Honor (49 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Chase

Tags: #Romance

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And while raw hunger swept through her like a living inferno, Carolyn, closing her eyes, went limp. She simply could not control it. Despite what she had said, despite what she had tried to make him—and perhaps herself, too—believe, she had yearned for this moment.

And as his tongue swept into her mouth, shutting off whatever protest she might have made, Carolyn could barely conjure up a single thought.

Not when the soft texture of his mouth, the musky scent of his skin, the utter thrill of his lips on hers made her wish that this moment might never end. She leaned in closer to him, and instinctively, she knew she needed more, so much more.

She felt herself sway in toward him, and he took a step forward, as though in welcome, the action bringing his body into full contact with hers. Of their own accord, her arms wound around his neck, and she held on like she might never let go.

Hard contours pressed up against her soft ones and Carolyn became aware of him, of the rugged imprint of his masculinity which thrust against her.

Lord help her, their positions, her awareness of him, created such an ecstasy within her, she felt it impossible to catch her breath. And without willing herself to do so, she pushed herself even further into his arms, merging her body with his in silent invitation.

His voice was strained when he asked, “Do you understand, Carolyn?” He relinquished her lips for a moment, giving her time to come up for breath. And nuzzling her ear, he whispered, “Do you see? Do you accept that I could make you mine?”

She shook her head slightly, resting her face against the crook of his neck, listening to the harsh sound of his breathing, glorying in the solid feel of his chest as it rose and fell.

Had she done this to him?

She said, “Then marry me, Lone Arrow, marry me and be done with it. Only Lone Arrow,” she threw her head back slightly so that she could look up at him, “don’t think that you will be able to control what I do because of it.”

He groaned. “A woman should obey her man.”

“I will, when I marry,” she said, “as long as I agree with him.”

“And if you do not agree?”

“Then we will have to speak to one another about it, because I would never do something that I thought might be wrong, and I will not stop searching for the cave.”

Lone Arrow sighed, and even the simple movement of his chest beneath her fingertips seduced her, creating a yearning that gnawed at her.

And as raw excitement filled her soul, she realized that, right or wrong, she wanted this man. He might be from an entirely foreign culture, he might be her nemesis at this moment, yet she craved his arms around her. Craved his presence in her life. In truth, she wanted all of him, mind, body and soul.

“Such a stubborn, stubborn woman, you are,” he observed as he stroked her lips with his tongue.

And at the magic of that caress, a tremor stormed through her. She shivered.

Nonetheless, she found it within herself to return his criticism, saying, “Such an obstinate man, you are.”

He paused. Then, “I will not show you the caves because of it.”

It? What was it?

She became lost. Was he talking about love or caves or marriage…or was it sex? This last notion sent dizzying eagerness bolting through her. And oh, how she ached to have his lips back on hers.

Why were they talking?

But he seemed intent on the matter at hand, and he went on to elaborate. “I do not accept your challenge, no matter what you might think.”

Was she supposed to be thinking? She asked, “My challenge?”

“I will not show you the cave, no matter if I make you my wife.”

Oh, yes, of course, marriage. They had been speaking of marriage.

She opened her mouth to state again what she must, but at that very same moment, he raised one of his hands and ran the backs of his fingers down her cheek. And, heaven help her, her mind went blank.

Reaching out with both his hands, he cupped her face in his palms and gazed down at her. And there was such a look of intensity upon his face that it made her insides somersault. Truly, she felt as helpless as if she were a rag, fluttering in a summer storm. And then he kissed her again, fully, completely, absolutely.

Carolyn forgot all the reasons why she was supposed to resist him. In truth, she could not even recall why she was here, let alone understand the topic at hand. All she could think of was him, his lips, his embrace. And dear Lord, she wanted more. Always more.

But as if destined, it did not last. Just as she’d been about to surrender her heart to him, he dropped his arms from around her and took a single step backward.

Carolyn swayed. She felt bereft. And she might have thrown herself back into his arms, if she hadn’t made the mistake of looking up at him at that exact moment.

His look caused her to frown. What was wrong? Why did he appear suddenly forbidding? All she wanted was another kiss.

He said, “I would have you understand.”

She must have looked confused, or maybe she simply continued to frown at him, for he went on to explain, “I would have you understand, without the lure of passion filling your soul, that if I make you my wife, I will not be coerced into taking you to the cave. We will go back to my people.”

Oh. So that was it.

Well, fine. She understood; of course she understood. What he did not seem to know was that at this moment in time, it mattered not at all. Alas, nothing seemed to concern her.

Something was happening to her. And try though she might to look straight at him, she seemed to be gazing down upon them both, from a viewpoint far above them. And at present, she felt carefree.

It was an odd feeling; strange, really. For the world suddenly seemed a bright, sunny place. And there was nothing wrong. In truth, there seemed to be nothing of worth happening in the world at all, except her, him, the passion they shared, her family.

Her family?

Like an arrow shooting straight to its target, Carolyn remembered: why she was here, who she was, who he was and why she needed him. And like a hunter’s target, she felt herself plummet to the earth.

She teetered on her feet unsteadily for a second as a heaviness descended upon her. And clearing her throat, she found she could barely speak, although she knew she must. Finally, mustering together what she could, she was able to utter, “I—I do understand. Y-you want to marry me so I will have to obey you. But my conditions remain. I will marry you only if you promise to take me to the cave. I’m sorry, Lone Arrow, but I am desperate.”

