Honor Thy Father (62 page)

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Authors: Gay Talese

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Gambino, Carlo, 93–94, 107, 151, 205, 219–220, 244, 295, 323, 378, 492, 495, 501
plot to murder Lucchese and, 7, 95–97, 224, 226, 386, 494
Gambling, illegal, 58, 77, 146–147, 269, 358, 363
Garofalo, Frank, 165, 211, 219, 224
Garofalo, Vincent, 266
Garelik, Sanford D., 243
Genovese, Vito, 11–12, 57, 94, 107–108, 201–202, 205–207, 210, 214–221, 226, 356, 378, 492
death of, 295–296
jail sentence, 150
organization, 148, 150, 221, 244, 296
Giancana, Sam, 12, 94, 106, 108–109, 226, 378, 404
Gigante, Vincent, 217–218
Godfather, role of, 296–297
Godfather, The
(Puzo), 309–310 motion picture, 501
Grand jury investigations, 20, 105–109, 168, 185, 244, 245–249, 278, 294, 493
Greco, Louis, 479


Hale, David O., 273–274, 401–405, 468, 489, 502
Hentel, Nat H., 243–245
Hijacking, 35, 260–270, 295
Hill, David, Jr., 368–371
Hoover, J. Edgar, 108, 284, 405–407


Interpol, 147
Irish gangs, 191, 200, 208
Irish Mafia, 310
Italian-American Civil Rights League, 495–500
1970 Unity Day, 496
Italian lottery, 204
Italo-Americans, FBI picketed by, 494–496, 500, 502


Jewish Defense League, 499–500
Jewish gangs, 101, 200, 208
Johnson, Kermit, 103
Johnson, Lyndon B., 358


Kasanof, Robert, 168, 475, 481–485
Kefauver committee, 27, 46, 213, 216
hearings (1951), 12, 490–491
Kennedy, Robert F., 108, 402
Konigsberg, Harold (Kayo), 113–114, 118, 143
Krieger, Albert J., 105–106, 317–319
credit card case, 414–429, 463–466, 468–470, 472, 475, 477, 478, 485
hearings on Joseph Bonanno disappearance, 105–106, 117–118, 137–138, 167–180


Labruzzo, Charles, 60–62, 79, 280, 327–328
Labruzzo, Frank, 5, 7–10, 12, 19–20, 33–35, 51, 55–56, 59–60, 62–66, 70–71, 86–87, 92, 180, 222, 239–241
death of, 240–241
peace meeting with Di Gregorio faction, 154–155
Labruzzo, Marion,
Di Pasquale, Mrs. Vincent
Lansky, Meyer, 200, 207, 208, 218, 492
Lanza, Joseph (Socks), 212
Larasso, Louis, 388
La Scala Restaurant, New York City, 180–181
La Selva, Joseph, 385–386
La Stella Restaurant, Forest Hills, New York, 243, 244, 495
Lepke, Louis, 200
Levine, William, 442–443, 484
Licavoli, Peter, 248, 366
bombing of Arizona ranch, 279, 283–285, 402
Lindsay, John V., 242–243, 268
Little Apalachin Meeting, 243, 495
Loan-sharking, 7, 146, 149–150, 362
LoCicero, Charles, 277
Lombroso, Cesare, 194
Lucchese, Thomas (Three-Finger Brown), 5, 57, 93–94, 107, 223, 244, 309
Gallo revolt, 93, 222
Maranzano and, 205, 207
member of the national commission, 94, 378
organization, 57, 108, 148–149, 152, 221, 268
plot to murder Gambino and, 7, 95–97, 224, 226, 386, 494
took over from Gagliano, 219
relationship to Gambino, 93
Luciano, Lucky, 201–202, 356, 368
deportation of, 212–215
organization, 221
organizing ability, 208–209
rise to power, 206–210
role during World War II, 212–215


