Hooked (TKO #2) (9 page)

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Authors: Ana Layne

BOOK: Hooked (TKO #2)
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Chapter 12



I park the car, and sit patiently as Hilary goes inside the store to change her number. I just took the biggest leap of my life without even thinking twice. It’s not the baby’s fault that its sperm donor is a world class douchebag. Eventually, I’ll have to tell Raegan and my Dad. Both of them, especially Raegan, will figure out it’s not my baby, but I’ll worry about that later.

The door opens, startling me. I wasn’t expecting her back so soon. She sits beside me and lets out a breath of relief as she shuts the door. “It’s done. I have a new number, and he’ll never be able to contact me again. I even changed his name to
so I know not to answer it if he attempts to call me.”

“Good. Now, I’m not trying to pressure you, but when are you going to tell your parents? And what are you going to do about college? Are you going to keep going until the baby comes, and then go back after maternity leave?”

She brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. “I dropped out of school a few weeks ago.”


“He was controlling every aspect of my life and I couldn’t even go to school without him monitoring everything I did. It was horrible, so I just quit.”

“Damn, Hilary. Don’t let him ruin that for you. And you didn’t answer my other question.”

“I don’t know when I’ll tell them, Lance. I don’t exactly know how they’re going to take this news. I don’t really want to go home tonight. If he shows up at the house, I can’t handle that.”

I run my hands through my hair as I search for a solution. I can’t bring her to my house. What would my dad say? I can’t ask Raegan if Hilary can stay there because Garrett would lose his shit. Raegan is supposed to be free of all this mess. There’s only one other option, and all I can do for Hilary’s sake is hope and pray that she is okay with it.

“What if I get a hotel room for tonight? We can try to figure out a game plan for all of this and attempt to move on. What do you say?”

She looks weary. I can only imagine what is going on in her head.

“I guess that’s the only option I have. I’ll help you pay for it. I can’t let you do this by yourself.”

“Stop. I told you I was all in with this. Let me do this for you.”

I don’t give her a chance to answer, I turn up the radio and grab hold of her hand. I pull the car out of the parking lot and back onto the road. It’s time for her to relax and finally trust me. I need her to know I would never hurt her.

I pass about five hotels before I finally stop. After I check in, I park the car in the back in case Travis is stupid enough to search for her. I don’t put anything past him, and I will not underestimate him. Hilary reaches in her backseat for a small overnight bag. She was obviously planning something by the looks of the bag. Was she thinking of running away?

I decide not to pry and just let it go. I hand her the keys and walk around to open the door for her. With the hotel key in my hand, I lead her into our room for the night. I specifically asked for two beds, because I didn’t want her thinking I made this suggestion thinking we would have sex.

She sets her bag on the first bed and gently lays down. She closes her eyes for a moment before reopening them.

“Do you want anything to eat or drink? We didn’t get to eat earlier,” I ask, slumping onto the other mattress.

“No, I’m good right now. Maybe later.”

“Just let me know, okay?”

She nods, and closes her eyes again. She is so damn tired. I watch her as she peacefully drifts off to sleep. I grab my phone and shut it off. I don’t want anyone bothering me tonight.








Chapter 13





My eyes are weary and my heart is heavy. What the hell does Lance even see in me? I’ve led him astray a few times. But he seems to be drawn to me. It’s like he doesn’t care that I’ve thrown him through the ringer over and over again. He’s done more for me than he should. In high school, he stood up for me when no one else would. I was teased relentlessly for being a so-called good girl. I liked to read books, and I kept to myself. Apparently, that was a crime. Kids can be so damn cruel. He was there to dry my tears and help me survive the years that should have been some of the best of my life.

I’m having a baby for someone who I can’t stand to be around. I don’t know why I thought things might work. When did I become so stupid and helpless? Why did I believe I could somehow be good enough for Travis when I’ve seen the countless messages and naked photos in his phone?

