Honor Bound: Bound and Tied, Book 1 (7 page)

BOOK: Honor Bound: Bound and Tied, Book 1
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Her eyes widened and she reached out to touch Jake’s stiff erection. “Amazing. I never would have dared touch a man’s…shaft as a parson’s wife. But I don’t feel at all embarrassed now. I wonder why that is?”

Zach frowned, his fists tightening. A sudden flash of unreasonable anger struck him square in the chest. He wanted Honor’s hands on his cock, not Jake’s.

“You’ve never seen a man’s dick?” Jake cupped his balls and made his member bounce. “Your husband never got naked with you?”

“Like I said, only in the dark, and Running Bear only lifted his loincloth long enough to do it and be done.” She ran a finger along the length of his erection to the tip. “It’s hard, but as soft as velvet.” Her gaze went from Jake’s dick to Zach’s. “Is yours the same?”

Part of him wanted to stand back and detach himself from her, but his cock was having none of that. Zach couldn’t stop his feet from carrying him to the bed on the other side of her from Jake. “Mine is bigger,” he said without thinking again.

Jake laughed. “Only by a little.”

Honor closed a small, delicate hand around his dick and squeezed gently.

He twitched, his cock eager for more.

Honor’s eyes widened, a hand on each man’s member, her body quivering. “I’ve never done this before. I know it’s wrong, but it feels right. Is that bad?” She looked to Zach for the answer.

“Only if you think it is.”

“I find that I want to taste you.” She leaned forward and touched the tip of her tongue to the end of his cock.

Zach groaned.

Her tongue withdrew. “Did that hurt?”

“No,” he said through clenched teeth.

She frowned. “Then why do you look like you’re in pain?”

Laughter filled the room. Jake feathered his fingers through Honor’s hair. “Darlin’, it’s the best kind of pain a man can feel.” He nodded at Zach. “Do it again and watch him squirm.”

Zach clenched his fists, itching to punch Jake for making light of how much he wanted Honor’s tongue on him.

Honor stuck her pretty pink tongue out again.

His breath lodged in his throat, Zach leaned forward, his cock meeting her tongue.

“Umm.” She let go of Jake’s dick and wrapped both hands around Zach’s, tugging him closer. Her tongue snaked out and teased the very tip of him, tracing the hole at the end. A tiny drop of come oozed out.

She licked it.

Zach groaned again, his hands reaching out to touch her fiery curls.

She pressed her tongue to his length, this time sliding it up from the base of his balls to the tip. Her legs shifted beneath her until she was up on her knees, bending toward him.

His hand tightened in her hair and he dragged her closer.

Her mouth opened and she took his dick inside, her warm wetness more than he could bear. He couldn’t hold still, his body moving in time with the thrumming in his veins.

Honor leaned back on her heels, her mouth leaving his dick. “Do most men like that? The parson never said.”

His hand framing her face, Zach threw his head back and breathed, his cock throbbing, wanting more. “You have no idea how much men like women sucking their dicks.”

“Is that what men call it? Dick?” She rolled the word off her tongue, a smile forming. “I like it. It’s so hard and to the point.” Her fingers ran the damp length of his dick from the twin sacs hanging below to the very tip. “Do you want more?”

“Yes,” he hissed, caressing her cheeks, loving the softness of her skin, the sweet, sassy, yet innocent way she smiled up at him. “And yes.”

“Hey, what about me?” Jake planted his hands on his hips. “I like that too.”

Zach growled, torn between telling Jake where to go and including Jake in this magic the witch was weaving over him. If he didn’t come soon, he’d explode.

Honor stared from Zach to Jake. Her heart hammered, her breathing more labored. If Parson Whitaker could see her now, he’d have an apoplectic fit and die. But her body thrummed with the desire inspired by these two men. She wanted both of them at the same time.

She turned to Jake, her tongue coming out to flick against his hardened cock. “You are very tempting as well.”

Zach’s fingers trailed along her neck and down to her breast.

Her indrawn breath pressed her nipple into his palm. He tweaked it with his fingertips, bringing it to a hardened nub. “Let me.” He leaned forward and captured her nipple between his lips, sucking it in, tugging hard on it with the suction of his mouth.