Maas, Peter, 221
McClellan committee, 27, 152
McGinnis, G. Alfred, 285
McGuire, Phyllis, 108
Mafia, 12, 32, 35, 77, 354–360
banning use of term, 498–499, 501
membership, 35, 74, 208–209
national commission,
National commission
organizational structure, 206–209, 221
origin of term, 190
Valachi’s revelations, 97
See also
Organized crime
Mafia Talks, The
, 390
Magaddino, Gaspare, 267
Magaddino, Peter, 186, 225, 479
association with Joseph Bonanno, 186, 196–197, 199, 266–267
Bonanno’s bodyguard, 186, 230–233, 239, 256, 266–267, 278
boyhood, 196–197
Magaddino, Stefano, 12, 106, 384
at Apalachin meeting, 219
bitterness toward Joseph Bonanno, 21–23, 92, 98, 225–226, 359
Buffalo territory, 12, 153, 205, 323, 378
Di Gregorio faction backed by, 23, 92, 94, 97–98, 153, 186, 225, 378, 384, 392
Mafia commission head, 12, 94, 153, 186
Magliocco, Joseph, 25, 46, 312–313, 494
at Apalachin meeting, 74, 92
Bonanno family and, 18, 90–93
Castellammarese War, 205
death of, 222, 386, 393
East Islip estate, 18, 87–93
plan to murder Lucchese and Gambino, 93, 95–96, 224, 226
Profaci organization commanded by, 18
Majuri, Frank, 377–378, 385
Maloney, William P., 3–4, 20–21, 65–68, 98, 107, 109–110, 137, 167, 173
news conference, 67–68
Mangano, James, 30
Mangano, Vincent, 30, 210, 218, 368
Mansfield, Walter R., 413–414, 426–449, 463–466, 468–486, 490
Maranzano, Salvatore, 205–210
Marcello, Carlos, 151, 244
Marcone, Natale, 499
Mari, Frank, 240, 273, 288, 493
Marijuana market, 151, 359
Marquez, Raymond, 148–149
Masseria, Joe (Joe the Boss), 201–208
Miranda, Michele (Mike), 244, 296
Mitchell, Attorney General John N., 399, 402, 405, 498–499
Montreal, Canada, 22, 52–53, 251
Morale, John, 36, 92, 222, 224–225, 241–242
member of Di Gregorio faction, 246, 275, 295, 317–318, 377
Moretti, Willie, 200, 213, 216
Morgenthau, Robert M., 151–152, 167–179
Mori, Cesare, 198–199
Mussolini, Benito, 51, 197–199, 212, 214, 490
Mustakas, Tony, 479


Narcotics trade, 74, 77, 150–151, 216, 220, 506
National commission (Mafia), 10, 17, 21, 92, 154, 158, 164, 209, 380
led by Stefano Magaddno, 12, 94, 153, 186
members, 94, 378
policy decisions, 220
suspension of Joseph Bonanno, 93, 164, 227, 374–390
National syndicate,
Organized crime
Netherton, William E., 444, 460
New Jersey, organized crime, 200, 374–376, 389–390
New Orleans, Italian gangs, 192
New York City, 35–37
early gangs, 191, 192, 201–207;
see also
Castellammarese War
Federal House of Detention, 111–122
five families, 17, 35, 210, 368
New York Times, The
, 162–163, 164, 165, 231, 254–255, 294, 357, 375, 469, 499
Nixon, Richard M., 358, 361–363, 391, 402
Notaro, Joseph, 24, 92, 180–181, 185, 222–224, 241
Notaro, Peter, 180, 269, 273, 278, 507–508
acquitted in conspiracy case, 408
Arizona bombings, 284, 286–288, 403
credit card case, 324, 414–415, 419, 426–427, 442, 461–466, 468, 475, 507–508
Numbers game, 7, 36, 77, 147–149, 210, 362, 506


O’Banion, Dion, 201
O’Dwyer, William, 215, 309
O’Keefe, William, 473–474
O’Neil, Robert J., 446–448, 473
Organized crime, 46, 77, 78
dislike of publicity, 7, 164, 248, 373, 492
investments of, 151–152
national campaign against, 74–75, 108, 146–147, 152, 240, 294–295, 358, 401–402, 491–492
national syndicate, 12
profits from, 147–148
See also


Palermo, Sicily, 13–16
Perrone, Samuel, 157–159, 239, 245–246, 448–449
business interests, 264
credit card loaned by, 269–272, 416, 423–429, 444
murder of, 272–273, 288
Phillips, Walter, 414–415, 417, 425–449, 461–463, 467–468, 470, 473–487, 510
Phoenix, Arizona, 80–81, 359–361
Pisciotta, Gaspare, 114
Posh Place, New York City, 427, 434
Presenzano, Angelo, 240
Prideaux, Walter I., 402–404, 407
Profaci, Ann, 139, 140, 305–316
Profaci, Joseph, 46, 57, 83, 87, 127–129, 210, 309, 312, 368, 394, 399

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