Hong Kong Heat (23 page)

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Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Hong Kong Heat
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He gently nipped her earlobe with his teeth. “Yeah? Good, shh, I can hear something.”

They stood facing each other, one ear to the door, like a pair of kids playing couples hide and seek, or Seven Seconds in Heaven.

“The bugger, look the lifts are at ground. Both of them. I bet he did that on purpose so there would be no chance of me working out where they are. Sod it.” Kris’ light, clear voice came clearly through the door. “I mean surely they know I’m going to be too busy seducing you to annoy them?”

Jack’s voice came as a rumble that Debra couldn’t decipher.

“Oh, well, then, in that case…” Kris laughed, then there was silence.

“In that case,” Braam said as they walked away from the door toward his room. “We can talk.”

Debra hoped they were going to do a lot more than that, but she accepted that talk had to come first.

“Wine? Or tea?” Braam ushered her into his suite and closed and locked the door. “I think maybe wine?”

Oh, yes.
“Please, because it’s now my turn to grovel. I was an idiot.” Debra took the glass of wine Braam handed her. “Thanks. But you know a woman in…” she hesitated.
Oh what the hell, I’ve almost bared my body in the pool, I might as well go for broke and bare my soul.
“A woman in love doesn’t always think in a rational way. I’d been so looking forward to seeing you and telling you about my day. Then I had great plans on how I could seduce you and well… Well.”

She shrugged and sighed. “I saw Kris throw herself at you and say you were going to be parents. So I ran. After all I’m older, widowed, but
needy. I’ve got kids and grandchildren and no way was I going to be the other woman. When you blew me off with no explanation, I came to the conclusion I was right. So I left. Then I saw you in Central with Kris and no one else, so in my mind that reinforced everything that I’d seen and heard. It wasn’t until I eventually got back to Scotland that I wondered if I had the wrong end of the stick. And Lena took me apart and gave me what for. She said I was a wuss and a coward and her mum had taught her better than that. Then told me in no uncertain terms I should practice what I preach and presented me with a one-way ticket and a hotel confirmation in her name. I got in this afternoon. Then I sort of made sure the door was unlocked to the pool and crossed my fingers.”

“What would you have done if I didn’t go for a swim?” Braam asked her with a curious note in his voice.

Debra shrugged. “Well, my plan B was to shout for help over the intercom… Say I’d got stuck or something and wait for someone, hopefully you, to rescue me. If that didn’t work, plan C was to find you and do this. I’m so glad I didn’t find you in the foyer.” Very slowly she untied her gown and let it drop to the floor. “But I cheated. Simon, the night manager, said you were up swimming most nights.” She hoped her trembles weren’t noticeable—seducing a man hadn’t been high up in her repertoire—as she ran her hands across her breasts and down her sides and hooked her thumbs in the sides of her still damp from the pool knickers. The way his nostrils flared and the pulse in his neck showed gave her optimism.

If only she knew what to do next.

“Don’t look so worried,” Braam said hoarsely. “Do you know what a turn-on this is?” He glanced down at the tent in his shorts and up at her face once more.

“I don’t know how,” Debra owned up. “But if you directed me?”

“Oh, I can do that, love. Ditch the knicks.”

“Like this?” She wriggled and squirmed until her undies were around her ankles and kicked them away. Would he notice how she’d trimmed her pussy hair? Would he care?

“What next?”

“Ah… Er, damn, Deb, that is so beautiful I could stand here and stare at you for hours.” His eyes darkened and the arousal he experienced was obvious, even to someone with limited experience, like Debra. He winked and swallowed heavily. His Adam’s apple moved the skin of his throat and he licked his lips.

It was one of the most heartening, hot and arousing acts Debra had ever watched. She, Debra Scotburn, made him feel like that. If she hadn’t felt her boobs would almost hit her in the face she would have jumped up and fisted the air and shouted Yee-har. Instead she grinned and gave a silly mock curtsey. “I aim to please.”

“Oh, you more than please. My cock might not wait long to be pleased as well. So, next take my shorts off for me. Careful, there’s something in the way. We might, well I hope we might, need it later.”

So did Debra.

She bit her lip as she concentrated and maneuvered the wet fabric down Braam’s ass and over his cock. It sprang up like a jack-in-a-box and waved from side to side. Debra giggled.