“Oh my!” she cried out, pressing the back of Zach’s head closer. “I never knew…” The more he tugged at her nipple, the more she ached deep in her core.

Her hand reached out to capture Jake’s cock, squeezing it as Zach’s tongue flicked and teased.

Jake’s fingers dug into her hair, turning her face toward him and his engorged dick.

Zach’s hand captured her around her waist and he spun her away from him, facing Jake.

For a moment, Honor was off balance, afraid she’d offended the big mountain man by taking his partner’s shaft into her mouth. But when his work-roughened hand pressed firmly in the middle of her back, she bent over, her hands dropping to the bed. He drew her hips toward him, bringing her up on her hands and knees.

She reached out and caught Jake’s member in her fingers and pulled him closer, until her tongue could flick the tip of his manhood.

Her entire body tingled, feeling deliciously naked in the presence of two fine, handsome men with strong muscles and big hands. She’d never known such decadence, such shamelessness and excitement all at once. Her fatigue of minutes ago vanished and she threw herself into all the wicked pleasure she had missed while married to the pious parson. Once she left the mountain, she might not find two such accommodating men to please her. One last night of passion should hold her for a very long time.

As she closed her mouth around Jake’s cock, she spread her legs, lifting her bottom up. Cool air wafted across her wet opening. She expected Zach to press into her, to fill her full and fuck her like an animal. Her woman’s parts dripped in anticipation of his rough ride. When he didn’t come to her immediately, she withdrew to the end of Jake’s cock, ready to turn and question the man. Did he not want her?

Then Zach’s big hands traced the insides of her thighs, from her knees up to her aching entrance. A large finger dipped in, swirled around and then thrust deeper.

Honor took Jake full into her mouth, one hand reaching behind him to close around his ass and force him deeper. Deeper like she wished Zach would push into her.

Instead, he teased her, sliding his single finger in and out as if testing her. He pulled free, dragging his dampened finger to her anus where he drenched the tight little hole with her juices, poking in and out in short, sharp strokes.

Jake’s hands tangled in her hair, and he shoved his cock into her mouth, bumping into the back of her throat, reminding her that he too was in need of her attention.

She sucked on him, her tongue twisting around his cock.

Then two of Zach’s fingers entered her channel, sliding in, out and back in. A third finger squeezed through the opening, all three stroking, stretching her, making her want more. Making her want his dick thrusting deeper than even the fingers could go.

Her lips tightened around Jake’s cock and he pumped in and out of her mouth.

When would Zach plunge his dick into her? Her pussy ached, throbbed, needed him inside.

Zach’s fingers retreated, his thumbs spreading her entrance wide, the cool air teasing the warmth within.

Then his tongue replaced his fingers, thrusting into her channel, lapping at the juices. When he shifted his tongue from her pussy to the sensitive nub buried between her folds, Honor gasped, her body tightening. As he flicked her with his tongue, her hips rocked and she leaned back into his mouth.

He sucked her nub between his lips and tugged, teasing and nipping that most sensitive spot until she couldn’t breathe, the feeling so intense her vision grew fuzzy. Tension built in waves, pushing her to the edge and beyond. Her body exploded in a myriad of sensations. On her hands and knees, she gave herself to the moment, her eyes closed, her hips rocking to the rhythm of Zach’s tongue laving over her.

His tongue disappeared and his hands closed around her hips, his dick plunging into her, filling her, thrusting in and out. His hips pounded against her ass, the slap of skin on skin echoing off the walls of the log cabin.

Jake drove his shaft into her mouth in the same rhythm, his fingers holding so tightly to her hair it hurt, but not enough for Honor to want him to stop.

Zach slammed into her one last time, at the precise moment as Jake. Where Zach held her ass firmly against him, his dick throbbing inside, Jake pulled free of her mouth.

His hand worked his shaft, the come spilling out and dripping down over his fingers.

Honor dragged in air, refilling her lungs. Her arms collapsed beneath her and she rested her face in the mattress, her ass still high in the air, Zach’s dick buried deep, pulsing, spilling his seed inside her. When he slowly withdrew, he cupped her pussy and pressed a kiss to her bottom. He laid her over on her side in the bed and crawled in behind her, spooning her with his big body.

As Honor drifted into an exhausted sleep, Jake retreated to his bed, a sad smile on his face.

