HOOKED ON YOU (Paradise Cove) (5 page)

BOOK: HOOKED ON YOU (Paradise Cove)
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“Don’t be ridiculous. Jack’s not a stranger. I went out with him in college. We’re old friends. That’s all.”

Colt had hitched his butt on the table, now he shot forward, grabbing her by the hips. “You slept with him? You want to again?”

“How dare you ask me that!” Her chin jutted. “What’s it to you?”

He pulled her forward until his face was inches from hers. Her breasts crushed against his chest and he sensed her fear. Why would she be frightened of him? She had to know that he would never, ever hurt her. He only wanted to make sure she was happy, satisfied and well taken care of.

She trembled.

Colt breathed in her scent and his engines fired up. Did she think for one minute that she could date Mr. Rich Guy and not pay a price? Guys like him took what they wanted and didn’t look back. He should know. He was one of them.

But not with her. Never with her.

Tugging her close, he moved his hips suggestively against hers. “If this is what you want, then I’m the one to give it to you. Not that guy. Me.” He looked down at her mouth, wanting to taste it so fiercely, he got hard. “I care about you, Tay.”

“Get off me!” She shoved at his chest, and he let her go. “How dare you?” Her hazel eyes sparked with anger.

“I only want to save you from making a big mistake.” He patted his chest. “I wouldn’t hurt you. But that guy? He’ll strip away your resistance one stroke at a time.” He made his tone sensual, wanting her to feel what he felt.

His plan back-fired. “And what makes you think I might not like that?” She tossed him an icy glare. “Besides, why should I be any different than you? How many women did you sleep with this week?” With that she turned and raced back inside.

* * *

It was closing time and most of the customers had left. One table of four women lingered over their coffees while sharing a chocolate cheesecake dessert. Taylor’s emotions went from high to low, but kept coming back to the way Colt had bumped his hips to hers as if she’d just fall backward and let him in.

“What was that all about? You and Colt?” Kayla asked, pouring three iced teas. She handed an icy glass to her, and another to Juanita, then stood back and sipped on her own.

“He’s an idiot. That’s what!” Taylor tossed back her lemony tea, and ice splashed down her sleeveless coral blouse. She swiped at it with a hand towel, which just made the splotch bigger. “He’s mad at me for giving my number to Jack. Why should he care who I date?”

“He’s jealous. You know he’s got a crush on you.” Kayla took the towel from Taylor and folded it on the counter.

“No, he doesn’t. That’s ridiculous.” It had to be a joke. “He’s got tons of girlfriends, and is definitely not lying around pining for me.” She turned her eyes on Juanita. “Isn’t that right?”

Juanita made a clucking sound. “Not so, Taylor. Why do you think he hangs around? You think it’s your fancy cooking? No! He’s waiting for the go ahead.” She took the leftovers out of the fridge and began dividing them up into stacks so they could each take some home. Having grown up in a country that never had enough, she didn’t want anything to go to waste. “That boy is crazy about you.”

“You are both crazy.” Panic was building inside, making it impossible to swallow. “We’re buddies, nothing more.”

Anna entered from the back entrance, wheeling a stroller. “What? Having a tea break?” She glanced at the three faces. “What happened?” Her eyes met Taylor’s with concern. “Bad day, hon?”

Taylor was spared from answering as Merica caught sight of her mother. Crying, “Mama, Mama!” her chubby fingers clawed the air, and her tiny body fought to be free from the stroller. Juanita unhooked the restraining belt and swung her up and into her arms, giving her a big smack on both cheeks.

They all made a fuss over the baby, who wiggled and giggled, loving every minute of the attention. She was the sweetest, happiest baby, and that one sweet child made all the women happy. Taylor took her little hand and pretended to nibble on it.

“Yum, yum, yum, I could eat you up.”

Merica shoved her other hand toward Taylor’s mouth, enjoying the game.

Taylor was glad for the distraction—eager to turn the conversation away from Colt and her love-life. Or lack of.

Taylor gave the fingers a last kiss and then held up her hand. “Let me give the ladies their check and put the closed sign on the door. Have some iced tea and something to eat, Mom. Knowing you, you probably skipped lunch.”