I’ve seen the videos these
have sent him. Videos that make me want to barf in my mouth. I’ve seen them because Travis used to make me watch them to show me what I should be doing for him. I hate him for the person I’ve become. I hate myself for becoming so scared.

I’ve been terrified he’ll kill me. I’m glad I’m out, though. I kick myself in the ass constantly for not truly giving Lance a chance. Somehow, he’s stuck around, waiting patiently over the past few weeks. The fact that he’s willing to step up and care for someone else’s child makes me realize just how much I don’t know about him. I want to know it all, though. I wish like hell we could start over at the beginning, but we can’t. All we have is now.

What if he decides he doesn’t really want to do this? What if I had given him that chance? Would this have been his baby? The questions keep coming and they exhaust me. I know I shouldn’t focus on it, because he’s here now. Except this time, I won’t be so damn stupid. I’m never going back to where I came from.

I awaken to a dark room. There is no light except for TV. Lance is snoring like a baby and he looks so peaceful. My stomach growls and I try to hide the noise but it rumbles. I definitely want that food I passed up earlier. My stomach growls again. Lance turns over and I stifle a small laugh thinking that my stomach woke him up. It feels good to laugh, almost like a heavy stone is being lifted off my chest. I should laugh more often.

Leaving the hotel room to get food without Lance is not an option. Travis is what nightmares are made of, and he could be lurking anywhere, watching and waiting for me. I reach for my purse and begin sifting through countless receipts and junk for something to eat. Anything will do. I just need something to hold me over until morning. I find the wrapper of a candy bar. Chocolate. I didn’t realize I had this in here but I’m grateful for it.

Carefully, I unwrap the bar. My mouth is watering like crazy and I’m inches from taking the first bite.

“You went to the store without me? Don’t you remember it’s not safe out there right now?” Lance appears by my side so fast, I drop the candy bar onto the bed. I clench my chest, attempting to catch my breath.

“You scared me, Lance.” I gasp, my heart sitting in my throat. “No, I didn’t go anywhere. I found this in my purse. Sorry, I-I, didn’t mean to alarm you.”

My eyes widen at how quick I am to apologize. I feel like a foolish child about to be scolded. I want to cower in the corner and put my head between my knees while I wait for my punishment.

“No, I’m sorry, Hil. I jumped to that conclusion when I woke up and saw you getting ready to eat a candy bar. If you’re hungry, we can go grab something at the diner.”

“It’s the middle of the night. I’m okay. I’m just going to eat this and probably lie back down.”

He studies my face for a moment. Then he grabs hold of my hand and every ounce of common sense leaves my body. The bolts of electricity lighting up my insides remind me of what it means to feel something again.

“Sweetheart, the diner is open twenty-four hours. If you’re hungry, just say the word and we can go. You have another life to think about here. You need your nourishment.”

Hearing him say that is a pure punch to my gut. I could never forget about the baby I’m carrying, but it isn’t even his baby, and he acts like it’s no big deal. It’s a big deal to me. I’m a terrible person. What the hell am I supposed to tell this child later on? Again, seeing him step up to take responsibility for what isn’t his has my heart fluttering, and not being able to control these feelings is driving me insane.

“I’ll be okay for tonight,” I tell him. “Tomorrow we can get real food.” I try to pull my hand from his. He holds on tightly, though, and I’m unable to move. For once I feel safe and comfortable.

“Anything you want, we’ll get. I do have to go to the gym tomorrow. If I miss it, that’s my ass. Shit, that reminds me, I should probably turn my phone on.” He frantically reaches for his phone. The minute he turns it on, his notifications begin blowing up.

“You seem pretty important,” I joke.

“Not really.” Then he gawks at his phone. Part of me wants to ask what it is, but then I remember it’s none of my business. I’m nothing more than the pathetic girl he rescued. “Raegan has been wondering where we went, and now Garrett is texting me too. I’m going to kick her ass.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

He sighs, giving my hand one more squeeze. “Raegan was doing all she could to help you. Garrett didn’t like how involved she was because of Travis. She set up our meeting, and he squeezed the information out of her. Now they are wondering where we are. Let me call him real quick.”