“He does seem happy to see me.” She tugged on the shorts and tried not to wince as Braam grimaced when her hands scraped his thighs. “Sorry, does it hurt?”

He shook his head. “Apart from in a God I want you now, my pre-cum is shouting I want out of you, let me in her sort of way. That is a pain well worth having, especially as the end result will be pleasure.”

She hoped so.

It was strange to walk naked like she was, Debra mused, and not worry about a wobbly tummy or swaying breasts. Well not to worry too much. It was also liberating.

No more secrets.

She took the opportunity to use the facilities and clean her teeth before she went back to Braam.

When she got back, the lounge was empty, but the door to the bedroom was half open.

“In here,” Braam’s voice reached her from inside the bedroom. “I thought I’d get the bed all comfy for us.”

“Good thinking, Batman.” Debra walked out of the lounge and gasped. He’d lit candles, lots of candles that flickered and danced in the air. On a table next to the bed were two flutes and a bottle of champagne cooling in a bucket of ice and a bowl of fruit.

Braam picked a strawberry up out of the bowl, dipped it into one of the glasses and held it out to her. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” he said. “Ever since I saw
Pretty Woman
, but I’ve never had my own pretty woman to do it with. I wasn’t sure if strawberries were your thing, so I hedged my bets. You can have raspberry, melon, apple and paw-paw instead if you’d prefer.”

She burst out laughing. “Strawberries are perfect.” Debra took the few steps needed to reach the bed and leaned over him so he could put the fruit in her mouth. “Oh yum.” The soft sweet fruit with a hint of sparkling champagne on its skin was perfect. The combination of sharp and sweet and the two different but complementary aromas were perfect. It was difficult to know whether to inhale or swallow.

“Now your turn.” Debra selected a plump strawberry and dipped it slowly into a glass of fizzy bubbles. She watched as the liquid covered it and dripped slowly back into the flute. She held it to Braam’s mouth and rubbed the soft ripe fruit over his lips before holding it steady.

“Taste that.”

He opened his mouth and let her thread the fruit inside.

“I do think you’d be happier lying down now,” he said gravely and patted the bed next to him.

“You do? Why?” Intrigued, Debra scrambled up next to him and stretched out with her head on a pillow.

“So I can do this. Don’t wriggle.” He picked up one of the glasses and slowly tilted it over her stomach.

She didn’t wriggle. Debra gasped and moaned in delight as drop by drop, the champagne hit her heated skin. So slowly that it could have been a film run at half speed, Braam chose his spot and let the liquid fall.

One drop on each nipple and several in her belly button and a steady stream over her pussy lips.

He put the glass down. “Now it’s time I had a drink. All this groveling is thirsty work.”

“Oh, yes, I’m sure it is. I think I need a drink as well. Something salty and tasty?”

Braam laughed. “Oh you’ll get some later, never fear, but first.” He dipped his head and licked one of her nipples. His rough tongue stroked over her sensitive skin. The sensation, like an electric shock, made her jump and her pussy muscles tighten as she held back the trembles that began to fill her. Her juices gathered and mingled with the liquid Braam had coated her with and she moaned in delight.

Coherent thought was beyond her, as she watched Braam nip and suck each of her nipples in turn. Debra wriggled. Those tiny touches sent the invisible chord of arousal that was connected to her clit into overdrive. He chuckled, put his head onto her tummy and licked the champagne in her navel.

“Careful, we don’t want to lose any now, do we?”

I don’t mind. Not if it means you do it all again.

He took his time and traced a path with his tongue from her naval to her clit. With one hand he tweaked each nipple in turn and with the other played with her pussy. Debra let her eyes close and became absorbed in his touch.

Nothing existed except his scent, his touch and those ever increasing spirals of need that streaked through her. When he sucked her clit and put two fingers into her channel, she screamed with pleasure. It was impossible to control the red-hot fire that filled her and pushed her over the edge into a fierce and furious climax.

“Now, fill me now.” She sobbed the words and tugged at Braam’s hair as he continued to lick and nip her clit and her pussy. “Please, Braam, now.”

He moved. Even before Debra had the chance to mourn the loss of his touch, she felt the tip of his cock pushing at the entrance to her pussy.

