Honored: An Alpha Mob Romance (City Series Book 4) (22 page)

BOOK: Honored: An Alpha Mob Romance (City Series Book 4)
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She cut off a piece of gauze and began to gently press it against the wound. She used the medical tape to hold it in place. It didn’t take her long, and she managed to keep the pain to a minimum. If I had tried to do it, I’m sure there would have been more than a few curses and plenty of fucked-up pieces of gauze before it was done.

“There,” she said, standing back.

I grinned at her. “Perfect. Now I’ll be invincible.”

She didn’t smile. “I hope so.”

I stood up and stretched, and I moved passed her, heading into the bedroom. I heard her follow behind me.

“I would never lie to you,” I said playfully. “Nothing can touch me now.”

“How dangerous will today be?”

I pulled a black T-shirt from my duffle bag of rumpled clothes and picked out a clean pair of jeans. I pulled the shirt over my head with a minimum amount of pain.

“Probably pretty dangerous, honestly.”

She frowned. “And you’re really going alone?”

I grabbed a pair of gray briefs and threw the towel across the room. I felt her eyes immediately run down my body, and I smirked at her. She looked away, almost embarrassed, as if she hadn’t seen me naked plenty already.

“Something you like?” I asked her.

“Cut it out, ass.”

“Don’t be so uptight.”

She frowned at me. “I’m trying to be serious.”

“I know you are.”

I pulled the briefs on as she moved closer.

“You can’t do this alone, Liam.”

“Look, I have to. Colm will have his people crawling all over the place. They’ll recognize Leary for sure, and I don’t have anyone else that I trust or that I could put in danger for this.”

She didn’t respond right away, and there was this strange look on her face. She chewed her lower lip for half a second, and then she looked me dead in the eyes. I blinked as she crossed the room and threw her body at me, nearly knocking me back a step, and crushed her mouth against mine. I could feel my cock rise immediately at her touch, at her soft, full breasts through my thin cotton button down.

I kissed her back hungrily, all joking forgotten. Fuck what was about to happen, and fuck everything that happened. All I wanted in that moment was her body, her soft skin and her perfect fucking pussy wrapped around my hard dick. I grabbed the front of her shirt and ripped it, buttons popping off and falling to the ground with a satisfying clack.

She pulled back, surprised.

“Always wanted to do that,” I mumbled as I began to kiss her neck.

She let out a soft moan. “It’s ruined now.”

“Fuck the shirt.”

I slipped my hand between her legs and felt how soaked she was. Nothing brought me more joy than to feel her aching wet clit and to know that it was all for me. She let out soft moans as I kissed along her neck and throat and rubbed her the way she liked, medium pressure and slow. I felt a shiver run through her spine.

I grabbed the back of her head, pulling her hair gently but firmly, tipping her chin up. Pain rolled up my arm, but I didn’t care. She gasped as I put my mouth against her ear.

“I want you to fuck me like it’s my last day on earth,” I whispered.

“Shit, Liam,” she groaned back.

“Fuck me like you’ll never taste another dick.”

I released her hair and she came at me. I let her push me gently backward, let her move me until I was sitting back on the bed. She immediately dropped to her knees and tore my briefs off my body, letting her hands linger along my thighs. I stared at her perfect breasts peeking out from the wreckage of my shirt as she grasped the base of my rock-hard dick, looking up at me.

“You’re going to come back to me,” she said.

“Yeah, I will,” I grunted.

She licked me base to tip, letting her saliva cover my skin, and slowly worked her hand up along my length, staring me in the eye.

“You’re going to fuck them up, Liam Sullivan.”

“I’ll be fucking you, at least.” I grinned down at her.

She stood up, hand still caressing my dick, and pressed her mouth against my ear. The anticipation was killing me, but I was enjoying this game.

“You want to fuck me?” she whispered.

“Yeah, I do.”

“Then promise you’re coming back to me.”

“I’m coming back.”

She pulled away, satisfied, and dropped to her knees. She began to suck me with an enthusiasm I had never known. It was like my cock was the last thing she’d ever feel, like it was the only thing that could help her survive the coming storm. She sucked it hard and fast, taking as much of me into her mouth and throat as she could, trailing her perfect lips with her hand. She didn’t seem to give a fuck if her saliva dribbled down along my shaft, and neither did I.