So, there it was. They had reached the same impasse that they had encountered the previous evening. They both knew it and yet, he said, “It is wrong. I know it is not a thing I should do, still…”

Still what? She wanted to ask, but she was afraid. So she remained silent instead, daring nothing.

And at last he said, “I would have you.”

When you meet your match, be ready with a fallback plan.


Meant To Be

© 2012 Kate Donovan


The Happily Ever After Company, Book 3

Though proud of the number of successful matches her father has made over the years, Noelle Braddock vows never to be one of those desperate females. She can find her own husband, thank you very much. In fact, she’s already chosen him. A banker who’ll shower her with affection and security.

She can’t imagine why her father doesn’t approve of such a perfect match, but it’s a battle of wills she plans to win. Even when her father plays dirty by inviting a sweet-talking, buckskin-clad sharpshooter to stay the week before her wedding.

Lieutenant Zachary Dane is ready to settle down with a sturdy, good-natured, cookin’-and-cleanin’ female. One look at tempestuous, high-society Noelle, though, and his heart locks on target. She wants him too—she’s just too stubborn to admit her father is right.

Even if he can’t win her hand for himself, Zack feels honor-bound to show her that her fiancé is a lying bastard. Then Fate takes a notion to step in and wipe the slate clean—literally—with an accident that leaves Noelle with no memory. And Zack with one chance to fill her heart with what was meant to be…

This book has been previously published.

Warning: Contains a loving father desperate for his daughter to see the perfect man is right in front of her upturned nose. A feisty heroine with a mile-wide independence streak, and a stalwart hero who’ll give it all to make her happy—even if it means sacrificing his heart.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Meant To Be:

She was halfway up the stairs when she collided with their lanky guest, who again steadied her with strong hands, his green eyes sparkling with mischief. ”I was hoping we’d get some private time together, Miss Noelle. Seems like this is my lucky day.”

“Lieutenant…” She flushed under his gaze and backed against the wall, trying not to notice how freshly scrubbed and attractive he was. He had changed into simple brown trousers, a tan shirt, and a loose-fitting vest made of simple gray linen. Yet somehow, he still smelled of buckskin, and the effect was dangerously masculine and unfamiliar. Managing a weak smile, she said, “I was delighted to hear you were going to spend some time with us while Father finds you a bride.”

“Shouldn’t be too hard,” he noted, again with mischief in his eyes.

Noelle ignored the inference. “Have you been in Chicago before?”


“Is this your first time in a city?”

Zack chuckled. “Did I make that poor an impression?”

“Of course not.”

“Good.” He took her hand and kissed her fingertips. “Why don’t we start over?”

“Lieutenant, please.” She pulled her hand away and glared. “Didn’t my father tell you about my engagement?”

Zack nodded. “The dress was a hint, too.”

“Oh, of course. How silly of me.”

He stepped closer, so that she could almost feel his breath on her cheek. “There’s no shame in changing your mind, angel. You couldn’t have known—”

“Stop that this instant. For heaven’s sake.” She tried to take a deep breath as she squirmed along the wall, anxious to gain some distance from the persistent suitor. “I understand they do things differently where you come from, Lieutenant, but—”

“Don’t people fall in love at first sight in Chicago?”

“Gentlemen don’t accost young women in narrow passageways in Chicago. Nor do they court engaged women. Please excuse me—”

“Noelle.” He backed her flush against the wall. “Just spend
minutes with me and you’ll understand—”

“What are you doing?” she gasped. Her heart was pounding so frantically, she thought it might come right through the thin cotton fabric of her dressing gown. “Unhand me this instant! Do you suppose I won’t scream?”

“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on,” he told her, in a voice so soft and humble it almost relaxed her despite the circumstances. “Don’t run away from me, angel. There are things that need saying between us.”

She might have agreed to listen, if only to forestall a confrontation, had he not lowered his lips to her neck, as though intending to nuzzle her while pleading his case. Aghast, she wailed, “Edward! Father!

Zack laughed fondly. “There’s no need for that, angel. You’re safe with me.”

“Would you stop calling me angel? I’m Miss Braddock to you, and even at that, you do not have my permission to address me, ever again. Is that clear?”

“It’s clear to me you’re confused. On account of that Prestley fella, right?”

“That Prestley fellow? Are you insane? You make him sound like some inconsequential obstacle. He’s my
Lieutenant. I’m
him one week from tomorrow, and—Don’t you
shake your head!”

She was no longer cowering against the wall. Instead, she was wagging her finger in his face. “I’m marrying him and that’s final. And you’ll marry one of Father’s brides, assuming she’ll have you.”

“That’s all changed now,” he countered stubbornly. “If you’d just listen—”

“Listen to what? To the sound of you breathing on my neck? Do you know what my father would do if
he saw you accosting me this way? And ‘that Prestley fellow’ would tear you limb from limb! Just be thankful neither of them is here to witness this, and
go away.”

“Miss Noelle?” a guarded voice interrupted from the foot of the staircase. “Did you call out for me?”

“Edward!” She smiled in grateful relief. “Lieutenant Dane lost his way and ended up blocking my path. Could you show him to the study, and let Father know the circumstances of this encounter? In detail?”

“Certainly, miss.”

“I’ll go with this fella, ’cause you want me to,” Zack informed her cheerfully, backing down the stairs without taking his eyes off her. “But it doesn’t change how it is between us, so don’t go getting any ideas about that. Let’s go, Edward.” He slapped the butler on the back. “But don’t take me to the study. I’d rather pay a visit to the kitchen. I can’t remember when I’ve been so hungry. Angel?” he added innocently. “Do you want me to bring you something sweet?”

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