Hook'd (8 page)

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Authors: Taisha S. Ryan

BOOK: Hook'd
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"Don't play dumb. You know what I mean, sex."

He licked his lips. "I'm interested in whatever you're willing to give."


"I mean, if you wanna have sex, we'll have sex. I'm always down for that."

Was he actually serious?

She frowned. "Are you always this way with women?"

"What? Honest?"

"No, rude."

"If you count honesty as being rude then..." He shrugged.

"No, there's a way to speak to women without being so crass. Like the way you spoke to me back at the bar? Very repulsive."

"I didn't mean no harm by it."

"Well, you deserved a slap in the face for that," she snapped. "And just so you know, this date isn’t going any further than tonight. Just wanted to make that clear. "

"You already did back at the gym."


The air fell silent as they ate their food. After a while, she placed her utensils down.

"Anyway, it's getting late so I'm gonna go."

He looked at her plate. "You haven't even finished your food."

"Well, I'm full. And, plus I have an early meeting tomorrow, so I can't stay out all night."

He glanced at his watch. "It's only 10:30."

"And by the time I get home, it'll be past 12."

"Didn't you say you live in New Rochelle?"


"That's only 30 minutes from here."

"Without traffic."

He stared at her for a moment. "Sounds like bullshit. But do as you wish, sweetheart."

Her brows drew together. "Excuse me?"

"I mean, if you wanna run away then do it. But don't give me a bullshit excuse to do so. I'm a grown ass man, I could take rejection."

"For your information, I'm not running away. I'm leaving, there's a difference. Sorry, if I have more important things to do."

"Like what?"

"Like none of your concern."

He chewed his food. "Like I said...bullshit."

"Whatever." She grabbed her purse.

"Shit, deep down you probably really want me which is why your ass is running away."

She stopped. "What?"

"You heard me."

"You actually think I want you?" She burst into laughter. "Wow, the size of your ego is...insurmountable."

"So, I'm lying." He tilted his head.

"Very much so."

"Then prove it."


He stood up and walked around the table. She gave him a hesitant stare as he approached her, wondering what he was doing. He shifted her chair to face him. Gripping both arms of her chair, he leaned forward and she moved back with a frown. He leaned closer until his lips were inches away from hers and her breath quickened. His desire smoldered eyes pierced hers, and a sudden nervousness radiated her insides at their closeness. His gaze fell to her lips, as his tongue slid across his own. Heat surged through her veins in seconds as her body remained stuck to her chair. Her heart pounded her chest, and she swallowed the dryness in her throat.

"W-what are you doing?" she whispered.

"Kiss me."


"Kiss me."

"No, I'm not kissing—"

His lips collided with hers. She froze, taken aback by the sudden bold move. Her better judgement was to slap him. But her thoughts clouded into a fog as his moist lips slowly brushed against her own.


She didn't expect them to be so soft.  Damnit! What was she doing? Why was she kissing this man? After she told herself that she would never in a million years—

His tongue slipped into her mouth, and a moan hiked to her throat. Her body melted as she welcomed it with dire need. Without mercy, his warm silky tongue caressed her own and she weakened. Her hands caressed his stubby muscular jaw, they kissed with more forceful passion. Their lust emitted fiery waves with each stroke of their tongues and dance of their lips. And her heart pounded the base of her throat, as the pulse between her thighs heightened with intensity.

He pulled away, snapping her out of her trance. She met his lustful gaze with quickened breaths.

He stood up with a nod. "Just what I thought."

Suddenly embarrassed, she broke her gaze. She stood up, nearly toppling over her heels. He snickered. With a huff, she regained her balance and shot him a glare.

"I bet you think what you did there was cute, but it wasn't. In fact, it gives me more of a reason to end this date." She quickly gathered her things.

He watched her with a grin.

"So, I'll have my people get in touch with your people, and we'll discuss our deal regarding your sponsorship. Excuse me." She brushed passed him and stormed out.

Chapter 12


"You what?!?"

Reese sighed, expecting Yasmine's outburst. Thankfully, her phone had been on speaker or the bells in her ears wouldn't have stopped ringing.