Her lips felt like fucking magic. I grunted, fingers gripping the sheets, as she worked me. I had never felt that before, the toe-curling agony of overwhelming pleasure, but she was sucking me dry and it was impossible to stop. Finally, after with felt like a burning forever, she pulled my dick out of her mouth with a slight pop and smiled up at me.

“Fuck,” was all I could say.

She stood and pushed me back, straddling my hips.

“Condom,” I managed to grunt.

She reached over into the side table and grabbed a condom, tearing it open with her teeth. I watched as she reached down and rolled it over my dick with practiced motions. Just as she finished, she pressed herself down along my length with a gasp.

Fuck. As I felt my cock slowly slide into her perfectly soaked, warm spot, I knew I couldn’t argue. I loved how fierce she was, how she didn’t give a shit about anything in the world but riding my dick. She slid up and down my length, her tits bouncing right in my face, and I grasped her hips, thrusting at her pace. I felt her fingers weave into my hair and grip onto it as I began to thrust harder, wanting to fuck every inch of her. I grunted into her full tits, using my arms and hips to slam her pussy down my shaft.

“Ah, holy shit, Liam,” she groaned. I loved the noises she made.

“Like my last day alive,” I said, pounding into her.

She pulled my hair in response.

I growled and grabbed her hips tightly. I rolled over to the side, pressing her back flat on the bed. I grabbed her legs and began to thrust deep into her, not bothering to play gently. I stared at her tits bouncing and her lips parting as she moaned and whimpered.

“Yes, fucking punish me,” she moaned.

I worked into her, thrusting deep and rough, saving the feeling of her soaked spot against my dick. I’d never been in a woman like her before, someone so soaking wet and perfect, like she was meant to have me deep inside her.

I reached forward and grabbed her breasts, working them with my hands, tweaking her nipples mercilessly. She groaned, and I moved one hand back to grab her hip and the other up toward her face. I pressed my thumb between her perfect teeth and she took it, biting down at first. I grunted at the pain, but she quickly began to circle my skin with her tongue, sucking it with her lips. I kept fucking her, thrusting deep as she sucked my thumb like a dick.

The only thing I could feel was the red-hot glow of my body against hers. I pulled my thumb from her mouth and she gasped, her whole body grabbing the sheets and tensing. I adjusted her hips and thrust deeper into her, and I knew from the face she made that I had hit her spot. I worked her there, keeping my cock deep in her and thrusting in shallow but hard pushes. She moaned loudly, working her hips back against me.

“Fuck I’m close, Liam, fuck I’m close,” she groaned over and over, her hands gripping the sheets.

“Come for me, baby,” I grunted back, working her.

I felt the sweat drip down my body, mingling with hers, but I kept working her spot, kept fucking her deep. I wanted her to explode on my cock, to release every ounce of pent-up frustration and anger, every bit of depression and sadness and uncertainty. I wanted her to come and to give me all of those feelings, to let me take it on for her. I could carry it all for both of us.

As her back began to arch and her breath came deeper and louder and her moans hit that certain pitch that I was beginning to love, I knew she was coming. She came with her whole body, every single muscle involved, and I watched as she squirmed and shuddered.

“Oh fuck, ah fuck,” she said over and over as I kept working her, right in that spot, staying deep in her.

Finally, her body relaxed, and I fell forward against her, slowing my own pace. We kissed, mouths open and tongues working together. She kissed me hard and deep, her whole body slowly relaxing, coming down from her orgasm.

“Is that all better?” I asked, pulling away.

She smacked my chest. “Your turn.”

I watched as she wriggled away from me, pushing my body back with her hands. I loved how her tits pushed together when she did that, and I felt myself stiffen even more. She crawled to the top of the bed, her hands up against the wall, her long perfect hair flowing down her back, and she spread her legs for me.

I didn’t need another invitation. I moved up behind her and grabbed her hips, and then I shoved my dick deep into her pussy. That was what I needed: her hips and her ass working along my big dick’s shaft. I loved her figure, the curves of her body as she moved, sweat dripping along our skin. I fucked her like that, not giving a shit about anything, not worrying anymore if she got hers. I needed to come, wanted to bury my dick inside of her forever, to sleep in her skin until I never woke up again.