I take a bite of that candy bar I’ve been holding. The chocolate melts in my mouth, and I devour it in a matter of seconds. My stomach is still growling, but I don’t let Lance know. Instead, I catch him in the middle of his conversation with Garrett.

“Yes, she’s out of it for good. Ask her yourself, she’s your girlfriend.” He goes silent for a moment before talking again. “I’ll be there in the morning. I’m not throwing shit away. Don’t worry, man, everything is under control. You don’t have to worry.”

He listens for a moment before finally saying goodbye. I’m no idiot, I know a lot of that conversation was about me. Garrett is worried Lance is throwing his life away for me. I’ll be damned before I let him do that.

Lance closes his eyes for a moment before glancing at me. He leans toward me and my heart jumps in my chest. I think he may kiss me, and I’m not sure how I will react to it. I’ll kiss him back, won’t I? His lips hover inches from mine. He plants a soft kiss on my lips and pulls away. It was the biggest yet most amazing tease ever.

“We have to be up in a few hours. You need to get some rest, Hil.”

I want to argue with him, but I lie down. He places the covers over me and gives me a kiss on my forehead before retreating to his bed. I so badly want to ask him to lie beside me, but I never open my mouth. Instead I just imagine he’s there.








Chapter 14





The sun peers through the hotel window and my heart sinks when my gaze lands on the empty bed beside mine. Where is Hilary? If she left, I’ll never forgive myself if something happened to her. It’s not like I made a move on her, and scared her off. I played my cards just right. I was the perfect gentleman, making sure we had separate beds even though I wanted nothing more than to hold her through the night as she slept. Finally, I see her purse. I let out a breath of relief. The bathroom door slowly opens, and she peeks out slightly.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were awake. I, uh…I forgot my bag on the other side of the bed. Can you get it for me, please?”

Oh shit, my dick just got hard. She’s naked on the other side of that door.
Grow the fuck up, Lance.

“Yeah, sure.” I answer nonchalantly, like it’s no big deal. I grab her bag and meet her at the door, inching it a little closer. Her hand brushes mine when she takes it, and I so want to act on my instincts, but I’ve been on a good streak and I hate to break it because of my dick.

“Thanks, Lance.” Her half-smile tilts my world on its axis, but I keep my emotions in check.

“You’re welcome.” I loosen my grip on the bag like it’s on fire, and retreat back to the bed before I can screw anything up. I need her to trust me.

She closes the door and I just sit on the bed and patiently wait for her to finish. I’m shocked when she emerges from the bathroom only ten minutes later. I’ve always heard women take forever to get ready, but since I’ve never really dated anyone, I can’t prove it.

Her brown hair is still wet and sitting in a bun on top of her head. Her shorts make her legs go on for miles and I know if we don’t get out of this hotel room soon, I may do something I’m sure to regret later. She’s beautiful.

“I know I told you I’ve got to go to the gym today. Howard and Garrett will have my ass for sure if I don’t show. Do you have somewhere you can go that’s safe?”

Her eyes close and when she reopens them, worry shows through her creased brow. “I don’t really want to be alone, but I understand you have to go. Um, I think I can go home for a little bit. It should be okay.”

“Are you sure?” I pull her hand into mine and give her a gentle squeeze. I don’t want her feeling like she’s any sort of inconvenience, because she isn’t.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Her voice is hesitant. What if she runs again and I can’t find her?

“Hil, if you don’t feel safe it’s okay to tell me. You can come sit at the gym. Raegan may be there, it’s totally up to you.”

“I don’t want to intrude on you, Lance, but if you’re sure it’s okay I’d like to go with you. I know I must sound clingy, and I don’t mean to, but I just don’t want to be alone.”