"Please tell me you're joking, Reese."

She wished she was. In fact, she wanted to forget it ever happened.

"Why in the hell would you let his ass bribe you into a date?"

"I didn't let him
me. I mean, I knew what I was getting myself into. I just...I don't know," she stammered, unable to even explain herself.

It was stupid of her. She knew it. And at this point, she would probably never forgive herself for going along with it. And on top of that...she kissed him. Why?!? What the hell had she been thinking? She couldn't count the number of times she beat herself up for allowing him to do that. And more so, for actually being so damn turned on. She couldn't even remember the last time she had been kissed like that. In fact, she had never been kissed like that. The way he had her body craving with such insatiable desire, just at the mere touch of his soft...intoxicating lips, she had no choice but to leave that night. She needed to think. Get her mind together.

This was Cameron Lewis, for Christ sakes.

The disgusting rapist with poor morals and a horrible reputation. The worst form of human existence.

How could she just be so damn stupid?!?

"Reese, you there!"

She snapped out of it. "Huh?"

"You didn't answer my question. Did you sleep with him or not?"

"No! Of course not."

"Okay, good. You got quiet there, for a minute. You almost had me worried."

"We kissed though," she confessed guiltily.

"Ya'll kissed? Bitch, why?"

Reese sighed, applying on her eyeliner in the mirror. "He was the one who initiated it—"

"Oh god, please don't tell me you actually like him."

"What? No!

"Well, I hope not. I mean, I love Cam like a brother, but I've seen how he gets down. That nigga can't keep it in his pants even if his life depended on it."

Her mood dampened a bit. She then came to her senses. Duh, she already knew that.

"And you know what? I should've known he would try to pull this off, too. He was asking about you the other day."

She hesitated. "Really?"

"Yeah, he wanted me to hook you two up together. I was like, 'boy bye'! And look at him, trying to be slick."

Reese didn't know how to feel about that. She didn't know if she should be angry that his game actually worked. Or flattered that he would put so much effort into pursuing her. She shook her head, her thoughts now causing a headache.

"Whatever. It's not going any further, anyway. I held my end of the deal, now he was to hold up his. As long as Free The Heart is well funded, then that's all that matters." She coated her lips with her lipstick, puckering them.

"Yeah, that's true. Well hopefully it turns out well. Anyway, I'll talk to you later. Mandingo just got here," she squealed.

Reese rolled her eyes. "Of course."

Her piece of handy dick.

"And good luck, tonight. Have fun. Muah!" Yasmine congratulated.

"Thanks, love."

They said their goodbyes then hung up.

Tonight, she was attending the annual ceremony sponsored by the Domestic Awareness Association. Each year, the Association honored the most prominent nonprofit organizations in New York City. Although, she was honored that hers had been amongst the few that had been recognized again this year, she truly was in no mood to attend tonight, at all. Truth be told, these events bored her to death. She just didn't have the energy for the small talk, bland food, stiff music, and long drawn out speeches. Not tonight. But as the CEO, she had to show her face and represent.



Reese fiddled her asparagus with her fork, fighting to keep her eyes open. The chattering voices had muddled into a blur, the world around her fading into oblivion. Just like she expected. She was bored out of her ever loving mind. All night, she had been forced to listen to the most drawn out speeches, while mingling with the best of them, from the CEO's,  investors, grant makers, and a few politicians that had been in attendance. Over the years, she had learned to associate with the top prospects in the business. The more connections she established, the easier it was to acquire funding and prestige. Which had, for the most part, worked in her favor.

The ceremony took place at the Golden Plaza Hotel. The spacious conference room held about 100 guests, each dressed in formal attire, as they sat around gold clothed tables, conversing amongst each other, while classical music played in the background. The place was well catered. The food cooked by the top notch chefs in the city, although personally bland for her taste.

Reese glanced at her phone for the millionth time. God. She had only been here for a couple of hours and it felt like she had been here all night. She took a long sip of her wine. This was her 3rd glass. She knew drinking at a time like this would only make her more tired. But hell! She needed something to take the edge off.

