she would not risk his safety because she’d been stupid and fallen
in love. Ram didn’t love her and he’d send her away soon after their child’s
birth. She had to keep him from taking all that was left—her soul.

“You already belong to me.”

Yael spun on her heels at the sound of his voice behind her.
Naked, his wings drawn in, he clasped her to his chest. “How…?”

“I feel what’s in your mind and it pains me. Tell me what’s
in your heart?”

“You already know what’s there. Why did you come back?”

“Because you called my name.”

His lips smothered hers in a brutal kiss. His hands moved
over her body in featherlight touches. She couldn’t let this happen.

“You must go. They will harm you.”

“No one can take you from me. I will keep you, and I’ll keep
you safe.”

“I’m not worried for myself.”

“Yael, let me love you, here—now.”

“Oh, Ram.” Wanting him more than anything, she couldn’t
resist him any longer. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his
chest. His heart beat loudly in her ear. He walked her backward until she was
pressed against the nearest tree and her dress vanished. She gazed up into his
dark blue eyes. They were full of passion as they traveled her naked body. Her
nipples stood in swollen peaks, wanting to be covered by his mouth. “Give me
what you can tonight,” she said.

“I would give you the world.”

His head dipped low and a tender bud disappeared into his
mouth. She grabbed a handful of damp hair, pulling him tighter to her breast.
His lips, his tongue found nerve endings she didn’t know existed. Her body
trembled uncontrollably. She felt a hand sweep down her hip and across to the
moist crevice between her legs. Fingers explored the wet folds of her core. He
moved them inside, touched her very soul.

Yael bowed into him, gave him better access to her deepest
place. More, she wanted more of him. Always would.

“I want you inside me.” She reached for his hardness,
stroked it and tugged it to where his fingers played. “Now.” The tip of his
erection bumped her opening, made her gasp in delight. “Yes.” His hands
clutched her butt and brought her onto his manhood.

Knees bent, he pushed into her with one sure stroke. Ram
lifted Yael, and her legs came around his waist. He plunged into her again and
again. With wild abandon, she welcomed his invasion. Her channel quaked and
convulsed around his penis, took every inch of it.

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