Tears shine in her eyes, and I refuse to let them fall. Her face is too beautiful to be tainted by tears. “Hil, I promise you don’t sound clingy. Come with me, it’ll be okay. No one will say anything to you.”

“If you’re sure…” The hesitation is back in her voice. I wish I could take that away.

“I’m positive. Let’s get out of here, okay? I promised you real food.” Her lips curve upward into a gin and I grab her bag for her. “We won’t be coming back here, either. I’ll talk to my dad, and you can stay with us for as long as you need.”

He’s an understanding guy; he’s sure to see things the way I do.

“Okay,” she says, and we step out of the hotel room into the bright light of the morning.




“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Howard bellows.

I’ve barely gotten one foot inside the door. I should have known this was coming and I should have warned her.

“Yeah, I’m here, don’t get your panties in a wad,” I joke. Hilary walks in right behind me. I turn back to make sure she’s all right and her eyes widen as she takes in the surroundings. “Hey, Howard, do you mind if Hilary hangs out in your office today?”

He raises his eyebrow at me, but he nods toward the office. “Whitney is in there feeding the baby. She can keep her company.”

“Thanks, man.” I walk Hilary toward the door. “Whitney, how’s my favorite little girl, Randi, doing?”

“She’s great, as long as you aren’t here to fill her ears with profanity.” She laughs.

I grab my chest and frown. “I thought we were past that. I’m an angel, and you know it.” I walk over and give Randi a kiss on the forehead, then beckon Hilary forward. She’s been standing in the background the whole time, and I doubt Whitney has even noticed her. “Whitney, this is Hilary. She’s a good friend of mine, and I was hoping you’d be nice enough to keep her company while I practice.”

Whitney’s eyes light up. I know it’s foreign for anyone around here to see me with a girl, so they must think the world is getting ready to end. “Of course! Hi, Hilary, it’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.” Hilary doesn’t seem uncomfortable, which I’m glad for. She sits by Whitney and begins admiring Randi Lynn.

“Well, you two ladies behave, and don’t talk bad about me or Randi will let me know.”

“Get out, Lance, it’s girl time.” Whitney laughs, and once I’m sure Hilary is okay, I back out of the room and go take care of the reason I come here.

Garrett isn’t here yet. Howard is lifting weights in the corner and stops when he sees me inching closer. “Sorry to spring her on Whitney like that. I didn’t realize she’d be coming.”

“It’s not a problem, is it? I don’t need Travis showing up at my gym.”

I should have talked to Howard about this before now. “You don’t have to worry about him, Howard. I need to tell you something and I need it to stay between us.”

“Is everything okay?” Howard’s voice is full of concern. He reaches up to wipe a few beads of sweat from his brow.

“It’s going to be. She just left him yesterday. But…she’s pregnant and he doesn’t know it. I told her I’d take responsibility for her baby.”

His eyes widen. The minute his ears turn red, I know he’s getting ready to let me have it. “Have you seriously thought this through, Lance? It’s noble, but I know you, and I worry you may not be ready for this type of responsibility. I’m a father, and it’s hard. I love that little girl, and Whitney. Would you do that for her and a baby that isn’t yours?”

Without even thinking, I blurt out my answer. “I would in a heartbeat. I don’t know what love is. Hell, I’ve never even been close enough to understand it, but I’m sure I love her. It’s time for me to grow up, and maybe this is what I finally needed in my life to make me see that. So, yes, I would lay my life on the line for them.”

Howard’s eyes turn misty as he claps his hand on my shoulder. “Your mother would be so damn proud of you right now. I know I am.”

“Shit, man, don’t make me cry.”

“I’m not trying to. I’m just being honest with you. I knew you had it in you to be a good guy, and that girl and her baby are lucky to have you. You’re doing the right thing.”

My heart swells hearing his words, and I know that he’s right. My mom would be proud of me. “Thanks. Now let’s get to work.”

He chuckles and moves out of the way to let me set my weights just how I like them. I grab my gloves and place them on my hands as I get ready.