“Legs. My shoulders. Please.” He spoke in a staccato burst. Debra lifted her legs and her bum slid over the coverlet. Then Braam pushed forward and her body opened eagerly to welcome him.

“Oh, yeah…” It was all she could manage to say as he moved his cock inside her. The friction, the tightness and the sheer joy of knowing they were together like that once more increased her arousal. Debra matched Braam thrust for thrust. She reveled in the grunts and harsh breathing she heard.

When she reached up and took one of his nipples between her thumb and forefinger, he shuddered and beads of sweat dotted his skin. Debra laughed softly as a sensation of power swept over her. She made this man feel like that. Her body and her touch affected him.

When she gave the other nipple the same attention, Braam groaned.

“Sweet Lord, woman. Do you
what that does to me? I’m going to have to come, now.”

Those were the words she wanted to hear. As he surged into her and filled her as far as possible, Debra let her own climax build to the point of no return.

Hot, greedy need swelled inside her and Debra let it. Braam’s eyes were half closed and his face a study of concentration and absorption. As she closed her own eyes to experience every last ounce of tension and arousal without anything to disturb it, Braam shuddered and shouted his release.

It tipped Debra over the edge and she joined him in the vortex. Her mind went blank, she saw stars and the ringing in her ears got louder and louder. Then everything went black.

She came back to consciousness to the sound of Braam swearing.

Her eyelids were heavy, and if someone had told her they were glued together, she could easily have accepted it. With more effort than she thought possible, Debra opened them and looked into Braam’s worried, pale face as he loomed over her. She realized with a jolt they were no longer joined and the cool sheet was beneath her back and her head rested on the pillow. He’d tucked the sheet over her so her head and shoulders were bare to the cool air.

“Thank God. Hell, woman, you scared the life out of me. Are you all right?” His voice was full of anxiety. “I didn’t know whether to throw water on you or call an ambulance. You came like a lion, muttered something I didn’t get and half closed your eyes. Then you were out for the count. Talk about withdrawal symptoms. I hope to hell I didn’t hurt you.”

Debra blinked and considered her body and how it and she felt. Sated.

“Oh, no. And I can honestly say that in all of my forty-four years I have never quite had such an extreme little death before.” She smiled and ran her finger over his cheek in the way he so often did to her. “Amazing and oh so special. Thank you.”

Some of the worry left his face and his pallor decreased. “You’re welcome, I think. I swear, though, I aged twenty years. I’ve never felt so helpless in my life. Are you really okay?”

“Really,” Debra said. “Except I’m all sticky and I… What?
Braam had lost what little color he’d regained. “Tell me, Braam,
Hell don’t faint on me.”

“Sticky. I came inside you.”

“Well good, that was the whole point of the exercise, wasn’t it? To come in me and… Oh, fuck.”

“Oh, yes. Oh, fuck. Well, we did, didn’t we?” Braam’s voice was full of self annoyance. “And without a condom.”

Debra had worked that out for herself. She frantically added dates and days up in her mind. “Well,” she said with a note of caution evident. “I think I’m okay. So no need to worry about being a daddy.” She wished now she hadn’t thrown her pills into the Singapore River in a fit of pique.

Braam pinched her bum and she squealed. “What was that in aid of?”

“I’m not worried about being a daddy.” His voice rose. “In fact, one day I’d love to be a daddy as long as you’re the mummy and you want it too. And before you prattle on about the age difference, I know it might not happen and that’s fine as well. But I want to be a married dad. Married to you and that would make me a dad anyway, would— Deb? Shit, woman, say something, don’t look at me like I’m an alien. Say something.” He put his hand on her arm.

Debra shook his hand off and sat up to see him better. The sheet slipped off her and she tugged at it impatiently before she pressed her ears. Such a silly thing to do, but was she hearing correctly? He wanted to marry her, children or not?

“You’re mad. You hardly know me, I’m twelve years older and my kids are almost the same age as you. I honestly don’t know if I want to go through sleepless nights and potty training all over again, let alone hormonal teens in a continuous snit.” She slid out of bed. “Why on earth would you want to be with me, when you can have anyone? Hell, Braam, do you even know what you’re saying?” She hated the way she sniped at him, but seriously?

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