Honeymoon from Hell III (10 page)

Read Honeymoon from Hell III Online

Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #checkmate, #rl mathewson, #rl mathewson chronicles, #neighbor from hell series

BOOK: Honeymoon from Hell III
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They’re in place,” Bryce
said with a nod towards the old house.

Sighing heavily because they really should
be bulldozing this old house down, he placed his coffee cup on
Jacob’s desk, simply because he knew how much that would piss him
off, grabbed his tool belt and headed for the door with Bryce
following after him.

Where’s my sister?” Bryce
asked, gesturing to some of the men to get the ladders.

She had to run into town
to pick something up from the office,” he said, gesturing for a few
more men to join them.

What’s for dinner
tonight?” Bryce asked in that bored way the James boys did when
they were trying to decide whether or not they were going to crash
at their house for a home cooked meal or go home, order take out
and kill the rest of the night by watching whatever game was

Meatloaf,” he said,
grabbing a crowbar and headed up the first ladder to get this job

Mashed or scalloped
potatoes?” Bryce asked as if that really made a

I think mashed,” Connor
said absently with a frown, because sitting at the top of his
ladder crying, was his wife.

Rory?” he asked, tossing
the crowbar down away from his men and started to head up the
ladder faster, terrified that she was hurt or-

I’m pregnant!” she
announced with a wobbly smile right around the time that he lost
his footing.

With a loud

,” he
landed on the ground right next to Bryce as the bastard released a
pained groan that matched his, while he laid there trying to catch
his breath, he couldn’t help but smile at the beautiful woman that
he was going to spank for climbing up a ladder while she was

Closing his eyes, he resigned himself to a
very long, stressful nine months, because something told him that
the she was going to drive him out of his fucking mind and he was
going to love every fucking second of it.


The R.L. Mathewson Chronicles

If you’ve enjoyed the characters from this book or
any of R.L. Mathewson’s books and want to see what happens to them
after they get their happily every after, then the R.L. Mathewson
Chronicles are definitely for you.

Every week a new chronicle is posted to the
website, continuing their stories.

Sign up for the newsletter to keep up to date
of all the R.L. Mathewson Chronicles.


About the Author

Writer, Facebook stalker, mother of two and hot
cocoa addict, R.L. Mathewson lives life to its fullest.

When she’s not chauffeuring her children to
and from school or their various activities, she runs a Lego Club
for a bunch of chocolate addicted children, blasts Sirius XM’s The
Highway, writes, edits, cooks, cleans and oh yeah, she even watches
movies on Netflix.

It’s safe to say that she does it


Of course you are...

If you would like to know more about this
author, her latest books or information on the latest methods to
stalk people on Facebook, visit her site


Or you can email her
directly at,
[email protected]


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