“We had apples, and cheese and crackers. I’ve been putting weight on since I moved here, and I’ve got to stop. A woman my age doesn’t need love handles.”

Taylor and Kayla exchanged smiles, and it was still on her face as she reached the table of women. They had their credit cards ready, and within a few minutes the transaction was completed and they were ready to leave. They praised the restaurant and the food, saying they’d help spread the word.

As Taylor locked the door behind them, a flush of happiness rippled inside her. The episode with Colton was forgotten, and she proudly marched back into the kitchen and gazed at all their faces. Here was her family. These wonderful women who would support anything she did. Whether it be men, or business or babies, they would rally around her, and she for them.

Tears blurred her vision as emotions threatened to overwhelm her. Then blinking rapidly, she wiped away her tears and laughed with delight. “Woo-hoo! Great day, everyone! We did it! Yeah us!”

Kayla hugged her. “Congratulations, Taylor. Your opening was a huge success. I only heard positive things about the food, the decor. Not one complaint.”

Her mother had a slice of quiche that she shared with the baby. She gave her a spoonful, then beamed at her daughters. “It is wonderful, isn’t it, Meri?” The pet name Colt used for the baby suited her, and was easier on the tongue.

Juanita bent down to wipe some crumbs from her baby’s rosy little mouth. “Hey, little one, let’s go home and take a nap. I’m tired, and you must be too.”

“I enjoyed having her today,” Anna said. “She’s so easy to please.”

. She is full of love.”

The women waited until the two of them were gone, then Anna walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of champagne. “It’s time for a toast.”

She uncorked the bottle, laughing as the cork flew across the kitchen. Kayla captured the spurt of champagne in a fluted glass. When all three flutes were poured, she raised a toast. “To Taylor’s Cafe at Paradise Cove. And to the women I love most in the world. You too, Brittany, wherever you are!”

“To Brittany,” they all said, and sipped as one.

“Let’s call her,” Taylor suggested and punched the number on her phone.

Brit answered on the third ring. “Hey, Taylor girl, what’s up?”

“What do you mean, what’s up? We just opened today. Taylor’s Cafe. I sent you an email invite. Remember?”

“So how did it go?”

“Awesome. Slow at the beginning, but by ten, ten thirty, we had a steady stream of customers.” Taylor glanced at her mom and Kayla, and got teary-eyed again. “We closed a few minutes ago, and we’re having champagne to celebrate. We miss you.”

“I miss you too. Why don’t you look out the front window?”

“What?” Taylor waved her hand at Kayla. “Look out the window. Hurry.”

The three women ran to the window in time to see Brittany pull up in a little red convertible. She waved at them and hopped out of the car. “Now pour me a glass, will ya?”

When Brittany waltzed in, all glammed up in a pair of pink spandex pants, an off the shoulder white top, and slinky heels, Kayla let out a whistle. She was a knockout by anyone’s standards. Standing nearly six feet tall, with dark wavy hair down to her butt, flashing brown eyes, and dancer’s legs, she turned heads everywhere she went.

“Whoa, baby. You look hot, hot, hot.” Kayla blew out a breath.

Brit grinned. “That’s because I take after my three sisters, and the prettiest mom I ever did see.”

“I can’t believe you came for my opening,” Taylor said, giving her a huge hug. She’d missed the work part but showed up for the champagne. So Brittany. Taylor gave her a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Of course I came. I’m just sorry I’m late.”

Everyone crowded in to give her a hug. She laughed with delight, loving being the center of attention. “I planned to be here early, but then Jose dropped in as I was leaving. He’s my manager and a great dancer.
Momma mia
, that guy has some moves.”

Kayla laughed. “Now that’s the best excuse I’ve heard of for you missing work.”

Brittany licked her red lips and rolled her eyes. “I was dressed and ready to go, then he used some of those moves to get me back into bed. That put me behind an hour. Or two.” She sighed. “But it was worth every heavenly minute.”