I didn’t realize how much tension I had built up until I begin lifting weights and it felt like every single issue going on in my life was lifted away. All I can think about was what Hilary and Whitney were talking about, but knowing Hilary is safe is all I need to know.

Several reps later, Howard helps me set the bar back on the bench and I sit up. I wipe the sweat from my face and notice Garrett walking over to me. I glance at Howard, and hope he doesn’t say anything. I’ll have this talk with Garrett later, most likely when we’re alone. I don’t need him making a scene in front of Hilary.

“Hey, man, what’s going on?” He smirks. Chances are he’s already seen Hilary and he’s beating around the bush, waiting for me to crack.

“Just practicing. Feel like sparring?”

He raises his eyebrow and nods toward the mats on the floor. His gaze roams into the office as we pass and he turns to face me. “You brought her with you? I’m taking it things are good?”

“Yeah, man, they’re good. She wanted to come hang out, and Whitney is here, so I figured why not.”

“That’s cool. I’m glad.”

“Me too. How’s Raegan doing? Is she here?” That could kill my plan.

“No, she’s spending some time with her dad. I’m cutting out early today. She has a doctor’s appointment for the baby.”

I never imagined hearing that word would affect me the way it does. I never expected it to cause my heart to pitter-patter in my chest, especially for a baby that isn’t even mine. It’s a baby I will love though as if it were my own. I must be out of reality right now, because I glance over at Garrett to find him standing with his arms crossed over his chest, tapping his foot on the soft, cushioned mat.

“Okay, you’re hiding something.” He’s trying to intimidate me, but I won’t let him win.

“What are you talking about? I’m not hiding shit.”

“Spill it, Lance. You don’t keep anything from me and you’re a terrible liar.”

“Look, it’s serious shit and I would tell you but it involves Hilary. She’s in the office with your sister, and you’re going to go ape shit on me. Now is not the time.”

His eyes soften as he whispers, “What is it, man? Are you in trouble? Is she in trouble?”

I didn’t want to have this conversation here, but it looks like I have no choice. I can’t bullshit my way out of this one no matter how hard I try. “Look, Garrett, a lot of shit is going on right now and I really need my best friend. If you’re going to be an asshole, I’m not going to tell you.”

He sighs and brings his hands to his face. “I won’t be an asshole, I swear.”

“Hilary is pregnant.” The horrific look on his face makes it clear I need to explain. “Let me finish. It’s not mine. I have never touched her like that. It’s
. She’s left him and I’m helping her out.”

“But it’s not your baby.” He keeps his voice low, glancing around to ensure we’re not overheard. “Are you sure you want to get tangled up in this? Does he know about the baby?”

“No, he doesn’t, and it’s going to stay that way.” I’ll walk through Hell itself to make sure Travis never finds out.

“What happens if he does find out? He’s going to come for her, and for you. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

“That big motherfucker doesn’t scare me, and you know it. I’ll do whatever I have to do to keep her and that baby safe.”

“You’re a good guy, Lance. Not many guys would do what you are doing. Anything you need, you let me know. I just didn’t realized you cared that much for Hilary. Raegan doesn’t know about this, does she?”

“No. You said keep her out of this, and I am. She’s going to kill me when she hears you knew first. My dad doesn’t even know. You and Howard are the only ones.”

“Christ. Well, you’re like a brother to me. I know I gave you shit about her because of Travis, but I’m here for you.”

“I appreciate that…more than you know.” I give him a quick hug. It means so much to me that he has my back in this turmoil. There will be sunshine at the end. There has to be.

“Time to practice before Howard catches us socializing.” Out of nowhere, he leg sweeps me to the ground. It’s like we weren’t just having a heart to heart at all. Business as usual. I’m glad he keeps me on my toes.

I jump up and position myself into sparring stance. Jabs and hooks are thrown, bodies are slammed to the ground, and here I am in my element. In my home, where I belong.

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