She wanted to reach out to him, but the warmth of Zach against her backside made her too sleepy to move.

His arm draped over her, his hand sliding up her side to cup her breast.

“Parson Whitaker never did that,” she mumbled.

Zach squeezed her breast, his dick, still hard and wet, pressing between her buttocks. “Parson Whitaker was a fool.”

Zach knew the exact moment she fell asleep. Her body relaxed against him, her breathing deep and even. At least this time he hadn’t fucked her until she passed out. He leaned up on his elbow and stared down at this widow whose naiveté about what men and women were supposed to do had captured his heart. The contrast of her innocence and her fiery passion left him completely breathless. His hand tightened on her breast, his thumb automatically flicking the nipple to a hardened peak. Already, he wanted her again.

“You know,” Jake said from his bed a few feet away. “You can’t make her stay.”

Zach pulled her closer, her body fitting exactly right against him, her soft skin warm where it touched his. “Who said I wanted to make her stay?”

Jake leaned up on his arm. “Are you telling me you’re going to let her walk away? Just let her walk away?” He fingered his dick, also still hard and ready for more. “After that?”

Zach stared across at Jake. What he and his partner had done paled in comparison to the way he’d felt inside Honor.

“I know. We won’t be satisfied just the two of us up here.” Jake lay back, his hand still wrapped around his cock, slowly sliding up and down. “You need a woman. Hell, I want one too.” His hand worked faster. He stopped and turned toward Zach. “Unless you want to continue to share… If she’s willing…let me fuck her next time.”

Zach inhaled and let out the breath slowly. “We share everything else, but I’m not sure I could share a woman any more than we already have.” His fingers trailed along her breast and down her side to rest on her hip. He liked the way her waist dipped in so sharply and how her hips swelled all feminine-like. Until Honor stole into their lives, he hadn’t realized how much he missed having women around. No…not women. This woman. He sighed, wishing he could make this night last forever. “It doesn’t matter anyway—she’s leaving.”

“Only if you let her.” Jake grinned across at him, his hand continuing the up and down motion.

Zach sat up, his gaze fixed on Jake’s hand, his mind racing. “Are you suggesting I force her to stay?” He shook his head. His mother had taught him to be respectful of women. He’d been anything but respectful to Honor—tying her up, sharing her with another man and fucking her from behind like a dog. Still, she’d come back for more. The woman might have been married to a preacher, but pious she wasn’t.

Jake’s hand worked faster and faster.

Zach’s dick responded to the motion, perking up hard and stiff. He slid it between Honor’s legs from behind, nudging her entrance, not wanting to wake her but desperate to find relief for his third erection that night.

Jake’s back arched from the bed, his head thrown back, his teeth bared as he climaxed, his hand pumping, stroking, jerking until come overflowed and squirted out the tip.

His own body humming back to life, Zach pressed his knee between her legs, opening her up so that he could thrust long and full inside her.

Honor rocked her hips, her bottom pressing into Zach, taking his cock into her more fully.

He reached around her front and cupped her pussy, fingering her folds, spreading them to expose the little nub between. That was the spot that made her crazy.

He stroked her clit as he thrust in and out of her.

She moaned, one hand sliding between her legs to coach his fingers, the other reaching out behind her to cup his ass and force him even deeper inside.

The faster he pumped his cock and the finger stroking her folds, the more she moaned until she cried out.

“Zach.” Spasms shook her body, her bottom rubbing against his groin.

With one final thrust, Zach sank deep into her, his dick shuddering, pouring out his come. When the tension eased and he floated back to earth, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She was his mate. Strong, beautiful and brave—he couldn’t ask for more in a woman. She’d ventured West to start a new life, survived an Indian attack and escaped captivity to find herself captured once again by a couple of miners. Honor had what it took to make a go of life in the Rocky Mountains.

Zach didn’t want to let go. Not now or ever. She was his and, damn it, he’d keep her! Even if he had to tie her up to do it.

Chapter Seven

Honor stretched, slowly coming awake, her back arching off the straw mattress, her body sore from everything she’d done the night before. But when she tried to move her arms, she couldn’t. Her eyes popped open and she stared up at the ropes binding her wrists to the headboard of the rough-hewn bed.

BOOK: Honor Bound: Bound and Tied, Book 1
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