Reese glanced at her board members as they chattered around the table. Everyone seemed so engaged. For what reason she did not know.

With a sigh, she picked up her purse and stood. She needed a bathroom break or she was going to pass out from boredom.

She strolled through the room, passing out fake smiles and simple greetings to everyone who stopped her on her way out. A light grasp on her arm, made her spin around. She cursed under breath at his presence.


"Lawrence." She forced a smile.

"Wow, you look...beautiful." He took in every portion of her curves in her black cocktail dress.


She hated herself for not taking the other exit. All night she had been trying to avoid him. She had worked on being conspicuous tonight, at least enough to be out of his radar. But much to her luck, they still managed to bump into each other.

Despite how she felt, she couldn’t deny how attractive he appeared tonight. Dressed in a black tuxedo and tie, with sleek loafers, he was well-dressed for the occasion. Lawrence really was a good looking man. With his tall, thick built frame, caramel toned skin, bald head and scruffy yet evenly trimmed beard, looking like Boris Kodjoe himself. What a shame. 

If he wasn't such a low down, cheater, she probably would've given him a chance.

"It's been a while. How's everything?" he spoke.

"Fine. And you?"

"Good, good. It's great seeing you." He nodded. "I've actually 'been trying to get in touch with you, lately."

"Oh, you have?" She played oblivious.

"Yeah, I left a couple of messages on your phone. Even sent some flowers over, wasn't sure If you got them or not."

"Nope, never did."

"Oh, no wonder. Well, it’s great that I ran into you again. I was hoping if we could maybe go out some—"

"You know what?" She cut him off. "I actually have to step out for a moment. I'll talk to you later, Lawrence. Bye."


She stepped out before he could say anymore. The sooner this whole thing was over, the better.

As she arrived at the main lobby, a sudden call of her name stopped her in her tracks. With a sigh, she turned around only to kick herself once again. Damnit. She should've kept on walking.

Anna Benowitz.

The one woman she wouldn't piss on even if she was on fire.

Anna was the president of Solace, a nonprofit organization in New York City that provided shelter for battered women as well. Over a decade in this business, Reese learned just how much competition there was between nonprofits within the state, especially due to the fight for resources and funding. And with Anna's organization also highly established, hers was in definite competition. It would've been nice to collaborate instead, but Reese wouldn't allow it. She was well aware of the corruption that plagued her organization. With the embezzlement of money, and the stealing of funds, Anna was just one of many that jipped the system. It was repulsive and Reese didn't respect it.

Anna strutted towards her, her blonde bob swaying to the rhythm of her walk. She kept her nose up high, the air of superiority engulfing her like a stale perfume. Her sequins blue dress sparkled under the gleaming chandelier, nearly blinding Reese the closer she approached. Who told her to wear that? Looking like a damn fire cracker on the 4th of July.

Reese forced a smile.

"Hiii! How are you?" Anna greeted as they pressed their cheeks together.

"I'm great, and you?"

"Couldn't be better. And you look lovely, tonight." Her blue eyes swifted over her attire. "That dress looks gorgeous on you."

"Thanks, so does yours."

"'Aww thank you. It's a wonderful night, isn't it?  Feels great to be honored for all of our hard work."

"Yeah, it does."

"Oh, and I never got to tell you how sorry I am about the whole situation with Brisco. I know they were a key sponsor in your organization. It's unfortunate."

Her faux sympathy agitated the hell out of her.

"Actually, we're doing fine without them. But I appreciate the concern."

"Oh, I'm sure. And speaking of which, isn't your foundation now being funded by the athlete that raped that woman a few months back?"

Reese paused. Anna batted her lashes, with a jeering smirk that she burned to rip off.

She cleared her throat, swallowing the words that almost spewed from her lips.

"Well, actually you're wrong about that. If you paid attention to the news, you would know that he was found innocent."

"Aw, we know how the system is, love. You can pay off anything with just the right amount of money. Even your freedom."

"And I'm sure you know all about that. Now, don't you?"

Anna's face plastered with shock.

Reese gave a smile. "Anyway, it was good seeing you, again. Have a nice night."

She spun around and headed to the bathroom.


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