I reached forward and grabbed her tit as I pumped into her. She moaned wildly, hair thrown back, and her hips bucked back up against my crotch. She slid up and down my length perfectly. I felt my balls slapping her pussy and I knew I was losing myself, knew that control I had been working so hard at keeping was finally slipping away.

The glow was building in my balls and my cock as she worked up against me. Her beautiful fucking body, her tits bouncing, she worked like she loved it and needed it. I was seconds away. I knew I was going to come.

My hands stiffened on her hips as I thrust deep and hard into her, and my orgasm burst through me. In that moment, as the orgasm destroyed my mind and gave me a moment of bliss, nothing else mattered in the world. I shot my hot seed inside her, the orgasm clouding my mind, making everything a buzz of pleasure and good. She moaned encouragement, but I barely heard her as I fired off into her slick, perfect spot.

Slowly, so slowly, it came to an end, my twitching dick dribbling off the last bits of cum. She stopped her work and collapsed forward, panting, as I fell down behind her. I wrapped my arms around her, sweating and dripping cum, but I didn’t care. Her smell and her taste flowed through me and I needed to drink it all up, needed it to give me the courage to stand up and fight.

“Shit, Liam,” she sighed.

“Yeah,” I said. “I know.”

I felt her shuffle around to face me. “I want to do that over and over.”

I laughed. “I never want to stop.”

She grinned. “Sounds good to me.

Maybe it was stupid to fall so deeply for her, but stupid can go fuck itself when your life is on the line. I’d fuck her a million more times like that if it meant she’d get to live.

I was probably going to do a lot more than that before the day was over.


had never really been a gun guy. I carried them, knew how to use them, but I didn’t get why some guys worshipped their piece like it was some perfect goddess with a constantly-wet pussy ready to fuck them at any moment. It was crazy; dudes stroked the barrel and flashed it whenever they had a chance.

Probably compensating.

Guns were tools and nothing more. I carried them because I needed to, not because I enjoyed it. I looked down at the weapon in my hand, the piece of metal and plastic that was designed for the sole purpose of murdering other human beings. It wasn’t built for protection or whatever people loved to say. It was built to kill. And in my line of work, that’s exactly what it did.

I pressed the catch and the slide pushed back onto the pistol, clicking into place. I began to screw the silencer back on, satisfied that it was cleaned and oiled and ready to go, when Ellie walked into the room. The creak of the floorboards announced her before she turned the corner. She stood there staring at me, wearing a black hoodie and some tight as fuck jeans. Briefly, I wondered how she even moved in them, let alone pulled them over her perfect ass. Probably magic.

“What’s up?” I asked her, not looking up.

It was almost time to go. I had to leave in ten minutes if I wanted to get there in time. I glanced at the duffle lying at my feet, filled to the brim with paperwork, each piece of the puzzle meticulously collated and labeled by Ellie.

“I’m coming with you.”

That got my attention. I stared at her for a second, and I laughed.

“No you’re not, sweetheart.”

Her expression didn’t change. “Yes, I am.”

“I’m sorry, but this is way out of your league.”

She took a step toward me. “This is my life too. I’m sick of being on the sidelines.”

I shook my head. “I know, but I can’t risk it.”

“You don’t have a choice. I’m not asking.”

That was the Ellie I was falling in love with. The fierce expression, the I-don’t-give-a-fuck posture. She was so deeply and incredibly out of her depth in everything, and yet she continued to fight me tooth and nail. I had to admire her for it.

But I couldn’t let her come. More than putting her in danger, she’d be in the way. I couldn’t keep my wits around me if I had to also worry about what she was doing.

“Ellie, look—”

She cut me off. “No, you look. I know what you’re about to say. I’m going to be in the way, or it’s too dangerous, or a million other excuses. But here’s the thing, Liam. I’m coming with you and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me.”

I had to laugh. “And what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know. I’m going to stand beside you and help you. Give me a gun.”

“Have you ever shot a gun before?”


“Ever even held one?”

She shook her head.

“Honestly, you’d be more likely to shoot yourself than anyone there.”

BOOK: Honored: An Alpha Mob Romance (City Series Book 4)
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