“Now, now, dear.” Anna put a hand to her heart. “You know I want to hear all about it, but this is going to call for more champagne. Let’s replenish our drinks, then we can all sit down while you tell us about your dreamy man.”

Kayla poured Brittany a flute then topped the other glasses off, but not her own. They took a square table by the front window and Brittany chugalugged half her drink. She wiped her mouth and grinned.

“Share,” Taylor said. “You’ve been so busy this summer!”

“Okay. As you know, we’ve been touring for the past few months—all over the east coast. Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Boston. It’s been a blast, and with all that travel and close proximity Jose and I have gotten to know each other pretty well. He’s forty and gorgeous, as well as loaded.” She flipped her long hair over her shoulder, looking pretty pleased with herself. “He runs the dance company. Been married three times, but he says he’s in love with me. I don’t know… I mean I like him a lot, but he doesn’t have a very good track record, now does he?”

“Be careful.” Taylor envied her baby sister’s zest for life, but had always been more cautious with her heart. Of the three sisters, Brit was more like their mother in temperament.

“Some men are just for fun,” Anna said primly. “Good time Charlies.”

Kayla and Taylor exchanged a look before all of them started laughing.

Brit raised her flute in Taylor’s direction. “Enough about me. Taylor, I’m so proud of you.” She gave her a warm, genuine smile and squeezed her fingers in the palm of her hand. “Congratulations! This place is awesome.” She rose from her seat to wander around, checking everything out. “It’s so darn cute. Adorable. Did you do the decor?”

“Mostly. But Kayla and Juanita helped. We went to flea markets, and some local shops for the more interesting artwork.”

“Miguel and Colt found the fishnet and hung it from the rafters,” Anna told her. “Colt Travis was Taylor’s first customer.”

“Super cute Colt?” Brittany clarified. “With the fishing charter?”

“Yes,” Anna confirmed as Taylor finished her champagne. “He’s always there in a pinch. Yet, Taylor refuses to give him the time of day.”

Kayla shot Taylor a look—part sympathy, part warning. “Colt’s hanging in the wings, biding his time. But today a guy Taylor dated back in college showed up, out of the blue. He’s on his way to Key West, and wants to take her out when he returns. And he’s gorgeous.” Kayla tilted her head. “So? Are you going?”

“I haven’t decided, but after the way Colt reacted, I darn well think I should.” Taylor straightened her shoulders, recalling his hip to hers, her breasts against his hard chest.

“Tell me,” Brittany said. “What happened?”

“Colt came back for lunch with Jamie and Raul just as I was giving Jack my number.” Taylor looked at her sisters, hoping for some support. “Then acted like a big jerk about it.” It wasn’t like she and Colt were dating. She’d been very careful to keep things friendly.

“Oh my!” Anna’s eyes twinkled. “How exciting. What did he do?”

Taylor’s cheeks heated. “He was angry for starters. Told me if I wanted a man that he was the guy for the job.” She tossed her head. “Really? I mean,
? What an ego!”

Anna laughed and clapped her hands. “Bravo! He’s staking his claim,” she said. “Good for him.”

“He has no right.” Taylor leaned against the table. “He dates half the women in Paradise Cove. Or at least sleeps with them. So he damn well can’t have me too!” What made everything worse was that her body had responded to Colt’s “claim”—wasn’t she stronger than that? She glanced at all three faces, with their mischievous smiles. “Matter of fact, if Jack calls, I will go out with him. He’s intelligent, interesting, and definitely eye candy.” He could also satisfy her in ways no man had been able to before. Maybe that was what she needed. A hot night under the covers.

Anna covered Taylor’s hand and squeezed. “But what about poor Colt? He’s such a dear man.” She glanced at her older, more sensible daughter. “Kayla! Help me out here. Taylor will listen to you, more than she will me.”

“I’m right here, Mother,” Taylor said crisply, pulling her hand free.

Anna ignored her and spoke again to Kayla, who had more common sense than any of them. “You know your sister as well as I do, and she’s a homebody by nature. So what do you advise her to do? Get some action with a guy who’s not from around here and won’t be staying, or open her eyes to what’s standing right in front of her?”

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