Hope Flames: Hope Book 1 (38 page)

BOOK: Hope Flames: Hope Book 1
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So did Des. She didn’t mind bearding for him, and often went out to premieres and to dinner with him to give him a cover when he didn’t feel like playing the role of a straight guy with some other woman.

Until she’d met Jason and had started a relationship with him.

Which had recently gone up in flames. As did most of her Hollywood relationships. Actors were self-absorbed dicks. Except for Colt, of course, who she was now free to hook up with again. At least on the surface.

She got out of the shower and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. The smell of dinner made her stomach clench. She was hungry, so she hurriedly combed out her hair and went into the main room of the trailer, where Colt was laying out forks and plates.

“Chinese food?”


“All that salt. I love looking puffy in front of the camera.”

Colt grinned. “You couldn’t look puffy if you tried. Sit down and eat.”

They ate and chatted about the day, and roughed out tomorrow’s scenes between bites.

“I met Logan McCormack, the owner of the ranch, today,” she said as she grabbed a fortune cookie.

“Yeah? What’s he like?”

“Incredibly sexy, in a brooding, loner cowboy sort of way.”

“Really. Would I like him?”

She laughed. “I think you’d love him. And Tony would kill you.”

“Hey, I’m devoted and madly in love and you know that. Doesn’t mean I can’t ogle.”

“I invited him to the set. He said his house manager is a big fan, so he’s going to bring her tomorrow.”


She looked at Colt. “Hmmm what?”

“You’re interested. Now I really can’t wait to meet him.”

“I didn’t say I was interested in him, only that he was interesting.”

“Same thing, isn’t it?”

“Not at all.” She cracked open her fortune cookie and popped a piece into her mouth as she unfolded the fortune and read it.

Your life is about to change in new and exciting ways

She’d believe that when it happened.





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